“Loyalist Trails” 2010-04: January 24, 2010
In this issue:
– “Beyond the Mountains 2010” – Rocky Mountain Bus Tour
– John Henry Foster Babcock, UE
– A Crazy Quilt of Loyalist Squares — © Stephen Davidson
– Samuel Jarvis (1698–1779), Third Generation in America. Part 3 of 6 – © 2009 George McNeillie
– Loyalist Silver Repatriated
– New Vancouver Branch President Warren Bell’s Loyalist Ancestry
– Reunion of Loyalist Henry Johnson Family
– Marion Phelps – A Century Plus Two
– Powers in Haiti
– Book: The Thunder of Captains, by Dan Lynch
– Promoting Branch and Other Events – New Global Genealogy Calendar
– Last Post: Doris E Wilson, UE
– Last Post: Kenneth Melvin Williams
– Queries
+ Alexander Plato, son of James
“Beyond the Mountains 2010” – Rocky Mountain Bus Tour
See the Rocky Mountains in all their glory, and many of the great Rockies sites – Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper, Moraine Lake and many more – on a short bus tour which begins in Calgary on June 1 and arrives at Vernon just in time for the conference to begin. Check out the details on the conference webpage.
3 days and 2 nights in the Rocky Mountains for $399 is an unbelievable bargain!
I am collecting the names of people wanting to take the Rocky Mountain Bus Tour before the conference this summer. Please send me your name if this is an aspect of the conference you are interested in.
While you are reviewing the bus tour, check out the the conference details on the conference webpage which is being constantly updated.
…Wendy Cosby UE, Vancouver Branch, {wendycosby AT shaw DOT ca} how do I email her?
Just before last Christmas, the Kingston and District Branch entered the UELAC records with the presentation of a Certificate of Loyalist Lineage to our oldest member of the association, John Henry Foster Babcock. Mr. Babcock will be 110 in July, fourteen years older than UELAC. The presentation didn’t make the news anywhere for it was just another day in the life of Canada’s last surviving soldier of the First World War. For UELAC, it was another significant acknowledgement of the Loyalist tradition of serving the country.
On 11 June 2007, the Globe and Mail’s Sarah Hampson published an interview conducted in Spokane Washington with Mr. Babcock. Details were predominantly of a personal nature indicating that he was one of ten children raised on a 350 acre farm near Holleford, Ontario just north of Kingston. Prodded by Ms. Hampson’s questions, anecdotes about the war time involvement were shared, often with the assistance of his wife, Dorothy. More specific details such as regimental number, battalion and even height in 1915 are recorded in the Great Canadian Project or viewed in his Attestation Paper. The Google search engine will also indicate additional resources about Mr. Babcock. Of particular interest is the three-part You-Tube video prepared for 2008 History Television in which Professor Jonathan Vance of the University of Western Ontario refers to the value of “Witness History”, a term greatly verified by revelations of the Barry Stevens interview.
However, there is less known of Jack Babcock’s links to the refugees of a much earlier war, the American Revolution. As there are a number of Babcock descendants in both the Bay of Quinte and Kingston regions, Branch Genealogist Eva Wirth and Dominion Genealogist Libby Hancock were faced with the big challenge of confirming the line back to the correct United Empire Loyalist. “Benjamin” and “Samuel” were common names used in both extended families. Eventually documentation connecting John H.F. Babcock to his 2X great grandfather Benjamin Babcock was successfully submitted with the UE Certificate Application.
Dorothy Babcock has forwarded a picture of her husband wearing his UE pin and proudly holding his Certificate of Loyalist Lineage to Benjamin Babcock, a copy of the fall issue of The Loyalist Gazette, and the 2009 commemorative stamp honouring those who served in Canada’s Armed Forces.
UELAC is proud to count John Henry Foster Babcock, Canada’s oldest veteran of the First World War, as one of its members.
