“Loyalist Trails” 2006-16 April 17
In this issue:
– Sir Guy Johnson Map of 1771
– From Rebel to Loyalist
– Rare musket escapes furnace, By Paul Morse, The Hamilton Spectator
– Test Your Loyalist Knowledge!!
– Dorothy Duncan Award to be presented to Greater Harvey Historical Society
– Hamilton Branch Newsletter Posted on the Web
– Queries
+ Looking for information on John Colwell’s family
+ Seeking information on Younglove/Wonch family of Burford
+ Cartwright Patent
+ Information on the Folnsbee Family
+ Thanks for responding
+ Response re Weldon Pickel UE
+ Response re Halifax Harbourmaster – Lawrence
+ Response re John Dease
The detail shown below is from an engraving of a much larger map of the Indian Country made by Guy Johnson in 1771. It conveys a sense of the huge geographical area of Albany County at its largest – from New England to the Indian Country and from Kingston to Canada! At that time, Albany County had a population of 42,706 – giving it almost twice as many settlers as any other New York county. On the eve of the American Revolution, New York perhaps was the seventh most populated North American colony with 168,007 European and African ancestry settlers. By 1790, it had jumped to fifth in the United States with 340,120 people.
Because of its simple clarity, we use this map as a canvas to illustrate the settlement landscape of the upriver region of New York at the end of the colonial era. Contrast it with the Sauthier map of a few years later!
Guy Johnson was the Irish-born nephew, son-in-law, and protege of Sir William Johnson. He came to America in 1756, fled to Canada in 1775, and died in England in 1788. He was a soldier, surveyor, secretary to his uncle, and frontier diplomat.
This frequently reproduced map was addressed “To His Excellency William Tryon Esq., Captain General & Governor in Chief of the Province of New-York. This Map of the Country of the (Six) Nations Proper, with part of the Adjacent Colonies is humbly inscribed by his Excellency’s Most Obedient humble Servant Guy Johnson 1771.” The engraved version shown above was printed in The Documentary History of New York, 4:1090.
…William Glidden
I located an interesting piece from the “Loyalist Trails” of 5 February 2005 by John Ruch UE, about how Kenneth Roberts, author of Oliver Wiswell (and several other historical novels including Northwest Passage) went from pro-rebel to pro-Loyalist. (See below for John’s original piece.)
A similar change apparently occurred in John Brick of Putnam Valley, New York, author of the historical novel The Rifleman (1953), the story of Daniel Morgan’s Rifle Corps and associated rebels. Brick did a staggering amount of research for his book, but in doing so found much material that presented a different view. He quickly responded to himself by writing The King’s Rangers (1954), a fine account of Butler’s Rangers. Here are some excerpts from Brick’s afterword in The King’s Rangers:
“….I would like to point out, however, before the old New York State histories are dusted off and brought forth to refute this narrative of Butler’s Rangers, that nineteenth-century historians, in writing of the Revolution, completely ignored the maxim that there are two sides to every question. To them, black was black, and there was no other color in a Loyalist’s heart….”
“….I have tried, in the writing of this novel, to put myself in the place of the Loyalists who fought valiantly in a lost cause. At times I succeeded so well that I found myself thinking in terms of the rebels as “the enemy.” Organizations devoted to the beatification of all who fought for the colonies in that war may find fault with this story. Let them remember also that there are two sides to every question.”
…Michael D. Trout, UE, Col. John Butler Branch; Corporal, Frey’s Company, Butler’s Rangers, Selkirk, NY
From “Loyalist Trails” of 5 February 2005:
Comment on Kenneth Roberts, “Oliver Wiswell”
“Kenneth Roberts’ historical novel Oliver Wiswell which was originally published in 1940, among the 10 most popular new books of 1940 – in company with Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises. I found it fascinating. — Jack Freeman”
I agree with Jack that this is a very readable novel, and one which — for its time — was a break-through for U.S. writers and readers. It gave a view sympathetic to the Loyalists for a change, and not so strongly biased toward the rebels. It was also fortunate in its timing in that it could help to create a more positive attitude toward the then current war movement against tyranny.
Roberts, like the isolated 19th century pioneer before him Lorenzo Sabine, author of the old standard book on Loyalists, submerged himself in original documents, records and publications after having realized that so many of the northern U.S. families were directly related to “Tories”. They were not “English” but of the same home-grown stock as the “Patriots”, differing merely in political views. Demogogues of today would refer to victimized Loyalists and their losses in weasel words such as “collateral damage”. Anyone interested in Roberts’ conversion from anti- to pro-Loyalist should read his autobiography, I Wanted To Write, in which he describes this experience.
