During the period of commemoration of the War of 1812, on the occasion of its bicentenary, we created this page dedicated to Loyalists and the sons and daughters of Loyalists who participated in the War of 1812.
Submissions are still welcome. Send up to 500 words describing the Loyalist’s experience or participation in the war, and where settled before and afterward, to loyalist.trails@uelac.org. Please reference both the Loyalist experience, perhaps to a lesser degree, along with the 1812 history.
Alphabetical Index of Entries
- John Albright Jr.
- John Askin and grandson George Hamilton
- John Baxter
- Abraham Bowman
- Sons of Daniel Burritt Sr.
- Alexander Cameron
- Isaiah Cain
- William Caldwell
- Bartholomew Carley
- Abraham Coon and sons Abraham and Isaac
- James Cotter
- Tunis Cronk and son William
- Geronimous and John Crysler
- Thomas Cummings and son James
- Henry Davy
- William Disher
- Robert Dixon and son Robert Jr.
- Aaron Doan
- Joseph Doan and son Joseph Jr.
- Levi Doan
- Peter Dulyea (Delyea)
- Simon Earhart (Airhart) and son William
- Joseph Ferris and Son Isaac
- Joseph Flewelling
- Pieter Forsyuer (Forshee) and Grandson Alexander
- William Foster and Son Alvah
- Benjamin Fralick and son John
- Johannes (John) Froats
- John Gerolamy Sr. and sons
- John Gould, Sr.
- Adam Green & Son Billy “The Scout” Green
- Charles Green & Son Reuben
- Zachariah Hainer
- Adam Haines and his five sons
- Joseph Haines
- John Hatter
- Edward Hazel
- Elizabeth Hopkins
- George Hughson
- William Hutchinson and son Alexander
- George Stephen Benjamin Jarvis
- Stephen Jarvis
- William Jarvis
- Captain John Jenkins
- Jacob Karns (Carns) and sons Jacob and Christian
- George Kiefer and sons George and Jacob Keefer
- James Kelsey and sons Samuel and John
- The Kentners: George, John, Frederick and Conrad
- Captain George Lawrence and son Sergeant William
- Sons of widow Catharine Leech, Samuel and John
- George Leonard and Son Richard
- Daniel Lightheart
- Mary McCormick, daughter of John and Mary Cornwall, UE; wife of William McCormick
- William McCormick, son of Alexander McCormick, UE
- Randy McDonell (McDonald)
- Sons of the Hon. Neil McLean – John, Alexander and Archibald
- Elijah Merritt, son of Joseph Merritt
- Thomas Merritt, Sr. & Jr.
- Captain John Mersereau and son Andrew
- William Hamilton Merritt, son of Thomas Jr.
- Andrew Miller
- Charles Moore, grandson of Bartholomew London, UE
- Jacob Ott and sons George and Jacob Ott
- Cyrenius Parke
- James Parke (Parks) and son David
- John Phillips and sons John and Peter
- Casper Ramey and sons
- Owen Roblin Jr. and son Jacob
- Alexander Rose
- Daniel Rose and sons Hugh, William, Lewis, Alexander, James, and Peter
- Lemuel Scott
- Dayle (Daniel) Selleck and sons John & Ira
- The Shavers of Ancaster
- Capt. Aeneas Shaw
- Loyalist John Smith and Son Samuel
- Dr. James Stuart and Son Henry
- Latham Stull
- Isaac Swayze and Nephew Caleb
- Sons of Cornelius Thompson
- James Umphrey (Humphrey) and sons Samuel and James Jr.
- Isaac Vollick (Van Valkenburg)
- Eberhardt Waeger and Grandson Thomas Wager
- Francis Weaver and sons
- Antonie Westbrook and sons John and Hagge
- George Winter
- Corporal Peter Wintermute and Son William
- Henry & Frederick Winters
- Jesse Wright
- Adam Young and son Daniel
Loyalists and the War of 1812
John Albright Jr.
John Albright Sr. was a Loyalist who served in the 3rd New Jersey Volunteers during the American Revolution. His Regiment was stationed at Fort Ninety-Six South Carolina where John was taken prisoner on August 28 1781. John remained incarcerated for the balance of the War.
After the War ended John Albright Sr. and his family were evacuated from New York and eventually resettled to land just north of present day Chipman, New Brunswick, where he died circa 1814. Presently, the ‘Red Bank’ cemetery which serves Chipman and district is set on his original farm.
His son, John Albright Jr. left New Brunswick circa 1808 and settled on Lot 25 in the 5th Concession of Pickering Township, Durham County, Upper Canada. His farm was near the settlement called ‘Whitevale’ and John Jr. served as a Private in the 3rd Regiment of the York Militia during the War of 1812.
The 3rd Regiment of the York Militia saw action at the engagements at the siege of Fort Detroit, the battle of York and the battle of Queenston Heights.
From January 13 to February 1 1814, John was documented as a member of the detachment under the Command of Captain Thomas Selby as prisoners were escorted from York to Kingston.
On March 18 1817 John Albright Jr. swore his Oath of Allegiance and also applied for Lot 25 Concession 5 in Pickering Township on the same day.
Part of John’s land application was providing a small biography. From this it was learned John was born in New York and arrived in Upper Canada circa 1808. It went further to state his father was a ‘Loyalist’ who had ties with New Brunswick.
John and his wife Lucretia raised a family of 7 children at their home in Pickering Township where John died in February 1831.
— Submitted by Trevor Angell UE
John Askin and grandson George Hamilton
John Askin was the son of James Askin & Alice Rae born in Northern Ireland. John came to New York in 1758, becoming a sutler of the British Army stationed at Albany. About 1765 he moved to Michilimackinac and established a store, providing goods to the community & the British Army stationed there.
Catharine Askin was the daughter of John Askin and Manette his “Ottawa” native wife. She married secondly Robert Hamilton of Queenston. She had six children by Robert Hamilton, Robert, George, Alexander, James, Samuel and Jean. In 1796, Catherine died while the three oldest boys were in Scotland attending school.
George Hamilton, the son of Robert Hamilton of Queenston and Catherine Askin married Maria Lavinia Jarvis, in 1811, the daughter of William Jarvis, the Provincial Secretary to the Lt. Governor of Upper Canada, John Graves Simcoe. George and his brother Alexander fought in the war of 1812. Their intimate knowledge of the lands in and around the Niagara area, was very important to the cause. George Hamilton became a Captain in the Niagara Light Dragoons as did Alexander and they fought with distinction to defend the country first at the capture of Detroit and the Battle of Queenston Heights and Lundy’s Lane. In the battle of Queenston Heights it is said that the 2 men operated from behind a stone wall at George’s house on the Niagara River 2… 3 lb cannons known as “Grasshoppers” with withering fire at the invading boats coming from the American side.
In May of 1812, a son was born, Robert Jarvis Hamilton. Soon after the war of 1812, George and his young family moved to the “Head of the Lake” where George purchased land .. 257 acres, and set up the townsite that today is called the City of Hamilton. He purchased this land from James Durand who had purchased the land from George’s Grandfather John Askin. The land had originally been given to John Askin as part of his “Land Grant” from the Crown at the time of his becoming a Loyalist. George Hamilton was a businessman, a member of the legislature and very generous to the town that would bear his name. The “Prince’s Square” where a monument to the United Empire Loyalist sits was donated to the Province of Upper Canada to be used as the ” Courthouse, Goal and any other municipal purpose.” It is fitting that the Hamilton United Empire Loyalist monument sits on this piece of land that was donated to the Province for the purpose stated above.
George’s younger brother Alexander married Maria Lavinia Jarvis’s sister Hannah Owen Jarvis on May 16,1816. He also fought in the war of 1812 as a captain in the Niagara Light Dragoons. Alexander was the Sheriff of Lincoln, after the war. He also had built a house which still stands today and is known as it was then as “Willowbank”. It is well worth a visit to this National Historic site.
— Submitted by David G. P. Ricketts O.N., UE, 5th-great-grandson of John Askin
John Baxter
The Baxter family were among the band of refugees who landed in Miller’s Bay in November of 1783.
There is some debate about the parentage of John Baxter. Some records show him as the son of Jacob Baxter and Rebeccca Beam while others refer to him as the son of David Baxter.
In 1786 David Baxter Sr. obtained a ticket from Major Campbell for 240 acres of Lot 3, Concs 1 and 2 L.E. including Broken Front. Apparently David passed away or disappeared shortly thereafter leaving a wife and four sons, the eldest of whom were Thomas and John. A character reference from Commissionary John Warren Sr. was attached to the 1796 petition to transfer David’s land to his sons. It reads: “Thomas and John Baxter’s from Boys they have grown up to Manhood, and by their honest industry has maintained their Mother and two younger Brothers’ their modest good behaviour has attracted the attention of several Commanding Officers of this Post.”
John settled in Bertie Township. The History of Welland County describes John Baxter as an United Empire Loyalist and among the earliest settlers of the County. In 1796 John and his brother Thomas had received the transfer of their father’s lands. They had also petitioned for lands for themselves. On 12 July 1796, they were not only confirmed in possession of the lands they already occupied, containing about 240 acres, but were each granted an additional 200 acres.
In 1796 John Baxter received 60 acres in the west part of Lot 4, Conc 9 in Bertie.
John Baxter’s name appears on the 7 March 1808 list of names of citizens who contributed two shillings each toward a fund for relief for the poor.
Captain Baxter married Elizabeth Zavitz, (1780-1846) of Pennsylvania, the daughter of Jacob Zavitz (1752-1815) and Catherine Learn, (1760-1856).
John and Elizabeth had ten children:
- John Baxter
- Catharine Baxter
- William Baxter
- John Baxter
- Margaret Baxter
- Elizabeth Baxter
- Burch Baxter
- Jesse Baxter
- Henry Baxter
- Thomas Baxter
John Baxter was a Captain in the War of 1812, being in the Battle of Fort Erie and other engagements. The wounded in Fort Erie were taken to Capt. Baxter’s barn, four miles away, to have their wounds dressed,
At the beginning of the war, in the spring of 1812, John Baxter was listed as a Lieutenant in the 3rd Regiment Lincoln Militia. He served at “Fort Erie and domains” from April to November of 1812 where returns and pay lists show him as Captain Baxter. He was officially promoted to Captain of the 3rd Regiment Lincoln Militia on January 25, 1813. John Baxter commanded the 5th Company of the Lincoln Regiment and served at “Fort Erie and domains” until May 24, 1813. He was paroled at Fort George on 27 May 1813 at the fall of Fort George. He was taken Prisoner of War at Fort Erie on 10 June 1813, held as P.O.W. at Pittsfield, Massachusetts and returned on March 10, 1815.
After the war many Bertie Township residents filed claims for compensation for property damages caused by the enemy. John Baxter’s claim #334 for damages caused by the enemy is listed in Schedule of Claims, Class 2, Township of Bertie, District Niagara at Ontario Archives. Claimant John Baxter stated that his hogs, mare, sheep and wagon were taken by the enemy and he valued them at 159 pounds, 12 shillings, 6 pence. Claim was supported by several affidavits and ceritficates as well as declaration of claimant. Payment recommended was 133 pounds.
John Baxter died on July 16, 1837 at 61 years of age and his wife Elizabeth died on April 6, 1846 at 66 years of age. They are buried in Ridgeway Old Cemetery, Ridgeway, Ontario. At the time of John’s death his property was listed at Lot 28, Broken Front, east of Point Abino in Bertie Township.
— Submitted by Tom Baxter, a descendant of John Baxter
Abraham Bowman
Abraham Bowman, UE
Born: March 29, 1768 at Bowman’s Creek, Canajoharie, Albany Co., New York Province
Died: March 05, 1860 at Port Dalhousis (now part of St. Catharines), Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., Canada West
Buried: Stamford Presbyterian Cemetery, Stamford Township, Canada WestAbraham Bowman of Stamford Twp. served as a lieutenant in the Third Lincoln Flank Company from July 4 1812 to the end of the year (Soldiers of the King: The Upper Canadian Militia, 1812-1815, William M. Gray, Stoddart Press, North York 1995. p. 92).
Abraham and his brothers declared their loyalty to the Crown early in the Revolution and suffered heavily for it.
His father, Jacob Bowman, UE (January 01, 1737/38-December 10, 1815) joined British Army during the French-Indian Wars. He was granted 1500 acres on great bend of Susquehanna River for his service . Jacob and his son Adam were taken prisoner by the patriots at the outbreak of the American Revolution and imprisoned for 4 years. The patriots left his pregnant wife Elizabeth and five children to fend for themselves in the winter of 1777-78. That very night, Elizabeth gave birth to a daughter she named Eve. The little girl, at age 1, was amongst those who walked to Newark in the fall of 1778.
See the tale told by Elizabeth Bowman Spohn (PDF).
— Submitted by John Haynes
Sons of Daniel Burritt Sr.
Daniel Burritt, Sr. (1735-1827) was a Loyalist from Arlington, Vermont who, with his two eldest sons Adoniram and Stephen, fought alongside General John Burgoyne’s forces at the Battle of Saratoga. In 1792 Daniel, with his wife Sarah Collins (1733-1815) and their children (except for two married daughters who remained in Vermont) moved to Grenville County, Ontario where Adoniram and Stephen, had already settled among the Loyalist community. Daniel and Sarah were the parents of four sons who served in the Upper Canadian Militia during the War of 1812. Adoniram, Stephen, Daniel Jr., and Major (his actual forename) were all officers in the 2nd Regiment of Grenville Militia.
Grandchildren of Daniel Burritt, Sr. who served in the war (all in the same regiment) included Calvin Burritt (private), Adoniram Young (private, later sergeant), Ziba M. Phillips Jr. (sergeant, later ensign, and post-war captain), Henry Burritt (lieutenant, and post-war lieutenant colonel), and Edmund Burritt (ensign, and post-war lieutenant colonel).
Additionally, three of his sons-in-law served during the war. Thomas McIlmoyle, husband of Nancy Burritt (born ca. 1777), served as a private in the 1st Regiment of Grenville Militia. Captain Jehiel Hurd (1760-1829), husband of Lois Burritt (1756-1849), and Captain Asahel Hurd (1768-1839), husband of Sarah “Sally” Burritt (1768-1803), were sons of Loyalist Phineas Hurd and they too served in the 2nd Grenville with the four Burritt brothers.
In total, twelve members of Daniel Burritt, Sr.’s family participated in the War of 1812: four sons, five grandsons, and three sons-in-law.
The 2nd Regiment of Grenville Militia participated in four engagements: at Prescott (4 Oct 1812), Salmon River (23 Nov 1812), Ogdensburg (22 Feb 1813), and the Battle of Crysler’s Farm (11 Nov 1813). All members of the family survived the war.
Daniel’s sons received their commissions in February 1812. Adoniram, Stephen, and Daniel Jr. were commissioned captains, and his youngest son Major was commissioned a lieutenant.
Captain Adoniram Burritt (1758-1856), a United Empire Loyalist in his own right, is missing from many of the wartime regimental pay lists, although his name does appear on the muster rolls at the very beginning of the war and toward the end of the war. While the reason for his absences is unclear, it may explain why Major (his youngest brother by a difference of seventeen years) had command of a company even though he held a lieutenant’s commission rather than that of a captain (the typical rank of a company commander). Adoniram retained his commission despite his absence from pay lists at various periods during the war, which may have accounted for the delay in his brother’s promotion to captain until a vacancy arose after the war. A large number of the officers in the 2nd Grenville during the war were Burritt relatives by either blood or marriage. One might speculate that Adoniram (who was fifty-seven by the final year of the war) may not have been asked to resign his commission due to family ties with many of the regiment’s officers and due to respect for his status as a Loyalist veteran of the Revolution. Adoniram was married to Sarah Read (1778-1829, daughter of Loyalist Moses Read, Sr.), and they had ten children.
Stephen Burritt (1759-1844), also a United Empire Loyalist in his own right, was commissioned a captain and quickly promoted to major. He was promoted to lieutenant colonel on 5 July 1812 and was appointed commanding officer of the 2nd Regiment of Grenville Militia. For a time, he had charge of the garrison at Fort Wellington. The regimental muster rolls and pay lists that he signed, often with notations, provide an invaluable resource for genealogists and historians. His time as commanding officer included the crucial battle at Crysler’s farm. He was married to Martha Stevens (1771/2-1830, daughter of Loyalist Roger Stevens), and they had six children. He founded the village of Burritt’s Rapids prior to the war, and eventually many of his family members relocated to the vicinity. After the war, Stephen continued to serve his community as a justice of the peace, and even had the pleasure of presiding over the marriages of several of the younger members of the large, extended Burritt family.
Captain Daniel Burritt, Jr. (1772-1859), a Loyalist by descent, led a flank company. As the most senior captain, in 1813 he held the rank of acting major. At one point, Daniel Jr. commanded the artillery at Fort Wellington. When an American cannonball thundered into the officers’ mess, he famously had it reloaded and fired back across the Saint Lawrence River to the American forces at Ogdensburg, New York. Fortunately, the occupants of the mess escaped injury when the iron ball crashed through, and when fired back to Ogdensburg it only hit the town’s clock tower. The Americans saved the cannonball, and after the war presented it to Daniel Jr. as a token of goodwill. Unfortunately, the significance of this gesture of reconciliation and friendship has not received enough attention by historians. Daniel Jr. was married to Electa Landon (1778/9-1857, daughter of Loyalist Samuel Landon), and they had at least five children. Post-war, he succeeded Stephen as lieutenant colonel and commanding officer of the 2nd Grenville and by 1827 was given the honourary position of Colonel of the Regiment. Daniel Jr. donated the land in Burritt’s Rapids upon which Christ Church was built, and also donated the land for the church’s cemetery. Today, he is sometimes erroneously identified as “Daniel Hamlet Burritt,” who was actually one of his sons and just a child at the time of the war.
Lieutenant Major Burritt (1775-1863), like his brother Daniel Jr. a Loyalist by descent, was a company commander, a position usually filled by a captain but, as there was not a vacancy for a new captain in the regiment, he led the company as a lieutenant and acting captain. Members of his company included his nephews Edmund Burritt (1793-1880), Calvin Burritt (born 1795), and Adoniram Young (1784-1845). Major was married to Mary Towsley (1773/4-1844), and they had eight children. Post-war Major was promoted to captain, and in 1830 he was promoted to major – which may have resulted in some mirth in the regiment when his rank and his forename became identical. He became a respected farmer, often appearing in documents as “Major Burritt, Esq.,” and lived in Augusta Township for about forty-eight years before moving to Burritt’s Rapids.
Today, descendants of Daniel Burritt, Sr.’s family who fought in the War of 1812 may be found on both sides of the Canadian-American border, and this a testament to the friendship between the neighboring countries which should be celebrated as much as the war that once divided them is now being commemorated.
— Submitted by Michael William Broad
Alexander Cameron
Alexander Cameron was born in Glen Nevis in the Highlands of Scotland around 1754. In 1773 his family, together with about 400 other Highlanders, left Scotland for New York, having gained a grant of lands in Albany. They took up land in the Mohawk Valley. The Camerons had scarcely had enough time to build a rough home and clear a few acres of land when the American Revolution broke out in 1776. Alexander and his father immediately joined their landlord’s regiment, the King’s Royal Regiment of New York. According to Cruikshank’s “King’s Royal Regiment of New York”, Alexander was in Watt’s Company 1776-77, in Major’s Company 1778 -1781, and a Light Infantryman 1782-83. He was a prisoner with the rebels in 1779 while with Major’s Company.
According to family stories told by his grandson years later, Alexander was able to free himself the first time he was captured by donning the clothes of a milkmaid and walking demurely through the group of twenty soldiers set to guard the prisoners. His last capture was more critical — he was to be shot for espionage. Apparently his mother, on hearing the news, personally rode by horseback to Washington’s camp to beg for her son’s life. A very beautiful woman, she apparently succeeded in gaining General Washington’s consent to release him on condition that the family leave the country immediately and forever.
When peace finally ensued, the Camerons found themselves in Canada in what was known as the Eastern District. On 21 Nov 1785 Alexander and his father drew lots and were awarded with Lot 6 of Concession 4, Cornwall Township in recognition of their loyalty to the Crown . Two months later, Alexander married Sarah Parks, the daughter of another UEL from Connecticut. Alexander and Sarah made their home and raised their eight children on Lot 6 Concession 4 of Cornwall Township.
Alexander would have been a member of the Sedentary Militia during this time. In 1812 when the alarm bells of war were once again rung, Alexander was appointed Ensign in the 1st Stormont Regiment and served throughout the War.
By 1812 Alexander’s two oldest sons were also of an age to join in defense of their new home. Alexander jr. served as a private in Captain Philip Empey’s Company in the 1st Regiment Stormont Militia for six months and in Captain John McDonell’s Company for six months. These companies were commanded by the Hon. Neil McLean. In 1835 Alexander Jr. was granted the Prince Regent’s bounty for 200 acres in Nissouri Township, Oxford County.
Alexander’s second son, John, served as a lieutenant in Captain Campbell’s Flank Co, 1st Regiment Glengarry Militia from 22 July 1812 to the 25th March 1813. In 1822 he was granted the Prince Regent’s bounty of 500 acres in Nissouri Township, Ontario.
Even Alexander’s third son, Robert, just 14 years old when the conflict broke out, was cited within his SUE petition for land in 1819, as having done “his duty in defence of the Province during the late war.”
Click here for an expanded biography, with children listed, in PDF format.
— Submitted by Catherine Whiteley
Isaiah Cain
The Military Legacy of the Isaiah Cain Families: Seven Years’ War – War of 1812
(Associate Surnames: Cane, Kane, Patterson, Hogeboom, Carns, DeWolfe).Isaiah Cain B.1737 and Leah Adams B. 1738 (married 1762 Canterbury Connecticut), “of Raenslerwick 1775, and, in the Company of Albany and State of New York” – immigrated to Canada in 1789; purportedly following after a Peter Cain (Kane). They acquired a Johnstown District land grant and settled on Lot 15, Concession 3, Yonge – which eventually became Caintown. They are my 5th great grandparents; Leah Adams is from Canterbury Connecticut, and is interwoven with Mayflower descendants. They had five children – David, John (Sr.), Rebecca, Jemima, and Mary. Leah’s daughter Mary Cain, my fourth greatgrandparent, married John J. Hogeboom “of Leeds” – he was enlisted in the 1st. Leeds Militia (War of 1812 Certificate). Isaiah died c. 1811 in Caintown; Leah died c. 1806 in Caintown ( reference May 8, 1886 story edition of the Gananoque newspaper).
“Isaiah Cane of Yonge” is documented on a United Empire Loyalist “Executive List”. His Land Petition is dated May 29, 1798, and signed “Peter Russell”. “Son of deceased Isaiah Cain” – David Cain – received a Land Petition for 200 acres – signed by Joel Stone at Elizabethtown, January 14, 1818.
Cain Military Heritage:
Isaiah Cain – Private – 7 Years’ War – 1763, and – “commenced provision January 8th – Capt. Richard Rea’s Co. of “New Yorkers” from Dutchess County.
