Loyalist Ships: The Amphitrite

Return of Men, Women & Children arrived at Annapolis from New York, 19th Octr. 1782 (360 persons)








Ch. above
8 years



Ch. under
8 years


Abbott, Samel.
Anderson, Walter 1
Babcock, Benjn.
Belcher, Adam
Botsford, Amos, Esq. 1 4 1
Bouchan, Alexr. 1 2
Bourgar, Alexr. 1 3 1
Bragg, John 1
Brandon, John 1 1
Bunnel, Solomon 1 4 1
Burnet, William
Carrier, Green 1 2
Carron, James
Chandler, Samel.
Craiges, James 1 1
Crain, Thos.
Crook, Joseph 1 4 2
Crosby, John 2
Cummings, Samel., Esq. 1 4 1
Cummings, Thos. 1 1 1
Dowlin, Dennis
Edgar, James
Findle, George
Flewel [Flavel], Anthony 1 2
Fountain, Stephen 1
Fowler, Thos.
Goldsmith, Stephen
Gordon, Richd. 1 1
Graham, Alexr. 1
Graham, Muir
Graham, Patrick 1
Green, Reuben
Grogan, Richard 1
Gunning, John 1
Hall, Cornelius 1 2
Harding, George, Junr.
Harding, William 1 3 4
Harding, William 1 3 1
Hatch, John 1
Haughton, Nahum 1 1
Hauser, Capt. Fredk. 1 3
Houston, James 1 3 2
Houston, James, Junr.
Howe, William 1 2 2
Hoit, Jesse, Junr.
Hoyt, Jesse 1 3 1
Hutchinson, Thos.
Isaacs, Samel. 4
Jenkins, John
Jenkins, William 2 4
Johnson, George 1
Johnson, Henry 1
Johnson, James
Johnson, Martin 1 4 1
Johnson, Widow 2 1
Johnson, William 2 1
Jones, Elisha 1 6 1
Jones, John
Jones, Josiah 1 1 2
Kane, George
Knight, Mahlon 1 2
Langley, Timothy
Lawson, John 1 3 1
LeCarre (LeBar(r)e), Henry
Leroy, Simon 1 3
Lesage, Mentor
Lownsberry, Gilbert 1 1
Lownsberry, Michel.
McBride, Alexr.
McGuire, John
McGuire, Patk. 1 1
McKinney, William 1 2
McKown, John 1 1 1
McLinton, Alexr. 1 4
McPherson, John
More, Jeremiah 1 3
Nicholas, Henry 1 2
Northrop, Joseph 1 1
Parker, Simeon 1
Parks, James 1 1
Patterson, Joseph
Pemberton, Jeremiah 2 3
Persels, Simon
Phillips, Doit 1 2
Power, Nicholas
Procter, Nathel. 1 1
Richards, James 1 1
Roberts, Henry 2 1
Robinson, Fredk. 1 1
Ruggles, Jos.
Russel, Alexr. 1
Sanders, William 1 3
Sharp, Alexr. (?)   1
Shea, M. 1 1 2
Smith, Austin 1 5
Smith, James
Stevens, Enos 1 1
Stone, Josiah 1
Trusdell, Alpheus
Trusdell, James
Trusdell, John 2 3 3
Tucker, George
Twaddle, James 1 5 2
VanClick (Van Cleke), Simon 1 2
Vitch (Veitch), Andrew 2 1
Vitch, John
Vitch, William
Walker, Adam 1 1 1
Ward, Jonas
Ward, Majr. 1 4 4
Washburn, Ebenr. 1 3 2
Weare, Thos.
Wigham, John
Williams, Elijah, Esq.
114 75 112 60     Total: 361*


* The discrepancy between this total and the “360 persons” noted in the manifest header may perhaps be explained by the erroneous inclusion of a woman (presumably wife) with Alexander Sharp, above. The listing of Major Ward’s group of refugees at New York, prior to embarkation, shows Alexander Sharp (in the list above) without wife or family, and no record has been yet found of a marriage previous to his c1785 wedding to Hester Campbell in New Brunswick.



We wish to thank Wallace Hale for his permission to use the table above, drawn from his website; the original site at personal.nbnet.nb.ca/halew/ is no longer accessible as of 2021, but an archived copy of some information about the Amphitrite (with a few additional notes and references) is available via the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.