Waterfront Park Loyalist Cairn
Summerside, Prince Edward Island
Dedicated in 1987, this massive cairn incorporates the plaque of dedication and the Armorial Bearings of UELAC.
As printed in the Loyalist Gazette, November 1987 issue (Vol. XXV, No. 1), the following was taken from the Guardian, Charlottetown, Friday, August 21, 1987:
Summerside – the bicentennial of the landing of the United Empire Loyalists on Prince Edward Island in 1783 – was marked here Thursday with the unveiling of a cairn on Harbor Drive.
Dr. Vera F. Vanderlip of Ontario, the national president of the United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada, was on hand to officially unveil the monument, with some help from Dan Compton.
Also participating in the event were Lt. Gov. Lloyd MacPhail, provincial Conservative Leader Leone Bagnall, Summerside Mayor Basil Stewart.
The first Loyalists arrived in 1783, which means the bicentennial was actually in 1983, but the cairn was only erected this year by the Abegweit Branch of the United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada.
The inscription reads as follows:
1783 – 1983
To commemorate the Bicentennial of the United Empire Loyalists and Disbanded Troops who settled on the Isle of Saint John following the American Revolution.
These courageous Loyal Refugees contributed greatly to the development and growth of a tiny colony struggling for independence and prosperity.
The Memorial erected in 1987 by the Abegweit Branch of the United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada.