“Loyalist Trails” 2018-21: May 27, 2018
In this issue:
– UELAC Conference 2018
– The Montreal Claimants of 1788, by Stephen Davidson
– Loyalist Scholarship — Celebrate Twenty: Week Eight Update
– New Scholarship Logo: Have You Voted Yet?
– Fort Hughes, Starr’s Point, Nova Scotia
– Niagara’s History Unveiled: The John Breakenridge Homes
– JAR: Patriots Against Loyalists on Eastern Long Island, 1775-1776
– The Junto: Twitter Conferences: To Do or Not To Do? “filles du roi”
– Ben Franklin’s World: Sport in Early America
– Planter Studies Conferences
– Report from The Quebec Family History Society International Conference
– Last call: The Palatines to America 2018 National Conference
– The Professor Wilson Brown Papers (on the Marsh Family)
– The National Trust for Canada’s Top 10 Endangered Places List for 2018
– UE Loyalist Certificates Issued Recently
– Where in the World?
– Region and Branch Bits
– From the Twittersphere and Beyond
– Queries
+ Enos Dean
– Last Post
+ Jean Norry, UE
+ Lewis (Lew) Leroy Perry, UE, MWO (Ret’d)
Conference 2018: “Loyalist Ties Under Living Skies”
June 7-10, 2018
Temple Garden Hotel and Spa, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
The Montreal Claimants of 1788
© Stephen Davidson, UE
Not all of the claimants who petitioned the Royal Commission on the Losses and Services of American Loyalists (RCLSAL) on Wednesday, February 27, 1788 were from New York.
Jesse Wright, a Connecticut native, had lived in New Ashford, Massachusetts until he joined General Burgoyne’s advancing army in 1777. He went to serve his king after deserting with eight others from the local patriot militia that had drafted him. Wright abandoned 129 acres of land (16 of which had been cleared), a log house, a yoke of oxen sheep, a cow, furniture and farm utensils. He also had to leave behind his wife Sibyl and two children. The Massachusetts loyalist served in Johnson’s Regiment until 1783 and then settled in the 5th township above New Johnstown. Before dying sometime around 1813, Wright would once again serve his king as a captain in the Dundas Militia during the War of 1812.
Even Roys (Rice/Roice/Roise/Roye) was also a Connecticut loyalist who had lived in New Ashford prior to the revolution. Both he and his two sons were among those drafted with Jesse Wright to serve in the patriot militia. The three Roys men joined the king’s army after escaping to the British lines. Following the defeat of General Burgoyne’s forces, the three loyalists fled to Canada and joined the King’s Royal Regiment of New York, serving until the end of the war. Hannah Roys was eventually reunited with her husband and sons; the family settled in New Johnstown.
Hugh Connell was an Irishman who had emigrated to New York with his parents in 1772, settling in the Cherry Valley three years later. Within a year, he was uprooted once again. Rebels seized his father’s livestock, furniture, house, barn and 50-acre farm. Connell then enlisted in Sir John Johnson’s 1st Battalion, a regiment in which he would serve until the revolution ended. He made his new home along the Bay of Quinte.
Another loyalists who settled in the same region was Abraham Peterson, a native of Bergen County, New Jersey. While he could not seek compensation for the farm that he rented, he sustained the loss of livestock, clothes, three boats and cash. Peterson proudly proclaimed that he had “never joined the rebels in any way. He worked for his bread all the war.” The three boats that had been seized by patriots had been tied up in New York “for the purpose of carrying loyalists on expeditions.” After serving in the British army since 1776, Peterson was among 900 loyalists who went to Canada with Captain Michael Grass and spent the winter at the Sorel refugee settlement.
Seven other loyalists appeared before the RCLSAL on February 27, 1788, but their stories have already been told in previous issues of Loyalist Trails. Their names were: Guysbert Sharpe, Alexander Simpson, Thomas Sparham, Jared Taylor, Peter Van Alstine, John Fitzgerald, and Joseph Franklin.
All of the loyalist claimants who have been cited in this series presented their petitions to two commissioners appointed by the British government. Jeremy Pemberton and Colonel Thomas Dundas were charged with judging the merits of the hundreds of claims made by the refugees of the American Revolution who had settled in British North America.