…FHH, President, UELAC
A Crazy Quilt of Loyalist Squares — © Stephen Davidson
As I search the websites of the internet for loyalist information, I often think of myself as a quilter who is looking for matching bits of fabric. If I find enough information, I can patch together a “quilt” of a loyalist story. However, sometimes I come across a “square” of data that, although fascinating in itself, has no matches, and I am unable to create a larger “story quilt” with it. There are simply not enough other similar patches to “stitch” together a story. However, there is such a thing as a “crazy quilt” — bedding made of unmatched squares. Here then, is a crazy quilt article comprised of little story squares.
While we are familiar with loyalists being called Tories, royalists, or “adherents to the enemy”, they had yet another name in New York. To be a loyalist in that colony was to be a member of the lower party. When Lt. John André was questioned by New York patriots on his spy mission for Benedict Arnold, his use of this term sealed his doom.
“My lads,” André said, “I hope you belong to our party.”
“What party might that be?” the patriot Paulding asked, feigning innocence.
“The lower party,” André answered.
The British lieutenant was then arrested, tried as being a spy, and hanged. André’s death was lamented as a tragedy by both sides of the Revolution.
Margaret Blucke is a black loyalist heroine who deserves the benefit of a dedicated researcher to flesh out her story. She was born into slavery in 1743 as the daughter of a slave working in the Coventry family’s home in New York. By the time she was 26 years old, Margaret had saved up enough money to buy her own freedom. At the outbreak of the Revolution, she crossed over to the British lines and served the crown, earning a General Birch certificate which recognized her as a free woman. A surviving letter of Margaret’s indicates that she was also well educated and a devout Christian. Sometime during the final years of the war, Margaret met and married a free black man named Stephen Blucke, He was nine years her junior, a native of Barbados, and a leader of a loyalist militia.
The Bluckes sailed for Shelburne, Nova Scotia on the first voyage of L’Abondance, a loyalist evacuation ship that would take refugees to Nova Scotia four times in 1743. With the couple was a twenty year-old woman named Isabel Gibbons. Margaret Blucke had bought Gibbons from Mrs. Coventry, her former mistress, and gave the young woman her freedom.
Stephen Blucke became a school teacher in Nova Scotia where the couple built and furnished a large home. However, by 1789 Margaret left her husband and returned to the United States. Perhaps the couple divorced. The fact that Stephen later had a child by Isabel Gibbons may indicate that his affections had strayed from 47 year-old Margaret –or he may have married Gibbons following Margaret’s departure. The Bluckes’ separation deprived Nova Scotia of a very capable woman who could have been a community leader among the black loyalists of Shelburne.
A loyalist named Richard Timpany lived to be 102 years old. A graduate of the University of Glasgow, this Irishman emigrated to Philadelphia in 1760. His teaching career came to an end with the beginning of the Revolution. Timpany’s wartime service was noted as being “severe and continual”; he fought in most of the major battles of the southern colonies and was wounded in the groin and foot.
In 1783, Timpany and his wife Sarah sailed for Nova Scotia where they settled at the head of St. Mary’s Bay. He is credited with founding the Masonic Lodge in Digby. Timpany died in the home of his daughter in 1844, “retaining his faculties to the end of his life, and reading without the use of spectacles”.
Daniel Weekes of Long Island, New York was a loyalist who died at the age of 114.
Having Irish ancestors as well as loyalist ones, I found it troubling to encounter blatant examples of prejudice against the Irish in the records of the loyalist compensation board. When the commissionaires sat down to hear petitions from refugees in Montreal in the fall of 1787, James Mackim asked for compensation for his wartime losses. The Irishman had come to America in 1774, joined the British in 1776, and served the king for the next seven years. Nevertheless, the commissionaires noted that the claimant was “a drunken Irishman, very little to be allowed.”
The day before Mackim made his petition, David Jackson, a loyalist from New York, stood before the Montreal compensation board. He joined the British in 1780 and served with Sir John Johnson’s Second Battalion. Despite his service, the loss of 100 acres of land, three steers, a horse, furniture and farm utensils, the commissionaires dismissed Jackson as “a drunken dog.”
John Saltmarsh was a loyalist who appeared before the first compensation board hearings that were held in England in early 1784. The Englishman had once been a gunner in the British army. However, in 1768, he emigrated to Norwich, Connecticut where he made a living sewing breeches and gloves and dying cloth. Learning of his stint in the British army, the local rebels tried to force Saltmarsh to teach them how to use arms, but he refused despite offers of money and the rank of captain.
