“Loyalist Trails” 2012-50: December 16, 2012

In this issue:
The Settlers of Raisin River (1 of 3) – by Stephen Davidson
Charles William Raymond (1820-1901) by George McNeillie
Thank You for the UELAC Scholarship: Christopher Minty
Meet us at the Head of Lake Ontario 2013: Registration
Who Were The First Settlers at the Head of the Lake?
Where in the World?
Teamwork Encourages Active Members: President’s Message
Book: Bloody Mohawk, by Richard Beleth
Loyalists and the War of 1812: Please Help
This Day in History Dec 12, 1812: John Sandfield Macdonald
1812 Norfolk Exhibit
Hustler’s Tavern: Christmas Card from WCA
From the Twittersphere and Beyond
Last Post: Lois Drummond, UE
Last Post: Kenneth Langdon, UE
+ John Mattice & Nancy Loucks Families


The Settlers of Raisin River (1 of 3) – by Stephen Davidson

Fact: Loyalists settled with groups of people that they knew.

Ejected from the towns and farmlands of the revolting thirteen colonies, the loyal refugees typically “began life anew” surrounded by a community of peers. Black loyalists who had served the British in their New York City headquarters founded settlements with one another near Digby, Halifax, and Shelburne, Nova Scotia. New Brunwick’s Kennebecasis River received so many settlers from one particular New England colony that it became known as the Connecticut shore. Perhaps no group of loyalists had more in common than those who settled along the banks of the Raisin River in what would be known as Ontario’s Glengarry County. These are their stories.

Creating new homesteads in the wilderness left very little time for the loyalists to write detailed journals of their experiences. The stories of Raisin River’s loyalists have to be discovered in other documents of the era. Thanks to the fact that 42 of their number made claims for compensation between November of 1787 and February of 1788, we have a record of how these settlers served and survived during the American Revolution. Though sparse at times, the transcripts of the Royal Commission on the Losses and Services of the American Loyalists (RCLSAL) reveal the striking uniformity of the wartime experiences of those who settled Raisin River.

To begin with, all but one of the 42 heads of Raisin River households represented at the RCLSAL hearings claimed Scotland as their land of birth. None were born in the British colonies. All but three immigrated to western New York in the early 1770s; most cited 1773 as their year of arrival. They were among the 600 Gaelic-speaking Scots that Sir William Johnson had recruited to populate his estate in New York’s Tryon County.

The new neighbours of these Roman Catholic Highlanders were predominately Protestants from Germany’s Palatinate. This meant that the Scots were going to keep to themselves, continuing to strengthen their own community bonds rather than sharing common concerns with their fellow settlers. The fact that they remained loyal to the crown when the revolution erupted three years after their arrival only served to alienate them further from their neighbours.

90% of the Raisin River claimants had once called Tryon County their home. Two others came from nearby Albany County. Ulster and Charlotte counties each contributed one loyalist to the future Ontario settlement.

Two of the Raisin River claimants had come to North America before 1763 to serve in the Seven Years War. William Cameron, who was in Fraser’s Highlanders, initially settled in New Jersey. In 1776, he enlisted in the 84th Regiment and served on Carleton Island. John Cafford, the only claimant born in England, came to North America in 1758. He had seen action in the Seven Years War, settled in Pennsylvania and then went to Albany County. In 1776 Cafford was forced to live in the woods with Lt. Garnet’s men. After arriving in Canada in the following year, he served in the Royal Regiment of New York for the remainder of the war.

Peter Fenny came to America from Scotland in 1765. Ten years later, he was on Johnson’s estate and had cleared 8 of his 100 acres. Fenny had four cows, a house and “some furniture”, and was raising corn. He served the crown as a soldier “all the war”. Fenny was stationed at Coteau du Lac along with future Raisin River settler, Donel McGregor. (Coteau du Lac was where the British built North America’s first lock in 1779 to avoid the rapids of the St. Lawrence River.) All that Fenny knew of his farm’s fate was that it had been seized and that his cattle had been driven off.

