“Loyalist Trails” 2012-03: January 15, 2012
In this issue:
– Loyalist Times and Transcripts: Part Two — by Stephen Davidson
– Richard Carman (1757 – 1817) by George McNeillie
– “How to Understand the Loyalist Migration” By David Warren, Ottawa Citizen
– The 1812 Bicentennial is Underway in Niagara
– War of 1812 — Honour our 1812 Heroes
– The War of 1812, from A to Z
– War of 1812 International Peace Gardens
– Battle of Fetterly Farm -1813 Re-enactment
– Additions to the Loyalist Directory
– Last Post: Margaret Farnell (nee Fairley), UE
– Queries
+ Further Response re (John) Fetterly Family
+ Seeking Parents of David House m. Hannah Elizabeth
Loyalist Times and Transcripts: Part Two — by Stephen Davidson
In this age of digital archives, it is a very simple matter for every loyalist descendant, loyalist historian and UELAC branch to have a copy of the transcripts of “The Royal Commission on the Losses and Services of American Loyalists”. From the testimony of 2,291 loyalist claimants, one can piece together a mosaic of the experiences of both groups of loyalists and individual refugees. When read with a little imagination, a good period map, and a few key resource books, the transcripts of the compensation board’s hearings shed new light on the Loyalist Era. Here are just ten ways to explore the RCLSAL transcripts:
- 60,000 loyalists fled the United States of America. If you are lucky enough to have as an ancestor one of the 2,291 loyalists who was able to file a claim with the RCLSAL when it came to British North America, you have a genealogist’s gold mine at your finger tips. A typical claim to the compensation board includes the loyalist’s story of persecution and wartime service, his birthplace, the years he lived in the Thirteen Colonies, his property, and his place of resettlement. Sometimes the number of children and their names are given. Very few claims were made by loyalists’ widows, and only a handful by Black Loyalists.
- Many loyalist enthusiasts stop at the story their ancestor told the RCLSAL commissioners. But delving deeper can reveal more of the loyalist experience. Sometimes an ancestor was a witness for another loyalist refugee. By searching for an ancestor’s name in others’ claims, one can learn about the common experiences loyalists’ had in their hometowns, in their war service, or in settling along the same river. No man is an island, a fact that was especially true of the loyalist refugee. Sometimes a personal fact about a witness lies hidden in what he said on someone else’s behalf.
- Once you have found your ancestor’s name, check the date he attended the RCLSAL hearings. Now you know where that loyalist was on a given point in time. Check a map. How far did he travel to attend the hearing? Who else appeared before the hearing on that day? Were there men from the loyalist’s new settlement? It is likely, therefore, that these people travelled together. Once you know the associates of your ancestor, you can pursue their stories and perhaps shed more light on your own ancestor’s experiences.
- Note the name of where your ancestor lived. Find it on a map and then do an online search for a history of that town. (Beware of spelling! Quebec’s Yamachiche is spelled at least nine different ways in the transcripts.) Americans are very proud of the part their towns played in the Revolution, and although it may be biased, no doubt a history of your ancestor’s hometown is there to be read. This will give you the larger context for your ancestor’s life. In my own case, I learned how divided a loyalist ancestor’s town was during the Revolution. Ministers on opposing sides were fired upon or carried muskets for safety.
- Note the names of regiments or battles. A wartime incident may have been given an all too brief mention in an RCLSAL claim because it was general knowledge at the time. By chasing down more information about the regiment or battle, you will learn more about your ancestor’s Revolutionary experience.
- By searching through the claims, you’ve discovered information about who else lived in your ancestor’s hometown. Now note where he settled in Canada or the Maritimes. Who else among the RCLSAL claimants settled in the same place? What did these new neighbours have in common? What skills did they bring to their new communities? Answer these questions, and you will begin to get a sense of how your ancestor’s community of loyalists interacted.
- Can’t find your ancestor anywhere among the claimants or witnesses in the RCLSAL transcripts? Follow steps 4 – 6 with what you do know about your ancestor. While you will not get specific details about “your” loyalist, you will discover the background features of his life.