Dundas was well suited for his role as commissioner. He had served as a member of the British Parliament for the Shetland Islands for almost ten years before serving under Benedict Arnold, Charles Cornwallis, and Banastre Tarleton at various times during the American Revolution. Having been a prisoner of war following the fall of Yorktown, Dundas knew all too well what it was like to be among the defeated in a war that the empire should have won.
Although he had no personal connection to the experience of the loyalist refugees, Jeremy Pemberton brought legal expertise to the RCLSAL hearings. He had been a practising lawyer for 26 years; his grandfather was Sir Francis Pemberton, a lord chief justice of England. The loyalist settlers of Nova Scotia must have been impressed by his judgments during the RCLSAL’s mandate. Six months after he heard refugees’ petitions in Montreal, Pemberton was appointed as the fifth chief justice of Nova Scotia Supreme Court, a position he held until October of 1789.
Next week, this series concludes with the stories of those who appeared before Dundas and Pemberton in Montreal on Thursday, February 28, 1788.
To secure permission to reprint this article, email Stephen Davidson.
Loyalist Scholarship — Celebrate Twenty: Week Eight Update
“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.” – Sidney J. Harris
To date, we have raised $1,790.00 against a goal of $10,000.
At the annual meeting of the UELAC in Kingston, Ontario in 1998, UELAC members voted to the establish a scholarship to be awarded to post-graduate students of Loyalist Studies. Twenty years later we are celebrating a successful scholarship program that to date, has provided financial support to twelve scholarship recipients.
We need you! Help us reach our goal by actively promoting the 2018 campaign. Make a donation today! Share the information with all UELAC branch members. Make announcements at meetings, include in your newsletters and e-news, promote in social media.
Your participation will have a direct impact on Loyalist research. This Anniversary Challenge ends July 1, 2018. Thank you for your generous support.
…Bonnie Schepers, UE; Chair, Scholarship Committee
New Scholarship Logo: Have You Voted Yet?
We have received 113 votes for a new Loyalist Scholarship logo design. Have you voted yet? Let your voice be heard! Visit the UELAC homepage and use the ‘graduate cap’ link to vote for your favourite. The deadline is June 4 — King George III’s birthday (280 years ago). The winning design will be announced on June 8 at the UELAC Conference in Moose Jaw, SK.
Fort Hughes, Starr’s Point, Nova Scotia
As a result of raids by American Privateers in 1778 Fort Hughes, also known as Planter’s Barracks, was built at Starr’s Point, Kings County, Nova Scotia. The British soldiers sent to construct the Fort were led by Captain Duncan Campbell of the 84th Regiment (Royal Highland Emigrants). In 1781, after some area residents started to build a liberty pole in support of the American Revolution, Captain Samuel Bayard and members of the King’s Orange Rangers were sent to the Fort from Halifax to put down any unrest.
I recently visited the location which is recognized as a Provincial Heritage Site. It is now operated as a Country Inn. Watch this short video of my visit.
More details about Fort Hughes.
…Brian McConnell, UE
Niagara’s History Unveiled: The John Breakenridge Homes
by Denise Ascenzo, 21 May 2018
John Breakenridge, once thought to be a traitor to Upper Canada and to have buried six slaves on his property. Just who is this man?
In this article, I plan to dispel several rumours about Breakenridge and explore his connection to three wonderful heritage homes in Niagara-on-the-Lake, one of which is purported to have the most photographed doorway in town.
Breakenridge was born on a family farm outside of Prescott Ontario in 1789 and worked hard his entire but short life.
He was the son of David Breakenridge, an United Empire Loyalist who fled the upper New York State area after the American Revolution (1775-1783) and settled on land granted to him by King George III of England.
David was an educated man and a staunch Tory who was appointed to several important government positions such as the Justice of the Peace by the Government of Lower Canada (Quebec) and then by the Government of Upper Canada (Ontario). His children were afforded a good education and a strict Presbyterian upbringing.
Little is known of John Breakenridge’s early life but it can be expected that he attended grammar school in Cornwall run by Bishop Strachan (later the first Bishop of the Anglican Church in Toronto) from 1803-1811.