Looking back 65 years later, after voluminous research has been carried out, we can find many faults in Roberts’ data, such as misidentifying Stephen DeLancey on Long Island as the officer in a Loyalist regiment, when there were in fact three Stephens. The man on the Island was a paroled Loyalist farmer not an officer with the guerillas. But we can not escape the dire situations, the compelling thoughts and feelings of the Revolutionary period which he recreates with very considerable success.
…John Ruch UE, Sir Guy Carleton Branch
Rare musket escapes furnace, By Paul Morse, The Hamilton Spectator
(Apr 12, 2006) — A rare British musket that was only weeks away from being turned into molten iron will become a centrepiece exhibit at a famous Hamilton museum.
“We are absolutely thrilled to have been chosen to accept this historic artifact,” said Susan Ramsay, curator of Stoney Creek Battlefield House Museum, yesterday.
The musket, turned over to the museum on Sunday, is in extremely good condition and has several intriguing initials carved into it, she said.
The public will get its first look at the historic weapon June 3 when the museum celebrates its 25th anniversary of the re-enactment of the Battle of Stoney Creek.
“This is a wonderful day for us. We will cherish this so that children down the line can come and learn about Canadian history,” Ramsay said.
Known as a Brown Bess India Pattern, the musket was manufactured for British troops in the 1760s and issued to the soldiers who fought the Americans in the War of 1812.
The owner had turned in the Brown Bess, along with several other weapons of potential historical significance, during last month’s police amnesty. All 1,254 guns collected by police were headed for a steel foundry blast furnace at the end of the month.
But after The Spectator sent photos to historians, museum curators — including the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa — pleaded with Hamilton police not to destroy the weapon.
Contacted by police last week, the owner agreed to donate it to a local museum because of its possible link to the Battle of Stoney Creek.
The owner, who has asked not to be identified, decided it would be best placed with Battlefield House museum, said Deputy Chief Ken Leendertse yesterday. The owner said he bought the musket from an antique gun dealer 30 years ago.
Police will now give local curators a list of all weapons turned in to check for potential historical treasures, Leendertse said. Three or four other muzzleloading weapons handed over by the Brown Bess owner may also escape the smelter.
Battlefield House museum, a national historic site, commemorates the June 6, 1813, Battle of Stoney Creek when British forces attacked and repelled invading American troops.
“This is exciting because maybe somebody stood on the line with it and whaled away at the Americans,” said James Elliott, who has written several books on the War of 1812 battles.
Test Your Loyalist Knowledge!!
The War Museum’s website has a nice little quiz: “Revolution Rejected, Test your knowledge.” You have to answer ten mutliple choice (“multiple guess”) questions and see how you manage. The results are posted. The ten questions concern the 1775 invasion of Quebec. I don’t want to brag, but I got a 10 out of 10, (although I had to guess on one question, and it was a lucky guess).
To try the quiz, click here and then click on “test your knowledge” in the leftmost column.
…Peter W. Johnson UE
Dorothy Duncan Award to be presented to Greater Harvey Historical Society
April 10, 2006. — The Greater Harvey Historical Society (G.H.H.S.) and its’ division “The Heritage & Archive Centre”, are recipients of the Ontario Historical Society’s “Dorothy Duncan Award” for 2006 in recognition of their outstanding service by a non-profit organization to its’ community.
This year’s award’s presentation will take place on Saturday, May 6th, 2006 at the Orillia Museum of Art & History.
G.H.H.S. was formed in 1984-85 “to preserve the historical heritage of Harvey Township and its’ adjoining areas, and to publish a permanent record that is both educational and entertaining” As a result, the book “Harvey Township – An Illustrated History” was published in 1992. During the gathering of data for the book, a great deal of interesting facts, artifacts and memorabilia was acquired by the Society. Two and half years ago the society opened the “Heritage and Archive Centre” where this wealth of information is available to the general public to assist with genealogical research. The “Heritage Centre” houses the archives and a genealogy library and database collection for the Society that encompasses the amalgamated Township of Galway, Cavendish & Harvey. The Society holds four public meetings each year, one of which, for the past 5 years, is a Bus Tour highlighting the historical aspects of the region. The society is supported by the executive and community volunteers who are always available to lend support and answer questions.
The Society wishes to extend our appreciation for the continuing support of the Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councilors, and staff of Galway, Cavendish & Harvey Township.
If you would like to become a part of this exciting organization or take advantage of its many resources, you can visit the Heritage & Archive Centre location on County Road 49 (Bobcaygeon road to Kinmount) FR. 110 (located about one Klm north of Bobcaygeon in the Township Works Dept. office) open 10:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays and Saturdays, or contact the President, Pam Dickey, at 705-657-1926. Website: www.ghhs.ca. E-mail: info@ghhs.ca.
