Rock & Plaque in Loyalist Plaza
Saint John, New Brunswick
This memorial plaque, embedded in a granite boulder, was dedicated by the Government of Canada in 1923. In 1983, it was incorporated in the design for Loyalist Plaza and is now featured on a raised circular base. This base serves to display the pots of geraniums presented each May 18 as part of the Loyalist observations.
Landing of United Empire Loyalists in New Brunswick National Historic Site of Canada, Loyalist Plaza (Market Square), Saint John, New Brunswick
Three separate fleets of ships carrying Loyalists from New England, 1783
Date Designated: 1919
Plaque status: Plaqued in 1923
The plaque reads as follows:
DÉ BARQUEMENT DES LOYALISTESOn 10 May 1783 the Spring Fleet, carrying over 2,000 Loyalists, arrived at the Saint John River mouth. The exiles, mostly civilians from the Middle Colonies, established themselves in the newly-surveyed townsites of Parr and Carleton. A second fleet in June, a third in September carrying troops of the Loyalist corps, and numerous individual vessels swelled the number crowded at the river mouth. Preparation for the arrivals was inadequate and many wintered in tents and huts under severe conditions. For some, three years or more elapsed before suitable land could be secured and the clearing of farms begun.
Le 10 mai 1783, le Spring Fleet arriva à l’embouchure de la Saint-Jean, avec plus de 2 000 loyalistes. Ces exilés, venant pour la plupart des colonies du Centre, s’établirent à Parr et à Carleton. Leur nombre s’accrût encore en juin, et en septembre avec de nouvelles arrivées. Faute de préparatifs, beaucoup durent hiverner dans des tentes ou des baraques et certains durent même attendre trois ans avant d’obtenir des terres à défricher.
(Text prepared by the Special Committee on the Revision of Unilingual Plaques – 1973 to 1977)