JAR: Patriots Against Loyalists on Eastern Long Island, 1775-1776
by Matthew M. Montelione 21 May 2018
In 1775, within weeks of the violent clashes at Lexington and Concord, Patriots throughout the colonies established Committees of Observation to thwart Loyalists from assisting the anticipated British war effort. In the township of Brookhaven in Suffolk County on eastern Long Island, New York, the Committee of Observation was spearheaded by William Floyd, a wealthy landowner in the town of Mastic and future signer of the Declaration of Independence. Shortly after its founding, the Committee circulated Association papers—essentially, Patriot roll calls—that were drafted and signed by Long Island men who vowed to follow the demands of the Continental Congress and Provincial Conventions.
As a result of this intrusion into the private lives of Long Island civilians, the interrogations of proclaimed or suspected Loyalists often degraded into bouts of accusations, and acts of violence. Indeed, the Association conflicts of 1775 and 1776 drew harsh boundaries between neighbors who were forced to identify as Loyalist or Patriot. In most cases, these sociopolitical battle lines remained in place until 1783 and beyond.
The Junto: Twitter Conferences: To Do or Not To Do? “filles du roi”
By Julia M Gossard, 24 May 2018
In August 2017, I virtually attended and presented at the Beyond 150: Telling Our Stories Twitter Conference ((#Beyond150CA). In collaboration with Unwritten Histories, Canada’s History Society, and the Wilson Institute, this event was the first Twitter conference to focus on Canadian history. This conference seemed like a great opportunity to present my work on “filles du roi” (daughters of the king) in seventeenth-century New France. But, the idea of presenting an entire conference paper in only 12-15 tweets was intimidating. Would I be able to get my points across in this format? Would I be able to delve into meaningful conversations with the “audience”? Would anyone be in the audience? Was I prepared to lay my research bare on the internet for anyone to find while it was still in a nascent state?
Instead of writing a conference paper, I prepared for this event as I have for roundtable sessions. I wrote an outline for my presentation, focusing on the argument that with filles du roi the French crown invested in children twice to build their North American empire between 1663 and 1673. These young girls (most were 19 years old), hailing mainly from urban poor houses, immediately added to New France’s population with their migration.
Ben Franklin’s World: Sport in Early America
Kenneth Cohen, a curator at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History and the author of They Will Have Their Game: Sporting Culture and the Making of the American Republic, leads us through an exploration of early American sport and sporting culture.
As we explore sport in early America, Ken reveals what early American sporting culture was and the types of sport early Americans engaged in; Taverns, race tracks, and other venues for sport in early America; And, details about how the American Revolution impacted the development of sport and sporting culture between the colonial and early republic periods.
I attended the the Planter Studies Conference Stephen Davidson references (see Loyalist Trails 2018-#19, 13 May), as I have Planter ancestors in Queens Co, Kings Co and Annapolis Co, NS.
I also attended all but the first conference of five. The proceedings of all five have been published as softcover books by Acadiensis Press – the details:
- They Planted Well (1988), ISBN 9780919107205
- Making Adjustments (1991), ISBN 9780919107335
- Intimate Relations (1995), ISBN 9780919107427
- Planter Links (2001), ISBN 9780919107465
- The Nova Scotia Planters In The Atlantic World, 1760-1830 (2012), ISBN 9780919107229
Though the Planters arrive 20+ years before the Loyalists, I’m sure that there were shared experiences.
…David Reed
Report from The Quebec Family History Society International Conference
The conference was held in Montreal, May 18 — 20 with UELAC representation in attendance. Robert Wilkins and Maura McKeon of Heritage Branch, and Bonnie Schepers, UELAC Scholarship Chair took advantage of ‘Roots 2018’, the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the QFHS, the largest English language genealogical society in Quebec.
The conference was held at McGill University and offered eighteen sessions led by twelve presenters. Speakers came from California, Ireland, Ottawa, and Montreal and included three research consultants on the TLC series ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’. The sessions covered a wide range of topics: DNA testing; what’s new at the National Archives, Ireland; how to use the Drouin Institute website; Notarial Records in Quebec; City of Montreal Archives; and how to navigate the Archives Nationales du Quebec. This is just a sampling of resources and information provided during the weekend. The conference ended with a ‘Meet the Experts Panel’ with all the featured speakers available for genealogical questions.
For those whose Loyalist ancestors arrived in Quebec or received land grants in Lower Canada, the Quebec Family History Society may hold some hidden treasures. The QFHS Heritage Centre library offers a collection of 6000 books, manuscripts, historical maps, and family histories plus billions of records on microfilm, microfiche, CDs and online. QFHS is an affiliated library of the Family History Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS).