-C. 1775 – Isaiah Cain – Private – New York Militia, 4th. Albany County Militia Regiment – 2nd. Rensselaerwyck Battalion – Col. Killian Van Rensselaer (on-line: New York In The Revolution).
Sons – John Cain (Sr.) and Barnabus Cain – “Royal Yorkers” – 2nd. Battalion of the King’s Royal Regiment of New York. Barnabus Cain – also listed in New York Militia, and Capt. Rattan’s 6th. Co., Adolphustown, Ont. Can. Also a B. Cain – New York Militia – Canajoharie region. Also – a Barney Cain – NY Volunteers Feb. 27, 1776.
John Cain Sr. – documented in Capt. W.G Fraser’s Militia – 1814 and 1st. Regiment Grenville Militia, as well as 1st. Leeds Militia.
John Cain Jr. – Private – War of 1812 – 1st. Leeds Militia – 1813, 1814, and 1st. Regiment Grenville Militia.
David (Roblins) Cain – Private – War of 1812- 1st. Leeds Militia. A David Cain 1 and a David Cain 2, are individually numbered as in Captain MacLean’s Sedentary Militia 1814, at Point Henry, Kingstown, On, Can. On this Paylist, – is also a Peter Cane, and John Cane. Peter Cane, David Cane, and John Cane are listed as in “Carley’s 1st. Leeds”.
David Robbins Cain “of Caintown ” – is noted as having received $20. in 1875, as “a veteran of 1812” (Dominion Sessional Papers Ottawa). His middle name as listed is his mother’s “Maiden Name” – Amy Robbins. He was also in the Canadian Fencibles under Reuben Sherwood. These individuals were enlisted in militias that were actively engaged in the conflict of 1812, including the 1st. Regiment Dundas, 1st. and 2nd. Glengarry, 1st. and 2nd. Grenville, and 1st. and 2nd. Leeds. The “Honour Our 1812 Heroes” program includes such Units. Engagements include Toussaint’s Island, Ogdensburg, Brockville, Prescott, Salmon River, Gananoque, Crysler’s Farm.
Post 1812 Era:
The names of John Cain Jr., and Ruggles Cain (son of John Cain Sr. and Amy Robbins – and brother of David Robbins Cain) – are inventoried along with other “extended family” surnames – in the 1st. Regiment Leeds Militia “Munsell’s Company” for 1828-29 (Men of Upper Canada). The surnames of Patterson, Cairns, DeWolfe, and Cain also appear on military inventories for the Rebellions Period of 1838 – “Battle of The Windmill” documentation, and Fort Wellington military papers (research pending).
Suggested Reading: The History and Master Roll of the King’s Royal Regiment of New York, Revised Edition (Cruikshank/Watt). A Different Kind Of Voyage (Turner). The Incredible War of 1812 (Hitsman). Soldiers Of The King (Gray). The War of 1812: Land Operations (Stanley).
Suggested Viewing: “The First Fort Henry” via Google/YouTube.
— Submitted by Arthur Pegg, UE, Col. Edward Jessup Branch, UELAC; War of 1812 Society
William Caldwell
William Caldwell (1750-1822) born at the Caldwell Castle in “northern” Ireland died and buried in Amherstburg.
The War of 1812/1814 was just one significant chapter in the book of his illustrious life.
His military career started with Lord Dunmore in Virginia. He was 1st Captain in the Butlers Rangers stationed in Niagara and Detroit during the Revolution.
He married Suzanne Baby the daughter of Jacque Duperon Baby a fur trader, business man, agent for the British Military etc. and holder of extensive tracts of land in Michigan and Upper Canada.
The conflict between the Americans and the British native allies had been simmering since the Revolution.
The Battle of Fallen Timbers August 20, 1794 was one such event when William Caldwell and about 50 of his former Butler’s Rangers charges (some of whom were killed in the conflict) disguised as natives joined Blue Jacket (Marmaduke Van Swearingen) and his 1,000 to 2,000 native warriors in their unsuccessfully attempt to defeat General Anthony Wayne’s army at the Maumee River. (It would have been interesting to have been a fly on the wall when the husbands told their wives and children he was joining Caldwell to dress up as Indians and going to do battle against General Anthony Wayne at Maumee Ohio)
With the formal transfer of Detroit / Michigan from British to American administration in 1796 the south western boundary of Upper Canada was established. A new military and civil administration was established in Amherstburg on lands that had been given to the British Officers of the Revolution by the Native allies in appreciation for their assistance to the native cause. William Caldwell had recommended the location of Fort Amherst later named Fort Malden be established. Streets and lots were laid out on his property known as Lot 3. The town of Amherstburg is primarily located on former Caldwell land.
The Battle of Tippecanoe September 26, 1811 was a warm up for the coming major conflict. Fort Malden was a major source of weapons and supplies for the natives loyal to the crown.
The United States declared war against Great Britain by President James Madison on June 19, 1812.
The British forces needed the reputation and fighting capacity of native warriors to fend off American attacks.
William Caldwell was well respected by the native leaders particularly the Wyandotte’s (Huron), his son Billy, a Mohawk descendent and a Potawatomi Chief was a confidant of Tecumseh during the efforts to organize the native forces of the Ohio Valley.
William Caldwell’s ability to liaison between the Native leaders, British Military and the Indian Department establishment was an attribute that served all groups well. The Native warriors at the best of time were difficult to administer and to control the excesses. His influence perhaps tempered some treatments of Americans at the hands of the warriors.
The recapture of Detroit August 16, 1812 was the result of a coordinated native, militia and military effort utilizing the warrior reputation of the Native Warriors. Francis Caldwell (son) was reported to be the first person to enter Detroit after the surrender.
The Battle of Frenchtown January 21/22 1813 resulted in the worst defeat of any American force in history. William Caldwell and his sons were there in the thick of the battle. Billy Caldwell was stabbed by an American officer resulting in his company of warriors taking revenge on a number of hapless American prisoners perhaps as many as 25.
The events of Frenchtown were unacceptable to Tecumseh and the British establishment. Tecumseh demanded that a unit similar to the Butler’s Rangers of the Revolutionary War be established to coordinate the Native groups with the Militia and British Military.
Thus the Western (Caldwell) Rangers were formed March 1813 with William Caldwell (Senior) as Lieutenant Colonel. The men were paid, had a distinctive uniform and were funded by the Indian Department of the British Military.
Western (Caldwell) Rangers
Miami May 1-9, 1813
Longwoods Mar 4, 1814
Chippewa July 5, 1814
Lundy’s Lane July 25, 1814
Captain William Caldwell, Jr
Lieutenant Thomas Caldwell
Ensign Francis Caldwell (promoted to Lieutenant)The Rangers roamed the area living off the land looking for American raiding parties from Detroit, there were no official records except as reported by the British Military such as at Longwoods.
The War of 1812/1814 for the Caldwell family life was difficult, William (senior) had been wounded at least 4 times during previous campaigns. He was 62 years old. He was a “wanted” person by the Americans for his Revolutionary, Fallen Timbers, Frenchtown and other activities. He had young children, Suzanna was not well and died in 1812. His was the only Amherstburg property (houses, barns, fences, orchards, etc.) to be totally destroyed by the Americans. At 64 years old he had to restart and rebuild. He died in 1822 at 72 and was buried beside his wife in the Bathurst Street, Roman Catholic Church cemetery over which homes are built.
A United Empire Loyalist footnote
The U.E. designation is available to Loyalists who fled the United States and received land grants during the Revolution. The Detroit Loyalists who fought and supported the British did not relocate to Upper Canada during the Revolution but rather only when it became apparent that Detroit / Michigan would come under American administration in 1796. Thus the Baby and many other Detroit families that relocated to Upper Canada as noted above are not deemed to be ‘UEs.’
— Submitted by Marvin Recker
Bartholomew Carley
My maternal grandfather was Bartholomew Carley Johns Jr,. His father, Bartholomew Carley Johns, was the sixth child born to David Johns and his wife Sarah Carley Johns; they were, respectively, the oldest son of Lt. Solomon Johns of the Kings Rangers, and the oldest child of Bartholomew Carley of Jessup’s Loyal Rangers and his first wife. To my knowledge, the United Empire Loyalist literature does not mention that Bartholomew Carley was married twice, but there is excellent documentation of the first wife. Her name may have been Emma Stevenson, but we have only circumstantial evidence for that, and have been unable to find documentation to support that possibility.
The earliest document is the “Return of Refugee Loyalists and their families receiving provisions at Sorel, Quebec, and the Blockhouse on the Yamaska River”, dated 25th December, 1783. It notes that Bartholomew Carley’s wife and one daughter under the age of six were receiving one ¾ ration per day. From other information, we know that the daughter’s name was Sarah, that she was born on 23rd of August, 1778, and she was five years old at the time of the report. The first wife must have died afterward, because Bartholomew Carley married Anne Thomson on the 29th of March, 1787. Sarah Carley is listed with the second family in the early census of Elizabethtown in 1797. The most defining document is the petition of Sarah Johns on the 7th of January, 1799, for her allotment of land as the daughter of a Loyalist. That document is attested to by Col. James Breakenridge who states that she is qualified because she is wife to David Johns (Sarah was 20 at that time), and daughter to Bartholomew Carley, esq. See copy of that petition (PDF).
My UE designation is from my great, great, great grandfather Lt. Solomon Johns, but I am also a 3rd great granddaughter of Bartholomew Carley.
Bartholomew Carley was born in Hillsdale, Albany, New York in 1756. By 1778 he had moved to Fort Edward, Charlotte County, New York, where he farmed on a lease of 140 acres transferred to him by his grandfather.
When General John Burgoyne of the British Army marched his forces south down the Hudson River in 1777, Bartholomew Carley gave assistance. He was employed by the British Secret Services to carry despatches during the revolution, and made many dangerous trips across upper New York state. He received the messages from Caleb Classen, a sergeant in the Loyal Rangers who was also from Ft. Edward, and carried them to a Mr. Shepherd in Albany. In 1781 Bartholomew Carley traveled to Canada by way of St. Johns, and he joined the Loyal Rangers, commanded by Major Edward Jessup.
During the War of 1812 Major Bartholomew Carley served under commission from General Sir Isaac Brock. He was captured at Elizabethtown along with others in February 1813, but was later exchanged for American prisoners.
On 18 June 1823 Bartholomew Carley was appointed a Colonel of the 4th Leeds militia. He was a Commissioner of the Peace for 27 years. A member of the Presbyterian Church, he was given special thanks in 1833 for his services as a Churchwarden during 15 successive years. He had been named an Associate Judge in the Assize Commission. The Court adjourned to attend his funeral in 1844.
— Submitted by Margaret Joan Miles McGee, UE
Abraham Coon and sons Abraham and Isaac
United Empire Loyalist Abraham Coon was probably born 1753 in Rhode Island as Abraham Maccoon to Nathan Maccoon/Coon and Anna Hall. The Rhode Island Maccoones dropped the “Mac” about 1770. A DNA match to a proven descendant of Nathan’s grandfather John Maccoone [1666-1733] was over 90%. Nathan has the only documented son Abraham in the time period.
In 1773, Nathan Coon brought his family to NewYork and signed a Rensselaer lease in the area of Stephentown, New York. In May of 1777, Nathan, Abraham and cousin William are all listed on the same New York militia roster under Captain Christopher Tillman from Colonel Stephen Schuyler’s Regiment. How ironic that they were tasked with capturing the “disaffected” that Abraham would later become. In August 1777, when Francis Pfister of nearby Hoosick recruited about 318 local men to support the approaching General Burgoyne, it appears that Abraham was among the recruits. Colonel Pfister was killed in action and his recruits were transferred to Samuel Mackay. Abraham was taken prisoner according to the Samuel Mackay October 1777 militia roster for Loyal Volunteers, possibly at Bennington, Vermont. Under a “Return of Men formerly belonging to Lt Col John Peters (who have returned from imprisonment)”, Abraham received backpay from October 1777 through October 1780.
In 1780 and 1781, he was in hospital per rosters by Capt Robert Leake and Col. John Peters but is later active and listed on rosters of Capt John W Meyers, Capt William Fraser and is eventually discharged under Jessup’s Loyal Rangers in 1784.
He received the UEL designation on the supplemental list. There is no record of his receiving a land grant.
In 1789, Abraham is back in New York where he purchased land in Kingsbury, Washington County, New York. According to one family report, his sons Abraham and Isaac and four daughters were all born in Kingsbury. He sold the property in 1794.
He reappears in Canada in the Elizabethtown census and the Johnstown District jury duty records in 1801 and purchased land from William Allen in 1803 for 40 pounds. [7th Concession, Lot 33] He sold the land in 1813 to his son Isaac’s brother-in-law or father-in-law, Nathaniel Brown for 250 pounds. Baptism records for children of Abraham Jr and Isaac appear in 1809. In 1810, Abraham Jr. purchased land in South Crosby. [3rd Concession, Lot 10]
Abraham’s sons participated in the War of 1812. In 1812, Isaac is listed on militia rolls for the Fourth Regiment, Lincoln Militia under Captain Abraham Nelles. In the book Rideau Reflections, by G. Clare Churchill, Abraham Jr is recorded as being granted leave from his post in Gananoque to go home to South Crosby for ten days in 1814 by Captain Benoni Wiltsie [Second Regiment, Leeds Militia].
At some later date, Isaac is declared an Alien [apparently returned to the United States] and forfeits 100 acres of land in the 7th Concession, Lot 34 S on January 2, 1817.
It is an odd parallel. In 1777, Abraham became a loyalist while his brother Nathan remained in the New York militia. Thirty five years later, two brothers are again split by their loyalties.
Abraham Sr was listed on Elizabethtown census as late as 1819. A joint tombstone at South Crosby’s Halladay cemetery reports that Abraham Sr. died in 1831 and Abraham Jr. died in 1859.
Abraham Jr’s descendants continue to live in the South Crosby area. I do not know the subsequent whereabouts of Isaac.
Abraham Coon, UEL is my fourth great grandfather. My grandfather Gerald Coon moved to New York shortly after his service in the Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force during World War I.
— Submitted by Janet Stemmer, UE
James Cotter
James Cotter, a veteran of the War of 1812, was the son of United Empire Loyalist, James Cotter Senior. James Cotter Sr., in his 1787 Loyalist Claim (Ancestry.ca), stated that he was “a Native of Ireland”, that he “came to America 36 years ago”, that he “lived in Johnstown”, that he “came with Sir John [Johnson] to Canada at first”, and that he “served all the War”. His name appears in several sources including his Upper Canada Land Petition and the book, The History and Master Roll of The King’s Royal Regiment of New York, Revised Edition (2006), by Brigadier General Ernest A. Cruikshank and Gavin K. Watt. This latter source notes that he was a private with the KRR NY. It also identifies his wife as Lucretia (Jan 1784) and also indicates a wife Magdalena (1785). As well as James Cotter Jr., James Cotter Sr. also had an older son, Richard, who served with the KRR NY as a serjeant. Richard Cotter married Experience Rose, daughter of Loyalist Matthias Rose with whom he had one son, David. Richard Cotter died in 1791. James Cotter Senior also had a daughter, Eleanor Cotter, who married Loyalist, John Dusenbury. This couple had several children.
Based on the Loyalist Claim of his father, James Cotter Jr. was born in New York, probably at Johnstown. His headstone indicates that he was born in 1772, as he died January 18 1849 aged 77 years, 6 months and 10 days.
The 1794 Upper Canada Land Petition (hereafter Land Petition) of James Cotter Junior “son of James Cotter Senior, Loyalist” requested 200 acres of land in the Midland District. He settled first in Fredericksburgh Township and moved about 1817 to Sophiasburgh Township.
The Parish Register of Rev. John Langhorn shows that James Cotter of Fredericksburgh married Magdelena Hoffman, 04 November 1794. She was the daughter of Loyalist, Conradt Hoffman, as stated in her 1797 Land Petition. The will of James Cotter Jr., written in 1848, included provision for his wife Magdelena. They had at least seven children several of whom applied for land grants as the children of Loyalists. They are included in the book Loyalists in Ontario: Sons and Daughters of American Loyalists, by William D. Reid. The Archives of Ontario describes the contents of this book saying, “… [It] lists people mentioned in orders-in-council authorizing land grants to United Empire Loyalists or their sons and daughters.” The children of James Cotter Junior were granted land on the grounds that their father was a United Empire Loyalist. Children included are:
1. James B. F. of Hamilton. O.C. 23 Nov 1840
2. Richard C. H. of Ameliasburgh. O.C. 4 Feb 1837
3. Samuel P. M. of Sophiasburgh. O.C. 17 Aug 1842
4. Elizabeth, bapt. 11 March 1804; m. Allen Munro of Sophiasburgh. O.C. 17 August 1842
5. William H. of Sophiasburgh. O.C. 17 August 1842
6. Eleanor, bapt. 10 Dec 1797; m. Samuel Solmes of Sophiasburgh, 22 May 1817. O.C. 17 Aug 1842
7. Lucretia, m. Samuel Munro of Sophiasburgh. See ret. 1850″Online genealogies include two additional children, Katreen born 21 June 1795 in Fredericksburgh and Mary Ann born 01 February 1807.
During the War of 1812, James Cotter was a Captain in the 1st Regiment of Prince Edward Militia. Library and Archives Canada have digitized images from “War of 1812: Upper Canada Returns, Nominal Rolls and Paylists”. Captain James Cotter can be seen with his company beginning here.
The book Officers of the British Forces in Canada during the War of 1812-15, by L. Homfray Irving, includes James Cotter. On page 54 he is noted as being on duty at Kingston under Colonel Richard Cartwright from 25 June to 24 December, 1813. On page 58 he is identified as a captain of a Battalion Company with the 1st Regiment of Prince Edward Militia.
A more personal look at this War of 1812 veteran, James Cotter, is found in the 1850 Land Petition of (deceased) veterans: Henry McDonnell, Cornelius Vanalstine and James Cotter. The petition on behalf of the executors of the will of James Cotter was made by Daniel Robbins Esquire. The file contains several depositions in support of the claim for recognition of service during the “late war”. A sampling from the statements reads:
- “… was well acquainted with the late James Cotter and [names other captains]… know that they served as Captains at the Port of Kingston in 1812… deponent knows this fact from the circumstance of having been on duty at the same time…” (Samuel Huff)
- “… the late Captain James Cotter… was the same person that commanded a flank company of the Prince Edward Militia in 1812 – and that he was formerly Chairman of the Quarter Sessions in that District… (Isaac Fraser, late Lieutenant Militia Dragoons on duty in 1812)
- “… knows he (James Cotter) served as captain having served in his company.” (Samuel Solmes, Esq.)
Several other men made similar statements regarding the involvement of James Cotter in the War of 1812: David Champion Smith, John Vandyck, Nicholas Lazier, Charles Everett, Peter W. Ruttan, and William Ashley. Eventually, 16 August 1850 the “Committee recommended that Scrip equal to eight hundred acres be granted as prayed for, and that, the like quantities of Scrip be granted on each of the claims of Captain Henry McDonnell and Cornelius Van Alstine of the Prince Edward Militia…”
The book Becoming Prominent: Regional Leadership in Upper Canada, 1791-1841, by James Keith Johnson (1988), succinctly summarizes the various accomplishments of James Cotter. Both prior to and after the War of 1812, James Cotter was heavily involved in serving and leading his community.
The military leadership of James Cotter began by 1807 when he was a lieutenant in the Prince Edward Militia. Then in 1812, with the outbreak of war with the USA, he was found as a captain with the 1st Regiment of Prince Edward Militia. By 1827 he was a major, by 1830 a lieutenant colonel, and a colonel of the 3rd Regiment of Prince Edward Militia by 1833.
His public leadership began as early as 1808 when James Cotter became a Justice of the Peace of the Midland District. With the formation of the Prince Edward District in 1834, he then became a JP for that area. James Cotter became a judge in the Prince Edward District Court 29 September 1837.
James Cotter made a brief foray into the political arena. He was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada in 1816 for the Prince Edward District. At that time he would have been known as an MHA, Member of the House of Assembly. This parliament was dissolved 03 May 1820 on the announcement of the death of King George III. James Cotter did not sit again as an MHA.
As stated above, James Cotter Jr. died in 18 January 1849. He was buried in the Lazier-Cronk Cemetery, Concession 1, Lot 17, Sophiasburgh Township, Prince Edward County, Ontario. His gravesite now has a plaque in front of his headstone honouring his contribution to his country during the War of 1812. Further details may be found at the website of the War of 1812 Graveside Project.
— Submitted by Elizabeth Maize
Tunis Cronk and son William
William Cronk (b. 1780) was the son of Tunis Cronk ( b. 1758; d. ca. 1795) and Mary Cope (b. 1761 in Long Island, N.Y.; d. July 1841 in Port Rowan). They travelled up the Hudson River from New York and made their way to Queenston. The Cronk family arrived at Copes Landing (now St. Williams, Ontario) in 1793. Petitions for a land grant were made in 1793, 1796, and 1808 or 09 when land (lot 24, Concession B (Broken Front), Charlotteville Township) was finally granted to William. William’s father, Tunis, had died in 1795 and his mother, Mary Cope (daughter of William Cope of Copetown) remarried George Neal, another Loyalist, (b. 1750; d. Feb. 1840).
(See R. Robert Mutrie, St. Williams: The History, 1988, pp.5,8,9,51,95-100; and E.A. Owen, Pioneer Sketches of Long Point Settlement, Mika Publishing, 1972, pp.120-122)In the War of 1812, William was a private in Cpt. John Bostwick’s Flank Company of the 1st regiment of the Norfolk Militia, commanded by Lt. Col. J. Ryerson, 1812.
(See R. Robert Mutrie, The Long Point Settlers, Log Cabin Publishing, 1992, p.51)— Submitted by Linda McClelland, UE
Geronimous and John Crysler
Geronimous and John were sons of Philip Crysler residing in the Schoharie area of New York at the start of the Revolutionary War in 1776. The Crysler family stayed loyal to the British Crown and Philip joined the King’s Royal Regiment of New York in August 1777 and his sons Geronimous age 12 years and John age 10 years joined Butler’s Rangers as drummer boys. Philip later transferred to Butler’s Rangers to be with his sons. The War ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1783 and Philip took all of his family to Williamsburg in Upper Canada. Being a Loyalist, he received 200 acres along the St. Lawrence River in Williamsburg and in the following Short years John petitioned for himself and his brother Geronimous for land. John received 200 Acres along the St. Lawrence and Geronimous received 200 acres Lot 32 Conc. 5 in Williamsburg.
John became a prominent landowner buying and selling land in Williamsburg and represented the County in Upper Canada’s House of Assembly in 1804, 1812, 1816 and 1824. He also took on other business ventures and Geronimous led a much slower life style by farming his land for many years. Both were members of the Dundas Militia with John holding the rank of Captain.
A date important in the War of 1812 is the November 11, 1813 “Battle of Crysler’s Farm”. The British Forces used John’s farm house as the headquarters for planning the defence and strategy against the American invaders. It was also used as the hospital and John’s wife Nancy assisted the Doctors tending the wounded. Some of John’s and Geronimous’ children were hidden in the basement of the house during the battle. The battle ended in the late afternoon of November 11th when the American Forces retreated in disarray to their boats. A victory for the British military, native warriors and support from the Dundas Militia.