In 1775 he fled persecution and travelled to New York. General Tryon hired Saltmarsh to spy for the British which he did until he was captured in October of 1776. Six months later he was released after taking an oath that he had no written messages to pass on to the British. Saltmarsh was wounded twice in later espionage missions. Suffering poor health, he set sail for Great Britain in 1779. The compensation board determined that he was a loyalist and gave him a yearly allowance of 30 pounds Sterling a year.
To secure permission to reprint this article, contact the author at {stephendavids AT gmail DOT com} how do I email him?
Samuel Jarvis (1698–1779), Third Generation in America. Part 3 of 10 – © 2009 George McNeillie
Samuel Jarvis, the father of this family, was an active Loyalist and a zealous member of the Episcopal Church. According to Canon Jarvis [1] of Toronto, Samuel Jarvis of Stamford died in New York Feb. 25, 1783, and was interred in Trinity Churchyard – the date given by the Stamford local historian in his book, however, is September 1, 1780 [2]. His son William was a U.E. Loyalist, a Cornet in the Queen’s Rangers and the first Provincial Secretary of Upper Canada. >From him the Jarvises of Hamilton and Ottawa and AEmilius Jarvis of Toronto trace their descent.
The local historian of Stamford in his book published some sixty years ago, of which my copy is in the Fisher Memorial Public Library in Woodstock, has very interesting information concerning the Jarvis family. We learn from its pages that Samuel Jarvis of Stamford bought of Nathaniel Finch, on January 11, 1744, a dwelling-house, home-lot, farm and shop. Samuel Jarvis was born in 1720 and was a useful and contented citizen of the little Connecticut town until the Revolutionary troubles, about 1775, threw everything into confusion, and compelled him as a Loyalist to seek protection within the British lines at New York.
He was, in 1757, one of the Wardens of Stamford of the Parish of which the Rev. Dr. Ebenezer Dibblee was rector for over half a century. In addition to his active interest, and that of family, in the Episcopal Church, he was the Town Clerk of Stamford. The author of the Stamford history states (p. 214 of his book): “The Jarvis family were excellent and prominent people here, but their affections were with the King rather than with his rebellious subjects.” In other words, they were thorough-going Loyalists.
A special town meeting was held at Stamford in March, 1774, at which Capt. Fyler Dibblee and Dr. John Wilson were appointed to attend a meeting at Middletown, Connecticut, on the 27th of March, at which a petition was agreed upon and signed by Samuel Jarvis in the name of the Town of Stamford, he being town-clerk, and ordered to be forwarded to the Assembly at its next session. “The petition referred to,” says the Stamford historian, “was couched in terms of excessive loyalty to the English Government; but within a year the majority of the people seem to have espoused the cause of the revolution.”
Samuel Jarvis continued as town-clerk as late at least as Sept. 19, 1775. But on April 3, 1776, his son Munson and David Pickett were tried by the “rebels.” On being summoned before the Committee of Inspection they were charged with having signed a paper pledging themselves “to assist the King and his vile minions in their wicked, oppressive schemes to enslave the American colonies,” and with endeavouring to discourage military preparations to fight against the British, and also with trying to dissuade persons from acknowledging the authority of the Congress. They acknowledged their signatures on the paper were pronounced guilty of a great crime. The Committee voted to advertise them as “enemies of their country” and they thus conclude their sentence: “And we hereby recommend it to all persons to break off all commerce and dealing with them, and to treat them agreeably to the resolves of for those who are deemed enemies of their country.”
[1] The Rev. Canon A. Jarvis, M.A. of Toronto was the Ontario historian of the family and most of Raymond’s data on the Jarvis family comes from this source. As both Anglican clergymen – and distant cousins – Raymond and Jarvis would have known each other, and were neighbours at the time Raymond’s book was written (Raymond living on Huron Street and Jarvis around the corner on Sussex Ave.)
[2] As previously noted, the Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Records also lists the September 1780 date of death.