I encourage anyone researching family ties to Quebec to contact the Quebec Family History Society. QFHS offers a research service to help members and non-members find ancestors and discover their family history in Quebec.
…Bonnie Schepers UE
Last call: The Palatines to America 2018 National Conference
Willkommen to Buffalo: Gateway to a New Heimat [Home], June 13-16, 2018, Adams Mark Hotel & Conference Center, Buffalo, NY
Speakers include John Colletta, Ph.D.; Baerbel K. Johnson, AG and many others
The Palatines to America Conference booklet contains conference details and registration. Online registration.
Garry Finkell (that’s me), President, New York Chapter, Palatines to America will be giving the talk regarding the Hudson Valley Palatine Loyalists.
Also take note of the talk, “Who are the Irish Palatines?” by Carolyn Heald. Carolyn lives in Ottawa, and she is the author of The Irish Palatines in Ontario. The very first Irish Palatines to come to America settled in New York City and then in the Camden Valley of New York near Saratoga. They became Loyalists as well. Subsequent to that, many Irish Palatines immigrated to Ontario in the 1800s.
Palatines to America German Genealogy Society (PalAm) is a national organization dedicated to finding German-speaking German Village ancestors and their place of origin. Whether your ancestors are from Germany, Austria, Alsace, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein, Poland, Russia, Denmark, Netherlands, East Prussian, Pomerania, Brandenberg, Silesia, Galicia, Bohemia or other German-speaking areas, PALAM can help you find that elusive ancestor.
Our membership consists of persons at all levels of research beginners to professionals. Members are happy to help you and share information with you. Pay-for research is available also.
…Garry Finkell, President, New York Chapter
The Professor Wilson Brown Papers (on the Marsh Family)
In the latest Loyalist Gazette I have a tribute to the late Professor Wilson Brown who co-wrote and researched an excellent biography on Col. William Marsh UE. Wilson’s wife Jennifer has just informed me that Wilson’s Papers have now been donated to the Bennington Museum in Bennington, Vermont. The contact person is Tyler Resch.
…Peter W. Johnson UE
The National Trust for Canada’s Top 10 Endangered Places List for 2018
The Top 10 List shines a national spotlight on historic places at risk. Here’s the 2018 List, from west to east:
• Victoria High School (Victoria, BC) – Seismic upgrades threaten the oldest high school in Victoria.
• A. Minchau Blacksmith Shop (Edmonton, AB) – Weak legislation and inadequate financial incentives place this Old Strathcona boomtown gem at risk.
• Moose Jaw Natatorium (Moose Jaw, SK) – Iconic Depression-era swimming facility will disappear if creative solutions for its renewal aren’t found.
• Muscowequan Residential School (Lestock, SK) – Local Indigenous community fighting to save this crumbling residential school as a testament to resilience.
• Former Carnegie Library and City of Winnipeg Archives (Winnipeg, MB) – Winnipeg’s first public library languishes years after storm damages roof.
• St. Mary’s Pulp and Paper Mill (Sault Ste. Marie, ON) – Monumental Pulp Tower in historic industrial complex needs investment and vision to prevent its loss.
• White House (Stratford, ON) – A majestic home risks losing its larger-than-life portico and its spacious grounds, key elements of its character that have made it a prominent local landmark.
• Royal Victoria Hospital (Montreal, QC) – The future of this historically significant, yet largely-abandoned complex is in limbo.
• Covered Bridges of New Brunswick – These iconic structures are being lost across the province to flooding, maintenance issues and lack of expert attention.
• 1029 Tower Road (Halifax, NS) – Located just outside a heritage conservation district, this beautiful 19th century cottage may fall prey to densification pressure.
For more information about each, visit the list.
The List brings media attention and gives a welcome shot in the arm for local groups involved in challenging campaigns to save places that matter. We hope these historic places will enjoy positive outcomes similar to some of the List’s success stories, like the Nottawasaga Lighthouse, Guild Inn and Petrie Building.
UE Loyalist Certificates Issued Recently
The list of UE Certificates issued since late in 2012 — showing the Loyalist ancestor, name of descendant (when permission is granted), branch and date — has been updated with the certificates issued in March and April of this year. The same updates have been applied to the Loyalist Directory.
Where is Nancy Conn of Gov. Simcoe Branch?