Following the Battle of the Windmill in 1837, John, who was present there with the Dundas Militia as its Colonel, settled in the village of Crysler, named after him, in the Township of Finch, Stormont County, Ontario. Col. John donated adjoining land to St. John’s Anglican Church for a Cemetery. John died 22 January 1852 and is buried in that cemetery along with some other members of his family.
— Submitted by Betty Fladager
Thomas Cummings and son James
Thomas Cummings and his son James often worked as a team. They lived in Chippawa on land granted Thomas for his services in Butler’s Rangers during the Revolution. Thomas had been working for John Burch, assisting with his thoroughbred horses in Papacunk, New York and his mother was Burch’s housekeeper. Burch had been avoiding taking the oath, but was finally driven out with all his staff. From 1792, he was associated with the Commissariat Department, which seems to be a continuation of his services before fleeing Papacunk. Thomas was prominent in the development of the new community and area. He was elected town clerk and pathmaster in 1796 and continued as town clerk for many years. In 1812 his son James became town clerk. In 1807, Thomas became a trustee of Public Schools. When the War of 1812 began, Thomas was already an issuer of provisions at Fort George, so he continued to 1815. He relinquished about 5 acres of his land at the mouth of Chippawa Creek to the government, and barracks were built there.
James is accounted to be the first white child born in Chippawa. He was a Lieutenant the 3rd Lincoln Militia when war was declared in 1812. He was soon in the Quarter Master General’s service and became a Captain in the 2nd Lincoln Militia. Col. John Clark requested James’ recollections of the war. He replied, 11 May 1860: “the night of the Stoney Creek battle; I was with a party of dragoons at Secord’s Mills to keep a lookout in case the enemy took that road from Stoney Creek to gain the position we held at the cross-roads. When the firing commenced my little party were on the watch, and so soon as light appeared, we went to the scene of action, where many of our gallant and noble red-coats lay sleeping in death.”
He mentioned “a few of the scenes I witnessed and was personally engaged in: The Beaver Dam, where Col. Chapin gave me his sword. The Battle of Chippawa and Lundy’s Lane. The taking of Fort Schlosser, a daring and bold adventure, with the 24th Militia, and six of the 49th, where we took 14 regulars and two officers, with four civilians, one brass six-pounder and three boat loads of stores. Afterwards, the taking of Black Rock, where Col. Bishop received his wounds, close by where I was.”
Thomas and James spent the rest of their lives serving their community in various capacities. Thomas was a trustee for the construction of Trinity church, the first in Chippawa. James continued as a J.P. and was warden of Welland County and a Member of the Legislative Assembly as of 1844. He had several business interests: warehouses, tannery and a steam-powered grist mill. He helped start up the Erie and Ontario Railway and the Niagara Suspension Bridge. Above all, he looked after the interests of the people of Chippawa, no matter what service he could provide.
— Submitted by Judith Chidlow.
Henry Davy
Heinrich Davy, known as Henry, was born on March 6, 1768, in Schenectady, New York, the son of Peter Davy and Anna Maria Saltsman. He was baptised Mar 13, 1768, in Lutheran Trinity, Stone Arabia, Schenectady. Henry came to Ernestown Twp., Upper Canada as a United Empire Loyalist in 1798, with his wife and one child.
Henry had served four years as a Private in Sir John Johnsons 2nd Battalion of The Kings Royal Regiment of New York during the American Revolutionary War. Later with the onset of the conflict with the United States, Henry served as a Lieutenant in the 1st Addington Militia during the War of 1812. In June 1812, he was appointed to command a gunboat at Kingston, as part of the Volunteer Battalion of the Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada.
The Upper Canada Land Petition of Henry Davy of Ernestown Twp dated 1817 confirms that he was the Militia Captain who served during the War of 1812 and was the same one who served in the 2nd battalion of the Kings Royal Regiment of New York in The American Revolutionary War from 1780 to 1784. The Listing of the Officers of the British Forces during the War of 1812, by the Canadian Military Institute, states that Henry Davy was appointed to command the gunboat Thunder at Kingston June 8 1812. The War of 1812 Muster Rolls and Pay Lists of the Incorporated Militia of Kingston show Henry Davy’s Company in 1813 and 1814. The book Redcoated Ploughboys, by Richard Feltoe, devotes a chapter to the Upper Canada Militia in Kingston during 1813-1815 and has Henry Davy mentioned on 13 pages.
After the War of 1812 Henry retired to farm back at Ernestown Twp. He died on Aug 15 1832 in Lennox Addington, Ontario, Canada.
— Submitted by Richard Clark
William Disher
William Disher, UE – born 1758 in Holland
Died: April 05, 1835 on his farm Lot 9, Conc. 2, Pelham Twp., Lincoln Co., Upper Canada
Buried: North Pelham Cemetery, Pelham, OntarioAccording to the Disher Family Genealogy, William Disher emigrated from Holland to New Jersey Province, with his parents in 1768.
He served in Butler’s Rangers during the Revolution. He had 29 children, 14 by his first wife, Charity Van Ness, and 11 by his unnamed second wife. (Disher Family Genealogy, Beverly Timlock, 929.2 DisT, Special Collections of the Central Library, St. Catharines, Ontario)
During the War of 1812-1814, William served as a private in the First Flank Company of the Second Lincoln Regiment (Soldiers of the King: The Upper Canadian Militia 1812-1815, William M. Gray, Stoddart Press, North York 1995. p.136).
In the 1828 Census of Pelham Township, Welland County, William Disher Senior is listed as head of a household. In the household are 2 malse under 16, 1 female under 16, 2 males over 16 and 1 female over 16, for a total of 6people. (1828 Census of Welland County, transcribed 1985, Special Collections of the St. Catharines Central Library 929.371338 Eig, p.18).
— Submitted by John C. Haynes
Robert Dixon and son Robert Jr.
Robert Dixon, Sr. was a Loyalist who came from Scotland to Saratoga, New York some years before the war. He was loyal to the Crown and fought in Jessup’s Rangers under General Burgoyne. He came up to Canada and was granted land in Lancaster Twp., Glengarry Co. Con. 1, 2, & 3, Lots 30 & 31. He had 4 children: William, Robert, Janet, and Sarah. Their mother died about 1785 and he drowned about a year later in 1787, leaving the 4 young children as orphans. They were taken in by his brother-in-law John Cameron (who m. Robert Dixon’s sister Jane). All the 4 children petitioned for and were granted land.
Robert Dixon Jr. was the son of UEL Robert Dixon, possibly thje youngest of the four children. He petitioned for land under the Heir and Devisee commission and received Order in Council 31 Oct 1809.
Robert Dixon Jr. joined the militia in the War of 1812. The record reads:
Township of Fredericksburg 1st Regiment Lennox Militia
On actual review in the year 1812
24th October 1834
Robert Dixon was a private with the Flank Company of the 1st Regiment of the Lennox Militia then commanded by Col. Hagetdon Between 29th June and the 31st of December 1812. John G. Clute, Capt. of RegimentRobert married a Phebe UNKNOWN and they had twin boys Robert and John. The twins were born 27 Nov 1820 in Cornwall, Stormont Co., ON.
Their father died 30 Jun 1821 in Cornwall and was buried 2 Jul 1821 at Trinity Anglican Church Cemetery, Cornwall, ON. The twins were mere infants.
Death Record: Robert Dixon of the parish of Cornwall, farmer, aged 34 yrs. died June 30, 1821 and was buried July 2, 1821 by me J Mountain -Minister (Jessups Loyal Rangers).
The twins eventually came up to the North Gower area when they were about 15 yrs. old on their own and settled there.
— Submitted by Gina Chester, UE
Aaron Doan
During the American War of Independence Aaron Doan (1756-1844) was one of the Doan Gang, a band of five brothers and one cousin who supported the King, not as soldiers, but as spies, scouts, and guides, who liberated prisoners of war, robbed wealthy Patriots, and sold stolen horses to the British. At the war’s end Aaron Doan was wanted for crimes of “outlawry”, imprisoned, tried, and condemned to death. His sentence was eventually commuted to exile. He came to Upper Canada and settled in Humberstone Township (now the city of Port Colborne) circa 1788. He was awarded a Crown Grant of 400 acres.
When the War of 1812 broke out Aaron Doan served his King in a more noble way than he had in the 1780s. Although he was 56 years old, he served in the 2nd Lincoln Militia Artillery under Captain James Kirby from 25 September-24 October 1812 as a private/gunner for 30 days for which he was paid 1 ½ pounds, 3 shillings, 1 ½ pence. In the spring of 1813 he served in the 3rd Regiment Lincoln Militia under Captain Henry Buchner from 20 April-24 April, receiving 2 shillings, 6 pence for those five days, and again from 25 April-24 May for 30 days receiving 15 shillings. He was “at Fort Erie” according to Captain Buchner. His fourth assignment was from 25 May-4 June 1813 for 11 days for which he was paid 5 shillings, 6 pence.
Aaron Doan lived a long life, dying at age 88 on 2 August 1844. He is buried on his own land where he had set aside land for a burying ground. Doan Cemetery located at 2146 Second Concession in rural Port Colborne.
Aaron Doan married Rhoda Cook,1765-1820, daughter of Robert Cook, UEL, 1739-1796. Together they had 11 children:
- Levi Doan, 1791-1884;
- Ruth Doan, 1794-1853;
- Martha Doan, 1796-1877;
- Robert Doan, 1800-1853;
- Seth Doan, 1803-?;
- Timothy Doan, 1804-1854;
- Joshua Doan, 1808-1883;
- Polly Doan, before 1809-1809;
- Mary Doan, 1809-1869;
- Huldah Doan, 1810-1846;
- Sarah Doan, 1814-1884;
- Seth, dates unknown
Aaron Doan was my 4th-great-grandfather. His son, Levi Doan, also served in the War of 1812.
— Submitted by Janet Hodgkins
Joseph Doan and Joseph Doan Jr.
Joseph Doan, UEL (1752-1844), and his son Joseph Doan, UE (1794-1867), in the War of 1812
Of the six Doan men, notorious for their guerilla gang activity during the American Revolution, only Joseph and his brother Aaron survived and made it to safety in Upper Canada. Both had been imprisoned in Philadelphia for the crime of “outlawry.” Aaron was eventually pardoned and exiled from the newly created United States. Joseph was visited in prison by his clever wife Mary who smuggled in a rope, a knife, an auger, and a file which he used to escape from jail. He fled and settled in Humberstone Township, now Port Colborne, Ontario.
Because of his experiences with Patriots during the Revolution, Joseph retained a lifelong hatred of Americans. In 1812 Joseph was not a soldier. Nevertheless, he became a Prisoner of War. According to the book The Doane Family, by Alfred Alder Doane, “In early life in Canada he was known as an outspoken man, with an inveterate hatred of all Americans, who as a people, he said, has oppressed and persecuted him and his kindred … When the American Army landed at Fort Erie in the War of 1812, Joseph was pointed out as a man inimical to the American interests, and, though not in arms, was seized, made a prisoner of war and sent to Greenbush, N.Y., where they kept him confined for eighteen months, and where through exposure and hunger he suffered all but death.”
Joseph Doan was forced to walk the 350 miles from his home to Greenbush. When the other civilian POWs were given passes home in December 1813, Joseph was not.
Joseph’s son, Joseph Doan Jr., no doubt shared his father’s views on Americans. He did serve as a Private in the 3rd Lincoln Militia in Captain John Baxter’s Company. His military record shows these dates of service:
- 2-24 October 1912. For these 23 days Joseph was paid 11 shillings, 6 pence
- 25 October-24 November 1812. Joseph was on furlough.
- 25 November-16 December 1812. For these 53 days he received 1 pound, 6 shillings, 6 pence.
Along with his father, Joseph, Jr. was also taken prisoner by the invading American Army. According to his nephew, Joseph Jr, was able to escape.
After the War of 1812, both father and son left Humberstone and moved to Walpole Township in 1815. The residents of Humberstone remembered Joseph, Sr. as a carpenter, a cooper and a respected schoolteacher. He lived in Walpole on his new 200 acre farm until his death at age 92 in 1844. Joseph Jr. died at age 72 in 1867.
— Submitted by Janet Hodgkins, UE
Levi Doan, UE, 1791-1884
Levi Doan, the firstborn of Aaron Doan, UEL was undoubtedly named for Aaron’s brother Levi Doan. Brothers Aaron and Levi were two of the notorious (Loyalist) Doan Gang of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Although the Treaty of Paris forbid persecution of Loyalists, Levi was hanged as an “outlaw” on 24 September 1788 in Philadelphia. When Aaron Doan escaped to Upper Canada and married Rhoda Cook, daughter of Robert Cook, UEL, they named their first child in memory of the slain Levi Doan. They settled in Humberstone Township, now part of Port Colborne, Ontario.
In keeping with the Doan family’s pro-Crown stance, Levi Doan, like his namesake uncle, supported the British in the War of 1812. At age 21 he joined the 3rd Lincoln Militia.
- From 25 September-24 October 1812 Levi served as a Private under Major Henry Warren, earning 15 shillings for thirty days of service.
- From 25 October-24 November 1812 Private Levi Doan earned 15 shillings for 30 days of service under Major Henry Warren.
- He was on the list of the 3rd Lincoln Militia from 25 November-24 December 1812, but as he received no pay for this time period, he was likely on furlough. His commanding officer was Major Henry Warren.
- A year later Levi was a Private under Captain Shubael Park from September 22 -24, 1813. He was paid one shilling six pence for these three days.
- By 1813 Levi had been promoted to Sergeant. From May 10-24, 1813 Sergeant Levi Doan was employed in the Engineer’s Department in Fort Erie under Captain John Baxter. His earned one pound for 15 days.
- From 20 June-2 July 1814 Sergeant Levi was on duty at Fort Erie, Chippawa and elsewhere with the 3rd Lincoln Militia under Lieutenant-Colonel John Warren. For his thirteen days he was paid 17 shillings, 4 pence.
After the War of 1812 ended Levi Doan married Anna Ramey, 1799-1887, daughter of Casper Ramey, UEL, 1757-1848, and Jemima Van Blaricum, 1767-1834. In 1820 his military service during the War of 1812 was verified by Lieutenant William Powell and Levi was awarded a land claim. According to his military record Levi was receiving a pension of $20 in 1875 at age 84.
Levi and Anna farmed in Humberstone Township. Their children were:
- Benjamin Doan 1817-1893
- Sarah Ann Doan 1820-1907
- Mary Ann Doan 1826-1921
- Daughter Doan 1828
- Timothy Doan 1828-1849
- Levi Henry Doan 1830-1911
- Jane Doan 1836-1919
- David Doan 1838-1844
- Daughter Doan
Levi died on December 11, 1884, at age 93. An excerpt from Walter Shanley, dated 20 December 1884, reads:
“Levi, son of exile Aaron, is no more. The bright old man was seized with paralysis, exactly one month from the day on which he gave such intelligent answers to my series of questions. After the attack he lived, speechless but apparently sensible to all that was going on around him, for a week and then went out, his age being stated as exactly 93 years, 8 months and 17 days. He was buried within the boundaries of the land which his father Aaron had “taken up” nearly a century ago. The old man belonged to the Methodist church and his funeral services were conducted after the manner thereof. He had lived a life of good repute as his father, Aaron, before him had done. The latter owned a fine property of four hundred avers in his homestead, and on a part of it lived the son who had just died.”
— Submitted by Janet Hodgkins, UE, 3rd great-granddaughter of Levi Doan and 4th great-granddaughter of Aaron Doan, UEL
Peter Dulyea (Delyea)
The Upper Canada Land Petition of Pierre Doliez (Peter Dulyea) of Adolphustown, dated 1793, states that he was a native of France, an inhabitant of French Canada, and taken prisoner to the New England colony of New York by the British army in 1760. This would have been during the Seven Years War between England and France. England won this war, and the French colony of New France in Quebec became the English colony of Canada. The petition goes on to say that Peter remained in America after the war ended and lived in New Jersey. He later served for the British in the 4th Battalion of the New Jersey Volunteers during the American Revolutionary War before coming to the Loyalist Refugee Camp in Sorel, Quebec and eventually on to the Bay of Quinte in Upper Canada.
The 1904 Second Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario claim # 372, dated Sep 25, 1788, states that Pierre Dollier was a native of France who came to America in 1760 and fought in the American Revolutionary War by joining the New Jersey Volunteers in 1776. He and his family lived at Bergen County New Jersey and came to Canada in 1783 to the Loyalist Refugee Camp at Sorel Quebec. The surname would become Dulyea in later records of early Canada and would eventually become Delyea. Pierre Dollier would become known as Peter Dulyea Sr. of Adolphustown Twp. Upper Canada.
The book Voyage of a Different Kind, by Larry Turner, lists Peters Dulyea Sr., born 1737, and his son Peter Dulyea, Jr., born 1765, in the Return of the Loyalists settling in Twp No.4 Cataraqui – Adolphustown. Peter Sr. was married to Mary who died at the Refugee Camp at Sorel. Peter Sr. and three sons are listed in the Return of the Inhabitants of Adolphustown in 1794. The 1797 Upper Canada Land Petition of Peter Jr. confirms he was also a Loyalist, and states he was granted 200 acres of land in Richmond Twp., Upper Canada. Peter Jr. married Margaret VanAlstine born 1769 the daughter of the Loyalist Isaac VanAlstine born 1734 and Maria Larroway baptised 1745. Peter Jr. and Margaret had a son Isaac born 1791, who in 1816 married Mary Huffman born 1806 the daughter of the Loyalist Philip Huffman born 1754 and Elizabeth Lornay born 1777. The 1818 Upper Canada Land Petition of Isaac confirms he was the son of the Loyalist Peter Dulyea Jr. The 1833 Upper Canada Land petition of Mary confirms she was the wife of Isaac, and the daughter of Philip Huffman. Isaac served as a Private during the War of 1812 in the 1st Regiment of the Lennox Militia. His name can be found on the Muster Roll of Captain Elisha Phillips Company in the Regiment of the Lenox Militia dated 1813.
— Submitted by Richard Clark
Simon Earhart (Airhart) and son William
The 1812 Upper Canada Land Petition of Simon Earhart/Airhart states he was a Private in the 2nd Battalion of The Kings Own Regiment of New York during the American Revolutionary War. In the Petition it also states that he came to the Province of Upper Canada before the year 1798.
Simon was born in 1754 in Skatoque, New York. He is mentioned in the Minutes of the Albany New York Sessions for Commissioners for detecting and defeating conspiracies in the state of New York. In these minutes, dated April and May 1778, he is being released from suspicion of a conspiracy by Major General Schuyler. At that time Simon was living at Saratoga, New York. Simon eventually came to Ernestown Twp, Lennox and Addington as a United Empire Loyalist and married a woman named Anna. Simon and Anna had a son William born 1793 who married Mary Williams born 1792, the daughter of the Loyalist Albert Williams born 1762 and Catherine McNutt born 1772.The 1789 Upper Canada Land Petition of Mary’s father, Albert Williams, states that he was also a Private in the 2nd Battalion of The Kings Own Regiment of New York during the American Revolutionary War. Simon’s son William joined the First Regiment of the Addington Militia during the War of 1812. The 1816 Upper Canada Land Petition of Williams sister Catherine contains an affidavit stating that William also served with the Incorporated Militia during the War of 1812. This is confirmed in the War of 1812 Nominal Return of the Addington Militia under Capt. Matthew Clark and Capt. Sheldon Hawley, where it is remarked that Private William Airhart enlisted in the Incorporated Militia.
The family surname changed over the years from Simon’s grandparents who were one of the Palatine migrant families to New York in 1710 with the surname Earhardt, to later records using both Earhart and Airhart.
— Submitted by Richard Clark
Joseph Ferris and Son Isaac
My 3rd great-grandfather Isaac Ferriss UE served in 3 battles during the War of 1812-14. He served at the Battle of Detroit, the Battle of the Maumee and the Battle of Raisin River – all in the Michigan and Ohio areas. His father, Joseph Ferriss UEL is my 4th great-grandfather and the United Empire Loyalist who left his life behind in the Pennsylvania area to become a first refugee, due to the American Revolutionary War, in the New Settlement (N. shore Lake Erie). He was granted Lot 22, second concession Colchester, New Settlement in 1792.
Joseph’s son, Isaac was in the militia, the Essex 1st, and he was given an MGS (Military General Service) medal for his service at the Battle of Detroit that took place August 16, 1812. The War Office awarded medals for three actions only: Battle of Detroit, Battle of Chatteauguay and Battle at Chrysler’s Farm in 1848. The MGS Medal was authorized by General Order June 1, 1847 and was issued in 1848, 32 years after the event, to each surviving officer and soldier present in any battle commemorated.
On the day of War June 19, 1812 the great Shawnee Chief, Tecumseh offered his services to Colonel Matthew Elliott, Deputy Superintendent of Indian Affairs, hoping to receive justice from the Americans who had defeated the Shawnees at Tippecanoe under General William Harrison (Nov 8, 1811). Tippecanoe was the homeland of Tecumseh and his brother the Propehet, who was in charge, while Tecumseh was out and about trying to form a Western Indian Confederacy. Tecumseh and about 25 Menominee Indians, 46 Mohawk and the majority were Wyandottes to make a total of 600 Natives at the Battle of Detroit. These Natives, along with 300 regulars and 400 militia achieved the bloodless surrender of Detroit.
Isaac Ferris was in the 1st Essex Militia, under Col. Matthew Elliott who took part in the Battle of Detroit. It is written in the local newspaper, The Amherstburg Echo, in 1934 that Isaac was one of two young 17 year old men who volunteered to swim across the Detroit River and spy on actions taking place at Bois Blanc Island in preparation for the Battle of Fort Detroit commanded by General William Hull.
In 1875, at the age of 82, Isaac Ferriss received 200 pound s as a Canadian Veteran of the War of 1812. Not many would live that long to collect this war pension.
— Submitted by Ruth A. Nicholson, UE
Joseph Flewelling
Joseph Flewelling b. ca. MAY1748, d. Saint John Co., NB 2DEC1821 age 73 years and 7 months, buried Old Cemetery, Carleton Twp., Saint John Co., NB, m. Phoebe Worden (b. ca. 1753, d. Carleton, Saint John Co., NB 23NOV1837 age 84 years), d/o Gabriel and Sarah (Anderson) Worden).
Joseph had been a Quaker. The Rev. Joshua N. Barnes wrote, “In the autumn of 1836 I went to Carleton (St. John, West) to spend the winter at the home of my great-grandmother Flewelling. She was a dear, good, old lady, a Baptist in faith. Her husband, during his life-time, had been a Quaker. I have always remembered the earnest, godly life of that noble, Christian woman.”
In an article is the following relating to events during the War of 1812-1814 in New Brunswick:
“The party under the direction of Corp’l Micheau consisting of 4 men and a corporal, were employed 15 days upon the house on the St. Andrews road. Calculating from the time they left Fredericton until the 23rd of February, inclusive at which time the work on the house stopped — making 75 days. And the party under my immediate command also the same 75 days and the party under Corp’l Joel Price were employed only to the 19th at which time they were ordered for Fredericton by Major Hatch, making 55 days, total 205 days—Seven more days were added (probably for travel records) making a grand total of 212 days,–and signed as follows:
Joseph Flewelling, Serg’t., Fredericton, 30 March 1813”.
