“Loyalist Trails” 2011-06: February 13, 2011
In this issue:
– Conference 2011: Forwarders’ Museum – by Roy Lewis
– Richard Pierpoint, 1744-1837
– Tales of War and Loyalism — © Stephen Davidson
– Introducing a New Generation to a Forgotten Hero, Jack Patterson
– Reverend John Beardsley (1732 – 1809) © George McNeillie
– Living History: Moved to the Old Town of Hurley NY
– Chiefswood, Pauline Johnson, Vancouver
– Western Hooves of Thunder
– 1812 Lecture Series – NOTL
– UELAC Supporters on the Rick Mercer Show
– The Tech Side: An Internet Cap, Will It Affect Me? – by Wayne Scott, UE
– Celebrating 10 Years of Computer Ease
– Last Post: Elizabeth “Betty” Marguerite Goodwin
– Queries
+ Response re Books About General Brock
Conference 2011: Forwarders’ Museum – by Roy Lewis
It had once fallen into such a state of disrepair, many residents of Prescott wondered if the Forwarders’ Museum would even survive.
But in recent years the building, a last remnant of a once lucrative industry in this St. Lawrence River town east of Brockville, has been given a new lease on life. A major upgrading program, part of the effort to turn the building into a showcase for Prescott’s Bicentennial observed in 2010, has turned the structure into an impressive repository of exhibits and artifacts of the forwarding trade as well as a visitor information centre.
The Forwarders’ Museum is housed in a building, dating from the 1820s, that was originally owned by William Gilkison, the first forwarder to establish his business in Prescott in 1811. Forwarding was developed to move goods and supplies both in and out of Upper Canada (now Ontario).
There was no other transportation route in those early days into the heart of British North America except along rivers with the most significant of these routes being the St. Lawrence. Since the building of the St. Lawrence Seaway in the 1950s, the river is now a major transportation corridor carrying both domestic and ocean-going ships to ports in the Great Lakes.
But in is original state, the river between Montreal and Prescott was full of rapids and could only be navigated by stout bateaux – small flat bottom boats that could be rowed or hauled by hand with men or horses walking along the riverbank.
Goods including salt, sugar, china, furniture, cloth, metal, spices and other household items were first shipped from the manufacturing plants in Great Britain to Montreal. Here they were loaded onto bateaux and moved upriver to Prescott, a trip taking an average of 12 days. It was at this point the St. Lawrence River was deep enough to allow schooners, small sailing ships, to reach Prescott, load up the goods and then forward or carry them at least to the western end of Lake Ontario.
Trade moved both ways with settlers shipping potash, pickled sturgeon, maple syrup and sugar, pork in barrels, raw hides, flour, grains, furs and seeds to Prescott where they were loaded onto the bateaux for the trip downriver to Montreal and then to markets in Europe.
Merchants involved in the forwarding trade become wealthy and the industry continued until the middle of the 1800s when railroads and canals, which could accommodate larger ships, made it unnecessary to use bateaux on the St. Lawrence River.
The building now housing the Forwarders’ Museum was, during the forwarding trade, primarily used as a warehouse. The rubble stone structure covered by stucco was constructed into the side of a hill with the front storey-and-a-half facing the downtown business district while the rear two-and-a-half stories face towards the Prescott waterfront. It was once used by an American Consul and has also housed a lawyer’s office and laundromat.
Display boards within the museum provide information on The Jessups – the town’s founding family, the Forwarding Trade, Prescott’s military history, prominent citizens, the once thriving breweries and distillery industries and local historical events. The museum also contains exhibits of antiques from bygone days such as carpenter’s tools, clothing along with barrels and sacks similar to the ones used in the Forwarding Trade.
The fifth of a series of articles describing interesting historical facts about Brockville and the surrounding region of the St. Lawrence River and the 1000 Islands where Conference 2011 “Catch The Spirit” of our Loyalists’ Ancestors will be held. Hosted by the Col. Edward Jessup Branch, the United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada’s annual Conference will be held from June 2 to 5.