Wartime service left its scars. Alexander MacDonell, who served the crown during the entire revolution, lost a finger in combat at Fort Stanwix. He, too, would be stationed at Coteau du Lac. Another loyalist having the same name lost the use of his right arm (or leg — a crucial sentence in his claim is missing.) This MacDonell was living in the refugee camp at Yamachiche when the revolution ended. He received a discharge as “an invalid”. By 1788, he was so deaf that it was “impossible to get any information from him”.

The 42 claimants from Raisin River not only shared religious, ethnic, immigration and settlement similarities; most of them they also became refugees at the same time. A common phrase in the transcripts is “came with Sir John in 1776.”

In the spring of 1776, Sir John Johnson feared that the patriots of Tryon County were about to arrest him. With 200 tenants and friends, Johnson collected provisions and blankets for the long trek north to safety. Hiking through the Adirondack Mountains to avoid detection, the loyalists endured hunger and exposure for nineteen days. After feeding on forest vegetation and wearing out the soles of their shoes, they finally arrived in Montreal on June 18th. It was just one day after the city had been liberated from patriot captors.

Johnson and his followers had every reason to believe that the British would conquer the patriots and that they would one day reclaim their homes along the Mohawk River Valley. While some loyalists had left their wives and families to keep a claim on their farms, Johnson showed his belief in his eventual return by burying his legal documents and silverware near his New York home.

However, history took a different turn. The refugees from Tryon County were destined to become the settlers in Ontario’s first township, Charlottenburgh. There they would build homesteads along the shores of a river noted for its wild grapes (“la rivière aux Raisins” in French). The story of the Raisin River’s loyalists will continue in the next issue of Loyalist Trails.


To secure permission to reprint this article, email Stephen Davidson.

Charles William Raymond (1820-1901) © George McNeillie

To the community in general, however, it was probably in military life that Lieut. Col. Raymond was most widely known. At the age of 21 he was commissioned an Ensign in the 1st Battalion of the Carleton County Militia. He was promoted Lieutenant and Adjutant in 1848 and became Captain a little later. I have a lively recollection of one of the old “General Musters” for annual training, when I was a boy of 12 years old. It was held on the Raymond and Peabody intervales in the early fall about 55 years ago. Colonel William T. Baird was then in command of the First Battalion Carleton County Militia, my father was Major, and William F. Dibblee, Adjutant. The Field Officers were mounted, and I well recall their old-fashioned uniforms, epaulettes on the shoulders, long-tailed blue coats with bright brass buttons, silk sash, etc. At the close of the day’s training the Colonel made a short speech and called for “three cheers for the Queen”, which were given with gusto. Then somebody called for “three cheers for Major Raymond”, and “three cheers for Adjutant Dibblee”, whereat father’s old bay mare, “Gill”, became excited and waltzed around a little. Refreshments were then in order.

Not very long before this period a motion had been made in the House of assembly to prohibit “treating” the men assembled for their annual military training, but, after rather an uproarious debate, it was overwhelmingly defeated. The movement was far in advance of public opinion.

In July, 1865, my Father attended the first “Camp of Instruction”, held at Fredericton. Of this camp Colonel W.T. Baird gives a good description in his book, “Seventy Years of New Brunswick Life”. There were two battalions in camp, one commanded by Col. W.T. Baird, and of this my father was Captain and Adjutant. The instructors were drill sergeants selected from the British regulars, who then formed the garrison in Fredericton and also in St. John. The instructors seemed thoroughly to enjoy their authority. “Ah, Captain Pidgeon,” one of them would vociferate, “You are not now driving your oxen!” The following year another Camp of Instruction was held at Torryburn, at which my father was Major of the First Battalion under Colonel Otty, and Major Wm. M. Jarvis had a similar position in the Second Battalion. The First Battalion composed solely of officers.