Another reference to Joseph Flewelling’s militia career is in two companion articles. One company of this militia had, as Captain, Samuel Theall, possibly the father of Tertullus Theall who married a daughter of Thomas Flewelling of Oak Point; and who was, himself, in the Artillery unit. In Capt. Samuel Theall’s company was Sergeant Isaac Flewelling and “Trustrum” Ring, Joseph’s son-in-law.
Another reference to the Saint John militia is at a message posted by Bill Tufts:
“A most valuable record in the military and civil history of Saint John has lately been presented to the New Brunswick Museum by Chief Justice J.B.M. Baxter in the original manuscript of the Saint John militia for the years 1809, 1810 and 1811. The names listed in that neatly penned roll include practically all of the male residents of the city during those years who were between the ages of 16 and 60 years.”
Included in the alphabetical list are “Flewewlling, Joseph” and “Flewewlling, Serjt. Isaac (dead in 1810).”
Joseph Flewelling was in a separate company, that of Capt. Thomas Menzies, Jr. Both Isaac and Joseph had ‘enlisted’ in 1809. Capt. Theall’s company is supposedly made up of men from Carleton Town (or Parish or Township), a suburb of the City of Saint John. Capt. Menzie’s company was from Portland Town (or Parish or Township).
Click here for a PDF copy with references.
— Submitted by Thomas A. Murray
Pieter Forsyuer (Forshee) and Grandson Alexander
In 1781 Peter protected British Soldiers in his house and supplied provisions to them. He suffered severely by the rebels – was tarred and feathered for his loyalty during the war.
Pieter came to Upper Canada before the summer of 1788 with his family from New Jersey and received a land grant at Kingston August 24, 1790.
Bernard Forshee was born in New Jersey in 1774 and came to Canada with his father. Bernard served in the War of 1812 under Loyalist Cyrenius Parke.
A son of Bernard was Alexander, who married Hannah Parke, daughter of Loyalist and War of 1812 veteran Cyrenius Parke.
I descend from Hannah and Alexander, although I am still looking for some of those elusive early lineage proofs.
— Submitted by Karen Borden, UE
William Foster and Son Alvah
William Foster, UE, was born on April 30, 1756 (probably in New York) and died on September 20, 1849 Louth Township, Lincoln County, Canada West.
He stated in 1818 that he served as a private soldier in The King’s American Regiment commanded by Col. Edmond Fanning and that he joined in New York. He went to New Brunswick after the Revolution and then came to Upper Canada in 1798 with 5 children. (Upper Canada Land Petitions F12/67 National Archives of Canada Microfilm C1743). He may have also served in the capacity as a translator, since his wife, Mah-Oh-Rah, baptised Hannah (1764-1829), was a Mohawk woman of the Turtle Clan.
The King’s American Regiment abstract for pay for prisoners for the period ending June 24, 1782 included Private William Foster, who was taken prisoner 20 Feb 1781. (Loyalist of the Southern Campaign, Vol 31, p 122 in the National Archives of Canada as MG23, D1, Vol. 30). This Regiment was composed of a regular British army regiment, The Kings American Regiment of Foot on Dec. 25, 1782. It was disbanded in New Brunswick, then still part of Nova Scotia, on October 10, 1783.
At age of 57 he served in Jacob Ball’s Militia Company of the 1st Lincoln Regiment.
Alvah Foster was born in 1796 in New Brunswick, British North America
Died: August 12, 1855 at Jordan, Louth Township, Lincoln County, Canada West
Buried: Purdy-Foster Cemetery, Lot 12, Conc. 3, 13th St., Jordan, Canada WestThough only 16, during the War of 1812 Alvah served in the First Lincoln Regiment.
As the child of a Loyalist, Alvah was granted Crown land by an Order in Council on Sept. 8, 1819.
He owned Lot 13, Concession 2, Louth Township, Lincoln County, Canada West (now Ontario). The 100 acres of this lot passed to his son, Jacob, when Alvah’s will was probated on Feb. 6, 1855
— Submitted by William’s 4x great-grandson, John C. Haynes, UE, member of Colonel Butler Branch
Benjamin Fralick and son John
Johannes “John” Fralick
Born: March 18, 1775 in Schoharie, Albany County, New York Province
Married: Anne “Annie” Pierce on August 10, 1834 in London Township, Middlesex County, Upper Canada
Died: August 03, 1849 in Stamford, Canada West (now Niagara Falls, Ontario)During the War of 1812, John Fralick served as ensign in the Third Lincoln Militia Regiment, enrolled 1814 (Soldiers of the King: The Upper Canadian Militia 1812-1815, William M. Gray, Stoddart Press [North York, 1995], p. 74). This would be the same John Fralick who is listed in the roll of the Battalion of the Incorporated Militia as being a private in Captain Kerby’s Company (Ibid., p. 214).
In his father’s will, which was probated in 1805, John received the home farm in Louth Township, consisting of Lot s6 in Concessions 7 & 8, along with Lots 7 & 8 in Concession 8. John is to receive these on the condition “that he educate Peter and Benjamin,” his younger brothers, who were approximately 13 and 14 years old respectively.
Benjamin Fralick, UE
Born: April 14, 1747 in Loonenburg (now Athens), Greene County, New York Province
Married: Rosina Catrina Schefferin on January 09, 1770 in Stone Arabia Lutheran Church, Stone Arabia, New York Province
Died: December 1804 in Louth Township, Lincoln County, Upper Canada (now Town of Lincoln)
Buried: Fralick Family Cemetery, 9th Street, Town of LincolnBenjamin stated before the Commissioners on Loyalists’ Claims that he was a native of America, lived near Albany, had been settled ten years on Patroon lands, had cleared ten acres and built a house and barn. Warner Fralick and Jacob Ball were neighbours in their old homes. Benjamin suffered terribly before leaving his home. The Rebels took his livestock, utensils, furniture and tools and drove his family out. He joined Butler’s Rangers in 1778 and served six years as a sergeant and corporal.
In January 1781 he was at Fort Niagara serving as a sergeant under the command of Lieutenant John Turney. In April of the same year he was court marshaled, along with two officers, Lieutenant Peter Ball and 2nd Lieutenant Joseph Ferris. The Court Martial files have disappeared from the records in the British Library, but a sense of the crime can be determined in the General Order. Sergeant Frelick tried for being concerned with Lieutenants Jacob and Peter Ball and 2nd Lieutenant Joseph Ferris in writing an anonymous letter to Brigadier General H. Watson Powell, Commanding the Upper Posts, and Charging Lieutenant Colonel Butler and other Officers of said Corps with Capital Crimes and to stir up a mutiny and sedition among the men of the Corps of Rangers, and for speaking disrespectfully of the Commanding Officer of the Regiment, is found guilty of the 3rd Charge exhibited against him, and sentenced on account of the undoubted testimony of his general and good character in the Corps, and likewise on sundry occasions, only to be reduced to the ranks.
In the summer of 1783 at Fort Niagara, New York, Christian Warner corroborated Benjamin’s evidence of his service to the Crown.
Consequently, as a sergeant Benjamin received a land grant of 400 acres consisting of Lot 6, Concession VII, and Lots 6, 7, and 8 Concession VIII Louth Township, Lincoln County. Thus he had the consolation of being settled near his sister, Elizabeth Heins’ family who settled in Grantham Township, Lincoln County. Surveyor Augustus Jones’ map of 1791, indicates that the Benjamin and Elizabeth were living 5 lots east and west of each other, or roughly 1 and 1/2 miles. More importantly both Benjamin and Adam Hein’s homesteads border the Iroquois Trail, which became the major road in south St. Catharines, namely St. Paul Street West/Highway #81.
In 1793 the Upper Canada Legislature passed The Parish and Town Officers Act, which allowed for the choosing of two town wardens, a township clerk, two assessors and collectors, fenced viewers, poundkeepers, overseers of highways, tellingly called pathmasters. The settlers of Louth Township choose for their officials Adin Beebee as town clerk; Peter Wycoof and Adin Beebee as assessors; Ebenzer Culver as collector; Jesse Pawling, Ede Burtch and Peter Wycoof as pathmasters; and, Henry Beamer and Bejamin Fralick, as town wardens. As may be noted from Beebe and Wycoof, it was a frequent occurrence for township officials to serve in more than one capacity.
One of the first by-laws the Council enacted read: There is also a law made at this town meeting that cattle and hogs is to run at large.
In 1796 a local landowners were asked to contribute to a fund for the erection of the first church in the area. Benjamin and his brother-in-law, Adam Heins/Haines, both contributed “The Assignment to the Church at St. Catharines.” “The Assignment” didn’t stipulate that the church would be of a specific denomination. It was built the same year as a 30 by 40 feet building on the northwest corner of Yates and St. Paul St., on land donated by the merchant Robert Hamilton of Queenston. It had a small cemetery which existed until it was closed during the cholera epidemic of 1830. It was intended to be a non-denominational church for all Protestant denominations and was used as such for several years. However, the Church of England ultimately ousted all other denominations for its exclusive use.
Annoyed but undeterred, Benjamin and his brother-in-law, Adam Heins/Haines lobbied for the establishment of the first Lutheran parish in Niagara, commonly known today as “The Old German” Lutheran Church and more formerly St. John the Evangelist’s Church, Thorold. Along with his Peter Lampman–his kith by marriage– and George House, Benjamin was for several years the trustee of the Church. Notably, he could write as he signed his own name to church documents.
He died at his farm in December 1804 and was buried there in a family plot on 9th Street, Town of Lincoln. His will lists his occupation as shoemaker.
— Submitted by John C. Haynes, UE, Col. Butler Branch
Johannes (John) Froats
Johannes Froats (AKA John Froats and John Frats), the son of Heinrich (also Henry and Hendrick) Fratts, U.E.L., of Sharon, Schoharie County, New York and Elizabeth Ulman, U.E.L., was born on 11 March 1791 in Morrisburg, Dunsas, Upper Canada. He married Mary Casselman Loucks, the daughter of Richard Loucks, U.E.L., and Maria Catherin Hanes (Hains) on 16 October 1814.
Militia calls were a compulsory service for men in early Upper Canada, and are the earliest form of Census. The Incorporated Corps 1812 War – Dundas Militia, gives a list of members of Dragoons and the Flank Companies across Upper Canada for the period War 1812-1814. In the Militia & Defence Nominal Rolls & Paylists, 1812-1815, one John Frats, Corporal, is listed in the company led by Lieutenant John Crysler.
In 1875, when John Froats was 86, a gathering of veterans of the war of 1812-1815 met in Morrisburg, Ontario to commemorate the end of the war, and the Battle of Chysler’s Farm. John is listed as one of the participants of the event (Ottawa Citizen, 1875).
Another indication that John was active in the Dundas Militia during the Battle of Chysler’s Farm can be found on page 233, in Carter Smyth’s book, The Story of Dundas. There is a photo in the book of John Froats, captioned “a veteran of the battle.”
John and Mary Froats had nine children:
– George Henry, b. 28 March 1815
– Richard Thomas, b. 22 May 1817
– Elizabeth, b. 6 March 1819
– John J., b. about 1820
– Ellen, b. 29 September 1831
– Lavina, b. 11 August, 1834
– David, b. 26 June 1836
– Gordon, b. 22 April, 1840
– Luisa (Cristie), b. 1844Johannes Froats died 29 January, 1880, at Williamsburg, Dundas County, Ontario.
Mary Casselman Loucks Froats died 25 April, 1863, at Williamsburg, Dundas County, Ontario.
Carter, Smyth. The story of Dundas: Being a history of the County of Dundus from 1784 to 1904 (Iroquois, Ontario, Canada: The St. Lawrence News Publishing House, 1905).
Militia & Defence Nominal Rolls & Paylists, 1812-1815, Vol. 5, Dundas County. Microfilm T10380, Roll 2 RG 91 B7.
“The Veterans of 1812.” Ottawa Citizen. August 10, 1875.— Submitted by Jon M. Fox, UE, 3rd-great-grandson of Johannes Froats
James Gerolamy Sr. and sons, James Jr. & John
Prior to the outbreak of hostilities, James Sr. and his sons, James Jr. (16) and John (12) were recruited by Ensign William McLean and enlisted with the Glengarry Light Infantry Fencibles Regiment on 5 April 1812 at Kingston for three years. They joined other recruits at the regimental training headquarters located at Trois-Rivière, Quebec where they underwent basic training. In the summer, James Sr, now a corporal, and James Jr were sent out on recruiting drives. By late summer the regiment spent several weeks of advanced training at Quebec City such as forest warfare techniques by Captain James Fitz Gibbon. Here John remained for specialist training such as learning bugle calls, critical for a regiment such as the Glengarry Light Infantry. The remainder of the regiment were stationed at Montreal where they were quartered in the Recollet barracks.
In late September, two companies of the regiment, along with two light gun boats, were dispatched to Prescott, Upper Canada. Shortly after, 22 October 1812, the 3rd company, in which James Sr, corporal and John, bugler, were members, commanded by Captain John Jenkins, were sent to Prescott. Here the 3 Gerolamys experienced their first military action. On 22 February 1813, Jenkins’ company, along with a number of British regular companies and local militia, attacked the American troops stationed at Ogden- sburg, New York. The battle was relatively short, but fierce, with the Americans routed, the fort, barracks and two gunboats burned, and a large store of weapons and ammunition seized. Later, all the soldiers involved in the battle, shared prize money including James Sr and John. James Jr, a member of a different company, who just “happened” to be in the area, also joined the battle and later received a share of the prize money. As one author wrote, “The three Gerolamys … may have made the attack a family affair.” 3
The 3rd company, along with a few members of other companies, spent the rest of the winter of 1813 at Prescott while the rest of the regiment was variously posted from Quebec City to Kingston. On 23 March 1813, Colonel Baynes ordered all of the regiment to the Niagara area. Here, the 1st company, of which James Jr was a member, along with the 5th and 9th companies were subsequently engaged in the Battle of Fort George on 27 May 1813. Sadly, the British and Canadian troops were overwhelmed by a much larger American force and eventually retreated to Beaver Dams. Apparently, the Glengarry casualties were severe and about 59 soldiers captured. James Jr. was listed as captured but a search of American lists of glengarry soldiers captured by General Dearborn’s troops during the battle does not list him. According to Winston Johnston, “… the paymaster was unable to determine the whereabouts of those not reporting for duty…” and listed them as dead or prisoners.4 James Jr. showed up a few days later.
Following the battle of Fort George, the regiment was engaged in a number of other engagements such as those at Stoney Creek, Sacketts Harbour and the capture of Oswego, New York. It is not known with any certainty that all of the Gerolamys were part of these actions. But by 8 July 1814, the entire regiment was at York and the next day, minus 33 sick soldiers, were hurriedly “…pushed on to Burlington…”.5 From here the regiment was involved in a number of engagements most notably the battle of Lundy’s Lane, followed by actions at Fort Erie and Cook’s Mills.
By November 1814, according to Lt. General Drummond,6 the regiment was worn out and thus ordered to over winter at York and Kingston. After the cessation of hostilities, James Sr and James Jr were finally discharged on 5 April 1815 at Adolphustown and John on 24 May 1815, same place. The Gerolamys had all survived the war and, as did so many other solders, served bravely in the defense of Upper Canada. According to their commanding officer, Francis Battersby, James Sr served as a “Brave & good soldier…”, and James Jr as “…a Brave & faithful Soldier & has been frequently employed by me in several services of trust danger while before the Enemy…”.8 Sadly, the author has not located the discharge papers for John who, no doubt, served Upper Canada in a like manner. Several years later, Captain James Fitz Gibbon wrote of the Gerolamys’ service “… I have frequently heard Lt. Colonel Battersby and their Captain (Cochrane) speak in high terms of their intelligence and bravery as soldiers; and it is within my own knowledge that they have been sent more than once to escort officers on secret service, in canoes”.9
(Read a full-length, formatted PDF copy, with additional quotations and citations.)
— Submitted by Robert Harvey
John Gould, Sr.
John Gould, Sr, UE, was born on January 07, 1759 in Caldwell Twp., Essex County, New Jersey and died June 28, 1825 in Grantham Twp.(now St. Catharines), Lincoln Co., Upper Canada. He served in Butler’s Rangers during the Revolution and was rewarded with a Crown land grant in Grantham Township.
Despite the fact that he was 52 years old at the outbreak of the War of 1812-1814, John Gould, Sr. served in George Laws Company of the Lincoln Militia, as did his son, John, Jr. (May 01, 1791-January 14, 1864). While JOhn Sr. seems not to have been injured or taken prisoner, John, Jr. was taken prisoner at the Battle of Lundy’s Lane (Niagara Falls) but escaped captivity crossing the ice the on the Niagara River just up from Fort Niagara (Lewiston) in the winter of 1814.
Sources: W.D. Reid’s Loyalist List and Corlene Taylor’s April 1980 monograph on the Gould family at the Special Collections Department of the St. Catharines Central Library.
— Submitted by John C. Haynes, UE, member of Colonel Butler Branch
Adam Green & Son Billy “The Scout” Green
Ensign Adam Green, UE, was a recruiter for the New Jersey Volunteers, acting under the authority of Judge (Colonel) Nathaniel Pettit. Both he and Judge Pettit were captured in early 1777 and imprisoned in Newton Courthouse in its subterranean jail. The jail had two cells and housed 18 to 20 men per cell in filth and with only enough room to sleep head to foot and side by side.
Adam was soon joined by his brother George, who had been arrested after attending a Loyalist meeting at Wall Kill. George died within a month of his arrest. Charles Pettit was also arrested (Secretary to the Governor). Both men took the Oath of Abjuration in front of the Council of Safety of New Jersey and eventually were released.
In 1793, Adam and his wife and 10 children journeyed to Stoney Creek, Salfleet Township, Wentworth County, Upper Canada to be with his brother and other cousins. There he had his last son, William Green.
Much has been written about Billy Green, the scout who led the British army from Burlington Heights to attack the American army at the Gage Homestead near Stoney Creek on the night of June 5-6, 1813. Recently, several attempts to downplay his role in the Battle of Stoney Creek have been made by authors who have mistaken other William Greens of the area for Billy, and corrupted his actual provable history.
When war was declared by the United States on 18 June, 1812, Billy was 18 years old. His older brothers, John, Levi, Samuel, and Freeman, were all in the militia and fought in various battles. John was wounded at the Battle of Queenston Heights. Billy was a civilian combatant during the Battle of Stoney Creek. He only joined the 5th Lincoln Militia after the battle was over. In September of 1813, four of the Green brothers including Billy, are recorded as being in the 2nd Flank Company of the 5th Lincoln located at Burlington Heights.
Moving through the forest in the evening of the 5th of June, 1813, Billy located the positions of the American night sentries. With this valuable intelligence, he took his brother Levi’s horse “Tip” and rode along the escarpment to somewhere beyond Albion Falls and tied the horse up to a rock supporting a zig-zag rail fence and then descended the escarpment and made his way to Burlington Heights to the British army.
Billy was given a Grenadier corporal’s sword for his own defence and led the British army, which consisted of only 704 men of all ranks. The American army is estimated at a low of 2500 to a high of 3500.
Not long after 2 AM on the 6th of June, they attacked across the valley through which Battlefield Creek ran, where fires were burning, and there they found that the American soldiers had been ordered to higher ground behind a rail fence. The actual fighting lasted about 45 minutes and by the early morning light, American soldiers were seen running away from the battlefield, leaving their dead and wounded behind and much of their equipment and baggage.
In 1875, Billy was awarded an annual pension at a ceremony in Hamilton, along with a number of other surviving War of 1812 veterans. He had been researched and approved by a military board as a participant in the Battle of Stoney Creek, even though a civilian at the time.
Click here for an expanded biography, with images, in PDF format.
— Submitted by Billy’s third great-grand nephew, David B. Clark, UE
On the subject of Billy Green, the scout, the submission above by David B. Clark, UE, includes this line [in the expended PDF biography]: “The fact that his brother Freeman had earlier brought information about the American encampment would have helped to establish Billy’s credibility among the British officers.” What a tease! What I found when I looked it up was just so much better than I was expecting … This document (from m/f C2035 – G20, Bundle 14) was attached to the 1837 Order-In-Council granting Freeman Green’s Land Petition in Howard Township.
Ancaster 7th May 1836
I do hereby certify that Freeman Green is a Son of Adam Green of Saltfleet, a UE Loyalist and that the said Freeman Green was a Volunteer in a Flank Company commanded by Captain [James] Duran[d] in the late War between Great Britain and the United States of America, and that he was in the Battles of Queenston and Stony [sic] Creek and assisted in the taking two of the American Generals at Stony Creek. As a private Volunteer he discharged his duty and distinguished himself on secret services as well as a brave soldier and a good loyal subject during the late War, and from that time up to this he has been marked as a good loyal citizen.I must further state that he lived with his family at Stony Creek when the American army encamped not over three hundred yards from his house; he left his wife sick in bed and went to the British army and gave information where the American Generals had pitched their Camp and then joined the 49th Regt in the engagement. The Battle so frightened his wife (as she expected he was in the Battle) that she left her bed undressed and ran out of the house & took Cold and a Violent fever set in & Carried her off.
Samuel Smith
1836 is a relatively early date for a document that compliments and corroborates the Green story we know so well. Every record listed by Ancestry suggests that Freeman’s wife was Elizabeth Quiggerty (1796-1870). Two things imply, however, that she was his second wife. The first takes the form of a Baptismal record – Freeman’s children were John, Martha, Richard, and Levi, all baptized 10 Sep 1824 by Rev Alexander Mackintosh (OHS, Vol. 9, p. 130). These children were born in 1809, 1810, 1823, and 1824 respectively. The second is Samuel Smith’s deposition above. This Samuel Smith was, almost certainly, the first cousin of Freeman and Billy. As the youngest son of “Little” John Smith of Ancaster, Samuel was exactly the same age as Billy. My fellow branch member, Marilyn Hardsand, UE, informs us that this Samuel Smith went on to become a well-known explorer, surveyor, businessman and politician.
— Submitted by Paul Bingle
Charles Green & Son Reuben
Reuben Green was born in February, 1783, in Sussex County, New Jersey. In the summer of 1786, he made the long and arduous journey with his brother Henry and his United Empire Loyalist parents Charles Green and Rebecca (Scritchfield) Green from New Jersey to Canada. As they passed through the Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania, three and a half year old Reuben, seated in the saddle basket (pannier) of their horse, had a terrifying view of the deep gorge below; this memory of the journey haunted him for the rest of his 90 year life. They crossed at Lewiston to Queenston on 18 September 1786 and settled in Mount Dorchester, (later known as Stamford, and finally as Niagara Falls). Eight days after their arrival his pregnant mother gave birth in the Bender’s barn to his sister Rebecca; the first white child born in the district.