To participate, submit a photo of yourself in UELAC promotional gear at a place of some note and tell us where it is (if you are a member of a branch, please indicate that as well). Send your submission to the editor at loyalist.trails@uelac.org.
From the UELAC branches, news and events of interest to others.
- There’s still time to register for Kingston & District Branch UELAC’s annual banquet, to be held on Wednesday, May 30th, 6 pm for 6:30, at Minos Village Restaurant, Kingston. Speaker Jennifer DeBruin will discuss “The History of Slavery along the St. Lawrence River”. See the menu at http://www.uelac.org/Kingston-
Branch/wp-content/uploads/ and then immediately contact Kingston.uelac@gmail.com to register and give your choice of entrée. Do bring your friends, and join us for a great meal, great talk and great door prizes! Nancy Cutway UE2018/03/2018-banquet-flyer.pdf - Bill Terry of Simcoe ON, a genealogist and past national president of the United Empire Loyalists Association, has been recognized with a Norfolk County Dogwood Award for outstanding contributions to local heritage and culture.
- Laura Secord Walk 2018 celebrates Laura Secord’s famous 1813 trek to warn the British of an impending American invasion. The walk takes place on 23 June along the 32 km Laura Secord Legacy Trail, a modern-day approximation of her route from the Secord Homestead in picturesque Queenston to historic Decew House Heritage Park in Thorold.
From the Twittersphere and Beyond
- On Tuesday 8th September 1761, in the Chapel Royal at St James’s Palace, the new King George III (he had ascended the throne a little less than a year earlier) married Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. The wedding took place only a few hours after their initial meeting.
- Four of the more than sixty dice found at Historic Jamestowne in Virginia, small tokens of Americans’ long history of gaming and gambling.
- Once a maintenance worker at Colonial Williamsburg, Leroy Graves is among the world’s top upholstery conservators. Read his story…
- Today in History: Lars D.H. Hedbor @LarsDHHedbor (see his page for associated photos):
- 26 May 1776 President of Virginia Convention warns Maryland of approaching British fleet.
- 25 May 1787 Constitutional Convention convenes, exceeding charge to amend Articles of Confederation, starts fresh.
- 24 May 1775 John Hancock elected 4th President of Continental Congress, serving to 1777, so 1st to sign Declaration.
- 23 May 1777 Col. Meigs’ expedition seizes British fort, burns several ships at Sag Harbor on Long Island.
- 22 May 1781 Rebel forces besiege Fort Ninety-Six, SC; forced to retreat 19 June, but British depart anyway 1 July.
- 21 May, 1775 Ethan Allen arrives at Ft. Ticonderoga, after being repulsed at Ft. St. John’s in Canada.
- 20 May 1775 Committee of Safety in Mecklenburg County, North-Carolina declares independence; text lost to time.
- Townsends
- Cabin Life on the Frontier – Uncovering History in Journals “The Backwoods of Canada“
- Raising A Log Barn
- A Taste of England: Unboxing a Food Parcel from Great Britain
- From HistoricRoyalPalaces @HRP_palaces: The Georgian courts were fanatic about social rank, and status was reflected in clothing. In 1790, the Duke of Bedford’s suit cost him £500 — £28k today. This ivory silk suit dates from 1760-90. Our free FLRoyalFashion course this week is on the Georgians
- 18th Century dress, Robe à la française: c.1766-1770, French, via Museum of London
- 18th Century men’s embroidered silk waistcoat, probably English, c.1740-50
- Sleeve detail of 18th Century Royal Naval uniform of 1774
- Brocaded silk shoes, English, c. 1760s (?) with later (clumsy) alterations to heel in late 18th-early 19th, American. Worn in New Hampshire.
- One topic which occupies me in Treasures Afoot is remaking, repairing & refashioning 18thc American shoes. It was extensive—cutting down heels, altering the shape of tongue, recladding uppers Here a c1738 waistcoat refashioned into c1780s slippers.
- How common were male embroiderers in 18th-century America or British Atlantic world? Have you encountered many? (Pennsylvania Journal 6/2/1768)
- Did you know you can invite a Memory Project speaker to share their story of service all year round? Here are a few upcoming important historical dates
My ‘brick wall’ ancestor is Enos Dean. Enos was born in about 1777 in Dutchess County, NY. He is first found in the 1800 census of Dutchess, in Northeast township. He is aged 16-25, listed with a woman aged 16-25 and a baby girl less than ten. He later moves to Greene County (where he is found in the 1810 census), and then Broome County (where he is found in the 1820 and succeeding censuses), where he dies in 1855.
