“Loyalist Trails” 2004-18 October 14, 2004

In this issue:
Sir John Johnson’s Vault
Fall 2004 Issue of The Loyalist Gazette
Heritage Branch Charter Night
Wilderness War on the Ohio
Early Families of “The Mackadavy”
Doug’s visit to the London and Western Ontario Branches
      + Response to Query about Loyalist Women’s Clothing


Sir John Johnson’s Vault

A press release was held at Mont St. Gregoire, Quebec on April 16, 2004 to mark the completion of phase I of the restoration of Sir John Johnson’ Vault. The site at the base of Mont St. Gregoire, formerly Mount Johnson, was verified and during archaeological excavations conducted in 1999 and in 2002 over 800 bone fragments were recovered, indexed and analysed. Thus the two objectives of phase I were completed.

The site has been declared a heritage site registered under the title BiFg-1, marking a first ever such endeavor in Quebec.

The bones are presently preserved at the University of Montreal in the office of osteo-archaeologist Gérard Gagné. They will be taken to Quebec City to repose there until we are ready to receive them for proper reburial.

The cost of phase I was $14,227.00 and organizations involved included la Société de restauration du patrimoine Johnson, la Société d’histoire du Haute Richelieu, Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch UELAC, Bernard Hébert, archaeologist responsible to the Quebec Minister of Culture and Communications, and Gérard Gagné, osteo-archaeologist who participated in the two excavations.

Phase II will now begin with four objectives to be reached:

1. acquire a legal deed for the site

2. insure a proper right of way

3. restore the vault

4. return the bones for proper reburial

…Loyally, Adelaide Lanktree, President, Sir John Johnson Branch

Fall 2004 Issue of The Loyalist Gazette

The Fall 2004 issue of The Loyalist Gazette is now at the printers. I would like to thank Michael Johnson, Assistant Editor and Designer, as well as the proof reading team, consisting of Bev Craig UE, Peter Davy UE, Sherry Doring UE, Dr. Marianne M. Gilchrist UE, Alex Lawrence UE, Grietje McBride UE and Paul Robison UE, for their assistance in creating this publication. The Fall 2004 issue will be in the mail before November. Submissions are now being received for the Spring 2005 issue. Please send them to Robert C. McBride, B.Sc., M.Ed., UE, Maple Grove Farms, R.R. # 1, Indian River, Ontario. K0L 2B0. Phone: 705-295-4556. E-mail: gazette.editor@heydon.com. The deadline for submissions for the Spring 2005 issue is January 15, 2005.

…Robert C. McBride, Editor of The Loyalist Gazette

Heritage Branch Charter Night

Heritage Branch will hold its annual Charter Night Dinner on Wednesday evening, November 3, 2004, in the Officers’ Mess of the Armoury of the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada, 2067 Bleury Street (rue de Bleury), Montreal. The evening begins with a social period at approx. 6:15 p.m., with a roast turkey dinner to follow shortly after 7:00 p.m. The guest speaker this year is Karen Molson, who will speak on her ancestors, “The Molsons of Montreal: The Early Years”, focusing on John Molson, founder of the brewery, his life and activities in Montreal in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and his marriage to a lady who may have been a Loyalist. Karen is a seventh-generation descendant of John and author of “The Molson: Their Lives and Times” (2001). She is currently writing a book on the late Senator Hartland Molson. Cost of the meal, including wine, is $40. cash, payable on arrival. Due to the need to ensure proper catering arrangements, those interested in attending must notify Robert Wilkins, Heritage Branch President, in advance at tel.: (514) 937-3274 or by email, no later than October 25, if they wish to attend the Dinner on November 3. A fairly large attendance is anticipated.

…Robert Wilkins, U.E., C.M.H., Branch President, Heritage Branch (Montreal) {robert DOT wilkins AT mcgill DOT ca}

Wilderness War on the Ohio, by Alan Fitzpatrick

The untold story of the savage battle for the British and Indian control of the Ohio Country during the American Revolution. Limited first edition printing personally signed by the author. 628 pages based on 388 primary source documents from the Haldimand Paper sand British War Office at Archives Canada. 16 drawings, 4 maps, 18 pictures. Read for the first time and in their own words the story of:

– Simon Girty, Matthew Elliott and Alexander McKee of the British Indian Dept. in the Ohio Country.

– Captain William Caldwell and Butlers Rangers in Kentucky

Available at: Fort Henry Publications, 481-C Benwood Hill Road, Benwood , West Virginia 26031 USA. Send a cheque or money order for $19.92 a copy plus $2.95 shipping and handling, US funds (total $22.90 per copy)

Early Families of “The Mackadavy”

Revised, Second Edition of my book: – Early Families of “The Mackadavy” is now available for distribution. It covers Settlers during and following the Loyalist Period:- Magaguadavic Valley, Parish of St. George, Southwestern New Brunswick, Canada.

Included in it’s 500 pages are: Background & Land Grants, History & Notable Characters, Selected Chronology, Village Histories: St. George, Bonny River-Second Falls, Lee Settlement, & Piskahegan; 38 Genealogies/Family Histories/Notes, Bibliography, Sources, and Index.


Copies may be purchased from the author, Calvin L. CRAIG of Bonny River. Please remit $35.00 (includes mailing costs) along with your name, address, postal code, phone number & email address. U.S. Residents pay in U.S. dollars please. Allow approximately 2 weeks for receipt of your book.

…C.L. CRAIG, UE, {craigcb1104 AT hotmail DOT com} 1104 Rte. 770, Bonny River, NB., Canada. E5C 1E1 Phone: 506-755-6800

Doug’s visit to the London and Western Ontario Branches

I was delighted to be invited to speak at the October meeting of the London and Western Ontario Branch of UELAC earlier this week. I did a review of the UELAC Finances, some of the programs we have underway, Branch Projects and some of the current issues and challenges. The Burial sites project was presented and the whole concept of Loyalist Information concluded the evening. I have several branches to visit in November and a few beyond. If you would like me to attend a function you are holding or speak at a meeting, please let me know. For branches at a distance, I would appreciate it if we can arrange visits to two or more branches on the same trip.


Response to Query about Loyalist Women’s Clothing

May I suggest a couple of sources for you:

– Your Branch should have a copy of The Loyalists, Settlers and Pioneers of Ontario – Teacher’s Resource.

– In addition, in 1984, the Association distributed a special booklet on costumes of the Revolutionary War Period. Your Branch education Chairman may have these.

– Check with any resource people in your branch who could help. Some of your members probably have costumes and knowledge.

– Lastly, have you contacted the Costume Branch?

…Fred H. Hayward, UELAC Education Chairman