Outdoor Display Tent (June 2012)

Victoria Branch

In March of 2012 Victoria Branch requested UELAC Grant Funding to assist in the purchase of a replacement display tent for participation at outdoor history and heritage fairs.

Victoria Branch members attend functions that attract large numbers of people who are interested in their ancestors, especially if their ancestors were likely to have been United Empire Loyalists. Victoria Branch has collected lists of proven Loyalists and information on how to research to find UE Loyalists.The tent allows branch members to meet with interested people in relative comfort at outdoor functions. So far eleven new members have been recruited through the Victoria Branch UELAC booth at these functions.


The newly purchased tent & banner (Photo by Al Huffman, UE)


The new tent provides a secure setting with protection from rain, dew, sun and wind. With its new banner, Victoria Branch is creating a positive UELAC presence in the community.

[Submitted by Elizabeth Aberdeen, UE, Victoria Branch President]

For more information about Victoria Branch, visit www.uelac.org/uelvictoria/.