When we began our project of research into blacks in the military we were fascinated with the story of Richard Pierpoint. Historically, the role of blacks in society has been downplayed because they were seen as having little or no education and no resources for living.
Richard’s birth date is an approximate. However, he was painfully aware that he had been stolen at age 16 from the Bondu area of Senegal in West Africa. We do know that slaves were torn from their roots and put to work in foreign lands. To make this practice appear normal, slaves were denounced as non humans.
In 1999, David and Peter Meyler wrote and published a book on the life of Pierpoint. Their research brought them to Niagara to see what information was available. They were aware that this man was ahead of his time and wondered how this came about.
After his abduction, Pierpoint spent time in New England. It is difficult to tell how or when he became involved with the military but we know that he served with Col. John Butler’s Rangers and participated in skirmishes in upper New York and Pennsylvania during the American Revolution. At the end of hostilities the men serving with Col. Butler were granted land and established families. With the arrival of John Graves Simcoe in 1792 to establish formal government in Upper Canada, life was good.
Following the invasion by American forces in 1812 Richard Pierpoint petitioned the government to establish a black fighting unit. The theory was that if America won the war that blacks would be returned to slavery. Pierpoint’s petition was supported by a number of black loyalists. Hence in 1815 the “Coloured Corps” was formed under white officers (Col. Runchey) and fought with distinction in battles along the Niagara River and as far away as Stoney Creek.
Although white troops routinely received land grants following the war, Pierpoint found it necessary to petition for land for black veterans. Eventually these were granted. He was given a large grant in St. Catharines behind the present General Hospital. It is known that he also owned land in Grantham as well. By this time he was over 70 years of age. Once again he petitioned the government, this time to be allowed to return home to Senegal. The request was denied by the Lieutenant Governor Peregrine Maitland. Instead, Pierpoint petitioned for a new land grant and on receiving it resettled in the area of Fergus, Ontario where he established a black community.
How did this man who had been stolen from home at age 16 gain the knowledge and skills to petition the government not once but a few times?
The Meyler brothers decided to investigate the area from which Richard came. Bondu is on the eastern border of Senegal near Mali. Principal crops are millet, rice, groundnuts and cotton, with some cattle farming. Apparently, society was arranged in a paternalistic caste system similar to the Six Nations Federation and to the European feudal system. The religion was predominantly Islam and it provided a unifying trust among the clans. The Meylers learned also that education was by Muslim clerics and included reading and writing in Arabic, and numeracy. It was compulsory for males to attend school until age 16 when they became eligible for military service. Thus, Richard Pierpoint was an educated male from an established school system.
Richard Pierpoint had led an exemplary life and – alongside thousands of other loyalists — dedicated his life to the orderly development of his new land. He died in the Fergus area in 1837. Regrettably, his burial site is unknown.
I extend my sincere thanks to the local genealogical societies for their donations of information on blacks of Niagara since we began our project back in 1991. It is also promising to be embraced by the genealogical organizations which acknowledge the role of blacks in not only the building of our great country but also in defending it.
…Contributed by Wilma Morrison
[Note: It is a pleasure to submit articles about Loyalists and Loyalist events at any time, but especially to submit this article about Richard Pierpoint during Black History Month. Wilma Morrison’s contributions, many in the historical area, have brought her a well-deserved award; recently she was named to the Order of Ontario. – Ted Huffman.]
Tales of War and Loyalism — © Stephen Davidson
Lt. Thomas Anburey served in the British Army throughout the American Revolution. During that time, he faithfully corresponded with a friend back home, sharing stories of the people he met in the colonies. His letters not only reveal the human side of the war, but show us aspects of the Revolution we could never have imagined.