Reuben’s father was given a 200 acres land grant for being a United Empire Loyalist. This land was known as Lots 132 and 133; it included the land bounded by present day Lundy’s Lane to the S, Dorchester Rd. to the E. and Kahlar Rd. to the W. The family home was located in the area where the present day Hydro Canal crosses the land and faced Dorchester Rd. His father Charles gave the road allowance for Lundy’s Lane and donated two acres of land to the Methodist church on which the Red Meeting House was erected. Today the junction of Lundy’s Lane and Montrose Rd. is known as Green’s Corners. Present day Green Rd. and Greendale School and Lundy’s Lane Cemetery are situated on the original land grant.
Reuben grew up clearing the land and working on the family farm until he was old enough to marry Elizabeth Fortner by whom he had 14 children. Two years before the War of 1812 he bought 100 acres of land in the Beechwoods just south of Lundy’s Lane and he lived here during the struggle. He served as a private and then as a sergeant in Robert Hamilton’s and John Burch’s companies of the Flank Company, 2nd Regiment Lincoln Militia. He was present at the Battle of Beaver Dams, the Battle of Chippawa and the Battle of Lundy’s Lane. Tales of his exploits in the war are treasured among his descendants and include such as the following:
The militia had been dismissed to their homes at the time when US troops led an expedition to Beaver Dams. Reuben heard the noise of the firing and ran two or three miles to the scene of action but arrived just too late to “get a shot at the yankees”.
His deadly shooting while acting as a sergeant of the guard at the ferry below the falls marked him as the quarry of a special man-hunt by United States dragoons when the invaders held the lines just before the Battle of Lundy’s Lane. His wits and the good sense of his horse saved his life. For forty years after the war he never crossed the Niagara River, for fear of an assassination attempt.
Most of the actions of the Niagara Campaigns took place within walking distance of Charles Green’s farm (and his son Reuben’s) while in the so-called Battle of Lundy’s Lane several thousand troops were massed on the Green, Buchner and Lundy farms and along the humble country lane which ran between them.
At one time Reuben was also a Justice of the Peace. Reuben’s father Charles petitioned for, and received, another UEL land grant after the war which Reuben later purchased in 1831 for £56. This land was located in Humberstone, on Lot 6, Conc 5, and was owed by the family for the next three generations. Reuben had a son Reuben II, who also had a son Reuben III who had a son Reuben IV. One of the sons of Reuben III was William C who had a son Ernest T who had a daughter Catherine L (Green) Redekop.
Reuben died on 29 March 1873, aged 90 years and one month and is buried in the Drummond Hill Cemetery beside his wife Elizabeth (Fortner) Green who predeceased him on 28 Feb 1850.
— Submitted by Cathy Green-Redekop, UE
Zachariah Hainer
Zachariah Hainer, UEL, 1761-1813
In 1812, Zachariah Hainer joined the 1st Regiment Lincoln Militia. At age 52 he was a seasoned soldier, a veteran of the American Revolution, one of Butler’s Rangers. His second military experience, in the War of 1812, was much shorter than his first fight. On October 24, 1812 Zachariah Hainer was “declared unfit for service” and entered on the Pension List. By December he was very ill. On February 2, 1813 Zachariah Hainer died of disease.
Zaachariah Hainer was born on July 22, 1761 in Rhinebeck, New York at Livingstone Manor. The Hainer (or Hoener or Hayner) family had been living here ever since they left the Palatine area of Germany in 1710. Zachariah was a third generation North American. Although some American colonists rebelled against Britain, he remained loyal. At age 19 he was one of Butler’s Rangers, serving in Captain O’Hare’s Company as a sergeant.
When the war ended Zachariah emigrated to the Niagara Peninsula, as did so many of Butler’s Rangers. As a reward for his loyal service, in 1796 Zachariah was granted 300 acres of land in Wainfleet Township, parts of Lots 6 and 7 on Concessions 6 and 7. This land is approximately where the Water Park Golf and Country Club is now. Zachariah did not settle on his Wainfleet land. He chose instead to live in Grantham Township, now part of St. Catharines.
On March 19, 1796 or 1797 (accounts vary) Zachariah married Sophia, nee Braun or Brown, widow of Jacob Lutz. Sophia was the daughter of John Brown, UEL, 1740-1804, who had been born Johannes Braun. Sophia had a daughter, Magdalena, from her first marriage. It may have been a second marriage for Zachariah as well. Together Sophia and Zachariah had these children:
Eve Hainer, 1797-
Catharine Hainer, 1799-
John Brown Hainer, 1802-1884
James Hainer, 1806-1870
Mary Ann Hainer, 1810-1877When war was declared in June 1812, Zachariah’s youngest child was not yet two years old.
After Zachariah’s death, his widow Sophia made a claim for losses suffered during the war “taken month Dec 1813 during War—oats, hay, blankets and nails.” (NAC Mfm T1128)
The burial place of Zachariah Hainer is unknown. He probably lies somewhere in Grantham Township where he lived, perhaps even on his own land. His widow Sophia later moved to Esquesing Township in Halton where she died in 1845 and is buried in Limehouse Church Cemetery. Her headstone remembers him in the wording, “ Sophia Hainer, wife of Zachariah Hainer.”
Zachariah and Sophia Hainer were my 4th great grandparents.
— Submitted by Janet Hodgkins, UE
Adam Haines and his five sons
Four of the sons of Elizabeth (née Froelick) & Adam Heins/Haines, UE, of Grantham Twp., Upper Canada served in the War of 1812.
1. Barnabas Ludwig Haines
Born: July 16, 1778 near Loonenburg (now Athens), Greene County, New York Province
Died: December 01, 1851 in Clinton Township, Canada WestDuring the War of 1812, Barnabas served in George Ball’s Company of the Lincoln Militia. In 1812 he is listed as being a 35 year old carpenter, with one child. He present at the battles of Fort George and Lundy’s Lane. He was paroled “in County” in September 1813
Unlike his brothers, Lewis and Peter, he apparently was not literate enough, or comfortable enough, to sign his name on the William Claus’ 1812 Carpenters List for work done at Fort George.
In the 1828 Census of Lincoln County, a Barnabas Hains appears to be living in Louth Township. In his household there are no males under 16 years of age; 1 female under 16; 1 male over over 16; 2 females over 16; making a total of 4 in the household, not counting the head of the household.*
This would concur with the 1812 records of the Lincoln Militia, which notes he had one child under 16 at the time, and a second child must have been born that same year, shortly after the militia records were compiled, for him to have both 1 son and 1 daughter over 16 in 1828.
At the time of his death, Barnabas owned land in Clinton Township, Canada West.
2. “Lewis” Lodowick Haines
Born: October 01, 1782 in the Province of New Jersey, British North America
Died: March 21, 1861 in Jordan, Louth Township, Lincoln County, Canada West
Buried: the Haynes or Mennonite Cemetery in Jordan, Ontario on Lot 19, Concession IV, Louth Twp., behind the Jacob Fry House at The Jordan Historical Museum.Like his brothers, Barnabas, John, Peter and Adam, Lewis served in the Lincoln Militia during the War of 1812. He was in Jacob Ball’s Company. He served in December 1813 and was present at Fort George, Niagara [now Niagara-on-the-Lake]. For his services he received Prince Regent’s Grant in Nissouri Township. The Militia’s records give his occupation as that of carpenter.
Along with his brother Peter, Lodowick could write, at least well enough to sign his name on the William Claus’ 1813 Carpenters List for work done at Fort George. — and Lewis presumably read. Their brother Barnabas, in contrast, signed with his mark. (National Archives of Canada, “C” series, RG8 volume 1701. The original page number was 227, but it was re-numbered during the filming as 246).
3. Peter Haines
Born: 1786 in the family cabin on the Home Farm, Lots #21 and 22 in Concession VII of Grantham Township, Montreal District, Quebec (St. Paul Street West or Highway #8 St. Catharines, Ontario). Family tradition holds that Peter was the first pioneer child to be born in Grantham Township.
Died: May 09, 1844 at his home, Ivy Bank Farm, Lot #9, Concession IV, Louth Township, Canada West (now 9th St., Town Lincoln)
Buried: Maple Lawn Cemetery also known as 3rd Ave. Louth United Church, St. Catharines, Ont.Peter served in the Flank Company of the militia in the War of 1812. In 1850, six years after Peter’s death, his eldest son and heir-at-law, Absalom Haynes petitioned for his father’s grant of land for his service in the militia. A supporting statement was included from George William Thomas of Grantham Township and his wife Ann (Peter’s daughter). The petition was granted and a patent was issued to Absalom Haynes for Lot 33 Front of Plymouth Township. (OA MS 691 microfilm 25, Land Petitions, Crown Lands Dept.)
Along with his brother Lodowick “Lewis”, Peter could write, at least well enough to sign his name on the William Claus’ 1812 Carpenters List -for work done at Fort George.- and Peter presumably read. Their brother Barnabas, in contrast, signed with his mark. (National Archives of Canada, “C” series, RG8 volume 1701. The original page number was 227, but it was re-numbered during the filming as 246).
4. John Haynes
Born: December 05, 1793 in the family cabin on the Home Farm, Lots #21 and 22 in Concession VII of Grantham Township, Upper Canada (St. Paul Street West or Highway #8 St. Catharines, Ontario).
Died: April 12, 1856 on the Home Farm, Lots #21 and 22 in Concession VII of Grantham Township, Upper Canada (St. Paul Street West or Highway #8 St. Catharines, Ontario).
Buried: the Haynes Family Cemetery on the Home Farm, Lots #21 and 22 in Concession VII of Grantham Township, Upper Canada (St. Paul Street West or Highway #8 St. Catharines, Ontario).John served in the Lincoln Militia during the War of 1812. He served in McEwan’s and Lawes’s Companies in the First Regiment. He listed as being sick in September 1813 and serving in December 1813. He received a Prince regent’s grant in Nissouri Township for his services. Years later he was awarded 4£ 15s for damages, presumably for stock and livestock requisitioned from the family homestead, which he then owned.
5. Adam B. Haines, Jr.
Born: 1796 in the family cabin on the Home Farm, Lots #21 and 22 in Concession VII of Grantham Township, Upper Canada (St. Paul Street West or Highway #8 St. Catharines, Ontario).
Died: February 23, 1884 at his farm in Louth Township, Lots # 6, 7 & 8, Concession 2, Lincoln County, Ontario (now west ST. Catharines).
Buried: Maple Lawn Cemetery also known as 3rd Ave. Louth United Church, St. Catharines, Ont.During the War of 1812-14, along with his brother John, Adam, II served in McEwan’s and Lawes’s Companies in the First Regiment of the Lincoln Militia. Adam was present at Fort George, Niagara [presently Niagara-on-the-Lake] in December 1813. Adam’s future son-in-law James Kelly writes cryptically in his diary on September 28, 1875, that his father-on-law wasn’t adequately compensated for his service to the Crown for his (unspecified) services: “Father Haynes stopped on his way from town [St. Catharines] where he has been to receive his pension. He only got $20.00 which is really too small compensation for the arduous services to [sic] performed in the War of 1812-14.” In fact Adam received a $30.00 gratuity.
As the son of Loyalists, Adam was granted by the Crown Lot 32, Conc. II, Nissouri Twp.
— Submitted by John Haynes
Joseph Haines
The excerpt below was written in the 1890s by Peregrine Otway-Page:
“During the War of 1812 my father joined a detachment of the 89th Dragoons, to which he had belonged in England, and while he fought throughout the war with Captain Chambers in defense of his home, King and country, my mother looked after the farm, and she even prepared and wove the clothing from the flax worn by those on the farm, in addition to her household duties, etc., and was frequently obliged to ride to Niagara in the dead of night, a distance of thirty miles, on horseback. During one of those nocturnal trips to Niagara, taken in the evening of the 12th of October, 1812, being about to leave Niagara towards morning, having just secured her countersign, she heard the battle of Queenston going on and shortly after saw Gen. Sir Isaac Brock and his aide-de-camp, Col. MacDonnell, ride away to the scene of action, to their fate. It was she who remarked that Gen. Brock had forgotten his sword, a very strange incident, but he refused to return for it and remarked that he had a presentiment that it would be his last battle, which subsequently proved only too true. She remained at Niagara until victory crowned ore arms, and in the evening of the same day she realized how dearly that victory had been bought when news reached Niagara that the mortal remains of Gen. Sir Isaac Brock and his faithful aide-de-camp were on the way to Fort George, where, in the presence of Gen. Roger Sheaffe, both bodies were laid to rest in one grave with the tears and sorrow of the whole country.”
Click here for the complete text by Peregrine Otway-Page, in PDF format.
— Submitted by Earline Bradt
John Hatter
John Hatter was the son of Thomas Hatter. John joined the Royal Canadian Regiment of Foot in 1794 when it was formed amid rumors of invasion from the French, Spanish, or Americans. The 2nd Battalion was raised in Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry by Lieutenant Colonel John MacDonell and headquartered at Fort George just outside Niagara-on-the-Lake. They were a voluntary militia unit. John served in the regiment for 7 years and nine months and was discharged in 1802. John served in Capitan Al Donnelly’s Company.
John enlisted in the Incorporated Militia at the Outbreak of the War of 1812 and was in battles near Niagara, one which was the Battle of Lundy’s Lane, a very difficult battle. He was discharged at the end of the Peace in 1815. John was granted land in Cornwall and also land later in Markham.
In John’s Petition for land in 1830, he states that his father, Thomas Hatter, served with the Kings Royal Regiment of New York in the Revolutionary War and received land in Cornwall. The Land Petition is certified by Arch MacLean as stating that john served in the War of 1812 in his company and did his duty in defense of the Province.
Thomas Hatter is cited as a Loyalist in the UELAC list but John Hatter is not cited as a Loyalist.
— Submitted by Donald Praast, UE, 3rd-gt-grandson of John
Edward Hazel
To understand Edward Hazel’s involvement in the War of 1812, one needs to hear about his involvement during the American Revolution. His occupation in the British Indian Department doesn’t seem to have ended with the American Revolution but continued after the war and into the War of 1812.
Hazel’s nickname was “Red,” possibly from his red hair. He was born in the Virginia Colony around 1760. In 1776 he entered into His Majesty’s Service under Governor Hamilton at Fort Detroit. Edward Hazel could neither read nor write but his story has been told through the correspondence that he carried for Gov. Hamilton and others.
In 1778, Edward Hazel was delivering correspondence from Gov. Hamilton to the Indian villages in the Ohio River area where he met Captain Alexander McKee, Matthew Elliott, and Simon Girty who were escaping from the Americans at Fort Pitt and trying to get to Fort Detroit. Hazel escorted the men to safety through the Indian Territory.
On 23 April 1778 Gov. Hamilton wrote “Hazel is a spirited young fellow, is trusty and I hope by good behaviour will deserve to be put on a good footing.”
Hazel seems to have had a connection with the Wyandotte tribe. Whenever he was travelling, it was with the Wyandotte. There is a quote from a letter of John Leith to Col George Morgan which stated, “Edward Hazel who a few days ago came from war with the Wiandots”. Through his connection with the Wyandottes, Edward Hazel travelled with the correspondence and also aided the Indians in their war with the settlers. To show his Indian brothers that he was an ally, Edward would have been present and possibly taken part in raids on American settlers between the two wars. Edward was a member of the British Indian Department and reached the rank of Lieutenant in the Detroit area.
“This day Kissingua and Hazle were sent off for the settlement of the Natchez, the former with belts for the Chickasaas & Cherakees, the latter with a letter for John Stuart Esqr. Superintendent of Indians for the Southern department, in which I gave him an account of the disposition of the Lake and River Indians, and acquainting him that I should be ready in the Spring to make an extensive impression upon the frontier, while he should employ the Southern Indians on the borders of the Carolinas–&cat
These were two daring, enterprising fellows, but I was apprehensive the Indian might in the course of so long a journey conceive a Jealousy which might prove fatal to his companion.” Diary of Governor Hamilton
In October of 1778, Gov. Hamilton left Detroit to attack Fort Vincennes. Vincennes fell to the British and Gov. Hamilton sent Edward Hazel with a letter to John Stuart, Superintendent of Indians for the Southern Department, in Florida. He wanted the Indian nations of the south to join with the northern tribes to defeat the Americans. Not all went well, because by February of 1779, Governor Hamilton was captured by the Americans and sent east to prison. John Stuart in Florida died about the time that Hazel arrived in the south and a new leader, General John Campbell arrived.
General Campbell appointed Edward Hazel as “leader of the Indians” in West Florida Supernumerary. Edward Hazel stayed in Florida for about two and a half years. He was present at the Siege of Augusta where he was taken prisoner on 30 July 1781. He returned to Detroit by 7 June 1782 and made a report about what he had learned on his way back.
Many times, Edward Hazel is mentioned in the diaries of the Moravian Missionaries. He delivered letters to them from Gov. Hamilton. When the Moravians moved from Ohio to the Clinton River, Michigan, Edward Hazel had a cabin built east of them. He visited them with his wife and had his child baptized by them.
After the American Revolution, Edward Hazel and his family settled in Essex County. First he was living on his brother in law’s property which the British Government took over to build Fort Amherstburg. He later moved his family to Mersea Township close to Point Pelee, but he continued to work for the British Indian Department and the local government.
On the 26 November 1791, Edward Hazel dined with Lieutenant Governor Simcoe in Quebec to discuss resettling the Moravians on the Thames River near present day Chatham. This place became known as Moraviantown.
Hazel was still instrumental with the British Indian Department between the American Revolution and the War of 1812. He often travelled from Amherstburg to Niagara or Quebec to deliver documents for the British Government. As a member of the British Indian Department, Hazel was probably present at the capture of Detroit on 16 August 1812 unless he was travelling somewhere else with documents. He did not receive the service medal for the capture of Detroit because he died in 1821, before the medals were issued in 1848.
During the retreat from Fort Amherstburg by the British and up to the Battle at Moraviantown, Edward Hazel was attached to Tecumseh. Through Edward Hazel’s affidavits, we learn of his involvement from 4 October 1813.
“District of Montreal
Edward Hazel, late an officer in the Indian Department saith, that on the 4th day of October last, he was in Company with Tecumseh the Chief of the Shawanese, the Chief of the Sacques, Lieutenants Fraser & Graverah and other Indians in the township of Chatham on the River Thames, at which time the Enemy were only a quarter of a Mile distant, when the said Chief Tecumseh & others, said, that it was absolutely necessary to burn the adjacent Mills of Mess ors John and James McGregor, as they were full of wheat, which wheat would certainly fall into the hands of the Enemy which burning was immediately carried out by said Indians. Edward Hazel shortly after seeing the smoke that issued from the said Fire of the said Mills.
Sworn at Montreal, 30th June 1814 before me–
–Thomas W. Cord J.P.”Civilian War Losses Claims T-1129, Volume 3746, Claim #423 Microfilm from Library and Archives Canada to Windsor Public Library March 8, 2011. (Losses for John and James McGregor’s Mills in Chatham #4 of 20 affidavits)
On the 24 March 1820, Edward Hazel gave another affidavit for George Ward who was being charged by Mr. Askin of theft. During the retreat in 1813, Mr. Ward had hidden some of Mr. Askin’s wife’s jewellery in Mr. Ward’s cabin for safe keeping.
“Amherstburg Upper Canada 24th March 1820
On the 5th October at the Battle of Moravian Town, I [Edward Hazel] retreated with Eighteen Men of the Regular Army, to the Long Woods about Two miles from George Wards House, the next day I returned to the Plain near Moravian Town were I was taken Prisoner by a Detachment of U.S Army who conducted me to their Main Army, the same Night I made my escape from them and took Thirty six head of Cattle with me, which I drove to George Wards House but found no person in it, I then broke open the door and went in to rest my self, after which I returned to the Indian Camp, and brought Forty Warriors to the House were I gave Ten Head of the Cattle I have taken the night before from the Americans for their support. I then took Three Indians to assist me in driving the remaining Twenty Six head to our Army.
Before I left Wards House I saw the Indians plunder it of every moveable article in the House.
The Cattle was delivered to Dept. Ajt. Commisary Genl. Reynolds + Captain Elliott of the Indian Department.”Edward Hazel’s son in law, Alexander Wilkinson was working for Matthew Elliott as a member of the 1st Essex Militia. Alexander’s job was to deliver the British cattle to Burlington during the retreat, but he and the cattle were captured by the Americans. How ironic that his father in law would also be captured and then have the good luck to escape with probably those same cattle. Both men escaped and survived the War of 1812.
— Submitted by Debra Honor, UE
Elizabeth Hopkins
Elizabeth Beard Jasper Woodward Hopkins was born in Philadelphia in 1742 and was twice wounded in battle during the American Revolution.
She arrived in New Brunswick with her second husband, Samuel Woodward in 1783 after surviving a shipwreck off Seal Island and then giving birth to triplets.
Samuel Woodward shared in land grants along the Saint John River given to the survivors of the Maryland Loyalist Regiment, and together he and Elizabeth had several more children, supposedly two sets of twins as well as the triplets. At some point Elizabeth was again widowed and in time married her third husband, Jeremiah Hopkins, who was a soldier with the 104th Regiment of Foot in Fredericton. In total, Elizabeth had 22 children, 18 of them sons. Her husband, Jeremiah, six of her sons (both Woodwards and Hopkinses) and one son-in-law were members of the 104th regiment, famous for its winter march without the loss of a single life in February of 1813 to Quebec and beyond to Fort Erie to fight against the Americans in the War of 1812-1814. Among the members of the 104th regiment, Elizabeth was affectionately known as “Mammy Hopkins”. At some point during this war, Elizabeth travelled to Quebec undoubtedly to follow her beloved sons and husband. Tragedy again marked her life as her favourite sons, her twins, and her son-in-law were all killed during a battle at Sacket Harbour. It is said that Elizabeth upon hearing of the death of her twins called her other sons around her and urged them to seek revenge on the hated Yankees and to defend the British holdings at Fort Erie.
After the War of 1812-14, Jeremiah Hopkins was granted lots 13 and 14 fronting on the east bank of the Saint John River in the Parish of Kent, Carleton County. Richard Hopkins, son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth, was granted lot 12 and Robert and Nathaniel Woodward, Elizabeth’s sons by Samuel, received lots 6, 7, 10 and 11 at the same time. Elizabeth was the first woman to be granted a pension by the British government for her services to the King during war time. Many of the descendants of Elizabeth Beard Jasper Woodward Hopkins continue to live and prosper along the Saint John River Valley today.
— Submitted by Judith Tomkins
George Hughson
Loyalist George Hughson; son of Robert Hughson and Charity Rhoades; husband of Hanna Lounsbury 1762-1841
In his Land Petition George Hughson tells in his own words of his participation in the War of 1776 and further his participation in the War of 1812. Microfilm C-2047 Upper Canada Land Petitions “H’ Bundle 11, 1816-1819 (RG1,L3 Vol.228.
With an attached note from his Major; now, Colonel Thomas Barklay and a further note from Thomas Ridout Surveyor General; his application is confirmed.
George Hughson was born in New York State, joined the Loyal American Regiment was disbanded in New Brunswick following which he returned to Duchess county to care for his parents. “That in May 1812, when your Petitioner saw a probability of war, he removed with his family to this province.”