Excerpt from Book of Family History, written by the Ven. William Odber Raymond, LL.D, FRSC. © 2009 George McNeillie, all rights reserved [published here with permission; see footnote]
…George McNeillie {ggm3rd AT sympatico DOT ca} how do I email him?
A short time ago, we ran a story about the upcoming sale of a silver tankard with Loyalist links that was to be sold by auction by Christies of New York.(“Loyalist Trails” UELAC newsletter 2010-02). On 21 January 2010, Randy Boswell of Canwest News Service reported “Heritage group hops at chance to spirit away historical beer mug.”
Canadian Museum of Civilization President Victor Rabinovitch is quoted as saying, “The museum is very proud to add this important artifact, privileged witness of a page from our history, to the museum’s collection.” UELAC is indeed fortunate that the CMH was able to step forward and repatriate this piece of Loyalist heritage for all Canadians.
…FHH, President, UELAC
New Vancouver Branch President Warren Bell’s Loyalist Ancestry
Warren received his UE this past spring to his Loyalist ancestor, Captain John Dease, Medical Doctor, Captain and Deputy Agent of the Indian Department. John Dease’s uncle was William Johnson. William Johnson’s uncle was Peter Warren – the person for whom Warren Bell is named.
Most people are familiar with personage of Sir William Johnston whose influence with the native people won their allegiance to the British and whose land holdings were second only to William Penn, from who’s land the state of Pennsylvania was formed. John Dease was the son of Sir William’s sister Anne. Their mother, was the sister of Admiral, Sir Peter Warren. Though not a Loyalist, Admiral, Sir Peter Warren is deserving of mention.
As a young child without a father and few prospects, Peter Warren was packed off to the navy at the age of 8 to become a sailor under the tutelage of his grandfather, Sir Christopher Alymer, a fine Jacobite. Peter became a fine sailor and much later, as Admiral Peter Warren, he is remembered in the history of New York as the “only prominent New Yorker who contributed to Massachusetts’ greatest Colonial achievement”, the capture in 1745 of Louisbourg. The plan for taking Louisbourg was called a rather ‘mad scheme’ which made it only more appealing to Warren. It’s success earned him a knighthood, but it probably cost him his health. It is a name worthy of remembrance. It is not surprising then why Warren Bell is the fourth son to be named “Peter Warren Wentworth Bell” and why his son is the fifth in line to be named so. It keeps the family history alive.
Back to John Dease. Educated in Ireland and France, John Dease became a medical doctor as was his father and brother. In 1771 he sailed to New York to become personal physician to his uncle Sir William Johnson, Superintendent of Northern Affairs. During the next three years he attended conferences with the Indians. During the War for Independence, Dease was appointed deputy agent for Indian affairs. At the close of the war, he was travelling to conferences with Joseph Brant, leader of the Six Nations. After the war, fur trade activities were being disrupted by hostilities and Dease was sent to Michilmackinac (Michigan) as deputy agent to help settle the troubles. At Michilmackinac, in 1788, he and his wife Jane French (believed to be a Mohawk Indian) had a son, Peter Warren Dease, the 1st named in honour of his relative Admiral, Sir Peter Warren).
At 13, P W Dease was appointed clerk in the fur trade and was stationed at different fur-trading posts in the Mackenzie River and Great Slave Lake districts. Both he and his brother John were eventually to become chief traders in the Athabaska District. Peter married a Metis woman so we know Warren Bell is at least part Metis and probably Mohawk. A very rich heritage.
Peter, the 1st was involved in the Arctic exploration of John Franklin and eventually, as a Chief Factor of HBC, was appointed to Fraser Lake in New Caledonia (British Columbia) in 1830. His daughter, Ann, married John Bell, a Chief Trader for HBC. Their son, another Chief Factor for HBC, was the first in a line of Peter Warren Wentworth Bell’s. Though a lot of questions are answered about Warren Bell’s heritage, no one seems to know where the “Wentworth” comes from in the middle of that name – yet.
Warren brings a rich heritage to the Vancouver Branch and as a retired Civil Engineer, he brings many skills to the table in his role as Branch President. Those of you attending the Conference in Vernon this spring can welcome Warren yourself – please introduce yourself as he has many people to meet in the Association.