One of the first loyalists mentioned in Anburey’s correspondence was a small drummer boy. “You will be pleased with a noble and animated saying of a little drum-boy, not ten years old. This boy’s father, who belonged to our regiment, some time since deserted into Boston, and has been as nigh as he could venture with safety to our barracks, to entice or seize his son, and take him with him; but finding it in vain he sent an American to entreat him to go to his father. … the little fellow replied, “No; tell my father, if he is such a rascal as to desert his King and country, his son won’t; he has fed at their expense, and will die in their service.”
Desertion was a problem for both the patriot and British armies during the Revolution. Among the armed forces of King George III were soldiers hired from the Prince of Hessen-Kassel in what is now part of modern day Germany. According to Anburey’s accounts, it is little wonder that many of these “Hessians” wished to desert.
Anburey was not impressed with all of the German regiments, and he felt it had to do with the manner in which they were enlisted. “When application was made by our court to Germany for troops, the Prince caused every place of worship to be surrounded during service, and took every man who had been a soldier, and to embody these and form them into regiments, he appointed old officers…Only picture to your imagination, ensigns of forty and fifty, commanding of troops not much younger, and judge how proper they are for an active and vigorous campaign, in the thick woods of America.”
Espionage was essential in waging war in the Thirteen Colonies. In 1777’s Worcester, Massachusetts an important part of a spy’s arsenal was a device known as a “silver egg”.
“In our way hither we passed through a small neat town, called Worcester, where I met accidentally with one of the Committee-men, who was upon the examination of a poor fellow, sent from our army to General Clinton, and who very imprudently swallowed the silver egg that contained the message to the General, in the presence of those who took him prisoner. After tormenting the poor fellow with emetics and purgatives till he discharged it, they immediately hung him up. The egg was opened, and the paper taken out, on which was written, “Nous y voici , here we are, nothing between us but Gates.”… None of them understanding a word of that language, they sent to the jail for a poor Canadian, who was a prisoner, to translate it for them: he informed them it meant “here we are”, but as that was in English, they would not credit it. At last one very sagaciously observed, that it certainly was some private mark,… it was thought proper to send it to General Washington, who certainly would understand it better.”
In those days it was hard to know if a neighbour was a good loyalist or a patriot spy. Some even speculated about which side of the Revolution one might find God. “One morning, as we renewed our march, the weather being remarkably fine, some officers were extolling the beauty of the morning. An old woman who was in the crowd, and overheard him, in the most violent rage exclaimed, “Well, for my part, I believe God Almighty has turned Tory to give these Britainers such fine weather for their march.”
We have a tendency to think it is a phenomenon of the 21st century to have clerics promise young idealistic soldiers greater heavenly rewards if they die fighting an oppressor. However, in 1777 there were ministers in Cambridge, Massachusetts who urged their young men to go to war to die in a divine crusade.
Anburey wrote that the Revolution had “in some measure, become a religious cause, in which the people being enthusiasts, their clergy artfully increase a warlike spirit among their flock. One of them, in my hearing, firmly asserted, that rewards were prepared in Heaven for those who fell in the present contest, endeavoring to impress them with an idea of the real necessity of the war, as the defence of religious liberty. This was a most precious and prevailing argument to delude the ignorant. He insinuated that the Roman Catholic religion was to be introduced, artfully mentioned the Quebec Act, and after pretending that he had been visited by the Supreme Being in visions, assured them those only would be accepted in Heaven, who should seal their lives in so righteous a cause with their blood.”
Anburey enjoyed encountering new words. He discovered that when New Englanders referred to riding in the woods with a “blazing iron”, they meant that they were carrying a musket or gun.
He found that “Whig” and “Tory” had different meanings in the Thirteen Colonies. In England a Tory was originally the term applied to “wild Irish robbers” who sought the deaths of Protestants in 1641. In America, a “rank Tory” was a loyalist. “Whig” was the name given to those who attended “the devotion-meeting” where they drank whey made of coagulated sour milk — also referred to as “whig”. Later it was used to describe those who were supporters of King William and King George. In the Thirteen Colonies, a Whig was a rebel or patriot. As Anburey noted, “the Americans apply them quite the reverse” of the British usage.