It is written in J. H. Beer’s 1904 Commemorative Biographical Record Book pg. 195 (available at the Kent Branch O.G.S. Chatham Ontario) that George Hughson took part in the Battle of Charleston South Carolina ‘where he received a bayonet wound in the side.’
In the War of 1812, he served with the militia as a volunteer at Fort George, Chippawa, Lundy’s lane and Queenston. Later he was Batteaux master in the Quarter Master General’s Department at Burlington.
In his land Petition he is transferring his lot 156 Talbot road to his son Nathaniel who was only 12 at the time of the breakout of War and their arrival in Ontario. Later George Hughson acquired lot 29 south on Talbot Road on the 20th day of March 1823.
Burial is in the Pardoville Union Cemetery; NW corner of Talbot Road and Bloomfield Rd.
— Submitted by Patricia J. Sadler Brown, UE
William Hutchinson and son Alexander
William Hutchinson was a New Jersey loyalist who served with both 1st and 2nd Battalions of New Jersey Volunteers before fleeing to New Brunswick. William’s first wife (we’re not sure who she was) and six of their eight children died in Philadelphia in 1783. The two surviving children Alexander – born at Sussex County New Jersey in 1776 – and his sister Agnes somehow made their way to New Brunswick.
William and his second wife Catherine Lewis, another Loyalist refugee, had 7 children, most of whom were born in New Brunswick. They moved to Ontario in 1801/2, except Agnes who remained in New Brunswick near Sussex, where she married a Mr. Morton. That family is listed as “pioneers”.
In Ontario, the family homesteaded near Dedrick’s Creek in Walsingham Township, Norfolk County. In September 1803 Alexander was appointed Deputy Sheriff of the London District, and later that year made an unsuccessful bid for the construction of the London District Courthouse at Charlotteville. In 1804 William was appointed a Justice of the Peace for the London District.
When the War of 1812 broke out, both William and son Alexander joined the Norfolk Militia. Alexander was wounded at the Battle of Moraviantown, near Dresden in October 1812 and died shortly after.
Alexander married Elizabeth Backhouse who was born in Yorkshire, England. She died shortly after Alexander in October 1813 and was buried in Backus Cemetery. Their three sons and one daughter were raised by her sister Mary Backhouse on the Backhouse homestead near Port Rowan.
Half of the children stayed in Southern Ontario, mainly Norfolk and Elgin Counties; two of the daughters Elizabeth and Catherine married brothers and moved to Illinois so their sons would not be forced to join militia.
William and his second wife are buried at the Franklin/Fairview Cemetery near Port Rowan, and his grave is marked by a UEL plaque. Alexander, and his wife Elizabeth Backhouse who died shortly after he did, are buried in the Backus Cemetery near Port Rowan.
This Information comes from Robert Mutrie’s compilation “Hutchinson of Walsingham Township”, and various other family records.
I am a descendent of William’s son George.
— Submitted by Eileen Crouch, Chatham, Ontario
George Stephen Benjamin Jarvis
Son of Stephen Jarvis. He was born at Fredericton New Brunswick April 28, 1797. At the age of 12 he accompanied his mother, father and 4 brothers and sisters on their long and weary trip to Upper Canada.
He attended school in Fredericton and York but his education ended in 1812. At the age of 15, he enlisted as a “gentleman Volunteer” in the 49th Regiment. He served with distinction and great courage in many actions and was within a few feet of General Brock when he fell. At the battle of York, April 27, 1813, he fought with the Grenadiers of the 8th Regiment, nearly all of whom were killed. He commanded a company of the Regiment during the conflict at Lundy’s Lane, survived the battle at Stoney Creek, Beaver Dam, Black Rock and Chippewa.
After the war he remained in the regular forces as a Lieutenant in the 104th Regiment until it was disbanded in1817. He went on to study law in the office Jonas Jones in Brockville, was admitted an attorney in 1820 and at the age of 28 was appointed judge of the Ottawa District and for the rest of his life he held a series of appointments as a judge. At various times he held a number of public offices. He was elected as a Conservative to the House of Assembly in the general election of 1836. During the rebellion of 1837-38 he commanded a body of cavalry.
Throughout his life he was an uncompromising churchman and a great friend of Bishop Strachan and took an active part in the building of the Strachan Memorial Church in Cornwall.
— Submitted by Bob Jarvis, UE, adapted from the book written by Ann Jarvis Boa
Stephen Jarvis
A distinguished officer of the American Revolution, Acting Assistant to the Adjutant General of the Militia of Upper Canada during the spring and summer of 1813, Gentleman Usher of the Black Watch of the Parliament of Canada.
The head stone now in the lobby of St. James Cathedral was place at the close of the Great War of 1914 – 1919 in grateful recognition of the spirit of ardent patriotism bequeathed by Col. Jarvis.
Colonel Jarvis was born in Danbury Connecticut December 6, 1756. He was 18 when hostilities broke out. He was a loyalist sympathizer and had been turned out of his house by his Tory father. Bitterness towards him was increased as he had been denied an education and refused permission to marry Amelia Glover to whom he was deeply attached. It was a confusing time for him. He had tried to join the British Army but was refused as had others of his age. He made amends with his father and remained home escaping suspicion although had many close calls.
He was eventually caught by the rebels and made prisoner, finally escaping by canoe to Long Island where he boarded a British Sloop. He found his way to New York and joined the army as a Sergeant. During 1777-78 with the Queen’s Rangers he fought in various battles about New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. He was quartered at Richmond, Staten Island during the winter of 1780, and was one of the expeditions outfitted to capture General Washington. The Regiment embarked from there to Charlestown, South Carolina and after the surrender in May they returned to New York. In the expedition to Virginia he was detailed as Quartermaster of the 17th Light Dragoons. While there he was made Lieutenant. In 1782 he was ordered with the Regiment to St. Augustine to garrison that place and remained there until peace was declared.
After the peace he returned to Danbury and married Amelia Glover. However the animosity of their neighbours forced them to flee with their new born daughter. They immigrated to New Brunswick where his cousins had already settled. They resided in Fredericton until 1809 at which time they moved to York with 6 children ages 25 to 10. On his arrival at York he was met by William Jarvis, his cousin the Provincial Secretary who was responsible for persuading him to move to York. He was given Public Office.
In the spring of 1813 Major General Sheaffe who then commanded in Upper Canada appointed Stephen Acting Assistant to the Adjutant General of Militia. He was active in that capacity when the American Army made a descent on York, the 27th of April 1813. During the day he narrowly escaped injury when a shot from an enemy cannon past under his horse. He served in that capacity until after York was captured by the United States troops.
His two sons were also in the service. One a volunteer in the 49th Regiment who served with distinction and great courage in many actions. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Queenston and was within a few feet of General Brock when he fell. The other was head of the Waggon Department.
Details of his exploits can be found in the Journal of American History.
— Submitted by Bob Jarvis
William Jarvis
Secretary William Jarvis was born 1756 in Stamford Conn. He joined John Grave Simcoe’s Queen’s Rangers in 1777, was wounded at the battle of Spencer’s Tavern in Virginia in 1781 and commissioned cornet in 1782. On returning home he found the hostilities to loyalists resulted in violence, he left for England where he secured Simcoe as a patron. He was rewarded with the prestigious and lucrative post of provincial secretary and registrar and left for Upper Canada in the summer of 1792.
Samuel Peters Jarvis, eldest son of William, born at Newark [now Niagara], educated at Cornwall by Dr, Strachan. He studied law and practiced his profession for many years. At the age of 20 he was attached to the 41st regiment and was present at the siege of Detroit. Afterwards he was present at the battle of Queenston Heights when General Brock and his A.D.C. , Col. McDonell fell. He was one of the pall-bearers at the funeral of the latter. Later he was at the battles of Stoney Creek and Lundy’s Lane. Also during the war he commanded the guard which conveyed General Winfield Scott as prisoner of war to Niagara.
After the death of his father Colonel Jarvis performed official duties as Secretary of the Province.
During the rebellion of 1837-38 he raised the Queen’s Rangers and was commander of all the troops in garrison.
William Munson Jarvis, second son of William served throughout the war of 1812-14. He was present at the battle of Queenston Heights and Stoney Creek.
For many years William was Sheriff of the Gore District.
— Submitted by Bob Jarvis, UE
Captain John Jenkins
Captain John Jenkins: New Brunswick’s Hero of Ogdensburg
(A condensation of an article written by Rev. W.O. Raymond which was originally published in Woodstock, New Brunswick’s Dispatch on November 6, 1895.)Captain John Jenkins, who so greatly distinguished himself at the battle of Ogdensburg in the war of 1812, came of good fighting stock. His father (whose name was also John Jenkins) was a South Carolina loyalist, and held a commission as Lieutenant and Adjutant in Captain Robert Drummond’s company of the 3rd Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers, commanded by Lieut. Col. Isaac Allen.
At the peace Lt. Jenkins came to New Brunswick in 1783 with his wife and settled beside his brother officer Col. Winslow. His wife was a widow, a Mrs. Bradley; they were married shortly before the close of the war. Among their children born in New Brunswick were three daughters, Mary, Judith and Elizabeth, and a son, John, — afterwards our hero of Ogdensburg.
At the time of the French war (1793 – 1802), the King’s New Brunswick regiment was organized for the defence of the province. It was composed almost exclusively of old veterans of the revolutionary war. The elder John Jenkins was enrolled as Lieutenant and at the disbanding of the regiment retired again to half pay. The peace however was of short duration and upon the renewal of hostilities another regiment was raised called the New Brunswick Fencibles.
The younger John Jenkins was commissioned an Ensign in this corps on September the 19, 1804, being at the time a lad of eighteen years. On the 27th October, 1808, he was advanced to the rank of Lieutenant. With the year 1809 peace was once more proclaimed, but in 1812 war broke out with the United States and the New Brunswick Fencibles were gazetted as the 104th regiment of the British line. Lieut. John Jenkins was appointed adjutant of the 104th regiment, but shortly afterwards promoted to the command of a company in the Glengary Light Infantry Fencibles, raised by his efforts and at a considerable personal cost.
The battle of Ogdensburg was fought on the 22nd of February 1813, and we here quote from the official report of Major MacDonnell on that occasion.
“My force consisted of 480 regulars and militia and was divided into two columns. The right was commanded by Captain Jenkins of the Glengarry Light Infantry Fencibles and was composed of his own flank company and about 70 militia. Captain Jenkins gallantly led on his column, exposed to a heavy fire of seven guns which he bravely attempted to take with the bayonet, though covered with 200 of the enemy’s best troops.
Advancing as rapidly as the deep snow and the exhausted state of his men would admit, he ordered a charge and had not proceeded many paces when his left arm was broken to pieces by a grape shot, but still undauntedly running on with his men, he almost immediately afterwards was deprived of the use of his right arm by a discharge of case shot; still heroically disregarding all personal consideration he nobly ran on cheering his men to the assault, till exhausted by pain and loss of blood he became unable to move. His company gallantly continued the charge under Lieut. McAully. I cannot close this statement without expressing my admiration of the gallantry and self devotion of Captain Jenkins.”
In a communication on another occasion Col. MacDonnell gives a somewhat more detailed account of Captain Jenkins’ gallant charge. He says:
“I conceive no language can do justice to the heroism of this unfortunate gentleman who gallantly disregarding my caution ran on for nearly two miles upon the frozen river in the direct fire of the enemy’s artillery, which soon mangled his left arm to such a degree as to cause the protruding ends of the splintered bones to be entangled in his sword belt, but regardless of every personal feeling he never arrested his step but continued to run on to the assault cheering his men, though the wounded arteries gushed out a stream at every respiration.
Almost immediately after this a second grape shot lacerated his other arm to such an excess as to cause it to drop useless by his side. Still undaunted he never stopped but to threaten to fire on his dilatory reserve of militia, and again cheering on his company in double quick time, through deep snow, he ran on till nature being exhausted he fainted near the batteries of the enemy.
Nothing I conceive but the thermometer being as I suppose fifty degrees below the freezing point, could have prevented his bleeding to death on the spot. He that day suffered amputation of his left arm close to the shoulder, and but for the danger of dying under the operation would have lost the other also. His right arm was eventually saved, though never healed up and an incessant source of pain, not even of use to feed himself when I last saw him several months after the action. . . . I do not imagine that the annals of the British army can furnish a more noble instance of heroic contempt of all personal feeling in the execution of his Majesty’s service.”
The war was an anxious time for Jenkins’ fiancé, Penelope (the daughter of Judge Edward Winslow) as we may gather from a letter written to her brother Edward the 7th April 1813 from which we take the following:
“The 104th have at last left Fredericton for the field of action and ere this are in Canada. Poor Jenkins is fighting most gallantly; he has received universal and unbounded applause but you will think he has paid pretty dearly for it when I tell you he has lost one arm and the other is most severely wounded. After receiving these horrid wounds he continued to encourage his men until he fainted from loss of blood.”
The gallant young officer who had left his home in all the prime of vigorous manhood returned minus his left arm and with the right so severely wounded that he not only never recovered the use of it, but continued at times to experience the most excruciating pain from the injuries it had received. His fair lady love was true to him in this calamity, and she gave him her hand in marriage on the 10th January 1814.
After the disbanding of his corps, Jenkins was placed on retired full pay and was appointed town major at Fredericton. With a view of restoring the usefulness of his injured right arm, repeated efforts of a most painful nature were made by several surgeons to extract a ball that lay between the elbow and the wrist; finally the ball and some splinters of iron were removed and the wound healed, but this was followed by an attack of apoplexy of which he died at the early age of 32 years, leaving a young widow and an infant daughter. (His daughter Mary Caroline afterwards married Captain Hale of the 52nd regiment.)
Capt. Jenkins constitution was naturally strong and vigorous, and would have justified the expectation of a long life had not his health been completely broken down by the wounds he received, and to the effects of which his premature death may be attributed.
— Submitted by a Maritime reader
Jacob Karns (Carns) and sons Jacob and Christian
It must have been an arduous journey for my 5th greatgrandfather, Jacob Karn; from the Palatinate region of the Rhine River to the Netherlands, England, and through to the Delaware River region in the New World. His name appears as a witness for a neighbour “on the Delaware” on Land Claims documents (Bureau of Archives Vol. #1 and #2) dated 1788. At some point he then travelled to the St. Lawrence River region seeking similiar geography under the protection of the Crown.
Jacob Carns and family – wife Elizabeth, and four children – Hannah, Mary, Jacob, and Christian, settled at the site of “Royal Township #5” – Matilda – Dundas County; he was a member of the King’s Royal Regiment of New York – enlisted 1st. February, 1780, 1st. Battalion, and in “Munro’s Company” – 1781-83, “the Royal Yorkers” as noted on his Petition for Land dated at York 1797. He may have been garrisoned in the Montreal area, and possibly at Oswego, Carleton Island, and Cataraqui – “in the King’s Works” and “with the King’s Men”.
(Note: Fort Frontenac and Cataraqui, circa 1780 – an advance party of the “Royal Yorkers” garrisoned in Kingston, and constructed barracks amongst the ruins of Old Fort Frontenac, known as the former Tete du Pont Barracks. The site extends under four stone buildings, constructed during the 1820’s. Only a fragment of the original fort can be seen today. Sections of the west and north limestone curtain walls are exposed on a traffic island at the intersection of Ontario Street and Place D’Armes (Heritage & Urban Design – City of Kingston).
Jacob Carns Sr. (as written on his Land Petition) was a United Empire Loyalist. His son, Jacob Carns Jr. (as written on his Land Petition) my 4th. greatgrandfather, also has a script for 200 acres of land; both petitions signed “York, 19 June, 1797” – Magistrate Fraser. Another son, Christian Carns is also noted as having land in “Matilda” (The Story of Dundas – J. Smith Carter). The Carns family are interwoven with other “Loyalist” ancestors of mine through time, geography, and marriage. Surnames include Cain, Hogeboom, Patterson, and DeWolfe.
A Jacob Carns is enlisted as a “flanker” in the 1st. Flank Company, Dundas Militia in the year 1812, 1813, and 1814 (Soldiers of the King). A very active unit in the conflict along the St. Lawrence marine corridor. Engagements included Toussaint’s Island – September 16, 1812, Prescott – October 4, 1812, Salmon River – November 23, 1812, Ogdensburg – February 22, 1813, and Crysler’s Farm (Bush’s Hill) – November 11, 1813.
Also assembled for 6 months “military service” at Maria Town in 1812 is Jacob Carns and his brother Christian; both are noted in “Paylists” 1812-1815, “Private” – 1st. Regiment Dundas Militia and “sedentary” militia under Captain John Crysler et. al. This writer has a copy of an archival military report entitled “The Battle of Matilda” (PAC) – dated the morning of September 16, 1812. The unsigned document narrates an attack by “about 500 American Militia on Toussaint’s Island against the Newfoundland Regiment, and the Dundas Militia under Michael Ault.” It also makes reference to meeting their old enemy – “the rebels of 76”, and reference to a cannon being brought from Prescott, that had been captured from the French “at Chimney Island in 1760.” The document states that “in a short time the people of Matilda and many from Williamsburg assembled on the Presquile Island with Colonel Allan MacDonell commanding the Dundas Militia – Colonels William and Thomas Fraser present.”
There is a Jacob Carns lll (third greatgrandfather) born circa 1808 who married Catherine Hogeboom daughter of John J. Hogeboom (1st. Leeds Militia) and Mary Cain, daughter of Private Isaiah Cain, a veteran of the 7 Years War and the American Revolution, and (relict) Leah Adams, who settled near Caintown, Ontario. Both likely died there; Isaiah circa 1811, and Leah in 1806 (article source reference – Gananoque News – May 8, 1886). Jacob Carns lll is listed in the 1st Regiment Leeds Militia – 2nd. Company 1828 (Men of Upper Canada). He died on his farm in Guilds Ontario, 1882. Catherine Hogeboom died at this site in 1896.
Addendum: “Honour Our 1812 Heroes” is a group of concerned Canadians dedicated to securing official recognition of the Canadian Military units that fought in the War of 1812; and as well – preserving the legacy of those units by the award of Battle Honours to units of the Canadian Forces that perpetuates them. Examples of units include the 1st. Regiment of Leeds Militia 1812-1815 (John J. Hogeboom), The Glengarry Light Infantry (Private Dorman DeWolfe), and the 1st Regiment Dundas Militia (Private Jacob Carns, Private Christian Carns, sons of UEL Jacob Carns, a “Soldier of the King”.
It is always interesting to connect with natural and cultural heritage – with special focus upon the heritage landscape, topography, and cultural/military history of the Upper St. Lawrence Corridor and the thousand islands.
Suggested Reading:
Cruikshank/Watt, The History and Master Roll of The King’s Royal Regiment of New York (revised edition)
J. Mackay Hitsman, The Incredible War of 1812
Donald Graves, Field of Glory: The Battle of Crysler’s Farm, 1813— Submitted by Arthur Pegg, UE, Edward Jessup Branch UELAC; War of 1812 Society – Honour our War of 1812 heroes
George Kiefer and sons George & Jacob Keefer
George Keifer, fought for the King with the New Jersey Volunteers and died in 1778, at the age of thirty-nine, while on Staten Island. He left behind his widow Mary Catherine, two sons and a daughter. Loyalists were no longer welcome in the United States and, knowing they were living in their New Jersey home on borrowed time, George Keefer and Jacob Keefer left the only home they’d ever known, in 1790, and headed to Canada to find a safe and welcome place to build a home. George was seventeen and Jacob was fifteen. They were able to acquire partially cleared land from a squatter in an area only known at the time as Township No. 9. Today, we know it as Thorold, Ontario. Within two years, they’d completed a log home and returned to Sussex County to collect not only their family but several others. They returned to live in Upper Canada where they were granted several hundred acres as a thank you from the British for the service of their father during the American Revolution.
When the War of 1812 broke out, George Keefer was thirty-nine and married to Catharine Lampman. They had eight children under the age of sixteen and one more on the way. Jacob Keefer was thirty-seven and married to Jerusha Van Etten. They had five boys under the age of ten. The brothers each joined their local militias to take arms against their former US countrymen so they could protect and keep the land they’d worked so hard for. George became a Captain with the 2nd Lincoln Militia and Jacob was a Private with the 1st Lincoln Militia. Their units fought together in the Battle of Chippewa and the bloody Battle of Lundy’s Lane. It was in the last battle that George survived, but Jacob succumbed to his wounds and died on July 27, 1814. He had been the same age as his father when he died.
During the War, the enemy soldiers took possession of the homestead of George Keefer and used it as a surgical hospital. When George Keefer finally returned at the end of the war, he came home to find his wife had died of typhoid and his sixteen-year-old daughter had fallen in love with the army surgeon.
George married three more times and had fifteen children in total. In present day Thorold, Ontario, he was a farmer, a cabinet maker, a deputy Provincial Land Surveyor, a store owner, a grist-mill owner, a justice of the peace and he was instrumental in the building of the Welland Canal.
— Submitted by Gail Copeland (4th great-granddaughter of Jacob Keefer)
James Kelsey
James Kelsey, United Empire Loyalist – Soldier in the Kings Loyal Americans (American Revolution). & 2nd Regiment of Leeds Militia – War 1812 – 1815
James was born in 1742 in Connecticut and settled in New York State, he died sometime after 1819.
He was a soldier in the Kings Loyal Americans [Jessup’s Corp.] (1776 -1781) and later in Jessup’s Loyal Rangers also during the American Revolution.
James Kelsey was captured during General Burgoyne’s campaign in 1777 at the Battle of Bennington, in New York State on the road east of the Hudson River towards Vermont. He was held as a prisoner of war by the American Continental Army.
James came to Canada in 1780 rejoining the Kings Loyal Americans (KLA) until 1783. The record for the KLA notes he was included with the return of men back from captivity. Also notes he was owed pay and clothing since 16 Aug. 77. James Kelsey was placed in Peters Coy of invalids, Jessup’s Loyal Rangers.
William Chewett’s (Surveyor General’s Office) Patent Survey Map of Elizabethtown, 1795 shows James Kelsey UEL received from the crown in Elizabethtown 100 acres Concession 1, Lot 27; 100 acres Concession 7, Lot 32; 200 acres Concession 8, Lot 27; 200 acres Concession 7, Lot 3. His son William received 100 acers Concession 2 Lot 29 – also in Elizabethtown.
War 1812 – 1815
(Reference booklet “2nd Regiment of Leeds Militia 1814” by Edwin A. Livingston ISBN 0-920992-01-03)
James Kelsey UEL – This booklet shows James Kelsey UEL in Captain Joseph Wiltse’s Company, 2 February 1814 – listed as – James Kelsey over 60 years of age, there are in total 6 men listed as being over 60 years of age in this same company. James Kelsey is the UEL who was granted land in Elizabethtown due to his military service in the American Revolution. Of the 6 men over 60 years old in Wiltse’s company of the Leeds 2nd Militia, 4 are UEL American Revolution War military veterans.
The 1st Leeds Militia members consisted of the first 4 Concessions of Elizabethtown & Yonge Townships & the western half of 5th Concession of Elizabethtown.
