Loyalist Ships: The John & Jane
John & Jane bound for mouth of St. John, 22 September to 3 October 1783 (Capt. William Dawson).
42 + 5 adults in the two lists. By simple subtraction, 99 children must have been aboard. It is not likely that slaves or Black Loyalists were considered to be part of Company #46
Names found in Victualing Muster:
{Unit or “militia company” #46 (146 passengers in total) led by Captain Samuel Dickinson}
The following names were recorded in May of 1784, a year after these evacuees arrived at the mouth of the St. John River. The heads of refugee households drew rations from Fort Howe in Parrtown. The number of children in each family is given in the original victualing muster. Data drawn from David Bell’s American Loyalists to New Brunswick.
William Ashford
Roger Barton
George Baxter
Richard Baxter
Mary Bound
William & Sarah Burtis
Willet Carman
William Care/Carey
Charles Carr
John Coal
Ludowick Cypher (spelled Ludwick Syphle in Book of Negroes)
William Cypher~~
Jacob Dean
Elijah Dingee/Dingy
William Dunn
Josiah Dykeman
William Elsworth
William Gallop
Obadiah Griffin/Griffith
Thomas Griffin/Griffith
Alexander Hackett
John Hagerman (spelled John Hajeman in Book of Negroes)
Joseph Jackson
James Johnston
Benjamin Keirstead/Casted
Henry Lord
Edward McElroy
John/Esther Parent
Samuel Reynolds/Rannels
Henry Sharp
Benjamin Stymest
Jasper Stymest
John Taylor
James Thorn
William Thorn
John Titus
Henry Vandeburg
+Cornelius Vandine (spelled Cornelius Van Dyne in Book of Negroes)
Caleb Wood
William Woodworth
Additional John and Jane passengers whose names are found in Book of Negroes:
White loyalists:
(may have died or moved to other settlements by May 1784 and thus not in muster)
John Hayeman
Daniel Blair
John Turner
Adam Sutherland
Robert Andrews (man of this name in Saint John’s 1793 royal artillery)**
Black Loyalists and Enslaved Africans:
Francis – Formerly the property of Samuel Moore, Newtown, Long Island [New York], who has given him his freedom as per paper produced.
Ephraim, 60, stout man of his age. Freeborn Indian.
Casar [Caesar], 25, stout fellow, Property of Cornelius Van Dyne. (Vandine)
Additional information:
~~ Date July 22 1829
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper City Gazette
Drowned Friday, William SIPHERS, John BARTON, John EARL and Miss BARTON returning from wedding at house of David SIPHERS SYPHERS near Newcastle Creek upper end of Grand Lake (Queens Co.){Will read in Dec. 1829}
CYPHER, William (Jr) {from New Brunswick probate records}
No residence cited. Queens County records. Intestate. Administration granted 29 January 1808 to David CYPHER and the widow Rachel CYPHER. Fellow bondsman Robert COX. Inventory, filed 29 January 1808, valued at £333 by John YEAMANS and Robert COX.
Spelling seems to settle on “Syphers” in later 19th century
+ Cornelius Vandine
Date September 12 1896
County York
Place Fredericton
Newspaper The Gleaner
About 150 years ago Mr. Vandine’s great grandfather came to this country from Holland, accompanied by his three sons, Arthur VANDINE, Dow VANDINE and Cornelius VANDINE and his three daughters and settled on Long Island, N.Y. where he acquired immense amount of land. Commodore Vanderbilt came from Holland the same time, also settling at Long Island and in the course of time married one of old Mr. Vandine’s daughters. When the revolutionary war broke out, Mr. Vandine, his three sons and two remaining single daughters came to New Brunswick, locating at Grand Lake (Queens Co.)
** Date May 17 1883
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Sun
Muster Roll of Royal Artillery of Saint John, organized and first assembled for drill and inspection, May 4th, 1793 – John COLVILLE, Capt.; Thos. GILBERT, 1st Lt.; John WARD, 2nd Lt.; Oliver BOURDELL, Sergt.; John CHUBB, Sergt.; Privates: Alex. McPHERSON, Timothy PERRY, Lewis DeBLOISE, Timothy THOMSON, Lawrence ROBINSON, John McLEOD, Josiah BUTLER, James HOYT, James GAYNOR, William BARLOW, Ezekiel BARLOW, John WATERBURY, Henry ANTHONY, Thomas CLAPP, Aaron Moses BEEK, Thomas LAWTON, Wm RODEN, Andrew CROOKSHANK, Thomas HANFORD, George SMITH, Samuel SMILER, Arthur DINGWELL, John MILLS, William THOMPSON, Wm OLIVE, Robert ANDREWS, Thomas JENNINGS, Captain WATT, John GARRISON, Benjamin BURGESS, Simeon PARKER, Nicholas LAKE, John SHAW, Bartholomew COXETTER, Stephen POTTER, Beach SEALEY, Daniel BELDING, Thomas ROBSON, Daniel LEAVITT, Wm CHAPPEL, George SYMERS, Samuel WHITNEY, Stephen BOURDETT, Asa CUTLER, William MARGESTON, Samuel MILEY, Humphrey BEEL, Lawrence HARTWICK, James GREGOR, Robert ALDER, John MORRILL, Geo. YOUNGHUSBAND, Joseph CANBY, Thomas SMITH, Nathaniel WARRELL, Anthony REECE, Samuel STEPHEN, Archibald McNEIL, James KAVENAUGH, Robt. REID, Charles THOMAS,jr., Wm PAGAN, Bradford GILBERT, Robert LAIDLEY, Daniel DEVOE, Joseph FORRESTER, Jacob PEARSON, Jonathan LEAVITT, Wm YOUNG, Samuel MASON, Wm DONALD, John BEYEA, Thomas GREEN, Robert E. BOYD, John DARRAGH, Henry FINCH, Aquilla RICH, Richard LONGMUIRE, Robert PATULLA, Thomas REID, Benjamin STANTON, Samuel BOYER, Charles THOMAS, sr., Joseph GORAM, Thos. THOMAS, Wm HARPER, James HUME, Peter BOURA, Robert GREEN
[contributed by Stephen Davidson]