“Loyalist Trails” 2006-50 December 31, 2006

In this issue:
Library and Archives Canada Introduces Loyalist Research Resource Online
New UELAC Web Section on Revolutionary War Military; Help Needed
New Book: “A Guide to the Battles of the American Revolution”
Novel of American Revolution: “On the SPUR of SPEED” by J. E. Fender
Kawartha Branch “Garrison Pioneer Cemetery” Project Update
One Day Seminar, Two Topics, For Serious Genealogists in Toronto
List of Contents of Past Issues of the Loyalist Gazette
Loyalist Directory Updates
      + Ward Chipman information added
      + Moses Hurlburt information added
      + Anthony Allaire information added
      + Duke William Kendrick information added
      + Hugh McKay with Daughter Elizabeth


Library and Archives Canada Introduces Loyalist Research Resource Online

Ward Chipman, Muster Master’s Office (1777-1785). Ward Chipman the Elder, (1754-1824), a Massachusetts lawyer, was also an army administrator in the State of New York between 1777 and 1783. In 1784, he settled in New Brunswick, where he served as solicitor general until 1808. The Ward Chipman Papers contain muster rolls of Loyalists, and their families, who were members of demobilized regiments and who settled in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. This research tool provides access to nearly 19,000 references to Loyalist families.

Database: This research tool provides access to over 19,000 references to the Muster Master’s office sub-series (1777-1785), contained in volumes 24 to 27 of the Ward Chipman fonds held at LAC. These records refer mostly to Loyalists who eventually settled in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island. They include references to wives and children of Loyalists, some soldiers of British regiments and Black members (slaves or free individuals) of Loyalist regiments.

The records include the following types of documents:

Casualty Return
Land grant
Muster roll
Provision list
Return of prisoners
Return of settlers

Staff members had originally created a nominal card index to the volumes. Information from the cards was input into this database. The volumes were consulted to verify the original indexing. The content of the database entries reflects the original language used in the documents. This information was not translated.

For more details about Ward Chipman and the Research tool, click here, or go directly to the search tool. Details from LAC website.

[submitted by Bill Smy UE]

New UELAC Web Section on Revolutionary War Military; Help Needed

Given that our Loyalist ancestors participated in the Revolutionary War, we felt remiss that there was little about the military on our UELAC web site. We have started a new section about the military. Please help us make it more complete.

The intention, over time, is to list the military units which fought on the British side. For each of those we would like to add a bit of information:

– a description of the unit, when and where it was formed, its actions during the war and where and when it was decommissioned.

– a small list, up to four perhaps, of web sites which have additional information specifically about this unit

– a small list again of historical and/or fiction publications which focus on this unit.

Our intent is not to try to have all the information about specific units, but to have a little about many of them and offer additional sources for those who wish to dig more deeply.

As this grows, we hope to add an overview of the military leading up to the war, during and following. This again will link to additional sources.

Our starter pages in this section are available here.

How Can You Help?

I already have three or four more units to post, but if the military unit to which your Loyalist ancestor belonged is not listed, please do send me a note. Even more appreciated would be the description of the unit. And finally if you know of a good web site or book which relates to a specific unit, please pass it along.

Both Gavin Watt and Bill Smy have provided some information thus far and I will call on them for advice and direction as we go though this. Todd Braisted has a great site on the military at the On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies: Loyalist Regiments and we will reference it frequently and use his direction and guidance too.

Constructive criticism is also welcomed.

…Doug Grant

New Book: “A Guide to the Battles of the American Revolution”

There have been requests in Loyalist Trails asking about books written from the British/Canadian view of the Revolution, novels etc.

A new book has just recently been released which may come close to that. The book is “A Guide to the Battles of the American Revolution”, written by Theodore P. Savas and J. David Dameron, published by Savas Beatie LLC, ISBN 1-932714-12-X. This is the first book I have found that covers nearly every engagement and skirmish of the war, from April 19, 1775 to April 1783, listing every unit involved, the terrain, weather, sequence of action, and every thing you might want to know about each battle except a muster roll of the individuals involved.