Enos married Judith Huddleston at the First Stanford Baptist Church in Bangall, Dutchess on November 6, 1797. Judith is last found in the NY state census of 1865 living in Binghamton with her daughter’s family (Ansel Gaige).
I think this family is Baptist.
In researching Enos, it is super easy to start with the 1800 census document. The household three entries above Enos’ family is Sarah Huddleston, the likely mother of Enos’ wife Judith. Two above Enos’ family is Henry Paddock, who married Judith’s sister Rhoda Huddleston.
Two lines below Enos’ family is Samuel Dean. Samuel’s household has one male 45+, one male 16-25, two females 16-25, one female 45+. To me, this looks a lot like Enos’ family. Samuel would be the father, Enos is a son. But there is no evidence to confirm a relationship.
Six lines below Enos’ family is Zephaniah Dean. I love the biblical name thing, Enos Samuel and Zephaniah. Again, no evidence to confirm a relationship.
Another piece of evidence that I have uncovered is the will of Thomas Lake / Leake of Little 9 Partners (Dutchess County). Thomas’ will written 19 Dec 1783; will proved 14 Feb 1784, “Thomas Leake, of Little 9 Partners, Dutchess Co. Wife Lidia, daus Sarah, Mary and Lydia; sons Stephen, David, Peleg, Daniel and Abraham; grandson Benj, son of son Isaac. Executors the wife and son Daniel. Wit. George Huddleston, Samuel Dean, Jr and Lydia Leake, spinster.
Note George Huddleston, husband of Sarah (Crandall) Huddleston (from above), is the likely father of Judith Huddleston. And there he is with Samuel Dean Jr. Could he be the same Samuel Dean listed in the 1800 census?
Enos was from Northeast, Dutchess, so a check of the 1790 census would perhaps show his household. However there is only one Dean household in Northeast in 1790. It is the household of Josiah Fisher Deane. The household has a lot of people living in it, it could be more than one family. Two males 16+, Two males under 16, six females. The household is nine lines below George Huddleston (father of Judith). Josiah was active in the local militia for Dutchess County, in 1789 he is the Lieutenant in Company #8 for Captain William Griffin. However shortly thereafter he and apparently many of the commissioned officers resign.
At this point I lose track of Josiah Fisher Deane.
However I have identified a Josiah F. Dean who arrives in Albany about 1795, stays through 1798 and then moves to Blenheim, Oxford, Canada with two neighbours, Samuel Martin and Samuel Baker. Josiah F. Dean serves in the local militia with what looks to be his son Josiah Dean.
From Grants of Crown Lands in Upper Canada, 1796-1798:
• Josiah Deane. Praying for lands as the son of a lieutenant. Ordered 400 acres as the son of a Lieutenant under the new regulations when they shall be promulgated.
• Josiah F. Dean. Praying for lands as a settler. Ordered 200 acres under the new regulations, but no warrant to issue before they are promulgated.
Take careful note, it looks like Josiah F. Dean is a settler, not the Josiah Deane son of Lieutenant Samuel Deane. Josiah F. Dean settles in Burford / Blenheim; Josiah Deane and Samuel Deane settle in the Adophustown area. I don’t think that our Deans are this pair, unless Samuel returns to Dutchess by the 1800 census (unlikely), or the Samuel in the 1800 Census is in fact Samuel Senior (unlikely; he’d likely be about 85 years old).
A Sarah Dean marries a Calvin Martin in 1812 in Oxford, Canada, witnessed by Samuel Martin and Josiah F. Dean. I’m guessing Sarah is Josiah’s daughter. However, if this is the same Josiah F. Dean, he would have been born about 1745 so Sarah Dean b. 1790 is a little strange, but not unusually so. Sarah Dean and her husband Calvin stay in Upper Canada, are recorded in Canadian censuses, and their graves are on Findagrave. And that’s the last I can find of Josiah F. Dean in Oxford, Ontario, Canada.
Unlike the Martins, the Bakers return to New York about 1811; unfortunately they die in Batavia, NY shortly after returning. Their daughter Olive Baker stays in Blenheim ON with her husband Thomas Hornor.
