“Loyalist Trails” 2006-02 January 8, 2006

In this issue:
The Settlers of the Beekman Patent
Thanks for the information and queries which make Loyalist Trails interesting
Personal Information and Privacy Legislation
Census 2006 asks Permission Question
Editor of GenealogyCanada.com, Elizabeth, Lapointe Named as Director – International/At Large
PBS TV documentary on the French and Indian War titled “The War That Made America”: GOFFE’S PROVINCIALS
Additions to the Loyalist Directory


The Settlers of the Beekman Patent

Now available, Volume 8, Genealogical Records of the 18th Century Settlers of the Beekman Patent

This 1230 page volume of records of 64 family surnames who settled in the present towns of Pawling, Dover, Beekman, Union Vale and part of LaGrange is the product of 35 years of research. This important social history documents the 18th century settlement of the Beekman Patent by Palatines, Dutch, the English and others from Long Island, New England and Europe. The Beekman Patent was a major entry point from New England to New York and the West. Volume Eight includes Beekman Patent Families Lee through Millington and hundreds of others are found in the 34,000 plus name index.

These family histories include data from leases, legal actions, local newspapers, wills, deeds and mortgages, church records, gravestones and many previously unpublished sources. This volume also includes early probate for Beekman Patent surnames for all New York State Counties through about 1830-40.

Volumes One through Seven have received favorable reviews from noted historical and genealogical journals and are now in many major libraries.

…Frank J. Doherty

[the hardcopy Vol 8 is US$85, on CD US$34.95, discounts for multiple volumes – see the “Settles of the Bekman Patent Website” at www.beekmansettlers.com.]

Thanks for the information and queries which make Loyalist Trails interesting

Loyalist Trails has now been published for more than a year and a half. Almost all of the content comes directly from you, with minimal editing in almost all cases by me. I would like to thank y0ou who read it, and even more so those of you who send in items. Little anecdotes, research queries, special branch activities and so much more are all of interest to many of us who enjoy reading it. ….doug

What follows is a note from one of our readers:

For some time, I have been thinking about writing to you to compliment you on the excellent work that you are doing in preparing “Loyalist Trails”. Jean U.E. and I were looking at your most recent issues and saw that you prepared 44 of these last year. That is a fantastic accomplishment in both quantity and quality.

None of my direct ancestors were on this side of the Atlantic prior to 1800 so There is no possibility of me qualifying for U.E.. Nevertheless I find interesting information in Loyalist Trails. One of my ancestor families was on the first boat from Rotterdam to London in 1709. John George Hornigh(ick) was a Lutheran who went with his family to Wexford, Ireland. I note from your recent letter that Nicholas Horning signed the agreement at Stone Arabia and I also see in the Knittle book that Nicholas Hornich came from the Palatine to America.

I mention this merely to let you know that the information contained in your newsletter is of interest to many people who are interested in the foundation and the future of our country Keep up the good work.

…Herb Norry, Proud Canadian

Personal Information and Privacy Legislation

The issue of privacy is an ongoing concern not only to the UELAC, but to many organizations in Canada.

The Ontario Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists presents: “Professional Genealogy and Personal Information Law”, A talk by Dr. Margaret Ann Wilkinson, University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Information and Media Studies.

Tuesday, February 7th, 1:30 p.m., Crest Theatre Green Room, Performing Arts Lodge, 110 The Esplanade, Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Wilkinson will discuss what professional genealogists and family historians need to know about personal information and privacy legislation, with special reference to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

Admission is $15. Registration will close January 20th. Register by sending an e-mail message with your name and address to: Elayne Lockhart elayne.lockhart@primus.ca AND mailing your cheque, made out to the “Ontario Chapter, APG” to: OCAPG, 30 Wellington Street East, Suite 2002, Toronto, ON M5E 1S3

(I have registered to attend — Doug)

Census 2006 asks Permission Question

As many of you know the 1911 census was only recently made available, after legislation mandating its release.