The 2nd Leeds Militia soldiers came from the rest of Leeds County. This is an indication of how sparsely settled this part of Leeds county was – from Mallorytown to Gananaque to the Rideau River, from Furnace Falls (Lyndhurst) to Green Bush was the recruiting area for the 2nd Leeds Militia.
By this time James Kelsey UEL had sold most of his Elizabethtown property and purchased good farm land in Yonge Township.
Lieut. Samuel Kelsey UE – Son of James Kelsey UEL – 2nd Regiment of Leeds Militia 1814 in Captain Joseph Benedict’s Company, 1st February 1814. Samuel Kelsea (Kelsey) first appears on the 1791 Elizabethtown Census. James Kelsea (Kelsey) UEL is listed first as father, and then Sarah as James’s wife and Samuel’s mother.
Samuel Kelsey UE then appears in the 1801 Elizabethtown census, James as father & Sarah as mother and Samuel Kelsey is child #5 on the list.
John Kelsey UE appears as child # 2 on the 1801 Elizabethtown Census list. John also appears on the 1797 Elizabethtown Census with James Kelsey UEL & Sarah as his parents.
Samuel Kelsey married Hanna Wiltse in 1815.
The Kelsey / Wiltse association has a long history. An example is of James Kelsey UEL & Benoni Wiltse UEL testifying as witnesses for each other concerning their war losses (in USA) due to their loyalty to the crown. They were neighbours in New York State prior to the American Revolution. This is recorded in the “United Empire Loyalists – Enquiry Into The Losses and Services in Consequence of Their Loyalty – 1788 at Montreal, Lower Canada. Both James & Benoni served in the Kings Loyal American Regiment.
Private John Kilsey (Kelsey) UE – Son of James Kelsey UEL – John Kelsey is 24 years old in the– 2nd Regiment of Leeds Milita 1814 – Captain Benjamin Nunsell’s Company.
War of 1812 Honorary Distinction – “War of 1812 Honorary Distinction (non – emblazonable) – In 2012 the Canadian Government decided to award the right of perpetuation of War of 1812 honours to current units of the Canadian Army. The Brockville Rifles was awarded the non-emblazonable Honorary Defence of Canada – 1812 – 1815 – in perpetuation of the actions of the following War 1812 unit of the pre- confederation Militia – 2nd Regiment of Leeds Militia (1812 -15)”.
The above paragraph is from a Brockville Rifles web site.
— Submitted by Garry Kelsey, UE
The Kentners: George, John, Frederick and Conrad
George Kentner UE served with Butler in the IDR and at Stanwix then in Butler?s Rangers. In 1780 he and his 12 year old son, John, served in the KRRNY with Johnson. In September 1784 the family settled on their farm near Cornwall ON . His two youngest sons, Frederick born 1790 and Conrad born 1792 fought in the war of 1812.
Frederick Kintner
Captain Richard D. Fraser’s Company of Provincial Light Dragoons of the Eastern & Johnstown District
Muster Roll & Pay List 25 January 1814 to 24 February 1814 inclusive
Privates: Kintner, Frederick
Kintner, Frederick, OC Jan 19,1820, W1/2 lot 13, conc 7, 100 acres, twp of Plympton, As a Military grant (AO Land Index)Conrad Kintner
Captain Richard D. Fraser’s Company of Provincial Light Dragoons of the Eastern & Johnstown District
Muster Roll & Pay List 25 January 1814 to 24 February 1814 inclusive
Privates: Kintner, Conrad
Military Service Pvt 1st Flank Company , 1st Regiment Dundas Militia
Military grant in twp of PlymptonOn the 26th of August, 1852, LCol Donald McDonnell, Deputy Adjutant-General for Canada West, published a notice in the Canada Gazette, giving the following list of the names of those to whom medals had been awarded: Private Conrad Kintner of Matilda, for action at Crysler’s farm.
In 1875 the living Crysler’s Farm soldiers were awarded a pension of $20 per year. Conrad got only 1 or 2 cheques as he died on 2 Aug 1877.
Conrad’s medal is now with his direct descendants on a farm near Waddington NY.
— Submitted by Don Maxwell
Captain George Lawrence and son Sergeant William
Sergeant William Lawrence was born May 1781 at the Camden Colony, Oneida County, New York. He was the son of Loyalist Captain George Lawrence, Butler’s Rangers, Fort Niagara and Sarah Beecraft. William married Mary Ann Cudney on 01 Apr 1804 at St. Mark’s, Niagara. William died 09 Sep 1864 in Caledon Township, Peel County, and is buried in Bookton Cemetery, Windham Township, Norfolk County.
By Order of Consul, 10 July 1806, William received Lot 1, Concession 3, Halton/Peel County line, Trafalgar Township in Halton County, Ontario and he remained there until 1858. He owned some of his 200 acres from 1812-1858 but other portions were sold off and the final piece in 1858.
Census records show William working the land, but also show that his son George received some of that land to work as well. Although not uncovered yet, if there was a probate after his death in 1864, it might be found in Peel County, since he is listed on the 1861 Census living in Caledon Township, Peel County.
The Cameron Rolls of 1812 show the following for William Lawrence:
- Roll of Captain [Duncan] Cameron’s Company of The Regiment of York Militia lists “32 William Lawrence.”
- Roll of Captain Cameron’s Company of Ye 3rd Reg’t of York Militia, Viz. lists “31 William Lawrence.”
- Roll of a Detachment of Captain [Cameron’s] Company Who Volunteered on Service to Amherstburg lists “Privates, 9 William Lawrence.”
- Privates of Captain Cameron’s Company to Whom Leave of Absence has been Granted, Viz. Z. list the following: Wm. Laurence, 17th July 1812, when granted, 25th July 1812, until when, and 25th July 1812, Returned.
The payroll documents are available through interlibrary loan from the Canada Archives in Ottawa and accessible with a microfilm viewer. The roll number for the documents below is T-10384. This record lists, “William Lawrence (1781-1864)”.
- 16-21 Aug 1812, William deserted from Capt. Cameron’s Company;
- 29-31 July 1813, William served as a sergeant;
- 23-30 July 1814, William served as a private at Burlington Heights;
- 04 July – 16 August 1814, William served at Burlington Heights; and
- 06 July – 25 August 1813, William served in Captain Samuel Ryckman’s Company.
The List of Deserters from York Garrison, 30 Jul 1812 does not list William Lawrence; List of Captain Cameron’s Company in the Detachment to the Head of the Lake does not list William Lawrence; and Roll of Captain Cameron’s Company in York Garrison 29 August 1812 does not list William Lawrence.
Possibly he was serving at that time with a different militia regiment. A Captain Duncan Cameron served with the 3rd York Militia during the Battle of Queenston Heights in October, 1812. The term “deserted” sometimes just indicated “absent without leave”. The term frequently appears in the payrolls and militia members sometimes served after those dates, so they must have been accepted as trustworthy. Captain Cameron’s payrolls need to be reviewed for more details.
William received 4 Shillings for his 3 days as a sergeant. The 1814 payroll was copied a number of times and there are some variations among the copies. There were four captains on the payroll. As a private William Lawrence received 4 Shillings for 8 days service.
The 2nd York Militia was at the Battle of Lundy’s Lane on 25 July 1814, so William Lawrence probably fought in it.
As William was living in the general area from 1812-1814 he would have been required by law to serve with a militia. It is quite possible that there are additional records of his service in the 2nd York or other regiments.
— Submitted by Howard Ray Lawrence
Sons of widow Catharine Leech, Samuel and John
My ancestor, Catharine Reid Munro Leech, came to Canada in 1782 across Lake Champlain with 6 or 7 of her children. The eldest son would have been about 15 at the time and the youngest child was an infant. Catharine was part of the group of widows and orphans who fled the Colonies into the safety of British territory. Her eldest son, Samuel, stayed at St Jean sur Richelieu to help in the fighting but I believe that Catharine and the rest of her children went on to Sorel and the refugee camp.
Eventually, Catharine and her children were granted land near Mallorytown, ON. She is one of the few women who were acknowledged as Loyalist in their own right, as usually women were only accorded the status as wives or daughters. Catharine appears on the Yonge Twp census in 1802, 1803, and in 1810. Unfortunately, she does not appear in the records after that, nor does her son Daniel (my ancestor) although his wife does, and I believe that she and Daniel died about that time. However, two of her other sons did see service during the War of 1812:
Her son Samuel Reid Munro, b. c. 1765-8. d. 1840-50, is on several records:
Captain John Howard’s Company, 1st Regiment Leeds Militia; Pay List for duty performed at various periods; 25 September 1812 to 24 December 1812, inclusive; Munro, Samuel, Sergeant.
Captain Andrew Adams’ Company of Provincial Light Dragoons; A return of those actually on duty in the District of Johnstown 10 April 1813 to 24 September 1813; Privates: [** Indicates that the private joined R.D. Fraser’s Co.] Munro, Samuel**
Captain Richard D. Fraser’s Company of Provincial Light Dragoons of the Eastern & Johnstown District; Muster Roll & Pay List; 25 January 1814 to 24 February 1814 inclusive; Privates: Munro, Samuel
Her son John Reid Munro, b.c. 1766/7, d. 8 Jan 1849 also served in the War:
Captain John Howard’s Company, 1st Regiment Leeds Militia; Pay List for duty performed at various periods 25 September 1812 to 24 December 1812, inclusive Munro, John, Private
John is buried in the Mallorytown cemetery with his wife Hannah.
— Submitted by Jo Ann Tuskin
George Leonard and Son Richard
George Leonard was a Loyalist from Massachusetts who helped to found the Loyal Associated Refugees of Newport Rhode Island, a group of privateers that terrorized the New England coast for 10 months in 1779. He eventually settled in New Brunswick where he became a justice of the peace. He had homes in both Saint John and Sussex Vale.
George’s son Richard settled in Upper Canada by 1814. The following details were published in New Brunswick newspapers.
Married in Adolphus Town, Bay of Quinte, Canada, 5th ult., Major Richard LEONARD, 104th Regt. to Frances youngest d/o late Capt. ENGLAND. (April 25, 1814 in the City Gazette, Saint John NB)
Died Lundy’s Lane, U.C. 30th Oct., Col. Richard LEONARD (s/o late Hon. George LEONARD of Sussex Vale) formerly 104th and recently High Sheriff, District of Niagara. (November 30, 1833 in the New Brunswick Courier, Saint John NB)
Married at St. Johns Church, Stamford U.C., 20th ult., by Rev. Wm. Leeming, William Warren STREET, Esq. of Toronto / Frances Mary LEONARD eldest d/o late Major Richard LEONARD formerly of H.M. 104th Regt.
(November 25, 1836 in the Weekly Chronicle, Saint John, NB)
— Submitted by Stephen Davidson
Daniel Lightheart
Daniel Lightheart UE had lived in Stillwater, New York before the Revolution with his brother, John. A teenage Daniel was among the rebels in barracks at Saratoga in Dec 1776 in Captain Job Wright’s Company of Von Schaik’s Battalion. Daniel enlisted with Loyalists of Joseph Jessup’s Company in July of 1777. By Sept 1777, he was listed among the Loyal Volunteers of Mackay’s Corps. He told of serving as a guide for General Fraser in action around Stillwater. In Oct 1778, and May 1781, he was listed among the privates of Leakes’ Independent Company. In Jan 1782, he was again in the Loyal Rangers in Jon Jones Company with 4 years 4 months service at age 20, standing 5′ 9″.
A provisioning list for Sorel, Quebec of Dec 1783 listed a wife of Daniel’s, Rachel, but by Feb 1784 a daughter was included. She was named Mary. Their second child, Francis was baptized at Sorel by John Doty on 2 April 1786, possibly named after Rachel’s father, Francis Burke. Two other daughters, Elizabeth and Phebe followed. Then, a son, Daniel was baptized in May of 1792 at Christ Church in Sorel. Another son, John was baptized and buried there.
About 1797, father Daniel moved to Adolphustown and made a land claim. He moved on to Darlington Township about 1799 where he settled on lots 6 of the Broken Front and 1st Concessions. Three younger sons were born between 1797 and 1804. Daniel Sr leased lot 8 of the Broken Front concession in 1803 and seems to have sparked a feud with Isaac Smith’s family living on lot 7. By early 1804, the two families needed peace bonds. Daniel was charged with inciting violence and Francis and his teenage sisters were charged with attacking the neighbours with clubs. Daniel Sr appears to have died before the verdict as only the teens, Francis and his sisters were fined. In 1807, Francis appeared in the assessment rolls of Darlington Township and Elizabeth married another local, with James Bates and Alexander Fletcher among the witnesses.
Daniel’s name was clearly on a list of militia enlistment from 1812, and Francis was likely the Francis Lightfoot, of the same list. Both Francis and Daniel made the oath of allegiance in Jan 1813. Francis married the widow of a militia soldier, Margaret Earheart in March 1813 and had his brother Daniel as a witness. In April 1813, Daniel did service in Captain John Burns Company of the 1st Durham Regiment of Militia. In Oct 1813, Francis was listed among the privates of Captain Alexander Fletcher’s company among the 1st Durham. In Nov 1813, Daniel was part of a detachment under Lieutenant Colonel Baldwin doing road work between York and Darlington. The following summer, Francis and Daniel were listed among the privates of a detachment under the command of Lieutenant James Bates. Bates was the husband of a Burke cousin of the Bowmanville area.
After the war in 1819, Francis and Daniel were early settlers of the Streetsville area in Toronto Township. Francis after several years moved on to Oxford County where he was at the time of the 1851 census. Daniel Jr worked as a blacksmith at the edge of Streetsville until he died in the 1840s.
— Submitted by Mike Lobb, husband of Ruthanne (Russell) Lobb UE, 5th great granddaughter of Daniel Lightheart, UE
Mary McCormick, daughter of John and Mary Cornwall, UE; wife of William McCormick
The Mail — Toronto; Friday, July 9, 1880
“The U.E. Loyalists in Canada, The first child and now living”
To the Editor of the MailSir — Some time since I saw an article in The Mail referring to the late Col. E. Burritt of Burritt’s Rapids, and it was there stated that the venerable gentleman was the first child born of U.E. Loyalist parents in Ontario, the date given as the birth time of Col. Burritt being the year 1797. Permit me to say that there is now living on this Island an aged lady, Mrs Mary McCormick, who was born in 1792, in July of that year, at Sandwich, Essex, the child of John and Mary Cornwall, both U.E. refugees, and the first of whom was the first member of Parliament ever elected in the old western district of Ontario. Mrs McCormick was married at an early age to William McCormick, for many years M.P. for the same district, and a leading man in the West. Mrs McCormick is still perfectly clear in all her faculties, and in excellent health. She is the mother of thirteen children, and an active worker and thinker to this day. She saw from the Canadian shore the battle of Lake Erie, in September 1813, and with painful sadness knew which side victory had declared for when, after the battle, the fleets stood southward in Put-in-Bay. She knew Gen. Hull and all the Americans in command at the time, also Gen. Brock, the brave Tecumseth, and all the worthies of that period; last but not least, Simon Girty, the notorious Indian trader, whose dare-devil deeds cover so many pages of imaginary American literature, but who was really a rough, wild, but kind-hearted man. During the war of 1812, Mr. McCormick was at most times attending Parliament at “Muddy Little York” when not in the field – where he, as a militia colonel, was twice wounded. Owing to Mr McCormick’s political position, his house was the headquarters of all the leading people of the day, and many a tale does this venerable woman still tell of the peculiar perplexities of travel in those days, with anecdotes of various Governor-General, bishops, and other men who helped to mould the infant limbs of young Canada.
Yours &&
Southport, Pelee Island, July 1 [1880]? See scan of original publication (PDF)
William McCormick
William McCormick (May 30, 1784 – Feb. 18, 1840), my g-g-g-g-g-grandfather, was a United Empire Loyalist and a militiaman in the War of 1812. He was a member of a prominent UEL family, his father being Alexander McCormick, and his mother Elizabeth Turner. The McCormick family had fled the U.S. after the Revolution, and declared their loyalty to the British crown.
In 1809, William married Mary Cornwall, who was from another Loyalist family in the Essex, Ontario area. They had already begun to have a family by the time he ran for the General Assembly in 1812. Soon thereafter, the War of 1812 came to town. William was immediately signed up for the Essex County Militia, joining forces with over 12,000 militia-men country-wide. He served first as lieutenant and then as captain.
All Canadian forces were under the direction of Major-General Isaac Brock. He himself trained the local militias. William was present at the Battle of Frenchtown and the Siege of Fort Meigs. Brock’s men fought at Fort Detroit, and in the fall of 1813 they fought the Battle of Fort George. At this point, with the total loss of Niagara-on-the-Lake, William McCormick was taken prisoner of war. He was later released, after a long winter, and returned home late in the year of 1814, thankfully spared throughout the war from much injury.
In 1816, William was appointed to the Board of Militia Pensions for the Western District. He was loyal to the end of his life. He and Mary had 13 children, the oldest being Margaret McCormick, my g-g-g-g-grandmother. William McCormick bought the lease to Pelee Island in 1823, and moved his family there in 1834. He died in 1840, having made a name for himself as a model citizen of Colchester Township and a leading soldier in the War of 1812.
William’s father, Alexander McCormick, served in the Revolution and relocated afterward: “During the American Revolutionary War, William McCormick’s father, a fur trader in the Ohio country, served with Captain Henry Bird’s expedition against Kentucky and also with Captain William Caldwell of Butler’s Rangers” (Dictionary of Canadian Biography). The inscription near Alexander’s headstone reads as follows:
Alexander McCormick UE — Alexander McCormick was born of Scottish descent in 1728 in County Down Ireland. He immigrated to Pennsylvania and worked there as a trader-Indian agent. He married Elizabeth Turner, a captive of the Indians, born in Pennsylvania in 1758. Alexander stole her away from the Indians hiding her in a boatload of furs. They were married at Detroit. Alexander McCormick established an Indian trading post at Toledo Ohio. As conditions became unsettled, the McCormicks left the Ohio Valley and joined the colony of U.E. Loyalists settling on Lake Erie. In 1795 the McCormicks settled in Essex County in Colchester Township. Their remains lay buried here in Lot #7 The Gore, Colchester.
Margaret McCormick (William’s daughter) married Amos Bradshaw who was from another UEL family originating in Pennsylvania. This is my family line.
— Submitted by Brittany Begay
Randy McDonell (McDonald)
Randy McDonald was my 4th gr.grandfather. Born c.1762 in the Parish of Stone Arabia near Johnstown, NY, he joined the 1st Battalion KRR NY on May 22, 1780 and served as a private in the Colonel’s Company until war’s end. In 1783 prior to disbandment, Randy had trained as an apprentice land surveyor with other members of the KRR NY under the direction of the Surveyor General ‘s Office. They had been chosen to assist in the plotting-out of Royal Townships at the eastern end of Lake Ontario at Cataraqui and along the north shore of the St. Lawrence River. This work continued for several years.
Randy and the former Hester Proctor of Ballstown, NY, were married in Montreal on July 4, 1785 as members of the Christ Church Anglican congregation.. They originally settled in RT5 Matilda on C2, West ½ Lot 17, but about eight or nine years later, moved to Yonge Twsp near Mallorytown, ON where they settled on C3, Lot 21, spending the remainder of their lives at this location.
In August 1812, Randy was commissioned as a Lieutenant in Captain James Breckenridge’s Rifle Company 1st Leeds Militia. At the time, in civilian life, Randy was serving as “Surveyor of Roads” for the Front of Yonge. Four of his five Canadian-born sons: John (b.1786), Randy Jr. (b.1791), James (b.1793) and Samuel (b.1795) were eager to bear arms. (The fifth son Daniel (b.1802) was too young). The four young men were subsequently assigned to Rifle, Flank and Troops of Horse companies in the 1st Leeds, but one year later John and Samuel remustered to the Provincial Light Dragoons headquartered at Fort Wellington under Captain Richard Duncan Fraser.
The 1st Leeds participated in two major engagements during the War – the first at Ogdensburg on February 22, 1813 where 41 members saw action with only one wounded, and later at Crysler’s Farm. However, for the most part, their duties consisted of crucial scouting and sentry service along the trails, roads and water routes of the St. Lawrence River corridor. It’s also highly probable that the 1st Leeds skirmished from time to time with small parties of American forces who may have been sailing the river or encamped on one of the islands, but if these occurrences were ever recorded, they seem to have been lost to Father Time or have not yet been discovered. As a matter of interest, I have in my possession a letter dated 7th August 1813 from Colonel Joel Stone (Commanding Officer 1st & 2nd Leeds Militia) addressed to Noah Freer Esquire, Military Secretary, Kingston. In one paragraph of the letter, Stone recommends that “Lieut. Randy McDonald be the officer to take charge of a detachment of 20 men of the 1st Leeds Militia to be employed on the King’s Road to the eastward between the house of Lieut. John McNeil and the dwelling house of Mr. Henry Trickey.” Whether the intent of this letter was to order men out as a labour force or for sentry duty is not clear. At the conclusion of hostilities, all of the McDonald men returned home safely. At some point during the War or afterwards during peacetime, Randy was promoted to Captain.
Randy McDonald passed-away on February 16, 1837. His grave is located in the SE quadrant of the Mallorytown, ON cemetery and is clearly marked. His sons’ final resting places are unknown.
— Submitted by Jim Willis, UE, Hamilton Branch, UELAC
Sons of the Hon. Neil McLean – John, Alexander and Archibald
Neil McLean came to America from the Isle of Mull in the early 1770’s. He joined one of the first provincial Loyalist regiments, the Royal Highland Emigrants, later designated the 84th Regiment of Foot. They participated in the first major battle of the war on the last day of December, 1775 when two American armies converged to attack Quebec City.
The 84th spent the rest of the war defending the border and making raids into upper New York State harassing the Patriots. It was during this period that Neil’s future wife, Isabella Macdonell and some of her family made a long, perilous trip from the Mohawk Valley to Montreal, arriving in 1777, safe but nearly starving, forced to leave their possessions behind. Her father was John Macdonell of Leek, one of the leaders of the Pearl expedition that brought their clan to the Johnston estate in the Mohawk Valley.
After the war the 84th was disbanded near Kingston. Neil was granted land at St. Andrew’s on the outskirts of Cornwall on the Raison River. He and Isabella were married in 1784 by the Presbyterian chaplain of the 84th, Rev. John Bethune.
While Neil developed his land near Cornwall he remained in the militia. This led to promotions and eventually he was appointed Colonel of the Stormont Regiment during the 1812 War, when he commanded the left flank at the battle of Crysler’s Farm. After the war he was Sherriff of the Eastern District and held numerous administrative posts in the county.
Neil and Isabella McLean had three sons, John, Alexander and Archibald, who had the advantage of being taught by John Strachan, the young Anglican priest in Cornwall, who opened his renowned school there. At the outbreak of the War of 1812 Neil’s three sons were officers in different regiments: John, my ancestor, served in his father’s Stormont Regiment. Aleck became an officer in the Royal Newfoundland Regiment. Later they were both in the Volunteer Battalion of Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada.
Archibald was in the 3rd Regiment of the York Militia. Before the war he worked in the office of his relative, the Attorney General, John Macdonell. At Queenston during the victorious but fatal charge led by General Brock, Macdonell was also shot. His last words were “Help me, Archie”.