Excerpt from Book of Family History, by The Ven. William Odber Raymond, LL.D, FRSC. © 2009 George McNeillie – all rights reserved [published here with permission; see footnote].

George McNeillie

Thank You for the UELAC Scholarship: Christopher Minty

During the past six months I have been writing a series of articles for Loyalist Trails. They have varied in length, focus and content; some have isolated particular themes, such as “what is Loyalism?” or “What is a Loyalist?” and others have focused on particular individuals, such as Joseph Allicocke or Rev. Dr. Charles Inglis. These articles have been written at numerous locations across the Atlantic: at one of my (many . . . ) desks in Scotland in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Stirling; in New York City, NY; and in Fredericton, New Brunswick. It has proved to be an immensely valuable way to spend my time. As a young, upcoming academic I am often encouraged to “write a little bit” every day or every other day. With the hectic schedule I have currently just finished, teaching at the Universities of Edinburgh and Stirling as well as being a research assistant on The Papers of Francis Bernard (Colin Nicolson, ed.), I have managed to redraft two chapters of my dissertation and am currently 9,000 words into another one. Despite this “progress,” I have not been able to get as much official writing down as a I would like; however, I have tried to spend at least an hour or two per week writing and researching articles for Loyalist Trails, and it seems to have paid off.

I have recently been awarded a United Empire Loyalist Scholarship that will enable me to purchase a myriad of source materials, ranging from probate records to Todd Braisted’s latest text, Bergen County Voices (2012). This incredibly generous award from the UELAC will therefore enable me to efficiently maximise the efficacy of my current research schedule and enable me to achieve the ambitious goals I have set myself with this Ph.D.

This project began in Oct. 2010 at the University of Stirling under the supervision of Dr. Colin Nicolson (Papers of Francis Bernard and The “Infamous Govener”) and Dr. Emma V. Macleod (A War of Ideas). Originally, the project was going to focus on the complex social and political phenomenon of Loyalism in the ‘Age of Revolutions, c. 1763–1815,’ but after a couple of lengthy research trips to Albany, Ann Arbor and New York City, it became increasingly apparent to me that the 3,750 Loyalists from New York had not yet received the historiographical focus that was needed. Of course, scholars such as Wallace Brown (The King’s Friends & The Good Americans), Robert Calhoon (Tory Insurgents & Loyalists in Revolutionary America, among others) and Philip Ranlet (The New York Loyalists) have given us class accounts of Loyalism and Loyalists in New York. More recently, scholars such as Ruma Chopra (Loyalists in New York City) and Maya Jasanoff (Liberty’s Exiles) have also helped paint the increasingly complex portrait of Loyalism and the individuals it has come to represent. Despite these useful works, however, significant gaps remain. How did Loyalists interpret the imperial crisis? Teleological and anachronistic accounts have tended to eschew our view of the path to Loyalism whereby it has been projected that they somehow experienced the crises of the 1760s and 1770s “differently.” As Wallace Brown states in The Good Americans, “the Stamp Act launched the Loyalists”. This, in large part, is where my project comes in.