- Not a loyalist descendant, but find the era fascinating? Search the RCLSAL transcripts for key words (such as a British officer’s name, “smallpox”, “spy”, “tar and feather”, etc.) and learn more about how often these features intersected with the lives of “average” loyalists.
- Loyalist historians can search for the names of all of those who attended a particular RCLSAL hearing. What kind of loyalists gathered at the Montreal hearings as opposed to those in Halifax? Do the same kind of search for those who once lived in Boston, along the Susquehanna, or in Charleston. What common experiences did they share? Were there different experiences for different classes?
- Interested in the minorities within the loyalist diaspora? Search for “negro”, “slave”, “wife” or “children” to see what part of their stories survived. Look for “Scot”, “Irish”, “German” or “Quaker” to learn more about other minorities.
These ideas are just the tip of the research iceberg. You are only limited by your imagination and curiosity. But first, you need to acquire your own copy of the transcripts of the Royal Commission on the Losses and Services of American Loyalists. You can freely download a copy of the transcripts from the hearings in England from archive.org.
To access transcripts of the hearings in British North America, you can become a member of Ancestry.com (look under “loyalist”) or order an annotated CD-ROM from loyalist historian Wallace Hale, in New Brunswick. His e-mail address is fort.havoc@gmail.com.
In the coming months, my series of articles for Loyalist Trails will be based on the data found in the transcripts of the Royal Commission on the Losses and Services of American Loyalists. It’s amazing what one can find!
To secure permission to reprint this article, email Stephen Davidson.
Richard Carman (1757 – 1817) © George McNeillie
The name of Carman goes back to the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066, and occurs in a list of persons holding land in Wiltshire, England, in the period extending from the time of Edward the Confessor through the years anterior to the Domesday survey in 1086.
In Fox’s Book of Martyrs mention is made of Thomas Carman who was burned at the stake in Norwich on May 19, 1558.
A Henry Carman, aged 23 years, came to America in the ship “Duty” in 1620. He settled in Virginia.
The ancestor of our branch of the Carman family, however, was John Carman, probably of Hemel Hemspstead in Hertfordshire, twenty-three miles north of Lincoln, who came to Massachusetts Bay in the ship “Lion”, which arrived the 3rd of November, 1631. Among his fellow passengers was John Elliott, the famous “Apostle to the Indians” whose translation of the Bible into their language was a noble achievement.
John Carman was accompanied by his wife Florence [Editor’s note: maiden name Fordham]. He took the oath of Freeman at Boston, March 4, 1632, and was a deputy to the General Court of the Colony in 1634 and again in 1636, each township being allowed two deputies. . .
John Carman [Editor’s note – who had removed from Boston to Sandwich and then to Roxbury in a 10-year period] seems to have been rather a rolling stone, for about 1641 he removed with others to Stamford, Connecticut, whence in 1644 he went to Hempstead on Long Island. . .
Hempstead, or Heemestede, is said to be so called by the Dutch after the nearest and most important village on the island Schoven in Zealand. . . . .it is believed that Benjamin Carman (who was a great-grandson of John and Florence) was fourth in the line of our descent in America [Editor’s note – Raymond was correct in this assumption; however, there had been some confusion due to the number of descendants of John and Florence who repeated the names ‘John, Benjamin and Caleb’ in subsequent generations]. He married, in 1740, Mary Bedell, and their son Richard, was the Loyalist Ancestor of the Carmans of New Brunswick. Hempstead, Long Island was certainly the cradle of our Carman ancestors.
Excerpt from Book of Family History, by The Ven. William Odber Raymond, LL.D, FRSC. © 2009 George McNeillie – all rights reserved [published here with permission; see footnote].
“How to Understand the Loyalist Migration” By David Warren, Ottawa Citizen
There is more to Canadian history than United Empire Loyalists, as any Wild Rose of Alberta might tell you, or any Blue Flag Iris of Quebec. Canada her-self, even “the white man’s Canada,” is much older than Confederation; much older than the American Revolution from which our Loyalists fled. She has a history to which the migration of those Loyalist refugees was an accretion.
