“Loyalist Trails” 2004-13: August 19, 2004
In this issue:
– When the Speedy Wasn’t Speedy Enough
– Diane McCord Retires
– Parkwoods
– Inquiry: Loyalist national heritage
When the Speedy Wasn’t Speedy Enough
On a stormy night in October of 1804 the H.M.S. Speedy, an unseaworthy schooner disappeared before reaching “Newcastle”, actually the Brighton/Presqu’ile area of Ontario. The loss of several prominent individuals including several with Loyalist backgrounds ended plans to make that area the district capital.
Brighton, and Presqu’ile Provincial Park in particular have staged several bicentennial events this year, and on August 21st-22nd a reenactment took place in the park and in Brighton. Staged as an 1812 event, there were battles, demonstrations, a period camp, and a parade through town. Some UELAC members involved included Shaun Wallace with the 49th, Brandt Zatterberg on the bateau, and Peter Johnson with the 1812 Fifes & Drums. A pleasant weekend in a picturesque setting – certainly a far cry from that grim October night in 1804.
…Peter Johnson UE
Many of you would know Diane McCord, the Office Manager of Toronto Branch for many years.
She has retired as 31 July. She survived two moves and a flood and has performed above & beyond the call of duty in that she staffed many displays our & about in the community. We wish her well and hope to have a party for her in the fall. Her cheery personality and untiring assistance to researchers will be missed.
…John Warburton UE
On Monday 2 August, Toronto and Col. John Butler Branch members had the privilege of staffing a display at the former Oshawa estate of R.S. and Adelaide McLaughlin. We had a “special” visit from Diana and Philip Jackson. Diana thoroughly enjoyed seeing pictures of her grandmother at the Adolphustown Cemetery ceremonies in 1956 and viewing her own name on Adelaide’s family tree. The late Mrs. McLaughlin was a member of the Association and funds from the McLaughlin Trust support our Dominion Office space. Past President Myrna Fox presented the house with a Loyalist Flag.
…John Warburton UE
Inquiry: Loyalist national heritage
I heard somewhere that about 1/3 of Loyalists who went to Ontario were of German descent, and about 1/10 were Dutch. Yet Loyalists today are largely seen as the archetypal Canadian WASPs. Is there a lot of undercounting of German and Dutch heritage and overcounting of “British”, particularly in eastern Ontario in the census?
…Matt Fodor