Lt. Anburey was also a keen observer of colonial society and its customs. Some of his insights will be featured in next week’s Loyalist Trails.
To secure permission to reprint this article, email Stephen Davidson.
Introducing a New Generation to a Forgotten Hero, Jack Patterson
SAINT JOHN – Canadian children from coast to coast are about to be introduced to Jack Patterson, a forgotten Canadian hero of African descent, who was just a teenager when he arrived in Saint John following the American Revolution.
The fascinating story of how Patterson, by then a 46-year-old farmer living on the outskirts of Fredericton, captured the most wanted criminal of his time is being published for the first time in the spring issue of REAL: The Canadian Kids’ Magazine in celebration of African Heritage Month.
Penned by Halifax-based Loyalist educator and author Stephen Davidson, “It is a lively and entertaining account of the facts written for the target audience of eight- to 12-year-olds,” REAL’s editor, Erica Rodriquez of Richmond Hill, Ont., said in a telephone interview.
Davidson, 58, who teaches Grade 4 at Hillside Park Elementary School in Lower Sackville, N.S., wrote about Jack Patterson in 2007 for Loyalist Trails.
Little, or nothing, was ever known of most of those whose names appear in the Book of Negroes, Davidson said, but he “accidentally” discovered a link between the teen Patterson as the unlikely grown-up hero of a book, The Mysterious Stranger, written by Kings County sheriff Walter Bates, of Kingston, about the capture of a young English scoundrel named Henry Smith.
The last known mention of Patterson was as a labourer in the York County roll book of 1816.
Read the full article in the Friday 11 Feb 2011 issue of the Telegraph-Journal (New Brunswick).
Reverend John Beardsley (1732 – 1809) © George McNeillie
“On St. John’s Day, June 24, 1803, when the brethren of St. John’s Lodge attended Divine Service for the first time in Trinity Church in St. John, upon invitation, Brother Beardsley preached the sermon from the text, ‘Let brotherly love continue.’ A few years afterwards he passed away in the home of his daughter in Kingston, full of years and favour. Surely Grand Lodge did well in honoring his memory, and I feel the occasion, rendered doubly pleasant by the kind hospitality of the people of Kingston, will long be remembered by the brethren who were able to be present at the ceremony.
“In coming away from that beautiful and historic spot, I could not but think of the life of service; of his vigorous personality; that he gave the best that was in him to God’s service, and for the welfare of his country.
“He was buried here in 1809, when the great Napoleon dominated Europe and had filled thrones with his relatives. But, just as I doubt not in his declining years there was an abiding faith and trust that the nation for which he had given up much would finally triumph over every foe, so surely is there with us the firm trust and belief that our great Empire will finally triumph over the foes of today, who have brought war and desolation upon so many countries where formerly peace and prosperity reigned.”
The members of the Committee on the Grand Master’s address (F.J. G. Knowlton, C.D. Jones and F.F. Burpee) in their report make the following reference to the Extract just quoted:-
“The description of the visit to Kingston for the purpose of unveiling a tablet to Brother The Rev. John Beardsley, first presiding Master in New Brunswick in 1783, and former Junior Grand Warden of the Lodge of New York, will prove of historical interest for all time.”
The inscription on the Tablet is recorded [earlier] in this book. It is the work of R.H. Green & Son of St. John and was placed in position at a cost of $165.00. I had myself the privilege of suggesting the memorial to Rev. Mr. Lawrence a few years before. – W.O.R.
Excerpt from Book of Family History, by The Ven. William Odber Raymond, LL.D, FRSC. © 2009 George McNeillie – all rights reserved [published here with permission; see footnote].