The body of each entry offers both a Colonial and British perspective of the military situation, a detailed discussion of casualties, the engagement’s consequences and what remains today to be seen where the fighting occurred.

…Harry Dell

Novel of American Revolution: “On the SPUR of SPEED” by J. E. Fender

I have found another novel that deals with the American Revolution. “On the SPUR of SPEED” by J. E. Fender. An unusual novel, it tells the story of two brothers, one who is the younger serves with Benedict Arnold in Lake Champlain and the Battle of Valcour Island, the older brother, while still a 10 year old boy, is apprenticed to a slave ship. The chapters alternate, if one was only interested in the Lake Champlain battle, just read every second chapter. On the other hand, if the slave trade is one’s interest – read the other chapters. Remembering that the time frame changes with each chapter.

…John G. Charters, UE

Kawartha Branch “Garrison Pioneer Cemetery” Project Update

On October 30th. 2006, I corresponded with the Reeve and Council Members of Tyendinaga Township, Hastings County, in regards to having a cemetery at Lot 3, Concession 3, North Side, Northeast Corner of above mentioned township, just west of Blessington name changed. This cemetery for years has been officially named “Abandoned Cemetery” Registration No. 01494, License No. 3277542, owner Tyendinaga Township. The original name on the linen blueprint was Garrison Cemetery.

I have now received correspondence from the above Township that the Cemetery has been renamed and registered with the Ministry of Government Services as “Garrison Pioneer Cemetery”. This property was obtained from the Crown and owned by Caleb Archibald Garrison who married my 4th great aunt, Catherine Ross, daughter of William Ross and granddaughter of Zenas Ross, U.E., King’s Rangers, 84th Reg. KRRNY. Caleb Garrison donated this section of property to the Methodist Church and Cemetery. A large number of the 102 persons buried there are Loyalist descendents of Zenas Ross. I have received pledges for donations from as far away as Michigan U.S.A. for the restoration of the grave stones, a metal signage and a new gate at the entrance. This was taken on as one of the Kawartha Branch Projects.

[submitted by Charles (Chuck) G.J. Ross, U.E. – Kawartha Br. Secretary & Publicist]

[Check out the Branch Project summary at Branch Projects — ed.]

One Day Seminar, Two Topics, For Serious Genealogists in Toronto

A.M.: “John Green: Whose Father Was He?” by Alison Hare, CG

In 1836 John Green petitioned for land in the Ottawa Valley near an unnamed son he said had come to Canada at the time of the Peter Robinson settlers. Research eventually determined that none of the Peter Robinson settlers were viable candidates. This genealogical case study recounts the steps taken to solve the problem and in the process demonstrates the power of indirect evidence, the importance of exhaustive research, how to resolve conflicting evidence, and the value of the Genealogical Proof Standard.

P.M.: “Genealogy Software Programs: Are they for the professional?” by Bill Bienia

This workshop will look at four of the leading genealogical programs for the PC (RootsMagic, Family Tree Maker, Legacy and The Master Genealogist) from a professional genealogist’s viewpoint. Topics will include ease of use, creating and using source citations, importing client data, augmenting the bare facts, generating reports, charts, chronological profiles & web sites, and using the data with a word processor and Excel. The topics will be supplemented by interactive demonstrations of these programs.

Saturday, February 17th, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Room 1, North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge Street, Toronto (at the North York subway stop)

Coffee and Tea will be provided. There is a food court in the mall for lunch.

Admission is $15 for OCAPG members and $30 for non-members. Registration for this event will close January 20th. (OCAPG membership is $12 per year. Membership in OCAPG requires membership in APG. OCAPG membership dues can also be sent to the address shown below. To register, send a cheque, made out to “Ontario Chapter, APG” to: OCAPG, Attn: L. St Denis, 30 Wellington St. E., Ste 2002, Toronto, ON M5E 1S3

…William H. (Bill) Bienia, Chair, Ontario Chapter of the Assocaition of Professional Genealogists (and husband of UELAC member, Connie Street, descendant of Samuel Street, UE, of Wolford)

List of Contents of Past Issues of the Loyalist Gazette

A complete list of major articles in the Loyalist Gazette since Spring 1963 has been updated and is posted here.