This dissertation has identified 3,750 Loyalists, each of whom voluntarily signed a petition, address, subscription list or declaration affirming their continued loyalty to King George III and the British government. Their names are familiar: Oliver DeLancey, Frederick Philipse, Rev. Dr. Samuel Seabury, William Bayard, and so on; but, there are less familiar names, David Grim, Peter Goelet and Leffert Lefferts, to name a few. This project will present the most comprehensive prosopographical examination of Loyalists from New York. No historian has attempted to historicise or examine such a large group of individuals. I have drawn upon previously underused sources such as tax lists, probate records, land deeds, daybooks and ledgers in an attempt to locate them within colonial New York. This project, however, will not substitute enumeration for understanding and therefore another major section seeks to examine how and why colonists became Loyalists. Amid such a vociferous atmosphere in Revolutionary New York, where colonists who were seen as Loyalists were openly pushed to the outskirts of civil society, it was not an easy decision to make. Christopher Benson, for example, an English immigrant who moved to New York in May 1759, was confronted in June 1776 by some 200 people who “came in a riotous & tumultuous manner” to his house in New York. Benson had been informed they were coming to physically assault him so he “stood at his Door with a sword determined to defend himself”. The mob denounced him as a “damned Tory, [and] began pelting him with Stones, one of which struck the Deponent [Benson] on his Forehead”. Benson, clearly inebriated from the blow, stumbled and the Patriots rushed towards him. He managed to regain his senses and redrew his sword and the mob dispersed, only to return the next day. Benson subsequently felt he had to flee New York, but finding “a place of Safety” proved difficult as Patriots were “parading the streets in search of other denominated Tories”. Benson hid two days, out of sight but eventually returned to New York to complain to Gen. George Washington to “beg for Protection”. Washington said he “had nothing to do with” the Patriots actions nor did he “want to hear any of the Deponents Complaints . . . or trouble himself with any Thing of the kind”. Benson then decided after hearing that the Patriots aimed to “hang up ten or a Dozen of the Tories like Dogs” to leave New York. He would not return until after the British occupation began in Sept. 1776; and, upon his return, he would assume command of the First Independent Company of Rangers, a local New York Loyalist company that was frequently complimented. Why would Benson and thousands more put themselves through this hostility?

This, in large part, is what my dissertation seeks to accomplish and with a United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada scholarship, it will enable me to purchase required primary and secondary sources to help me contextualise a vast array of intricate and often dense material. The project is due for completion in Aug. 2014, when I will present a copy of it to the UELAC.

…Christopher F. Minty, Ph.D. candidate, University of Stirling

Meet us at the Head of Lake Ontario 2013: Registration

Now available is the registration form for the Annual UELAC Conference, hosted by Hamilton Branch, to be held in Burlington from May 30 – June 2, 2013. Read the conference details and follow the link to the just-available registration form. Give your self a Christmas present – book now.

Who Were The First Settlers at the Head of the Lake?

Having just read the latest Loyalist Trails and the item about the 2013 Loyalist Conference (“At The Head of lake Ontario”), I wish to point out to Loyalist Trails readers and author Jean Rae Baxter that Robert Land arrived at the Head of the Lake after Richard Beasley and possibly others. Marjorie Freeman Campbell in A Mountain and a City places Robert Land living in Niagara Falls on property later known as Lundy’s Lane when Richard Beasley was trading as a merchant at the Head of the Lake. Richard Beasley’s tombstone behind Christ Church Cathedral states that he was the first settler at the Head of the Lake; he died in 1842. Land died in 1818, just after Hamilton was formed as a county capital from the village The Head of the Lake. An historian detective such as Robin McKee might ask why the first settler appellation was given by the Land family to Robert when at the time such a distinction would not have occurred to any of the other early settlers. I suggest that the Lands, who were Tories and allied themselves in the early days with the governing oligarchy, sought ways to distinguish themselves. Richard Beasley led the Reformers and suffered at the hands of the oligarchy; by the time he died the Reform movement was becoming the political power in government. Were the Beasley family and the Anglican Churchmen correcting the record by stating for posterity that Richard Beasley was the first settler at the Head of the Lake and/or was there some political motivation to it? Richard Beasley, who arrived in the province in 1777, lived 36 years in the Head of the Lake and was chiefly responsible for its development; he lived 24 years in its changed name of Hamilton; he was one of the main movers in having the town recognized over Dundas as the county capital and in its choice of name [Robert Hamilton had been his mentor and partner in the fur trade and Robert’s son, George Hamilton, after whom the town was named, was a close friend and strong ally in the reform movement]. In my book From Bloody Beginnings: Richard Beasley’s Upper Canada, I narrate Richard Beasley’s fur trading days, his work in the commissariat at Fort Niagara during the Revolution and his partnership with Richard Cartwright as a merchant in the Fort in the days when Robert Land was runner of dispatches for John Butler from the Fort to Loyalist spies in the Mohawk Valley.