An extremely important one, however, and one which has every-thing to do with the nation that was subsequently shaped. True, I have Loyalist ancestry myself, and am therefore an interested party. But it grieves me more broadly that young Canadians today are squeezed through our dysfunctional public school systems with no under-standing whatever of our side in the American Revolution; no finer appreciation of the Loyalist cause than that it is “irrelevant today.”
For Christmas, a Texas friend put into my hands a book which should have received more notice up here, when it appeared last year. It is Liberty’s Exiles: American Loyalists in the Revolutionary World, by Maya Jasanoff. It is readable popular history of the best kind, documented and solid, and it is part of a larger American effort to understand their own roots more broadly.
David goes on to draw some interesting comparisons and conclusions – read more in the Sunday January 8 issue of the Ottawa Citizen
The 1812 Bicentennial is Underway in Niagara
The amazing Niagara Falls Levee, on Saturday, January 14th was hosted by MP Rob Nicholson, MPP Kim Craitor and Mayor Jim Diodati. The hosts wore period clothing; Rob Nicholson portrayed a lawyer, Kim Craitor an Army Captain, complete with sword and Batman and Jim Diodati a period businessman.
Members of Colonel John Butler (Niagara) Branch UELAC who participated in period clothing were Branch President Shirley Lockhart & her husband Jim and Rod & Bev Craig. Past President Eugene Oatley is one of the stars in the Niagara Falls Review video. View it on the Col John Butler UELAC website. Eugene is elegant in his grey tophat!
Other Branch members who attended and supported the branch were Sherry Bell, Ron and Wilda Chapman, Roy Johnson and Lillian Santesso.
We were delighted to join members of the Trebelaires Ladies Show Choir for the singing of all three verses of God Save the Queen and the Maple Leaf Forever.
…Bev Craig, UE
War of 1812 — Honour our 1812 Heroes
The following three paragraphs included in the January e-bulletin of the Friends of the Canadian War Museum (FCWM) may not only be of interest but also stimulate further research into the presence of Loyalists and their descendents in the War of 1812.
This year marks the 200th anniversary of the start of the War of 1812. Numerous events have been planned in Quebec, Ontario, and the United States over the next two years to commemorate this event. Websites with further information include www.warof1812.ca, www.visit1812.com, and www.1812.gc.ca.
Eastern Ontario events can be found at www.celebrate1812.ca
In December, the State of New York announced plans to erect a memorial at the Sacket’s Harbor Battlefield to the 30 British and Canadian troops that were killed during an attack on the American shipyard there on May 29, 1813. The Americans buried the dead, but the exact location is not known.
Also, if you are interested, you can support the efforts of a group of historians and retired military personnel to obtain War of 1812 Battle Honours for present day units whose predecessors fought in the War of 1812. Eastern Ontario units would be the Brockville Rifles, and the SD&G Highlanders of Cornwall. Historical information and a link to send an email to the Minister of National Defence can be found at www.warof1812.ca/heroes. The group, Honour our 1812 Heroes asks that you write to the Minister, and contact your local MP showing your support for this. (FCWM)
As he is centered in Ottawa, editor Victor Vaivads was only immediately aware of the Eastern Ontario units. Readers are invited to send LT further information regarding contemporary units with 1812 roots and involvement.
(Published in the Toronto Star, Sat., Jan. 7, 2012.) It’s become axiomatic among historians that Canadians know they won the War of 1812, Americans somehow think they won, and the Indians — who’d continue to cede land to American expansion — definitely know they lost, despite fighting alongside British regulars and Canadian militia.
Just as there was a part of the planet widely known as “America” and peopled by “Americans” long before the U.S. Declaration of Independence, so, too, had the geography to the north in present-day Quebec and Ontario been called “Canada” and its population dubbed “Canadians” for centuries before Confederation in 1867.
Yet neither Canadians nor Americans then had a fully formed sense of national identity. The War of 1812 eventually helps change that, not least by creating another set of founding mythologies, this time around the Battle of New Orleans and “The Star-Spangled Banner.” The mindset that leads to Confederation and the “peace, order and good government” of the British North America Act largely dates to the War of 1812, and it shows in the kind of wartime ballads that became so popular north of the border, among them “Come All Ye Bold Canadians”
As both Canada and the United States embark on bicentennial celebrations of a war that proved so crucial to their respective identities, herewith an alphabetical guide to just some of the people, places and events of the War of 1812, from A (Amherstburg) to Y (well, almost Z, York). Read the article and list here.