Hamilton Branch Newsletter Posted on the Web
The Hamilton Branch UELAC has posted its April Newsletter (Vol. 5 # 1) to the Publication folder of its website, www.uel-hamilton.com. This issue features articles on “The Uniform of the K.R.R.N.Y.”, “Images of Joseph Brant”, as well as reviews on two recently published books, The Price of Loyalty and Black Heritage. The story of “William Jarvis, My Loyalist Ancestor” is also included.
For readers using dial up service, the most efficient route can be through the Branches folder of the Dominion website (uelac.org) and selecting the newsletter link for the Hamilton Branch.
I asked a Mrs. Pickel here in Sussex who told me that Weldon died in Sask. where he was living. He has a daughter still living in Regina whom you could contact for more information.
…Sylvia Hamm
Response re Halifax Harbourmaster – Lawrence
Although not referred as the harbourmaster, in the book Ground Zero, A Reassessment of the 1917 Explosion in Halifax Harbour, co-edited by Alan Ruffman and Colin D. Howell, Commander Wyatt was the chief executive officer at the Dockyard. In wartime he was the supreme commander of the port and had the responsibility of authorizing and regulating all traffic.
Janet Kitz’s The Halifax Explosion and the Road To Recovery states that he was Commander Frederick Wyatt, chief commanding officer. Hope this helps.
…Lew Perry UE, Halifax/Dartmouth Branch
Regarding John Dease. The best biography is in the Dictionary of Canadian Biography which you can read right here.
…Bill Smy UE
Previously I sent some info of Sir Wm Johnson’s will contents naming John Dease as his nephew (copied below).
From data I have about the Johnsons, there are 7 siblings:
– the eldest, Anne Johnson, born c. 1712, married Richard Dease
– the second, William (who became Sir Wm Johnson)
– the third, John (not to be confused with Sir John Johnson) is the father of Guy Johnson, making Guy Johnson 1st cousin to Dr John Dease
All the Johnson children appear to been born in Smithstown, co. Meath, Ireland. (Their mother, Anne Warren, born in Warrenstown, co. Meath, Ireland is the sister of Admiral, Sir Peter Warren).
My guess is that Dr. John Dease’s father, Richard, most likely came from the same place too – County Meath (or Westmeath) in Ireland.
…Wendy Hallinan
Frontiersmen of New York – Will of Sr Wm Johnson
(From http://www.fortklock.com/simmswillswj.htm.)
“I devise and bequeath to my much esteemed nephew, Dr. John Dease, the sum of five hundred pounds current money of New York, to be paid to him within six months after my decease by my executors, out of such monies as I may have in this country at that time, or by my son Sir John, for which he, my son, Sir John Johnson, shall have and forever enjoy that lot of land in Scaondaga patent, whereon Martin Leffler and two more tenants now live, (This lot was in Albanybush, on the road from Johnstown to Tribes Hill, a mile or two from the latter place. Leffler remained upon it during the war.–Shew.) viz: No. eighty four, containing two hundred and fifty acres. I also devise and bequeath unto my said nephew, John Dease, Esq., two thousand acres of land lying near to South Bay, or Lake Champlain, which tract was formerly the location of Ensign or Lieut. Gorrel, with all the advantages thereunto belonging; or, should he, my said nephew, prefer or rather choose to have the value of it in money, in that case it is my will and desire that my executors dispose of said land to the best advantage, and pay the amount of it to my said nephew.”
“Lastly, I do hereby make and appoint my beloved son, Sir John Johnson, Kt ; my two sons-in law, Daniel Claus and Guy Johnson, Esq; my two brothers John and Warren Johnson, Esq; Daniel Campbell, of Schenectada; John Butler, Jelles Fonda, Capt. James Stevenson, of Albany; Robert Adams, Samuel Stringer, of Albany; Doctor John Dease, Henry Frey, and Joseph Chew, Esq, or any six of them, executors of this my last will and testament.