The children of Richard Beasley and Henrietta Springer were all born at the Head of the Lake whereas Robert Land’s children were born in New York State. It may have been important to the Beasley children to affirm their father’s distinction, since the Head of the Lake settlement was all they knew and their father’s many accomplishments had been attacked and maligned by the Tory oligarchy all through his life and brought to a head by the Rebellion shortly before he died. The first settler controversy has been an amusing diversion for decades, but it is of small importance in the political struggles determining our civil liberties that were fought in those early days. I hope Robin McKee can put the controversy to rest for good.

…David Richard Beasley

Where in the World?

Guess where Loretta Burke was recently!

To participate, submit a photo of yourself in UELAC promotional gear at a place of some note and tell us where it is. If you are a member of a branch, please indicate that as well – send to Jennifer Childs.

Teamwork Encourages Active Members: President’s Message

At the Prairie Regional in Regina, President Robert C. McBride addressed a critical aspect of membership in UELAC. ” In the branches, members don’t always see the work that goes on in the Association.” To address this concern and expand our audience, the Public Relations Committee contracted the taping of three of the presentations. As the content was not limited to regional concerns but of interest to all members across the Dominion, the decision was made to make it available using the internet. Overcoming the technical challenges of posting the materials was essential. Downloading each twenty minute video in wmv still takes a long time, but according to the responses received, the potential of such records is immeasurable.

In the third in the series, Robert C. McBride reviews the history and growth of UELAC with special attention to the leadership of E. John Chard. While many of the key strengths of our association were not achieved during his presidency of 1966-68, he continues to encourage others to make the concerns of UELAC more nationally evident. John’s team building ability greatly contributed to increased membership activity. As President McBride said “communication is our best tool” . UELAC, with the help of the Public Relations Committee, is actively exploring new ways of communicating the vision and activities of our organization. By sharing these special presentations we hope to foster greater involvement at all levels of UELAC.


Book: Bloody Mohawk, by Richard Beleth

This sweeping historical narrative chronicles events instrumental in the painful birth of a new nation from the Bloody Morning Scout and the massacre at Fort William Henry to the disastrous siege of Quebec, the lopsided Battle of Valcour Island, the horrors of Oriskany, and the tragedies of the Pennsylvania Wyoming Valley massacre and the Sullivan-Clinton Expedition s destruction of the Iroquois homeland. Caught in the middle of it all was the Mohawk River Valley. Through 1763, culminating with the French & Indian War, a series of colonial conflicts between the French and British raged along the North American frontiers. In the Province of New York, French intrusions were turned back with great loss of blood and treasure at places like Lake George and Ticonderoga, while Mohawk Valley towns were raided, plundered, and sometimes, as with Schenectady, virtually wiped off the map. In the American Revolution, patriots wrenched the Mohawk Valley from British interests and the Iroquois nations at fearsome cost. When the fighting was over, the valley lay in ruins and as much as two-thirds of its population lay dead or had been displaced.

” I could not put the book down. Find it very interesting. Especially on the lives of prominent citizens of Central New York, like the Johnsons. Now perusing the notes.

For me, especially, fills in information about the last years of the American Revolution, the years of 1777 – 1783, in central New York that I was only partially aware of. Found one instance on page 248, last paragraph, that I question. Mentions the German Hessian Baum leading his expedition across the County of Rensselaer towards Vermont and the Battle of Bennington. I believe that he left Burgoyne about the vicinity of ‘Old Saratoga’ traveling eastward which would put them in Washington County. Also surprised that there are two quotes by the French immigrant, Peter Sailly. Sailly was a prominent citizen of Plattsburgh and a Clinton County Judge. We have a street named after him.

Besides the loyal subjects: Sir William Johnson, Sir John Johnson, Guy Johnson, Philip Skene, I would like to add another family that were close associates of the Johnsons, that of the Jessups from the upper Hudson region and that of the central Adirondacks.”