…Jo Ann Tuskin, UE
War of 1812 International Peace Gardens
In Western New York State, Wayne County Historian Peter Evans reported that the War of 1812 International Peace Garden Trail will be dedicated and opened in Wayne County in the Spring of 2012. Two sites in Wayne County have been certified by the International Peace Garden Foundation as official Peace Gardens on the Peace Garden Trail. The Gardens at Pulneyville and Sodus Point near Rochester (two War of 1812 battle sites) have been visited, inspected and certified by the International Foundation.
The county historian has proofed the historical content of a Trail Map and Brochure. He is also writing some of the content for historical panels for the Peace Garden Sites; and organizing a Bike Hike to visit the garden sites. There will be tour guides at the sites to help trail hikers understand what happened at the sites and why it is/was significant.
For further information, check the map of War of 1812 peace gardens thus far at www.1812.ipgf.org and view the site for more information generally.
…Bill Glidden, Regional Representative, NYS Military Museum
Battle of Fetterly Farm 1813 Re-enactment
As far as Carolyn Goddard, a past president of the St. Lawrence Branch, is concerned, the battle waged on November 11, 1813 should be remembered as the Battle of Fetterly Farm. That War of 1812 engagement recorded as the Battle of Crysler’s Farm actually took place on the farm of her Loyalist ancestor, Peter Fetterly. However, no re-enactment can be staged on the battlefield now. While the actual area was flooded in 1958 to make way for the St. Lawrence Seaway, Carolyn added “when I found out where Peter Fetterly’s grave was, I’d go down and sit by the water and feel I had the same view my ancestor had.
It is always a unique experience to recognize the names of people interviewed for an article in a national magazine. Allen Abel’s “Who Won The War” clearly focuses on a 2011 re-enactment of the November 1813 battle, but the relationship of those involved with the event with members of the UELAC is also very evident. In addition to the sidebar provided by Carolyn, Lorraine Reoch, President of the St. Lawrence Branch, supplies additional colour in her description of the morning when “Crysler’s Farm slipped beneath the waves.” Readers of the article may recognize others from the Eastern Ontario region.
We can thank Lois Dickinson, Chilliwack Branch, for alerting LT to the January/February 2012 issue of Canadian Geographic. While she was happy to read about the War of 1812 battle, Lois was quick to make the connection between the Fetterly family of Chilliwack and the Loyalists along the St. Lawrence. The full article can be found on the Canadian Geographic website. It also includes “a play by play account of Crysler’s Farm, complete with maps and portraits originally published in the Canadian Geographical Journal in June 1961.”
Additions to the Loyalist Directory
As time permits, we add information to the Loyalist Directory. The latest additions and updates are as follows:
– Anguish, Henry – from Robyn Kendall (Volunteer Wendy Cosby) with certificate application
– Anguish, Jacob – from Robyn Kendall (Volunteer Wendy Cosby) with certificate application
– McKenzie, Murdock – from John Shotwell
– Sanford, Abigail – from Brian Hayes
Last Post: Margaret Farnell (nee Fairley), UE
Margaret passed away peacefully at home in Victoria, B.C., surrounded by her family on Sunday, December 25, 2011, in her eighty seventh year. She is survived by her husband of 60 years, William (Bill), daughter Leslie, sons John and Paul, and grandchildren Anne and Meghan. Margaret was a wonderful, spirited woman who loved her family and friends. She grew up in Fergus, ON, graduated from UofT, married Bill, moved to Winnipeg, Toronto, and then Victoria. During the 1970’s, she co-authored two books for the Centre of Criminology. She later turned her research skills to genealogy, writing family histories of the Farnells and the Fairleys. Margaret had a keen intellect and enjoyed all the arts. She was an avid reader, gardener, and adventurer who loved travel. We are grateful for the joy she brought into our lives and we will miss her bright spirit.