…Immediate Past-President Wendy Cosby, UE
Reunion of Loyalist Henry Johnson Family
The descendants of Loyalist Henry Johnson will be celebrating their 100th family reunion on Saturday July 17th, 2010.
The very first reunion was held on August 29th, 1911 at the home of Hector Johnson of Cayuga, Ontario with 100 in attendance. Throughout the years we have gathered at various locations in Niagara and celebrated our heritage
We welcome all who feel they maybe related to this branch of Johnson’s and invite you to celebrate with us on Saturday July 17th, 2010 at 3 p.m. at the home of Richard Anderson, 63565 Concession 6, Wellandport in the Township of Wainfleet, Ontario. If you need further information on the Johnson history contact Roy Johnson at 905-892-2390. For the 100th Reunion details check out our Facebook Group, Niagara Johnson’s 100th Family Reunion, or contact Lynn Tremblay by email at {imtimsmom AT hotmail DOT com}. how do I email her?
Marion Phelps – A Century Plus Two
The Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch wishes to pay a tribute to Miss Marion Phelps, schoolteacher, historian, author and honorary charter member of our branch. On February 9, 2010, Marion will celebrate her 102nd birthday. Born on a farm in South Stukely, Quebec, she was the middle child and only girl in the family. Marion graduated from Macdonald College with an intermediate teacher’s diploma and taught mainly in the Eastern Townships of Quebec where she inculcated a love of history in many a young person.
She joined the Brome County Historical Society in 1974 and became a volunteer curator, later serving as archivist there until recent years. She was actively involved in the writing, compilation and editing of ten books entitled Yesterdays of Brome County that recount the historical background and early activities and growth of the local area. One of her proudest achievements was writing the biography of Mrs. Catherine Day, whose own books are considered as authoritative sources for much of our earliest history.
When asked about key events that shaped the history of our area, Marion mentioned the historic change that occurred when the Government of Canada opened the area to settlement by the United Empire Loyalists in 1792. Marion’s willingness and ability to guide people searching their genealogy has led to many of our members being able to document their loyalist roots. She has always been available for consultation even in present days although she maintains that since she turned 100 years old the information that she stored in her brain makes her think longer and harder to retrieve it. Her phenomenal memory of people, places and events and her willingness to share this information has endeared her to a multitude of friends.
We wish her many happy returns of the day and continued health and happiness for the year ahead. I’m sure that anyone wishing to send a card to her at the following address would find it greatly appreciated: Miss Marion Phelps @ Manoir Lac Brome, 28 Mont Echo Road, Knowlton, Quebec. J0E 1M0
…Phyllis Hamilton, Secretary, Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch.
The recent earthquake in Haiti has had an amazing response from UELAC members across Canada. For one member, ‘action’ is the natural reaction. Bill Powers, husband of Sir Guy Carleton Branch President, Sylvia Powers, left with a team of International Rescue at 3 am 19 January 2010 on a flight to Haiti. Assigned to two villages, Tapon and Fermate, Bill’s rescue team took many supplies including a generator, satellite phone, tools for reconstruction and other necessary items. In addition to extra for those in need, all of these volunteers took enough food and water to support themselves for at least 11 days in Haiti.
Bill, a descendant of Col. Wm. Marsh and Ruliph Ostrum, has served with International Rescue before following the Tsunami 2004 and Katrina in 2005.
Sylvia encourages your support of this volunteer initiative with 100% of donations going directly to those in need. Further information and updates can be found at www.internationalrescue.ca where a direct link to CanadaHelps is available to facilitate the donation process. A blog is also on site to keep readers aware of the progress made.
Book: The Thunder of Captains, by Dan Lynch
Historians have characterized it as “the military clash of the millennium.” In the spring of 1777, an English army set off from Canada in a vast armada of boats, large and small, to crush the colonial uprising. What followed that departure from Canada were months of bitter, bloody warfare culminating in the Battle of Saratoga — the most crucial military confrontation of the American Revolution. In the aftermath of that momentous battle a great nation was born. The battle’s outcome was determined, however, less by factors like tactics, weather and topography than by the complex passions and personalities of the unique men and women involved.