ISBN-13: 978-1883789664; 384 pages, paperback.

…Bill Glidden

Loyalists and the War of 1812

A new list is underway and your help is needed to help populate it. A number of Loyalists who had participated in the American Revolution also took up arms again in the War of 1812. A greater number of sons, daughters and family members of Loyalists also joined the war effort. See the beginning of the collection at Loyalists and the War of 1812.

A few submissions have been received. If you have Loyalist ancestry, or know of other, that meets the criteria above, please contribute to this collection. Submissions of about 500 words would be great, but size within reason is not a big concern.

Thanks in advance for your help; submit articles to loyalist.trails@uelac.org.

This Day in History – Dec. 12, 1812: John Sandfield Macdonald

John Sandfield Macdonald the first Premier of Ontario, was not a Loyalist although his uncle married into a Loyalist family. Today Dec 12 is the two hundredth anniversary of his birth.

John Sandfield Macdonald, the first Premier of Ontario, was born December 12, 1812. He was actually baptized John Brock Sandfield Macdonald. His first two names, “John Brock” were to honour the memories of Colonel John Macdonell and General Isaac Brock. Both were killed at the Battle of Queenston Heights during the War of 1812-14. Colonel Macdonell was the aide-de-camp to General Brock.

John Sandfield came from a humble Glengarry Family. He was elected to the Upper Canada Legislature in 1841. He was a pre-confederation Premier of Canada. He later became the first Premier of Ontario. He served continously in politics until he died June 1, 1872.

His funeral was the largest Cornwall had ever seen. Over two thousand vehicles wended their way from Cornwall to his burial site in St. Andrew’s, Ontario. A monument to his memory was unveiled at Queen’s Park November 16, 1909.

Two of his brothers, Alexander Francis Sandfield Macdonald and Donald Alexander Macdonald also enjoyed successful political careers. Donald Alexander Macdonald later becane the first Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.

This was quite an accomplishment for the three Sandfield Macdonald brothers. Of note, Father Alexander Macdonell at their mother Nancy’s funeral declared that “any good that will become of her boys will be on account of their sainted mother.” Father Macdonell later became the First Roman Catholic Bishop of Upper Canada. He was known as “The Fighting Bishop.”

Footnote: None of the media including Canada’s History Magazine have made any mentioned that John Sandfield was born on December 12, 1812. How soon we forget!

…George Anderson UE

1812 Norfolk Exhibit

This exhibit looks at the events of the War of 1812 that occurred in Norfolk County. It highlights the recruitment of the Norfolk Militia, the Battles of Lake Erie, Nanticoke Creek, Campbell’s Raid, and McArthur’s Raid. It tells the stories of some of Norfolk’s notable residents and includes artifacts belong-ing to them. Items of note include a musket and sword from the 1814 Lundy’s Lane battlefield, a Norfolk Militia muster roll, and three Military General Service Medals for action dur-ing the War of 1812. This exhibit is on display until February 2nd. (from the Dec 2012 issue of Nofolklore newsletter) – See the website for details, but it says the exhibit is only until Dec 22.

The exhibit “shows the mirror saved by Mary Williams, wife of Loyalist Jonathan Williams, during Campbell’s raid May 1814. There is a portrait of Titus Williams, Mary’s son – and ancestor of Bill Terry and Sue Hines. Norfolk Historical Society has devoted a room to War of 1812. impressive. I donated my chart of the burnings of the properties.”

…Doris Lemon

Hustler’s Tavern: Christmas Card from WCA

This Western Corridor Alliance (WCA) Christmas card of Hustler’s Tavern bears the description “Built in 1809, Hustler’s Tavern was reportedly he only structure left standing after the British burned Lewiston to the ground in December 1813. The reason it wa spared th torch was because the British Officers remembered too many good times they had there sipping a “cocktails” — the drink the owner, Catherine Hustler, is credited with inventing when she stirred a “gin mixture” with the tail feather of a stuffed cockerel.