The next census will take place on May 16, 2006. To many of us who are into genealogy and family history, this census contains a question of an opt-in nature. To help future family researchers, when filling out the 2006 form, be sure to answer YES to the question about allowing family data to be released in 2098, 92 years after enumeration. Should a parent with a small child, who will be a grandparent, at least, by that time, reply with a NO or leave the line blank, the family data will never be released. To date I do not know of any way family members will be able to reverse the family decision made in 2006, but we hope to find out.

The questions for the census have been published in the Canada Gazette and if you click here you can then find the questions in a link within the first bullet on the page

Editor of GenealogyCanada.com, Elizabeth, Lapointe Named as Director – International/At Large

George Morgan, President of the International Society of Family History Writers and Editors (ISFHWE), announced on December 30, 2005, the appointment of Elizabeth Lapointe as Director – International/At Large.

Genealogy columnist, author, and editor of GenealogyCanada.com­a Canadian genealogy, heritage, and history news service­Elizabeth will be finishing the term of fellow Canadian genealogy journalist, Sandra DEVLIN, of Moncton, New Brunswick, who resigned her position due to personal reasons. Sandra belonged to the organization for several years, and her presence will be sorely missed.

“After working for a number of years as a reporter for an Ottawa newspaper, I have spent the last ten years writing for the genealogy community and have been the editor of GenealogyCanada.com for two years,” said Elizabeth. “As Director – International/At Large, I will be responsible for bringing new members to ISFHWE and for being the spokesperson for Canadian and international members.”

Elizabeth will be at the Ontario Genealogical Society’s annual meeting this spring (May 26th to May 28th) in Oshawa, and invites ISFHWE members and fellow genealogists to come over and say “Hi!”.

Now living in the Ottawa area, she is originally from Nova Scotia, of a United Empire Loyalist background on both sides of her family.

Elizabeth is a direct descendant of Andrew BARCLAY, one of the original sixteen Port Roseway Associated Loyalist captains who settled in Shelburne in the spring of 1783. On her mother’s side, she is a direct descendant of Henry BLADES, who was also a Loyalist and came to Shelburne in the summer of 1784.

She be reached at genealogycanada@aol.com>

For more information on ISFHWE, please visit their website.

PBS TV documentary on the French and Indian War titled “The War That Made America”: GOFFE’S PROVINCIALS


In two hour segments on January 18 and 25, 2006, 9 p.m. – 11 p.m., EST, a PBS television documentary on the French and Indian War titled “The War That Made America” will be shown.

In 1754 the struggle for North America exploded into the French and Indian War conflict that changed the course of history, and started American colonists on the road toward revolution. Among the American colonists would be Charles Glidden of New Hampshire.

As a member of Colonel John Goffe’s New Hampshire regiment, Charles Glidden, a resident of the Town of Nottingham, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, would be one who participated in the French and Indian War at the age of 16 and again would participate in the American Revolution. On 17 June 1775 at Bunker Hill , Charles with family member, John Glidden, served in Colonel Enoch Poor’s regiment while Gideon Glidden served in Colonel John Stark’s regiment. During the Canadian campaign (1775-6), Charles, John and Gideon served in the New Hampshire forces in the Champlain Valley. On September 6, 1776, Charles received a commission to Second Lieutenant in the Eight Continental Infantry at Fort Ticonderoga.


The campaign to bring about the final collapse of New France consisted of a strategy involving a three-pronged attack ultimately converging on Montreal. Three British armies commanded by Brigadier General James Murray (from the east), General Jeffrey Amherst (from the west), and Brigadier General William Haviland (from the south) provided the final blow.

Haviland, in command at Crown Point on Lake Champlain, moved his British regulars and American provincials northward on the lake, capturing the French fort on Isle-aux-Noix (located on the Richelieu River), before pushing to Montreal. The easiest passage to Montreal for the entire army would have been through Lake Champlain, but a pincer attack from the east and the west via the St. Lawrence River prevented the French from escaping and ensured the end of the war.