Living History: Moved to the Old Town of Hurley NY
Until recently I was president for two years of the Hudson Valley Vernacular Architecture, a group focused on historic preservation. All the while we lived in Long Island, but we had decided we wanted to move from there. As we were spending a lot of time in this mid-Hudson area, we kept our eyes open. A friend Jim Decker who lives two doors from us, and has the oldest house in Hurley (c. 1710 with later 18th century additions) found a relatively modern 1929 house, which we purchased and moved into just before Christmas 2010.
We have a regular-sized house lot, but attached is .86 acre ‘Indian Sacred Ground’ that we are not allowed to build on. Archaeologists working on it found, several years ago, large Indian storage jars. I gather all the pieces were found – I have yet to see them! From my desk, I look across this Indian land, to the 18th century cemetery beyond where the oldest stone is dated 1715). Beyond that I can see the Catskill Mountains. It is a great place to be.
Hurley was founded in the 1660’s by Huguenots, and many of the names are still found around here. The village is well known for the number of surviving early stone houses, and there is an annual (second Saturday in July) ‘Hurley Stone House Day’. Ours is not one of the stone houses, but our next door neighbour does have one – the DuBois house, also called the ‘Guard House’, for during the American Revolution it served as the prison for the British spy, Lieutenant David Taylor, who ended up being hanged from a tree across the street. He was buried in the street.
Your [Anderson/Kip] bus tour of a few years ago may well have come through here.
Kingston was burned by the British in 1777, but Hurley was not touched. Some of the houses that were burned out in Kingston were rebuilt within the original stone walls. And new houses were built after the war, so Kingston has many old stone houses too. Actually, one house – the van Steenburg house on Wall Street – was not burned and I recently had the opportunity to measure it up to make drawings. Kingston is one of the most attractive small cities I know of, and Hurley Village is just 3 miles from downtown Kingston.
…John & Marion Stevens
Chiefswood, Pauline Johnson, Vancouver
Chiefswood, the childhood home of the poet Pauline Johnson, was damaged by a burst water pipe last Sunday, February 6, 2011. David Hill Morrison of the Grand River branch has provided two links to the newspaper reports of the incidence from the Brant News and the Brantford Expositor. No further details are available at the moment.
It is possible that many members will not know of the British Columbia connection for the writer of “The Song my Paddle Sings”. Born in 1861 on the Six Nations Reserve near Brantford, Pauline Johnson moved to Vancouver in 1909. Following her death in 1913, she was buried in Stanley Park, the only person to be allowed that honour.
Zig Misiak, Honorary Vice-President of UELAC, has been very busy on the book signing circuit this past month. With the increasing attention across Canada to the upcoming commemoration of the War of 1812, Zig has chosen to tell the story of the American General McArthur’s raids on the Six Nations Territory in 1814. As noted, this was “the deepest American military penetration and the last military action north of the Great Lakes during the War of 1812.” Illustrated by Scott Paterson, a fellow Butler’s Ranger re-enactor, the children’s book brings to life the challenges facing two young people, Catherine and her Mohawk friend Ayewate, whose families were living near D’Aubigny Creek at the time. Historians will appreciate the inclusion of sidebars which enrich the sense of authenticity of the tale.
Zig has also released a video to give you further idea of his Western Hooves of Thunder.
While attending the recent meeting of the Col. John Butler (Niagara) Branch, Dr. Elizabeth Oliver-Malone extended an invitation to attend the 1812 Lecture Series sponsored by the Niagara Historical Society Museum. We have already missed the first one on February 3 with David Webb speaking on the Battle of Fort George, but there are seven more not-to-be-missed presentations.
– Feb. 17 – Cecillia Morgan – The War of 1812 and its Aftermath: Gender, Race and the Colonial Context.
– Mar. 3 – David Hemmings – The Life and Family of Laura Secord
– Mar. 17 – Ron Dale – Disputed Victory: Did anyone win the War of 1812?
