Memberships for 2024 and 2025
- All 2024 memberships will expire on 31 December 2024
- Current memberships? please DO NOT RENEW now; wait until after 1 Nov.
- New memberships taken out after 1 Nov will be for the remainder of 2024 and all of 2025.
- If you are taking out your first membership or are adding a membership in an additional branch, consider the tradeoff between joining now (doing a certificate application before 31 October which is the deadline to receive in 2024, receive the Fall Gazette, etc) and waiting until early November.
PLEASE – if you have an issue or encounter an error:
If you encounter something which is not working correctly or have a question, please send a note to and be as explicit as possible about where you were, what you were doing and what didn’t work as you expected it to work. We are all volunteers so it may take a while before you receive a response.
Paying for Someone Else’s Membership
For someone else, whether it is
- for an entirely new member,
- adding a new membership for an existing member but in a different branch, or
- paying for an existing membership renewal,
go to Join Now, or Add an Additional Branch
Membership Renewals
- If you have not done so already, please log in.
- Check your “My Account” (link in top blue bar at top of page)
- and go to “Member Dashboard”
- review your membership status and payment details
- If you need more details about the content of that page, go to Membership Renewals
- If your membership expiration date is already 2024, PLEASE DO NOT RENEW AGAIN
- To renew:
- You may use the “Renew Now” link beside your membership to renew
- or go to the bottom of this page, select the branch in which you are a member and continue.
Are You a New Member?
If you are already a member of the association, please skip this introduction and start at Join Now, or Add an Additional Branch.
If you are joining UELAC, please read on.
Joining: Preliminary Membership Information
Anyone with an interest in Loyalist era history may join the UELAC. As a current paid-up member you will have full membership rights.
As a member, you may then apply for a UE Loyalist Certificate, which will be granted if:
- your Loyalist Ancestor meets the criteria for a UE Loyalist, and
- you provide adequate documentation to prove your genealogical descent from that UE Loyalist.
Joining UELAC
You join a branch of UELAC which gives you the benefits which that branch offers, plus those benefits which are offered by UELAC to all members.
You may join additional branches if you wish. The fee to do so is lower, as a portion of your fee for your primary branch goes to Dominion Office to fund its operations.
If you know which branch you wish to join, skip this next section.
Choosing a Branch
The branches of the UELAC are located from the Atlantic (Halifax) to the Pacific (Victoria)
We recommend that you join a branch which is close to you if there is one so that you can participate with them, and keep current on related local events.
To check them out (branch name, location – a map, email, website and social media presence) visit UELAC Branches
Questions You Will Be Asked
You will need to answer some questions as you go through the steps to join.
- Which branch you are joining
- Are you joining as an individual, or as a family (for some branches, how many in the family)
- If you are joining as an individual some branches offer a reduced fee if you are a full time student under a certain age limit.
- The basics – name, address, email, telephone etc.
- The branch may offer a newsletter periodically; UELAC offers the Loyalist Gazette which is published twice each year. As a member you can access the Digital Gazette in the Members’ Section. Please do indicate the digital copy anyway, but if you really would like to receive a paper copy of the Loyalist Gazette via the post office, then also check Paper Gazette. You may do the same for copies of any branch newsletter which the branch publishes.
- Your payment information: credit card or Paypal
Join Now, or Add an Additional Branch
Here you can process a membership and pay for it in order to:
- join your first branch as a new member;
- add a membership in an additional branch;
- pay for someone else’s new or additional membership or renewal of an existing membership;
- click on the branch below in which they are or will be a member;
- In the phrase at the top “Want to do this for a different person ? Click Here”, click on “here”.
- Type in the other person’s surname followed by a comma. One or more people should appear.
- Click on the name of the person you wish to pay for.
- Their data should appear.
- At bottom of the page check the billing email, and if necessary, correct it.
- Enter your payment details and proceed.
NOTE: If you are already a member of any branch, log in before you proceed.
If you are a member of multiple branches, or wish to join more than one, you must process and pay for each in turn. To join another branch beyond the first, select the “Additional branch” membership type for those.
If you are processing a new family membership, join once for the family. When you receive your receipt, it will be from the Membership Person at the branch. If this is your main or primary branch, reply to the receipt with the names of the other members of your family, and include for each of those persons his or her email address if that person has a unique email address (as a member using their own email address, they will then be able to log in to the members’ section).
Half-year memberships. All memberships end on Dec 31 each year. Many memberships run for the full calendar year. However a number of branches for some types of memberships offer half-year memberships. When a branch does offer them, people joining after July 1 will see these rather than the full-year options in the selection list. There is no difference between the full and half-year options for the remainder of the year. NOTE: the half-year options are withdrawn on 1 November; after that date anyone joining is doing so for the following year (and whatever remains of the current year).
When renewing, if you wish to change your type of membership, e.g. family to individual or vice versa, or half-year to full-year, then select the new membership type. (If you are changing membership type before your current membership term has expired, please do this on or after November 3.)
If you have questions, please reach out to the branch you are joining. If you encounter technical difficulties or have questions for the national organization, please contact
Select the branch in which you are a member (or wish to join)
Remember, for memberships in multiple branches do each in turn.
As a member, to change your “type of membership” ie family to individual, or vice versa, then select the new “type of membership”.
- Abegweit
- Assiniboine
- Bay of Quinte
- Bicentennial
- Bridge Annex (not available)
- Calgary
- Chilliwack
- Col. Edward Jessup
- Col. John Butler
- Edmonton
- Governor Simcoe
- Grand River
- Hamilton
- Heritage
- Kawartha
- Kingston & District
- Little Forks (not available)
- London & W Ontario
- Manitoba
- New Brunswick
- Nova Scotia
- Saskatchewan
- Sir Guy Carleton
- Sir John Johnson
- St. Lawrence
- Thompson-Okanagan
- Toronto
- Vancouver
- Victoria