In August of 1759, following the capture of Fort Carillon and Fort St. Frederic, General Amherst, upon arrival at Crown Point, ordered one hundred rangers to open a road to Fort Carillon, now called by the British, Fort Ticonderoga. He also ordered two hundred rangers to cut a road across present-day Vermont to the Connecticut River, building several redoubts or small forts; and for scouting parties to explore the source of the Hudson River and creeks in Vermont. During September while awaiting the completion of sailing vessels for use on Lake Champlain, Amherst dispatched Major Robert Rogers and 190 rangers on a long expedition into New France to destroy the Abenaki village of St. Francis (Odanak) on a tributary of the St. Lawrence River.


Upon receiving orders from Amherst, Captain John Stark laid out the route of the road through Vermont, while Major John Hawks, of Colonel Timothy Ruggles’ First Battalion Massachusetts, and about 250 provincials actually started on October 27th to build the road of twenty foot width through the forests and hills to Fort No. 4 on the Connecticut River. The road would be approximately 77 miles in length.

The provincials began the road in Bridport on the shores of Lake Champlain, one half mile south of Willow Point. Their main activities consisted of building bridges (eight or nine). They continued along Otter Creek and on November 10th left the Otter Creek area crossing over to the Black River watershed. Due to the lack of provisions , cold and snow, approximately twenty-five miles of the road remained for further improvements in the future. On November 16, 1759, Hawks and his men arrived at Fort No. 4.

By mid-November of 1759, with the last chimney completed and the shingles set on the roof, His Majesty’s Fort at Crown Point, had taken substantial shape. The fort would eventually be the largest British fortress in colonial America. The fort would be formed into a pentagon with five bastions and three Georgian-style barracks which enclosed a parade ground of six acres.


Troops from the New England now received orders to join, in the spring and summer of 1760, Colonel Haviland in Crown Point. Furthermore approximately eight hundred provincials in a regiment from Hillsboro and Rockingham Counties, New Hampshire, commanded by Colonel John Goffe, would improve the road westward from Fort No. 4, as they proceeded to join the British army on Lake Champlain. In late May, Colonel Goffe’s provincials set out across the Merrimack River, proceeding through the settlements of Litchfield, Amherst, Wilton, Petersborough, Keene, Westmoreland, Walpole and arrived at Fort No. 4 on June 3, 1760.

The regiment decamped on July 6th, posted twenty-eight men at Fort No. 4, and marched forward to the North Branch of the Black River. Among those listed in the contingent at the fort is Charles Glidden of the Town of Nottingham, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. During the American Revolution, Charles would serve as a Sergeant in Captain Jeremiah Clough’s Company of Colonel Enoch Poor’s Regiment at the Battle of Bunker Hill; and, during the 1776 Canada Campaign, commissioned on September 6, 1776 as a Second Lieutenant with the Eighth Continental Infantry at Fort Ticonderoga.


Work began again on the road. Goffe’s men first built a blockhouse on the Vermont bank of the Connecticut River about two miles above Fort No. 4. With the provincials assigned various duties, as guards, road workers, carpenters, etc., they cut trees, removed stumps, graded portions of the road, built bridges and causeways, and laid corduroy sections in swampy areas. Every fifteen miles on the road workers constructed enclosures to contain cattle. The names of the camps are listed as: on Atkinson’s “rode”; on Goffe’s “rode”; Black River, North Branch; Goffe’s road, 15 Mile Post; Goffe’s road, 20 Mile Post.