– Mar. 31 – Keith Jamieson – Contemporary Concepts of Commemoration at Six Nations
– Apr. 14 – Doug Decroix – Time Lag. A Flag and the Right to Brag: Some American Perspectives on the War of 1812
– Apr. 18 – West Turner – The life & Death of Isaac Brock
– May 12 – Julia Roberts – TBA
Lectures start at 10:00 and include light refreshments $5:00 per person or free for Niagara Historical Society members and volunteers. – 43 Castlereagh Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
UELAC Supporters on the Rick Mercer Show
My third reference to media was sent to me by Bonnie Schepers, RVP for the Central West Region. For fans of Rick Mercer, recognition of UELAC supporters on his show is an extra treat. This week, he travelled to Ottawa to participate in the 64th Queen’s University Model Parliament filmed in the House of Commons. As there is always a sense of seriousness when our support for our constitutional monarchy is discussed, Rick’s playful qualities creates a few enjoyable moments. Making his second appearance on the comedian’s show was our own Honorary President, the Honourable Peter Milliken whose own dry wit is almost overwhelmed. Also bearing the sharpness of Rick’s needling humour was the Hon. John Baird, Conservative House Leader. At the Rideau Hall tree planting last June, Mr. Baird warmly greeted the members from Sir Guy Carleton, Heritage and Sir John Johnson Branch invited to attend this special occasion.
If you want to catch the gentleman, click here and select Season 8 episode 14. The model parliament begins around 9:22 into the video.
The Tech Side: An Internet Cap, Will It Affect Me? – by Wayne Scott, UE
The Financial Post has been abuzz this week with reports supporting both sides of a hot debate on placing lower caps on our Internet connections. It all happened as a result of a CRTC report suggesting that the Internet should be treated like any other utility, in that the user should pay for how much they use. The large Internet providers, Bell Canada and Rogers, already place caps on their customer’s use. The report from the CRTC suggests that all ISPs (internet service providers) place a cap of 25GB a month on customer usage. If the customer exceeds this cap, there would be additional charges per Gigabyte of usage.
Many ISPs do not have tiered service, but some do, like Cogeco. Cogeco has five or so levels of usage that the customer can subscribe to. Along with different caps on how much usage is allowed for each level, there are differing download and upload speeds. Looking at the company’s plans, you will see that there are different overage fees for different usage level. Some of the blog activity suggests that a number of secondary ISPs, (those who buy large blocks of Internet usage at a discount and in turn offer packages to the public), have packages that offer virtually unlimited upload and download activity – with no caps. 300,000 people, some being customers with unlimited usage accounts, signed an online petition that were presented in Parliament. This caused quite a fuss. In the end, the Government backtracked on their support for the CRTC report and decided to “study” the situation further.
For many, this discussion of caps, Internet usage, etc. is confusing. What does this all mean? How will it affect me?
Those of us who have the lower usage plans, will see those plans capped at 25GB of usage a month. Both Bell and Rogers plan to roll out this sort of cap this year. They claim that this is plenty of usage for most average users. What can you do with 25GB? You can do the following each month. You can send about 1 million typical emails, 600,000 typical web pages can be viewed, or 25,000 full resolution digital pictures can be sent or received, or you can download over 5,000 music files, or over 500 high resolution movie trailers can be viewed, or download 25 hours of videos/movies. This sure seems to be a lot of Internet usage.
A 25GB cap will cramp the style of heavy Netflick users. Each hour of video downloaded is about 1GB. Therefore, the average movie would be equal to about 2GB of download or 12 movies a month. One should also keep in mind that there needs to be other daily usage factored in to the monthly usage such as daily Internet usage for viewing Internet pages, email, etc. Some ISP’s are looking at charging an additional $1.50 to $2.00 per Gigabyte of overage. These are serious charges. Are they fair? Well that’s another debate altogether.
So far, we have only been talking about 1 user. If there is more than 1 user for the Internet account, then your Internet plan needs to take this into consideration. Young people tend to be heavier users of the Internet also.