…Maria, Adrienne and Stephanie

From the Twittersphere and Beyond

Last Post: Lois Drummond, UE

Lois Francis Carmina (Galna) Drummond U.E. RN passed away Sunday December 9th 2012 in her 88th year at Brockville, Ontario. Lois was a proud member of the Col. Edward Jessup Branch UELAC. Among her many Loyalist ancestors, Lois received two Loyalist certificates as a descendant of Capt. Abraham Maybee and of Isaac Alyea. Her husband, John Douglas Drummond, (deceased) was descended from Capt. Peter Drummond of Jessup’s Corp. She leaves to mourn three daughters, Ann Morphet, Nancy VanOyen and Jane Countryman and grandchildren Jamie Morphet, Robert Gallinger, George VanOyen and Kelly Countryman.

…Lois’ brother Don Galna UE and wife Pat

Last Post: Kenneth Langdon, UE

John Mattice & Nancy Loucks Families

Passed away suddenly at Peterborough Manor on Thursday December 13, 2012. Ken Langdon of Peterborough, formerly of Toronto, Ennismore and Buckhorn in his 93rd year. Ken graduated from Electrical Engineering at the UofT, enjoyed a distinguished career with Ontario Hydro. Husband of the late Roberta (d. Nov. 2008). Missed by daughters Merril O’Reilly (Ted) of Ennismore, Judy Langdon of Warkworth and Joanne (Bob) of Woodview. Dear grandpa to several. Survived by sisters-in-law Ruth Grindlay (the late Don) and Dorothy Houghton (the late Tom).

Visitation at the Hendren Funeral Homes, Lakefield Chapel on Monday Dec 17, 6-9 PM. A funeral service and reception will be held in the Hendren Chapel on Tuesday Decemeber 18, 2012 at 10:30 AM. Interment to follow at Pine Hills Cemetery, Toronto. Memorial donations may be made to the Alzheimer Society or St. John the Baptist Anglican Church (for the Guatemala Mission), as expressions of sympathy. Send condolences or make donations at www.hendrenfuneralhome.com. (Peterborough Examiner)

…Lynne Cook UE


John Mattice & Nancy Loucks Families

My Gr. Gr. Gr. Grandfather, John A. Mattice married Nancy Loucks in Upper Canada in 1823. Nancy’s death is recorded as April 1881; she was 76 yrs. of age. The surname Mattice has taken several spellings, including Matthias.

Hendrick Mattice the progenitor of the Mattice family, who settled in Schoharie Valley at Weiserdoef (now Middleburgh, N. Y.) in 1712 came from Duerheim commune Altzheim of the Rhinish Palatinate. Travelled down the Rhine to Holland with his wife Catharine and six children.

Research indicates John A lived in Osnabruck Township. He received 200 acres in his grant by Order in Council on 2 Feb 1825. He was the son of Loyalist Adam Mattice.

Nancy Loucks’ father John Peter Loucks UEL was married to Ann Nancy Alguire DUE, and I believe Ann may have been a DUE. John and Ann both claimed land in the Osnabruck area.

I am descended from William Ira Mattice/Matthias (b. 22 Jul 1822), the eldest son of John and Nancy.

William Ira Mattice was married twice. Once to Rebecca Ronan and after her passing Wm. married Margaret Hannah Brownell under the name Matthias in order to retain his tract of land which he later developed into the town of Matthiasville complete with church, schoolhouse, graveyard, and a grist mill in 1853. Matthiasville and Matthiasville Falls, Ontario were located where the current Orillia Power Damn sits.

Wm. had children with both wives. He and Rebecca had 3 sons together under the name Mattice. When he married Margaret under the name Matthias, their children were given the Matthias surname but were all baptized Mattice.

I need to prove William Ira Mattice (Matthias) to his father John A. Mattice and confirm the Loyalist connection in order to obtain a UE certificate.

Any help or direction would be most appreciated.

…Don Matthias