“Loyalist Trails” 2005-38 November 10, 2005

In this issue:
Remembrance Day Video
Loyalists of New Jersey
O’Hea’s Cross
Chainbreaker: The Revolutionary War Memoirs of Governor Blacksnake
Some 1911 census indexing
Fall Gazette is being Mailed
A Pioneer ABC, a New Picture Book Presents Well our Loyalist Heritage
      + Query about ISBNs
      + Duke of Richmond‘s Passenger List
      + Family of John Longstreet


Remembrance Day Video

A large file was forwarded to me. It is a video about Remembrance Day which is quite well done. It is too big to attach so I have uploaded it to the web site. It is about 7 megabytes so if you have a dial connection, you probably don’t want to download and view it. Also it is a Windows Audio/Video File “.mwv”, so if you cannot play that on your computer (Windows Media Player, maybe some others?), there is no point in downloading it. Click for the Video!

…Joyce Stevens

Loyalists of New Jersey

Since receiving your newsletter of October 29, I have been in touch with Mr. Phillips of Jobstown, NJ, who was requesting information on the Loyalists of New Jersey. We had a wonderful long conversation by phone and many emails back and forth. Two books that I have found very helpful are E B White’s The Loyalists of New Brunswick and The History of Central New Brunswick, by M B Maxwell.

…Pauline West Keehn

O’Hea’s Cross

Although not Loyalist, this is Canadian military history.

If you’re looking for a book to buy for yourself this Christmas, take a look at this.

Timothy O’Hea was a British soldier serving in Canada during the 1866 Fenian Raids. He put out a fire on an ammunition train running between Quebec City and Montreal, for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross — the only VC to be awarded for a deed in Canada. For more information, visit www.oheascross.com and note the little “Enter” spot at lower right of the graphic.

…Bill Smy, UE

Chainbreaker: The Revolutionary War Memoirs of Governor Blacksnake

As you may know, Google is in the process of digitising thousands of books from major libraries in the US and UK — big controversy. In any event, and this is an example of a Google Print search result for Butler’s Rangers.

One of the earliest memoirs by an American Indian, Chainbreaker presents the recollections of a Seneca chief, also known as Governor Blacksnake. A fighter in the American Revolution who lived more than a century, Chainbreaker told his story as an old man in the 1840s to a fellow Seneca, Benjamin Williams, who translated it and committed it to paper. Epic in scale and yet intensely personal, Chainbreaker’s story provides a rare Native view of warfare and diplomacy during a crucial period in American history. His account is only fully available in this edition, featuring extensive commentary by Thomas S. Abler.

Title: Chainbreaker

Author: Governor Blacksnake

Publisher: U of Nebraska Press

Publication Date: Jul 1, 2005

Subject: Biography / Autobiography

Format: Paperback

Pages: 306

ISBN: 080326450X

…Bill Smy, UE

Some 1911 census indexing

At this page, click on the province you want, then the county, and you will then see a list of places. Click on one, and then click on the top line that says index of names. Alternatively, enter a surname in the search field.

…Rob McCarey

Fall Gazette is being Mailed

The Fall Gazette has been printed. It was delivered to the mailing house on November 8. The mailing house processed the labels and got the sign-offs on Wednesday. They should all be in the mail by Monday. As we ship bulk, you should start receiving them later next week through the following week. Hope you will enjoy.

…the Gazette editorial team (Bob & Mike) and labels team (Mette & Jim)

A Pioneer ABC, a New Picture Book Presents Well our Loyalist Heritage

Just in time for Christmas gift-giving, Tundra Books has released an excellent picture book by Mary Alice Downie for everyone interested in our Loyalist heritage. Presented as an alphabet book, A Pioneer ABC introduces the reader to the early life in Canada of a Loyalist family.

Including B, which is for bandalore, a forerunner of the yoyo, H for the Hornbook that taught children to spell, and on through the pigeons that blackened the sky, and X for the exhaustion of parents who are homesteading, each letter of the alphabet is treated to historical references which are beautifully illustrated by Mary Jane Gerber. In addition, each painting is framed by a border with numerous related items that begin with the same initial featured on that page.

In her introduction, Mary Alice Downie establishes who the United Empire Loyalists were and the personal relationship to those early settlers she feels as a resident of the Kingston area. Complementing her story of early Loyalist family life is a useful list of items for readers to find in the illustrations. The author also includes detailed notes which explain how each item figured in the life of the pioneers.

A Pioneer ABC is a most accessible introduction to early Loyalist history. While Tundra Books recommends it for ages 5 to 7, I recommend it to any family that celebrates Canadian history.

Title: A Pioneer ABC

Author: Mary Alice Downie

Publisher: Tundra Books

Publication Date: Oct 11, 2005

Subject: Children’s

Format: Hardcover

Pages: 32

ISBN: 0887766889

…Fred H. Hayward UE, Chairman, Education/Outreach Committee UELAC


Query about ISBNs

I am writing about my Loyalist ancestor, John Parcels, and have completed about 90 pages so far. I would like to self-publish about 100 copies and make them available to relatives and to the genealogy or family history section of various libraries. My question is: how and where do I apply for an ISBN number? Perhaps one of your “Loyalist Trails” readers might be able to help me with some information on this.

…James Allin Gubb, UE, Bay of Quinte Branch, UELAC

ISBNs are assigned free of charge for Canadian publishers by the Canadian ISBN Agency, a part of Library and Archives Canada. The application form and information about ISBNs are available online right here.

Duke of Richmond‘s Passenger List

I am looking for any information on the 2nd Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers Loyalist who sailed on the ship Duke of Richmond in the Fall Fleet, 1783. This ship is mentioned once or twice but so far I have not been able to find a manifest listing any family members who also sailed on the ship. Does any one have any leads on this?

Pauline West Keehn

Family of John Longstreet

I am researching a connection to the family of John Longstreet. I am looking for any information concerning his children, wife and their return to the States (I think around 1805/6) after John’s death. I think that the connection is through his daughter Lydia.

John Longstreet was a Captain in Roger’s Rangers in 1783 and served in Provincial Corps. 7 years.

He owned 236 acres in Parrsborough in 1786 and 250 acres in Cumberland Rd. in 1787.

He was married to Helena and had, I think, at least 4 children. A child by an earlier marriage, Betty Longstreet, married a “Sharper Moffat”.

One of my ancestors is Longstreet Harvey. His parents were Stephen and Lydia Harvey. I think that Lydia may be Lydia Longstreet. I just found out about the land in Nova Scotia this week.

Tim Harvey