But what of Josiah F. Dean? It seems he leaves to return to the United States during the War of 1812, but the record is not clear.
From The Early Political and Military History of Burford: “Among those having landed property in Upper Canada, who did voluntarily withdraw from the province, without leave during the late war were Jacob DeLong, Benj. DeLong, Silas Dean, Samuel Doyle, James James, Benajah Mallory, Josiah Dean, Ebenezer Decou.”
I am specifically looking for any information about Enos Dean, Samuel Dean Jr., and Josiah Fisher Dean.
Last Post
At home with family by her side on Wednesday, May 23, 2018, Jean Marie Norry, nee Davis, of London age 88. Beloved wife for 65 years of Herb. Loving mother of Millie Norry (John Tapics) of London, Margaret Hare (Don) of Oakville and Marilyn Norry (Greg Freedman) of Vancouver, and the late Maryann McLellan (2002). Proud Grandma of Cameron Ross, Kylie and Matthew McLellan, David and Cathy Hare. Dear sister of Merton Davis (Eleanor) of Lindsay, Lois O’Hara (the late Fred) of Kingston, and the late Bob Davis (Betty) of Kingston.
Jean was proud to receive her Bachelor of Household Science from the University of Guelph where she also met Herb. Together they moved around the province, having babies and building communities — from Arthur to Peterborough to Brampton to Perth and finally to London in 1984. After her children started school Jean taught high school Home Economics for many years. She also volunteered for many societies including London Children’s Museum, the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario, and the Ontario Genealogical Society. She was a past president of the United Empire Loyalists, London Branch. Jean was passionate about genealogy, loving the detective work of tracking down ancestors, both her own and those of other people. In later years she wrote articles for many genealogical publications.
Visitation on Friday, June 8 from 7 — 9 pm at Harris Funeral Home, 220 St. James St. at Richmond. A service to celebrate Jean’s life will be held at St. Paul’s Cathedral, 472 Richmond St. at Queens Ave., on Saturday, June 9 at 11 am. Memorial contributions to Project Jericho at St. Paul’s Cathedral or the charity of your choice would be appreciated.
Jean was a proven descendant of Alexander Campbell UEL and Casper Hoover UEL and perhaps more.
…Carol Childs, UE
Lewis (Lew) Leroy Perry, UE, MWO (Ret’d)
A past member of Dominion Council of the United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada and President of the Halifax – Dartmouth Branch passed away after a short illness on May 16, 2018 at Dartmouth General Hospital.. A resident of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, he was born in Brass Hill (Barrington) Nova Scotia on March 12, 1934, and was the son of the Roy and Lillian (Nickerson) Perry. Lew was a proven descendant of United Empire Loyalist Samuel Perry, a native of Sandwich, Barnstable Co., Massaschusetts, who served with the Royal Associated Refugees (attached to the King’s American Regiment) during the American Revolution. After the conflict ended Samuel Perry came to Nova Scotia and settled in Cape Negro Harbor, Shelburne County in 1785.
Lew is survived by his children Barbara (Marshall) Kulka, Dartmouth; David Perry, Cambridge; Yvonne Perry, Brampton Ontario; grandchildren Lesley Torbacioglu, Samantha Hallihan, Derrick Marshall and Marisha Golas, and great-grandchildren Jakob Hallihan and Evren Torbacioglu, as well as several nieces and nephews.
He was predeceased by his wife of 58 years Janet (Sparkes), son Brian, and siblings Helen Shand, Geraldine Blades and Newton Perry.
He joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1952 and travelled to various places in Canada as a Communications Technician. He met his wife in Newfoundland, marrying her in 1958. Transfers took them across Canada and to Europe as their family grew.
They returned to Nova Scotia and settled in Dartmouth in 1971. After postings in Dartmouth, Halifax and Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Lew retired from the Canadian Armed Forces and accepted a position with Public Service of Canada before retiring in 1989.
Cremation has taken place. There will be a public visitation on Friday, June 8 from 7 to 9 pm at Atlantic Funeral Home Dartmouth, 771 Main Street. Private interment will take place at a another time.
To honour his memory, donations can be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, Lung Association of Nova Scotia, Diabetes Canada, Nova Scotia Lighthouse Preservation Society, or any charity of choice.
…Brian McConnell UE