Other computer activities that can be Internet hogs include ‘cloud computing’ and online storage and backup. It may only cost $50.00 a year to back up your computer and store it online, however, it may cost you an extra $30.00 or more to get the first backup uploaded to the storage site. Suddenly, there are some hidden costs that can become significant.
There have been a number of attempts to cap the Internet usage of our American friends. This has usually been met with ISP customers going to other companies. So far, attempts at capping Internet use in the USA have come to naught. This does not mean that the major providers have given up trying.
The whole issue of Internet caps has not gone away, nor will it soon. I suggest you do an accounting of your family’s Internet usage so that when the time comes, you will have the information needed for making an informed decision. If you have strong feelings one way or another on the issue of caps, make sure that you contact your federal member of parliament with your concerns.
You can email Wayne Scott to get in touch with questions or comments.
[Editor’s Note: Wayne Scott UE was recently honoured for his ten years of contributions to the Retired Teachers of Ontario quarterly magazine,” Renaissance”. We too applaud his technology articles submitted to “Loyalist Trails”. The following article has been re-printed with permission of The Retired Teachers of Ontario/Les Enseignantes et Enseignants Retraités de l’Ontario (RTO/ERO).[
Celebrating 10 Years of Computer Ease
It’s been my pleasure to know Wayne Scott from District 14, Niagara since I arrived at RT0/ERO (Retired Teachers Ontario) over nine years ago. Wayne was a member of the provincial Communications Committee and as a brand new staff member with responsibility for communications, Wayne and other members of the committee were valuable resources for me.
Regular readers of Renaissance will know Wayne as “Mr. Computer Ease,” the writer of this ever-popular always instructive and enlightening column. Based on feedback from other members, we know that Wayne’s articles are well-received and appreciated.
For over 10 years, Wayne has shared his knowledge on a variety of technical and technological issues, providing tips, tricks and shortcuts especially to those with little or no technical knowledge themselves. Wayne has a knack for breaking down seemingly difficult concepts into understandable components.
Wayne, thank you for making it “eas-y” for so many members to understand better the various ways of making the computer an integral part of our everyday lives. Renaissance salutes you!
…Simon Leibovitz, Editor-in-Chief, Renaissance
Last Post: Elizabeth “Betty” Marguerite Goodwin
Passed away peacefully at the St. Catharines General Hospital on Thursday morning, February 10, 2011, in her 91st year. Elizabeth Marguerite Goodwin (nee Ward) UE, wife of the late “Ted” Edward Goodwin. Mother of Father Andrew Goodwin, Peter Goodwin, Patrick Goodwin (Anne) and John Goodwin. Betty was a loving grandmother and great grandmother. Predeceased by her daughter Mary (1984) and her son Thomas (1954).
Betty had been a member of Bay of Quinte Branch UELAC and was a descendent of United Empire Loyalist Cyrenius Parke.
A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church, 169 St. Paul Crescent, St. Catharines on Monday, February 14th at 11am. Spring interment in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Picton. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations to the Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region 403 Ontario St., Unit 1. St. Catharines, ON L2N 1L5 would be appreciated by the family.
[Submitted by Pat & Eugene Oatley and by Beverly Craig]
Response re Books About General Brock
In response to my query of last week, here are some books about General Brock as provided by people’s responses – thanks to them – and further research:
– Bold, Brave and Born to Lead: Major General Isaac Brock and the Canadas by Mary Beacock Fryer (Dundurn Press, 2004).
– Canada: The Story of Our Heritage (McGraw Hill)
– “The Story of Isaac Brock, Hero, Defender and Saviour of Upper Canada, 1812. ISBN 1-4280-2078-0 (hardcover), ISBN 1-4280-2098-5 (paperback).
– The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock, by Ferdinand Brock Tupper (google books)
– Life and Times of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, K.B. by D.B. Read, 1854 (reprint)
– General Brock aned Niagara Falls by Samuel Hopkins Adams, (1957)
– The Good Soldier: The Story of Isaac Brock by D.J. Goodspeed, (1964)
…John Havrilchak