…Joan Clement
Further Response re (John) Fetterly Family
The Albany Committee of Safety, and the Loyalist status of John Fetterly, 1751 — 1810
[In response to a query from Judy McCall, in the Dec 26 2011 issue of Loyalist Trails, and supplemental to the response in the Jan 1 2012 issue.]
The Albany Committee of Safety was set up to ferret out ‘Tory traitors’. Thank to the work of that committee, Canada gained many men and their families, who chose to follow the loyal paths of their ancestors, who had been in America for generations. One such person was John Fetterly, the ancestor of Judy McCall. Judy submitted a query about the possible Loyalist status of John, brother of the confirmed Loyalist, Peter Fetterly (1753 — 1813).
After looking through the files and records of The Albany Committee of Safety, I am able to confirm that John Fetterly did engage in Loyalist activity in 1777, and he and his descendants could be eligible for UE status, under the terms of UELAC, as set out by Guy Carelton (Lord Dorchester). However, John remained in the Albany area for another nine years. I am also looking at microfilms of property records, wills and surrogate court records, and township papers, to see whether mention is made of his Loyalist activities, or of the story that he set fire to a police station in Albany. That incident would have happened after 1786.
The reports of the Albany Committee make interesting reading.
The following information is from pp. 57-63 of A History of Schenectady During the Revolution by Willis T. Hanson, Jr. (Brattleboro, VT: E. L. Hildreth & Co., 1916). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 974.744 H25, and copies are also available for borrowing.
“On May 18, 1775, the Albany Committee had resolved that all who refused to give up arms for the American cause or sold either arms or supplies to “inimical persons” should be held up to the public as enemies of their country. Later anyone who refused public service, and on March 6, 1776, every “non-associator,” was placed in the same category. Upon the militia acting under orders from the Committees of Safety, devolved the duty of apprehending those against whom complaint had been entered.
These complaints and subsequent arrests were incited by a variety of causes: aiding the enemy in any way; associating or corresponding with Tories; refusing to sign the Association or violating its provisions; denouncing or refusing to obey congresses and committees; writing or speaking against the American cause; rejecting Continental money or drinking the King’s health, and even mere suspicion was not infrequently deemed sufficient to justify a man’s seizure.
To Albany as a concentration center to await their final disposition were transferred the greater part of those arrested in this section, and by December, 1775, so crowded was the jail there that the Committee was obliged to provide additional quarters and secure an extra jailer.
While, as was natural with the spirit of the times, not a few Loyalists suffered not only indignities and loss of property but also sustained sentences on somewhat questionable testimony, mob action was universally condemned by the Whig authorities and an honest effort for the most part appears to have been made by the Committees to give the accused ones fair trials. Compare with the same situation in New Jersey, where mobs sought out, tormented, arrested, and sometimes tarred-and-feather suspected Loyalists. In Albany County it was permitted the accused not only to produce witnesses to corroborate his testimony and establish his innocence, but to demand that his accuser appear also.
The nature of the individual case appears to have governed the imposed sentence of convicted Loyalists rather than any uniform mode of procedure followed by the Committees; some were placed in confinement, others were released on parole or bond or simply disarmed, some were exiled to neighboring states or sent within the enemies’ lines, many were forced to sign the Association or take the Oath of Allegiance and nearly all were required to carry certificates of character and, when leaving the county for any reason, to obtain permission from the proper authorities. All expenses incurred by Loyalists either in their trials, imprisonment or banishment were charged against them.
Throughout New York the Loyalists were exceptionally strong and numerous, and although they had neither organized nor taken up arms as soon as their Whig neighbors, it was not long before Tory plots were everywhere unearthed.
While in Schenectady not a few influential and wealthy citizens were of English sympathies, the Committee of Safety appears to have experienced little trouble from them as compared with the annoyance caused by the Tories in the outlying districts who constantly threatened the Whig settlers in their exposed positions in the Westina and at the Aalplaats.
The failure of the campaign against Canada, the success of the British around New York and the anticipation of an early advance on the part of the King’s troops from the north added many recruits to the Loyalist party, and in spite of the various measures adopted for their suppression, so obnoxious did they become throughout Albany County during the summer of 1776, when threats were even made to raise the English flag, that two companies of State Rangers were ordered formed for their apprehension, and in August, John A. Bradt of Schenectady was commissioned a captain and given a warrant by Congress for the raising of one of these companies.