And, it is also my will and desire that John Butler, John Dease, Jelles Fonda, James Stevenson, Henry Frey and Joseph Chew, Esq, be, and act as guardians, or trustees of my before mentioned eight children by, Mary Brant, my present housekeeper, in full confidence that from the close connection of the former and the long uninterrupted friendship subsisting between me and the latter, they will strictly as brothers invariably observe and execute this my last charge to them. The strong dependence on and expectations of which unburdens my mind, allay my cares, and makes a change the less alarming. And, as I would willingly, in some measure (although trifling), testify my regard and friendship for the above named gentlemen, I must request their acceptance of three hundred pounds currency, to purchase rings as a memento of their once sincere friend, which sum is to be immediately paid to them by my son, Sir John Johnson. And, I do hereby revoke, disannul and make void all former wills, bequeaths and legacies by me heretofore at any time made, bequeathed or given, and I do make and declare, this only to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof, I have (with a perfect mind and memory), hereunto set my hand and seal, this 17th day of January 1774, One thousand seven hundred and seventy four, and my name at the bottom of each page, being thirteen. (At this period it was customary to subscribe on every page of a will).”
Looking for information on John Colwell’s family
My ancestor was John COLWELL, s/o UEL, (one of three of that name to come to NB).
His dates are 1785 – 3 Apr.1863 in Carleton, SJWest.
Information on his life, parents, where lived, where buried, is my “brick wall”. I do know he married Mary HUTCHINSON (also of UEL descent, but who?), dates 1784-16 Nov. 1860.
They were married by license 1 Oct. 1804 in Queensbury, York Co. by Rev. Fred Dibblee. I have no idea why he was there or if she was living there.
They raised 8 children in Carleton and their marriage partners were:
Elizabeth “Betsy” – Thomas Flewelling THEAL
William E. – Millicent HAMM
James P., JP – Susan NICE d/o Hiram NICE
Levi – Mary HAMM
John – Phoebe CLARK d/0 John Saunders CLARK
Susanna H. – Charles HAMM (my line)
Robert ?
Mary ?
I would appreciate anyone of these families who has info to share.
…Sylvia Hamm {hammtree AT nb DOT sympatico DOT ca}
Seeking information on Younglove/Wonch family of Burford
I am trying to determine who was Phoebe Younglove’s father. She is from Burford, Ontario, and was born 1815 (about) and died about 1874.
She was married to Anthony Wonch and they are burried in Canning Cemetery. I believe that Phoebe was Ezekiel Younglove’s granddaughter, likely the daughter of his son John, who also lived in Burford. Ezekiel received tracts of land as a UEL, and John received land as a child of a UEL.
I am hoping to learn more about this family.
…Jillian Roberts, U.Vic {jjrobert AT uvic DOT ca}
I am trying to position or place Cartwright’s Patent within New York State. It is quoted in the “King’s Royal Regiment of New York” book that Hugh McKay, one of my ancestors, came from there. I have Google Searched the internet but have not been able to find a reference. Your help is appreciated.
…Peter Scarlett {pmscarlett AT rogers DOT com}
Information on the Folnsbee Family
My great-great-grandmother, Maria Teeple was the daughter of John Teeple and his wife who moved to the Sault au Recollect area from Schoharie County, NY.after the Revolution. Their daughter married my g g grandfather, Thaddeus Folnsbee of NY. They went to Canada to live for about 6 to 8 years where my g grandfather, William Folnsbee, was born in May, 1835-1837. I don’t know where they lived in Canada but it may have been near her parents or her uncle Adam Crysler, who settled in the Niagara Area.
I am seeking the following information for genealogy purposes:
– Where they lived while they lived in Canada.
– Where my great-grandfather, William Folnsbee, was born.
– Any information pertaining to my g.g. grandfather, Thaddeus Folnsbee (Follensbee or Follensby).
If there are any birth or census records which list their names I would very much like to have them. Do you have a genealogist who may be able to help me with this research?
Thank you so much for any help or guidance you are able to give me.
…Natalie Weiss {natweiss21 AT aol DOT com}
No, it’s not a Falkner family history project, but at times lately, that’s about what it appears to have developed into.
To make a long story short, your directing me to Roy T…. has enabled me to access information that I would never have imagined was possible. Found out what happened to an ancestor who had apparently evaporated into thin air, and verified and expanded upon a connection that was extremely lean, to say the least. This was the one that precipitated this whole exercise, and to think that a search for a McLennan and Falkner connection could involve so many people, so far apart, and ultimately end with so much factual information that seemingly exists nowhere else is utterly amazing. This search has literally taken me from Oromocto New Brunswick to Kingston, Peterborough, Toronto, wherever you are and Mukilteo, Washington. Mindboggling.
I have to tell you that you have no idea at all just how much I appreciate the fact that you steered me to Roy T….. That was the first step in this incredible process that has enabled me to fill in a couple of significant gaps that have eluded me and I’m sure many others for far too long, and I can think of countless others who wouldn’t have stirred themselves to do what you did. You’ll be forever in my debt, and I thank you so much for your caring thoughtfulness and initiative.
…Ken (sent to Ann Jarvis Boa, Heritage Branch)