Loyalist Lane and Memorial Boulder
London, Ontario
Loyalist Lane is located in the Fanshawe Pioneer Village, 2609 Fanshawe Park Rd. E. in London, Ontario (see PDF map of the village). Loyalist Lane extends south from the fire hall along both sides of the road and ends almost in front of the Paul Peel house on the west side of the village by Trinity Anglican Church. Members of the London and Western Ontario Branch donated $100.00 each to provide the trees and place a large boulder with the names of Loyalist ancestors and donors near the lane. Some were donated to honour a relative living at that time.
The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority planted approximately fifty trees of the species found in the Carolinian forest which in Canada is located only in an area south of a line drawn from Grand Bend to the western edge of Toronto.
In June 1999, the London and Western Ontario Branch celebrated Loyalists’ Weekend at Fanshawe Pioneer Village. On the 19th, a flagpole donated by Joyce Polgrain UE and her husband Bert Polgrain was dedicated and the Loyalist flag raised. The flagpole is located near the corner of Talbot and Main in front of the historic Trinity Anglican Church. The branch makes an annual donation to ensure the maintenance of a bed of red geraniums at the base of the flagpole.
On the 20th, following a Loyalist church service conducted by Branch Chaplain Rev. Robert Carson, Loyalist Lane and the memorial boulder were dedicated.

Robert Tordiff, UE, and Gerry Tordiff
at the Memorial Boulder, June 2010 — Click to enlarge
(Photo by June Klassen, UE)
The inscription reads as follows:
Loyalists’ Lane
Fanshawe Pioneer Village
Dedicated June 20, 1999This lane of Carolinian trees is dedicated to the memory of the early settlers
of Ontario, many of whom were United Empire Loyalists.Earl and Ava Axford UE
Jacob Ball UE
Herbert Loucks Bechstead UE
John & Mabel Bowie UE
Bemslee Buell UE
Thomas Abijab Dunning UE
Jacob Eaman UE
Benjamin Fairchild UE
Herbert Fick UE
Elva Fick Glover UE
John & Margaret Glover
Margaret Ann Glover UE
Josiah Harns UE
William Hodgkinson UE
James Hughson UE
James R. Irwin UE
Richard Henry Irwin
Ross Walter Irwin UE
Vera Watson Irwin UE
Christian Keller UE
Margaret Irwin Kobes UE
William Koughnet UE
Jean Knight
Peter Mann U
Richard Markell UE
Donald McCall UE
Elsie Simpson McCall UE
Lt. James McCall UE
James Henry McCall UE
Nancy McQueen McCall UE
Priscilla Lamport McCall
Simpson McCall
W. Harold Minshall UE
Hendrick Nelles UE
Lionel Abram Nelles UE
Allan Nixon UE
James Hall Norton UE
John H. Robson. UE
George Smith UE
Samuel Street UE
Zelma Tordiff UE
Clara Tupper UE
Edward Wyatt Turner UE
James Cowell Turner UE
Jemima Yeomans Yerex UE
Agnes McCall Watson UE
Thomas P. Watson
Barnabas Wemp UE
Donald J and Margaret Wilson UE
Agnes Young McCall UE