Macdonell Plaque
Glengarry, Ontario
This cairn, originally plaqued in 1923 by the Government of Canada, is dedicated to Lieutenant-Colonel John Macdonell. It is located on County Road # 2 just east of Glen Walter (on the way to Lancaster) across from county road marker 18527, next to the turn off for Stonehouse Point Estates.

Macdonell Plaque
The inscription reads as follows:
c.1750-1809Born in Scotland, Macdonell came to New York in 1773. Commissioned
ensign in the Royal Highland Emigrants (84th Regiment) in June 1775
and later transferred to Butler’s Rangers, Macdonell served with dis-
tinction until 1784 when he settled with his clansmen in Charlottenburg
Township. He represented Glengarry in the Legislative Assembly
(1792-1800) and was chosen first speaker (1792-96) Macdonell served
As Lieutenant of Glengarry (1793-1808), commander of the 2nd
Battalion Royal Canadian Volunteers (1796-1802), and paymaster of
the 10th Royal Veteran Battalion from 1807 until his death.Né en Écosse, Macdonell arriva à New York en 1773. Nommé enseigne
dans les Royal Highland Emigrants (84th Regiment) en juin 1775, il
passa ensuite aux Butler’s Rangers avec lesquels il se distingua jusqu’en
1784. À cette date il alla s’etablir avec ses companions de clan dans le
comté de Charlottenburg. Il représenta Glengarry à l’Assemblée légis-
lative (1792-1800) dont il fut le premier président (1792-96). Macdonell
fut lieutenant de Glengarry (1793-1808), commanda le 2e bataillon des
Royal Canadian Volunteers (1796-1802) et fut paie-maître du 10th
Royal Veteran Battalion en 1807.Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du CanadaGovernment of Canada – 1923 – Gouvernement du Canada
Further mention of Lt.Col. John Macdonell can be found in the CCHA Report hosted by the University of Manitoba.
Research and photography by Michael Eamer UE