At the “20 Mile Post” on July 26th several officers (Captain Nehemiah Lovewell, Captain John Hazzen, 1LT Benjamin Mooney, and 1Lt John Moor) received orders to set off with a party of thirty men and find out the way by Black River ponds to Otter Creek. They knew or quickly found the way, for the Rev. Samuel MacClintock, Chaplin, writes on July 27th, “Sunday – the main body of the regiment marched about 12 o’clock for Crown Point, traveling in our road to the southern most of Black River ponds; from thence directed our course S by W 2 and ½ miles to Hawkes Road. That makes it appear that Goffe’s men ended their building at or near the southernmost of the Plymouth Valley ponds. The road laid out twenty-six miles in the course of the Black River, as far as the present Town of Ludlow, where commenced the path which had been made in 1759 by Major Hawks. The regiment arrived at the East Shore of Lake Champlain opposite to Crown Point on Thursday, July 31. They crossed to the point in bateaux that afternoon, impressed by the newly constructed fortifications. By August 2nd the regiment ready to proceed to Isle-aux-Noix.


By the Fourth of August, from the various regiments at Crown Point, 284 privates received assignments to the rangers, while 1000 men became employed daily at the works on the new fort. The first signs of smallpox began to appear. Following several days of feverish activity, the army embarked at ten o’clock in the morning of August 11th.

The order in which the army proceeded down the lake resulted in the rangers, grenadiers and light infantry with the radeau “Ligonier” forming a line in the front; in a column on the right sailed the 17th Foot, Forbes Regiment (Leicestershire) and the 27th Foot, the Royal Inniskillings; on the left, the Massachusetts provincials; and in the center, the artillery, Goffe’s New Hampshire provincials, the Rhode Island provincials, and the hospital. On August 16th, the army reached Isle-aux-Noix, disembarking south of the French fort on the eastern shore of the Richelieu River. Going with the current and generally having the south wind at their backs, five days is a very good time in covering that distance.

For several days the British and the provincial army worked on their fortifications while the French bombarded the British entrenchment with their artillery. On the afternoon of August 23rd, the British opened fire on the French. Again, on August 26th, the British and provincial troops opened new batteries closer to the French Fort. Ranger activity on the river resulted in placing the French troops in a precarious position. The French had lost their ships for evacuation from the island.


By midnight on August 28th, Colonel Louis Antoine de Bougainville and his troops (1650) deserted their fortress following an order of Canadian Governor Vaudreuil, leaving a token crew to maintain a cannonade on the British position. The British and provincials entered the fort on August 29th. The French armies pursued from the east and west, converged on Montreal by September 6th. On the morning of the 8th, Vaudreil signed the articles of surrender.

In the Fall of 1760, with most of Goffe’s provincials still stationed at Crown Point, many serious illnesses, particularly smallpox, ravaged them. Goffe’s regiment experienced its greatest loss in this time period. By October, thirty-one died. The hospital in Albany received a hundred of the men, and thirteen died. In the course of the campaign approximately fifty deserted with half of that number taking place at Crown Point on October 5th. In the action at Isle-aux-Noix, five died. Finally, in November Goffe’s regiment began its long march home,battling the cold and snow squalls along the rough road across Vermont to New Hampshire. On November 27, 1760, the troops received their discharge.

As a most lasting contribution to Vermont’s history, the road to the Connecticut Valley opened a large area for settlement and building of homes in the Champlain Valley in the period between the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. It would again be used for military purposes during the Revolution, when troops and supplies arrived over the road from Fort No.4 to support the American position at Ticonderoga.

…submitted by William Glidden

Additions to the Loyalist Directory

Additional entries or data have been added to our Loyalist Directory for the following:

– Anderson, Samuel – from George Anderson

– Buck, Philip – from Beth Humphrey

– Burwell, James – from Bev Craig

– Burwell, Samuel – from Bev Craig

– Crysler, Geronimous – from Betty (Chrysler) Fladager

– Crysler, Philip – from Betty (Chrysler) Fladager

– Everson, John

– French, Jeremiah – from George Anderson

– Rush, Martin Sr. – from Peter Bolton

– Shaw, Aeneas – from Richard Shaw

– Stymiest II, Benjamin – from Carl Stymiest

– Young, Daniel – from Pat Kelderman

These and names which will be noted in the future are also being listed at that same page.