The Battle of Saratoga’s ending was shaped by a determined, compelling woman whose love affair with a dashing general altered the course of world history. Their dramatic, romantic story set in motion a bizarre sequence of events that created a nation. The Thunder of Captains is a story of courage, conviction, foolhardiness and doomed love set against a backdrop of personal and military conflict, dark intrigue and international politics. With a compelling cast of characters — including Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne, Benedict Arnold and Benjamin Franklin — The Thunder of Captains tells a captivating story known to far too few Americans.
(US) website details here (ship to Canada?); Daily Gazette article about the book here.
[Submitted by Bill Glidden]
Promoting Branch and Other Events – New Global Genealogy Calendar
Global Genealogy has introduced a new self-serve Upcoming Events calendar on their website. The service is available from the upcoming events link on each page of their site. You can find upcoming events there, and you can add your own upcoming meetings or events.
Because this calendar feeds both the Global Genealogy web page and all others who choose to stream our content to their web sites, you will get very wide exposure. You may want to consider adding the simple code from our calendar to your site to have an automatic list of upcoming events without having to manage the list. If so, follow the tools link from the events page, or directly here.
…Rick Roberts, GlobalGenealogy.com Inc. {rick AT globalgenealogy DOT com} how do I email him?
Doris, a member of the UELAC since 1979, passed away on 22 January 2010. She was one of the earliest members of the Grand River Branch and served as its President from 1985 to 1987. As well, she served as the Assistant Branch Genealogist at many meetings of Council and at most Conferences.
She participated in dozens of Loyalist displays and information events of the Grand River Branch UELAC. Until very recently, when health and age held her back, Doris had always attended the Conferences and Annual Meetings of the Association. These included Conferences in Waterloo 1982; the Maritimes (200th Anniversary) in 1983; Vancouver; Halifax; Winnipeg; Ottawa; Quebec; Kingston; Cornwall; Niagara Falls; Edmonton; Waterloo (2002); Winnipeg and Peterborough.
She is the author of “Sarah’s Diary”, 2002, the diary of a young girl of a Loyalist family making their trek from the United States to Upper Canada. The proceeds of this chronicle have benefited both the Grand River Branch and the Association.
In 2004, Doris received the Province of Ontario’s Senior Achievement Award. That same year, Doris was made Honorary Vice-President of the Grand River Branch UELAC at its 30th Anniversary celebration.
Doris E Wilson, a retired elementary school teacher, spent much of her life documenting her own family history as well as much local history. She prepared the documentation for certificates for her four children Marilyn Branch, Joy Burtch, Linda Mitchell and Edward (Ted) Wilson; her five grandchildren and her eleven great grandchildren, and renewed the memberships for each of these people annually. She served on the Board of Spruce Row Museum and the Waterford Public Library, where much of her work is housed and available to local history researchers. Numerous people have been assisted in their research and documentation through her efforts and expertise.
Within the past year, while unable to physically get around easily, she continued to assist others in their research and encouraged anyone she felts might have had a grain of Loyalist ancestry to become documented. When she learned that the individual who had long clipped the local newspaper obituaries had passed away, she immediately got on the telephone to say she’d carry on if someone could get the papers to her. She has been one of our Association’s most highly respected members.
Visitation is at the Thompson-Mott Funeral Home, Waterford, ON on Monday, Jan 25th from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. The funeral service will be on Tuesday, Jan. 26th at 1:30 p.m. in the funeral home chapel.
…C. William Terry UE, UELAC President 2000-2002
Last Post: Kenneth Melvin Williams
Kenneth, of Fenwick, passed away at the Welland Hospital on Sunday January 17, 2010, in his 76th year. He will be dearly missed by his wife Choné (Oliver), son Alan (Lan), daughters Carol Hulls (Michael) and Cindy Smith (Dale) and five grandchildren. Survived by his sister Gail Sylvestervich (John) of Oshawa and sister-in-law Glenna Jamieson (Jim) of Langley B.C. Predeceased by his parents W. Webber and Phyllis (Evans) Williams. Ken worked for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation as a Traffic Engineer for 39 years. He volunteered with the Pelham Library and served as Treasurer of Fenwick United Church and the Niagara Presbytery United Church Extension Council.