A more detailed list of contents of each of the last three issues, including Fall 2006, has also been completed.

On this same page are instructions for ordering past issues.

Loyalist Directory Updates

Ward Chipman information added

Excerpts from the information at Library and Archives Canada has been used to create an entry for Ward Chipman in the Loyalist Directory.

Moses Hurlburt information added

Moses Hurlburt’s family lived in Connecticut through 4 generations from 1635. He farmed in Connecticut and then moved to Arlington, Vermont, where he continued to farm. He became a Loyalist during the Revolution, was with Burgoyne’s Army, then went to Canada, where he served with Rogers’ Rangers and then settled in Augusta Township for the rest of his life.

…Bill Hurlburt

Anthony Allaire information added

Lt. Anthony Allaire was a New York-born Loyalist (Tory) whom British Col. Patrick Ferguson brought south when the latter was seconded to the South Carolina campaign.(1) According to Draper, he was of Huguenot descent, born at New Rochelle in Westchester County, New York on 22 Feb 1755, and commissioned a Lieutenant in the Loyal American Volunteers where he served as Adjutant in Ferguson’s corp during the seige of Charleston, at Monks’ Corner, and in the up-country of North and South Carolina, including at King’s Mountain. He removed to New Brunswick, Canada in 1783 and died on his farm near Frederickton on 9 Jun 1838, “leaving a daughter who intermarried with Lieutenant John Robinson of the army.” (2). Lieutenant Allaire was also survived by his diary, which covers the period 5 Mar – 29 Nov 1780

[from Information in Gordon Watts Reports as noted in Global Genealogy Newsletter]

Duke William Kendrick information added

According to one of his Upper Canada land petitions, Duke William Kendrick along with brothers John, Joseph and Hiram Kendrick served from the start of Revolution first as pilots navigating the St. John River so British Troops could bring in supplies and quell hostilities with some early settlers living in the area from Parr Town up the River to Gagetown and beyond who sided with the US. Later they were assigned to various units as required and were accorded the same status as those serving in the Provincial Corps.

The Kendrick family arrived at Grimross Neck, Gagetown, New Brunswick (then part of Nova Scotia) in 1767. After the Revolution their Gagetown land was awarded to other Loyalist’s and they were given land at Kingston, New Brunswick. In 1793 the Kendrick family was residing at Niagara (Newark) Upper Canada and they arrived in York around 1796. Duke William received both a Town of York lot and 210 acres at Concession 1 West Yonge Street lot 7 which he patented in 1800.

In the War of 1812, Duke William was a Lieutenant in the 3rd Regiment of York under Captain Ridout. While on active duty he died 1 January 1813 in his barracks at Fort York leaving his wife Susannah and several children. At the time of his death he was on active duty at Fort York and he died from pneumonia.

[submitted by Terrilee Craig UE]


Hugh McKay with Daughter Elizabeth

Some of my cousins and I have been searching for more information on Hugh McKay (MacKay, MaCay), the father to my G.G. G. G. Grandmother, Elizabeth McKay.

Elizabeth McKay married Archibald Thomson (refer Loyalist Gazette Fall 2003) . This marriage was announced in the Quebec Gazette, Thursday August 2, 1781 and states “QUEBEC August 2. Married Friday last in this city, Archibald Thomson of Carleton Island, merchant, to Miss McKay , daughter of Mr. Hugh McKay, merchant in this place – a young lady possessed of every qualification to render that state happy.”

Their first child, Andrew Thomson was born in Montreal April 25th 1782.

Elizabeth McKay’s Petition for land of February 7, 1797 states that she is the daughter of Hugh McKay, late Sergeant of the 8th Reg. who fought at the Cedars and was appointed a Commissary to Sir. John Johnson’s first Battalion, and that he served his Majesty in the war in Germany and continued his service 30 years.

Unfortunately, there was more than one Hugh McKay at and around this time. Any information that would shed some light on the Hugh McKay I am seeking would be most appreciated.

…Peter Scarlett, {pmscarlett AT rogers DOT com} how do I email him?