The increasing activities on the part of the Tories, the continuing unfavorable news from the north and, as we have seen, the fears regarding Sir John Johnson, brought with them the necessity of increased vigilance on the part of the Schenectady Committee. Steps were early taken looking towards the conservation of the town’s resources, those known to hold Tory sentiments were more closely watched, guards were placed on both sides of the river to prevent the passing either up or down of persons who were not known to be friends of the American cause, and for “fear of broils,” because of the number of strangers that thronged the town the watches were ordered doubled. The stockades were strengthened, the work being done by members of the militia, and for the better accommodation of the troops passing through or to be later quartered here, General Washington, on September 23, 1776, at the instance of the Committee, was approached through General Schuyler regarding the erection of barracks.
The site chosen for their erection was the southwest corner of Union and Lafayette Streets, and by November 6 the construction of a building containing accommodations for six hundred men was well under way.
John Fetterly came before the committee on August 12, 1777, where his name was misspelled. As Judy has indicated, the surname was sometimes rendered as (Fedderly) (Fedder) (Vetter) (Featherly) and (Fatherly). In the court report below, John’s surname is rendered as ‘Fatherly’.
Source: Minutes of the Albany Committee of Safety, 1775-1778, p. 1116, At a Meeting August 12th 1777. Present: Ryneer Mynderse in the Chair, Andrew McFarlen, Alexr Vedder, Hugh Mitchell, John Cuyler, Albert Mabee, Jacobus Teller, Dirk Vn Ingen, Major Swits and Capt Childs having returned and taken the following prissoners Viz: Nicholas Van Petten, Anthony Winne, Frederick Blessing, Jacob Man, Peter Kelly, ** John Fatherly **, Bartholomew Vn Alesteyn, Francis Weaver, Nicholas Vrooman, Dirk Springer, and Isaac Wormer in the House and Barn of the above Nicholas Vn Petten with their Arms and Accoutrements. The sd. Prisoners were ordered into Confinement John Groadt and Myndert Legrance appeared before this Board with a Letter which they say they had received from the Tories which were dispersed by Major Swits and Capt. Childs. Resolved that if John Groadt will desire them to sign their Names he will answer them (as pr Copy on File) On Motion made resd. that Myndert Legrance be taken into Custody on suspicion of his being a disaffected Person The Guard brought two Deserters from Capt. Peter’s Compy. of Batteaumen and one from Capt. John Clute’s Compny. Resd. that the sd. Deserters be confined Resolved that the 17 Prisoners under Confinement be sent in the morning to Albany under a Guard of 26 Men and that a Letter be written to that Committee Hendk. Eckson appeared before this Comte. and said that he heard from John Fine that the Party of Tories that were dispersed by Major Swits had collected themselves again to the Number of 100 men.
John seems to escaped banishment after that court proceeding of August 12, 1777, as he did not leave the area until after 02 February 1786, when his son Rudolph was born. John may have been placed on parole or under bond in 1777. He got into more trouble later. Judy says that family history shows, that John was arrested for his part in an attack on a police station in Albany. That incident sealed the matter, and John came to Dundas County, Ontario.
I have established that John Fetterly was born 28 January 1751 in Helderberg, Albany, New York, and died 28 November 1810 in Willamsburg, Dundas, Ontario. He married Mary Papts in Albany in about 1779. His middle name may have been ‘Philip’, like his father.
Further in support of John’s Loyalist sympathies, John P. Fetterly is found on the Index of Stray Names and of The Addenda, ‘The Loyalists in Ontario’, page 380, FETTERLY, John, 226, 243, with Mary Papts, 243, and Polly Moke, 226. Mary Papts, John’s wife, was daughter of John Adam Papts, UE, and his wife Eva Maria Hamm.
Interestingly, John’s father is credited with service as a Patriot. Johan Philip Fetter (1725 — 1803), married on 19 February 1750 in Vincent Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Anna Margarethe Schumannin (1730 — 1793). John was the first-born child, with whom his mother was pregnant when the family moved from Pennsylvania to New York.