Ken was a member of Col. John Butler (Niagara) Branch UELAC and was very proud of his Loyalist ancestors Richard Griffin and Joseph Wardell. The Funeral Service was conducted from the Fenwick United Church on Thursday, January 21st, interment followed at Hillside Cemetery. Memorial Donations to the Fenwick United Church would be appreciated.
…Bev Craig UE
I have recently learned that I am a direct descendant of Alexander Plato of Norman’s Kill (Schenectady), Schenectady County, New York, USA. Alexander Plato served as a Sergeant in the 2nd Battalion of the King’s Royal Regiment. He may have fought in the Battle at Oriskany but I don’t have proof for this. Alexander Plato’s father was James Plato, my Immigrant Ancestor.
James Plato was born in Scotland about 1715 and came to America with his older brother, Christian Plato.
This first James Plato married Zara (Sarah) Bath 30 JAN 1738/9 in the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany. Record found in Part 3, page 12 or 145. They had several children ( don’t have birth dates for all):
* Thomas B 13 OCT 1736;
* Christian;
* James B abt 1749, Stone Arabia, Tryon/Montgomery County, NY, USA;
* Margaret B 10 JUN 1753;
* Alexander B 28 NOV 1756, BP Albany, Albany, NY, USA. Birth recorded in Trinity Episcopal Church, New York City by Rev. John Ogilvie, a traveling minister for families of Albany and Schenectady
* Sarah BP 18 NOV 1759.
In the British Army Muster Role for Captain Stephen Schuyler’s Company on 1 MAY 1760 he as listed Sergeant James Plato, born in Scotland in 1715 who is described as fair complexioned with black eyes and black hair. Later, according to “The Plato Family History”, James Plato served as a courier for Sir William Johnson during the French and Indian Wars, 1756 – 1763. Mention of James Plato’s service is in “The Papers of Sir William Johnson”, Vol III by James Sullivan.
At the time of his death on 20 MAY 1780, James Plato, now about 65 years old, was living in Tryon/Montgomery County in the home of Captain Garret Putman. (source Frontiersmen of New York” by Jeptha Simms, Vol II and also “The Story of Old Fort Johnson” by W. Max Reid, p. 187). William Gault, an old English gardener, was also living in the Putman house. Captain Putman had been ordered to Fort Hunter a few days before and left with his family, probably expecting to stay for a period of time. In a nighttime raid, James Plato and William Gault were murdered by misdirected Loyalists who mistook them for the Putmans who owned the house.
Alexander Plato was born 28 NOV 1756 (source Trinity Episcopal Church, copied and published by the New York “Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 67, No. 3, JUL 1936, p). Alexander served in the 2nd Battalion of the King’s Royal Regiment of New York (source “Lunenburgh” by J. F. Pringle and “The History and Master Roll of the King’s Royal Regiment of New York”, Revised Edition, by Brigadier General Ernest A. Cruikshank and Gavin K. Watt).
At the close of the hostilities, Alexander returned to New York State and married Barbara Ramsey in Guilderland, Albany County, NY 17 JUL 1787. Alexander died there 11 FEB 1817. His widow, Barbara Ramsey, remarried to James Plato, the elder brother of Alexander and the widower of Catrina Van Deusin. This James Plato may have served in the Continental Army,
Alexander Plato and Barbara Ramsey had five children that I know of. I am descended from their first child, Sarah.
* Sarah B 15 NOV 1788, BP 28 DEC 1788, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Guilderland, Albany County, NY, USA.
* Rebecca B 28 AUG 1791, Guilderland, Albany, NY, USA
* Maria B 06 SEP 1793, Schenectady, Schenectady, NY, USA;
* Frederick B 25 DEC 1795, unknown, Albany County, NY, USA and
* James Plato B 02 MAR 1798, Schenectady, Schenectady, NY, USA.
Barbara Ramsey had additional children with her second husband, James Plato.
I would be interested in more information about the family, and any additional information which supports or contradicts any of this information.
…Betty Garrand, MD, USA, {BettyGarrand AT aol DOT com} how do I email her?