Johan Philip Fetter is recorded in the Patriot annals, as follows, In “Pilgramages to the Graves of 126 Revolutionary Soldiers in the Town of Guilderland, New Scotland, and Bethlehem, Albany County, New York. Undertaken as a Jubilee Project Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversity – National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, by Tawasentha Chapter, Slingerlands, New York. October 1940,” compiled by William A. Brinkman, the dates of birth, death, and location of Philip Fetterly’s grave are given.
“Almost at the junction of Routes 158 and 146, right hand turn going west… (part of text cut off here) …known as Osborn’s Corners, 300 feet north of Route 146, on the south bank of Black Creek (opposite side of creek from the old house and 300 feet southwest of the house) is site of the old burial plot. Property now owned by Max Besser, farm and filling station.
This soldier born 1730. Died 1804. Married Maria Margaret Schumann, who was born 1730 and died 1793. Served in 3rd Regiment, Albany County Militia.”
Philip is buried in the same burial ground on the Featherly farm as his wife, Anna Margaretha Schumann Fetterly.
Now, this means that by the rules of DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution), equivalent of UELAC, Judy McCall and other direct bloodline descendants, might also be eligible for DAR status, as well as UE status.
…Richard Ripley UE, Genealogist
Seeking Parents of David House m. Hannah Elizabeth
[This is an updated query from the David House family query of Nov 20, 2011]
The Loyalist Directory lists several people with the surname HOUSE, several of whom are of the Hermanus HOUSE family. One of these is Joseph HOUSE, who is shown as “suspended”. We believe that this Joseph HOUSE had a younger brother, George HOUSE, born 28 June 1773 in Montgomery County, N.Y. George HOUSE was granted lands next to Hermanus HOUSE in Clinton Township, Upper Canada. George HOUSE married at least three times to (1) ????, unknown, (2) 1813, Mary Ann FRENCH, and (3) ????, Fanny (nee unknown). George HOUSE and Mary Ann FRENCH, we believe, had a son, David W. HOUSE, married c. 1847, unknown place, Hannah E. (Elizabeth) (nee unknown). [Note that The District Marriage Registers of Upper Canada, Talbot District 1837-1857, Provincial Archives of Ontario, Toronto list, Hannah Eliza SMITH, Townsend, Norfolk County, Ontario as being married in 1847.] Alternatively, David W. HOUSE might have been a son of Andrew HOUSE, the oldest son of George HOUSE by his first marriage to an unknown spouse.
David W. HOUSE and Hannah Elizabeth (nee unknown) are found in the 1851 Census for Windham Township, Norfolk County, Upper Canada with their two children, as follows: (1) Theresa HOUSE, born 05 OCT 1847, Grimsby, Lincoln County, Upper Canada, married John ROWE died 12 Oct 1939, Brantford, Brant County, Ontario, Canada, buried Greenwood, Brantford, Brant County, Ontario, Canada; and (2) Eliza Lija L. HOUSE, born c. 1851, North Grimsby, Lincoln County, Upper Canada. In that 1851 Census, the family is living with Nancy Matida HOUSE who is married to William MARLATT. Nancy Matida HOUSE is the presumed sister of David W. HOUSE. Also living with them is Mary J. DOHERTY, a presumed niece of Nancy Matilda HOUSE, married 1872, Erin Township, Nicholas ROGERS.
A third child of David W. HOUSE and Hannah Elizabeth (nee unknown) was born later in Waterford. Elizabeth J(ulia?) HOUSE, born 15 Apr 1857, Waterford, Townsend Township, Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada, married 04 Jul 1877, Brantford, Brant County, Ontario, Canada, Abraham Abram Abrahm WEAKLEY WEEKLEY, died 20 May 1928, St. Catharines, Grantham Township., Lincoln County, Ontario, CANADA, buried, Mt. Hope, Brantford, Brant County, Ontario, Canada.
We are seeking names of the parents of David W. HOUSE and Hannah Elizabeth (nee unknown). Any additional information would be much appreciated.