Neal’s three sons survived the war. His son-in-law, Captain Edward Walker was killed in the fierce fighting at Fort Erie. Edward’s widow later married Captain Daniel Washburn of the same unit. This explains the name given to my great-great-grandmother, Mary Washburn McLean, daughter of John McLean.
Alexander McLean, Neil’s youngest son, is an example of the benefits that were frequently bestowed on the family and friends of those who made up the Family Compact. Aleck was placed on half pay for the remainder of his life after the war, having been wounded at Ogdensburg. A merchant, a farmer and a public servant, he was a member of the Legislative Assembly, as well as holding a variety of local government posts. He married a niece of the Hon. John McGillivray, the fur trader.
Archibald McLean, Neil’s second son, after his time in Strachan’s school and his war experience worked in Robert Baldwin’s law office. He held several of the appointed positions that his brothers did. His law office was in Cornwall. As a legislator he was twice elected Speaker of the House. In 1837 he was raised to the bench and later became Chief Justice of Ontario.
John McLean, Neil’s eldest son, was my three times great-grandfather. After the 1812 War he was elected sheriff of Kingston, as well as Frontenac County and the Midland District. Kingston was an important town as it was a key military centre. The sheriff in a place catering to the needs of off duty soldiers would probably require fairly capable law enforcement officers. John was re-elected several times before he returned to Cornwall. In 1815 he married Catherine Magdalen McLean, the daughter of an officer who served with his father in the 84th. She was baptised by Reverend Stuart at St. Georges Anglican Church. One of the sponsors was the wife of Richard Cartwright, a Loyalist and prominent Kingston citizen. Magdalen Cartwright was the sister of James Secord. No need to repeat the well-known story of his wife Laura, who provided the warning that resulted in a remarkable victory at the Beaver Dams in June of 1813.
After John McLean’s wife died he moved back to Cornwall where he took on several positions in local government. John McLean died in 1852. )
Mary Washburn McLean, daughter of John McLean, was my great-great-grandmother. Born in 1818 and baptised by Rev. Stuart at St. George’s Church, Kingston and re-baptised in the new Presbyterian St. Andrew’s Church by Rev. Barclay. In 1851 at the age of 33 she married a much younger man, a surveyor from Ireland named Edwin Henry Kertland in St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Cornwall. They immediately took up residence in Elora, Ontario, on the Grand River, not far from Guelph. Edwin set up as a surveyor and engineer. He produced many detailed and quite attractive drawings of numerous towns in Wellington County, including Elora, where he had the cheek to name a street after himself and another nearby called “Mary Street”. They lived very close to the famous old St. John’s Anglican Church, known for its acoustics and recordings of the Elora Singers.
Edwin and Mary Kertland had two children, twins born in Elora in 1857. Three years later Mary died and Edwin returned to Kingston where he also advertised himself as a surveyor and did some very difficult work north of Belleville. He also married his late wife’s younger sister, Catherine Elizabeth McLean. Her uncle, Archibald McLean, was a trustee of the brand new Queen’s College. In 1862, Edwin Kertland, aged 36 enrolled in the medical school at Queen’s. At the time the U.S. Civil War was raging. American recruiters were busy signing up Canadian medical students under contract, promising a commission, payment and instant experience just as soon as they got their M.D. degrees. Kertland got his in April 1865, the very month the war ended. Nevertheless, he was compelled to report to the David’s Island prison hospital near New Rochelle, NY where he was on duty until released from his contract in October the same year.
Dr. Kertland then opened a medical practice in Pakenham, Ontario, near Ottawa, and later in Picton, in Prince Edward County, before finally moving to Toronto where he remained the rest of his long life. However, he was not yet done with making career changes. In the early 1870s he emerged as the General Manager of the Imperial Savings and Loan Company. He had gone from engineer to doctor to banker! Six of his grandsons served overseas during World War One.
The early Loyalists would seem to show that the hardships they suffered produced descendants who maintained many of the qualities we associate with the Loyalist character. The 1812 veterans believed just as strongly in their cause as the Loyalists did in theirs and made our country the better for it.
— Submitted by Gary Aitken
Elijah Merritt, Son of Joseph Merritt
During the Revolutionary War my 4th great-grandfather Joseph Merritt Sr., who did not support the Revolution, had his land in Fishkill, New York, confiscated by Ebenezer Boyd, one of the many Commissioners of Forfeiture listed in the book History of Putnam County, New York. After the war Joseph found persecution intolerable, and in June of 1793 he came to Upper Canada with his family and settled in Grimsby Township. He was granted Lots 3, 4 and 5, in Range II south of Twenty Mile Creek, near Smithville, Ontario, which eventually became known as Merritt Settlement. Joseph is now a documented United Empire Loyalist.
All able-bodied men in Upper Canada were required to join the local militia. My 3rd great-grandfather Elijah Merritt, who was thirty years of age in 1812, and three of his siblings Moses, Isaac and Joseph Jr. were all members of the 2nd Flank Company of the 4th Regiment of the Lincoln Militia, and all four brothers fought in the War of 1812. Daniel Merritt, their youngest brother, joined the militia in 1814 when he turned eighteen. The “Annals of the Forty”, book Number 1, lists two Muster Rolls containing Elijah Merritt’s name.
The Muster Roll of the detachment the 4th Regiment of the Lincoln Militia under the command of Captain Jonathan A. Pettit beginning July 4th and ending July 26th, 1814 lists Elijah Merritt as one of three Sergeants, with Moses Merritt, Isaac Merritt and Caleb Travis (Elijah’s brother-in-law) listed as Privates. Joseph Merritt Jr. wasn’t in their detachment at that time. Captain Pettit’s Regiment fought in the Battle of Lundy’s Lane, which took place on July 25th, 1814 in the present-day city of Niagara Falls. It’s said to be one of the bloodiest battles of the war, and one of the deadliest battles ever fought on Canadian soil.
The Muster Roll of the detachment of the 4th Regiment of the Lincoln Militia under the command of Lieut-Colonel Robert Nelles beginning October 11th, and ending November 1st of 1814, lists Elijah, Joseph Jr. and Daniel Merritt as Privates “under the ‘King’s Employ’ [sic]”. Elijah was once again a Private during that time. Brothers Moses and Isaac were listed in other 4th Lincoln detachments. The Treaty of Ghent was signed Christmas Eve 1814.
Early in 1813 seventy-one year-old Joseph Merritt Sr. visited his sons at the Front and contacted “War Fever”. Infectious diseases were the number one killer in the War of 1812. They included dysentery, typhoid, pneumonia, malaria, measles and smallpox. Joseph Sr. returned home, and it’s said that he died of “War Fever” on February 26th, 1813. He was buried on his own property in Merritts’ Burying Ground (now called Merritt’s Settlement Cemetery).
Elijah married after the war and lived until the age of eighty-four. Although he received military land grants in Erin and Houghton Townships, which he later sold, he lived on land south of Twenty Mile Creek, which he inherited from his father. He, too, is buried in Merritt Settlement Cemetery.
— Submitted by Marilyn Whatley
Thomas Merritt, Sr. & Jr.
Thomas Merritt Sr. (1729-1820) was born in Westchester County, New York. In 1775, he signed a protest against the rebellion and afterwards took refuge in New York City with the British army. He arrived in Parrtown (St. John, New Brunswick) with the July fleet of 1783 on the ship Montague with two sons, David Daniel and Nehemiah. There is no evidence that the New Brunswick Merritt’s participated in the War of 1812. Thomas Sr.’s oldest son, Thomas Jr. (1759-1842) also arrived in Parrtown with the Fall fleet during the evacuation of the Queen’s Rangers.
During the American revolution, Thomas Sr. had arranged for Thomas Jr. to join Emmerick’s Chassuers as a Cornet. Thomas Jr. later transferred to the Queens’ Rangers who were under the command of John Graves Simcoe.
Thomas Jr. and his wife, Mary returned to the United states shortly after arriving in NB and settled for a while in New York where two children were born at Bedford. Upon hearing that John Graves Simcoe had been appointed Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada, Thomas Jr. investigated moving to the Niagara region and was granted land in 1796 near the mouth of 12 Mile Creek where present day St. Catharines, Ontario is located.
In 1798 Thomas Merritt Jr. was appointed Surveyor of the Kings Woods and in 1803 became the first Sheriff of the Niagara District.
At the outbreak of the War of 1812, Thomas Merritt was appointed Major Commandant of the Niagara Light Dragoons. This was a militia cavalry troop which supported infantry forces. At Queenston, his dragoons along with the Indians kept the enemy busy on the heights while General Sheaff formed his troops to the rear. His assistance to Major General Roger Sheaffe at Queenston Heights was acknowledged by Sheaffe to General Prevost in a letter, describing the battle, dated October, 13, 1812. At the funeral of Sir Isaac Brock, Thomas Merritt was a pallbearer. In Thomas Merritt’s memoirs, mention is made of his daughter assisting General Brock to buckle his sword prior to leaving for Queenston Heights. After the surrender of the Americans at Queenston, Thomas Merritt collected the swords of the US officers, who were taken prisoner. One of these swords was donated to the Royal Canadian Military Institute in Toronto.
After Queenston, Major Merritt retained command of the Dragoons in name only and left most of the active command to his son, William Hamilton Merritt (1793-1862). The Niagara Light Dragoons were disbanded after a year since they were a volunteer unit. The disbanding was shortly before the fall of Fort George, so did not last long. They were replaced by the Troop of Provincial Dragoons under the command of William Hamilton Merritt, who became a Captain. After the retreat of the British army to Burlington Heights from 4 Mile Creek in October 1813, Thomas Merritt remained at his house at 12 Mile Creek as he was too ill to retreat. The traitor, Joseph Willcocks took him prisoner and Thomas Merritt was transported to Fort Niagara. His son William Hamilton Merritt pleaded to General Harrison at Fort George for his father’s release. By mid December 1813, Thomas Merritt was released and left the area prior to the burning of Niagara, near Fort George. After the end of the War of 1812, Thomas Merritt claimed a loss of 1778£ for house, stable and barn burned near Niagara. He received 752£.
In July 1814 a major trial of traitors was held at Ancaster, Upper Canada. A number were convicted and sentenced to be hung. In his position as Sherriff of Niagara, Thomas Merritt over saw the executions. This profoundly affected him, causing him to resign from the position of sheriff in January of 1820. He retired to live in St. Catharines and was one of its most popular citizens of the time. He was involved in the formation of St. George’s Anglican Church there.
In September 1814, Thomas Merritt, as Sheriff was directed by General Gordon Drummond through his secretary, Edward McMahon to identify wives and families of traitors along with traitors themselves to the authorities so land could be confiscated and the people sent out of the district to America. It is not known to what extent the order was carried out.
Thomas Merritt’s concern about traitors would have been influenced by his brother, William’s actions. In 1813 William Merritt joined the enemy and fled to the United States. Thomas Merritt made a request for William’s confiscated lands in 1817. When the Dragoons were first formed, Thomas appointed his brother to be vice cornet, not cornet. William seems to have moved to Niagara about the same time as Thomas, however William is not in the Upper Canada Land Petitions but is on the 1814 map of Grantham Township, Lincoln County, Upper Canada. (This may be William Hamilton Merritt.) Thomas describes William as doing well on his land in 1800 in a letter to his family in New Brunswick. By 1806 William has sought refuge with his brother after suffering during the hard times of 1804.
William Merritt was indicted at a session of court held at Ancaster, District of Niagara in May 1814 for aiding the enemy and attempting to persuade loyal citizens to take oath of allegiance to the enemy. He failed to appear at the courts of general quarter sessions at Grimsby in July and October of 1815 and Niagara in January 1816. William Merritt was listed on a Treason Poster issued in 1821. The manuscript proclaiming the indictment of William Merritt refers to Thomas Merritt as Sheriff of Niagara but does not refer to William as a brother although it is a legal document.
(Click here for a PDF copy with endnote references.)
— Submitted by Suzanne Davidson, Calgary Branch
Captain John Mersereau and Son Andrew
John Mersereau was born in 1735 and was a native of Staten Island. He married Charity (Gertrude) Van Horne circa 1755 and they had a family of five boys: John, Lawrence, Jacob, Andrew and David. There were many Mersereaus in the New York area and they all descended from Daniel or Joshua Mersereau, brothers who came from France to New York via England circa 1688. Several of John’s cousins were American Patriots and included spies for General Washington. John Mersereau was a Loyalist and took refuge in New Brunswick. It is only from this point when he was 48 years of age that much is known of his life.
John was commissioned a Captain to bring refugee Company 16 to the remaining British Colonies. They evacuated New York for Parr Town, later Saint John, at the mouth of the Saint John River in July of 1783 aboard the Lord Townsend. Upon arrival, John went up river to Maugerville and bought half of lot 93 opposite the head of Middle Island from pre-Loyalists Stephen and Francis Peabody. Mersereau was one of the first Loyalists in Maugerville, indicating how active and busy he was in establishing himself, both in those early days and during the next few years. Life was difficult.
John Mersereau was elected one of the first Wardens of the Church of England in Maugerville on September 29, 1784. Rev. John Sayre led this congregation and Mersereau drew the plans for a rectory for James Bissett, one of Sayre’s successors. On July 6, 1785 John was appointed a Justice of the Peace in Sunbury County. As a JP he was one of eight members of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace which dealt with criminal matters. He was a respected magistrate, but through his life he remained a farmer.
John Mersereau died on July 9, 1814. They said at the time that he was 93 years old, though he was likely only 79. He is buried in Maugerville, New Brunswick, where there is a monument erected to commemorate him.
As far as is known for certain, only two of his sons, Andrew and Lawrence, arrived with him and remained in New Brunswick. Both of them were Captains in the Sunbury County Militia. Andrew is said to have been second in command on the march of the 104th Regiment to Quebec in 1812. The 104th went on to Montreal and Kingston, a march of 700 miles in 52 days. Lawrence established a winter mail service between St. John and Fredericton in 1787. He was a Justice like his father.
Three of John’s grandsons were militia officers and one was a preacher.
(This note on John Mersereau is an extract from a much longer piece of research done by John Wood, whose mother was a Mersereau descended from Loyalist John.)
— Submitted by Harry Currie, UE, New Brunswick Branch
William Hamilton Merritt, son of Thomas Merritt Jr.
William Hamilton Merritt (1793-1862) was the son of Thomas Merritt Jr. of Twelve Mile Creek near present day St. Catharines, Ontario. Shortly before the War of 1812 was declared W H Merritt sold his interest in the general store that he ran with Mr. Chisholm to concentrate on running the family farm since his father was busy with his position of Sherriff.
In June of 1812 W H Merritt was commissioned with about 20 others to patrol the banks of the Niagara River between Fort George and Fort Erie. He and a few others set up in a house in Oxford and called themselves Yankees. The American sympathizers, who were taken prisoner, were transferred to Fort George. Merritt then went to York to report to General Brock. Upon returning with additional men, he proceeded towards Sandwich (Windsor), but was delayed by Col. Thomas Talbot and arrived the day after the occupation of Fort Detroit.
As part of the Dragoons, W H Merritt was involved in keeping the enemy at bay on the Queenston Heights with his father and the Indians. An armistice was concluded with the Americans by General Sheaffe shortly after the Battle of Queenston. Merritt considers this the most ruinous policy as the militia were not disbanded but had no duties. He was at Fort George when the armistice ended and the fort was bombarded.
Merritt was stationed at Fort Erie in case of attack until February of 1813 when the militia was sent home. The militia had to find their own horses, clothing and equipment while receiving rations and nine pence per day.
During March 1813, W H Merritt raised a troop of Provincial Dragoons and allowed his father to go home. The troop maintained a regime of drilling but some of the militia were dispersed to be post boys and orderlies. After the capture of York, the Dragoons finally saw some action, patrolling the Niagara River bank. After finishing his nocturnal ride on May 27, Merritt discovered the American fleet nearing the shore for the battle of Fort George.
Merritt participated in the retreat to Burlington Heights although he feared for the women and children left in the district. He was part of the contingent who attacked the Americans at Stoney Creek. On returning to the battlefield to look for the missing Major General Vincent, Merritt was challenged by a sentry. He asked the sentry who had placed him there. Since Merritt was wearing a blue military coat he was mistaken for an American. He was then able to use his pistol to take the sentry as prisoner. During June he participated in scouting missions to learn the movements of the enemy and hunted for secreted spies.
Merritt was sent with a flag of truce to 8 Mile Creek area and was met by an American Major who abused him and his companion and took them prisoners for a while. A complaint was sent to General Dearborn and the American Major was dismissed.
In late July 1813, Merritt left to travel to Montreal to plead for supplies for his troops. From his discussions, he learned there was prejudice against the militia, but was able to get some credit for actions and not have the Regulars receive all the glory. He had trouble obtaining transportation back to Niagara and when he arrived found his troop sick and deserting. Merritt worked at improving conditions so the militia received every allowance that was extended to the Regular 19th Dragoons. He was able to refurbish horses by making forays into the enemy area and returning with horses.
In preparation for the attack on Fort Niagara, Merritt helped convey boats from Burlington. He was caught in a whirlpool and almost drowned while crossing the river with a flag of truce. Just prior to the attack he became too ill to participate.
Merritt’s 21st birthday (July 3, 1814) was interrupted by a dragoon with information that the enemy had landed at Fort Erie. He went to Fort George and found troops heading to Chippawa. Just prior to the battle of Chippawa he was sent back to Fort George in case a landing occurred there.
After receiving intelligence about the enemy moving from Queenston to Lundy’s Lane in July 1814, Merritt arrived at Lundy’s Lane. During the Battle of Lundy’s Lane, General Riall was taken prisoner. Merritt was sent to communicate to the Troops of the intention to free General Riall. On his return he fell in with the enemy and was captured. Most of those taken prisoner at Lundy’s Lane were captured at night by mistaking the enemy for fellow combatants.
The captives from Lundy’s Lane were kept out all night near the battle field, as there were no tents and then they were marched to Buffalo where they were able to have food and a nap at a local Inn. Those taken prisoner at Lundy’s Lane along with W H Merritt were Major General Riall (wounded), Captains Loring, aid de camp for General Drummond, Mclean of Incorporated Militia, Nelles of Lincoln Militia, Gore of 89th and Washbourne of Incorporated Militia, Lieutenants Yule of Royal Engineers, Frazer of 103rd, Robins of Glengarrys (died of illness while captive), Kilburn of Incorporated Militia and Warffe of Incorporated Militia, Quarter Masters Linn or Liner of 103rd and Cairns along with Captain Brown of 103rd, Lieutenants Cline of 103rd, Scott of 103rd and Lamont of Royals, Ensigns Montgomery of 103rd and Lever, in all 19 officers and 116 privates. Officers were not generally guarded, unlike soldiers who were.
At a second Inn just outside of Buffalo, Merritt saw his uncle, William Merritt as he was then residing there. Preparations were made for the captives to be transported by wagon to Cheshire, Massachusetts via Greenbush, New York in the interior of Massachusetts. Along the journey they ate at Inns and met with other prisoners and some deserters. Transportation consisted of wagons and stages. Horses were changed periodically. The route travelled followed what is now New York State Highway No. 5 and some stretches of US Highway 20 also. At Albany, Merritt met with his future father-in-law, Dr. Prendergast.
Time was spent playing cricket, quoits, whist, reading, writing letters, going to church, visiting, walking, fishing and riding a horse around the countryside, along with some dances. A number of newspapers were also received on a fairly regular basis, such as from Albany, Boston and New York. There was an agent for prisoners, who checked with the prisoners periodically. In the village of Cheshire, the prisoners were billeted out. A billiard table was delivered at the beginning of September for the prisoners to use.
Merritt had servants while captured. Servants were commonly sent for by officers who had been captured. Each prisoner received a monthly subsistence. Merritt had ordered baggage at Buffalo but it did not arrive for about two months. A funeral was held for one of the captives, Lieutenant Robins when he died of an illness that could not be treated in time.
The captives were able of have parties until late hours such as 2 o’clock in the morning. One party, Merritt noted that he “drowned my cares in the arms of Morpheus”. They sometimes played whist until the early hours of the morning. There seemed to be a Levee every Saturday night.
During captivity word of what was happening during the War was received. This included information about the British in Washington, the loss of the Capitol, the assault on Fort Erie, the report of the Battle of Lundy’s Lane, fleet capture on Lake Champlain, repulsing Americans at Michilimackinac, the taking of Castine, Belfast, blowing up the John Adams frigate and capturing of American schooners in Lake Huron among other actions during the War.
Some exercise competitions were engaged in, such as taking up a hundred stones a yard apart and putting them in a basket in 50 minutes. There was also running races and football starting in October.
In early October the local militia fired muskets until 2 in the morning so the captives sang patriotic songs such as God Save the King and Rule Britannia.
After three months of being a prisoner, a routine was established. It consisted of rising between 8 and 9 in the morning, reading until breakfast, playing billiards, writing until 12 o’clock, read until 2 o’clock, walk about until 4 o’clock, dine at 4, sit an hour, stroll about until 7 o’clock, play whist in the evening, read until 11 o’clock and go to bed at 12 o’clock.
The first prisoners at Cheshire were Captains Popham and Spilsbury, Lieutenant Marjoribanks, Acting Lieutenants Rowe, Loveday and Brown, Midshipmen Logie and Padmore who were captured on May 30 1814 at Sandy Creek, near Sackets Harbour.
The next group of prisoners were Captain Dawson, Major Burke 8th Kings Regiment, Lieutenants Humphreys and Maxwell, Ensign Campbell 100th Regiment and Lieutenant Vinecomb, R.M. who were taken on July 3 in Fort Erie.
On July 24 1814 the Queenston breakfast party was taken prisoners at 10 Mile Creek. These officers were Captain Thompson, Lieutenant Riley, Ensigns Simmonds, McCasley and Warren from Militia and Ensign Thompson from Kings Regiment.
Merritt throughout his captivity was hoping to be exchanged, but he was only released at the end of the War. After his release he went to visit the Prendergasts in Mayville, New York, where he married their daughter in March, 1815 and returned to the farm at Twelve Mile Creek. William Hamilton Merritt became a business man and promoted the building of the first Welland Canal between 1824 and 1829 and the Welland Railway, among other enterprises. He was also the member of Upper Canada legislature representing Haldimand from 1832 to 1836 and Lincoln from 1841 to 1860. He died in 1862 aboard a ship in the Cornwall canal.
(Click here for a PDF copy with endnote references.)
— Submitted by Suzanne Davidson, Calgary Branch
Andrew Miller
When he was eleven years old, his father and uncle were killed at Pine Bush, Ulster County, New York on September 5, 1778, and Andrew was taken captive and brought to Fort Niagara. He was “redeemed” by John Burch, the sutler of Butler’s Rangers, and he lived with John and Martha Burch for twelve years, first at the Bottoms next to Fort Niagara and later in the Burch home above the Falls at Chippawa Creek where John Burch built his grist mill.
In 1791 Andrew Miller married Elizabeth Everett. In 1796 he was awarded his 200 acres as a Loyalist and settled on the Niagara River at Miller’s Creek, five miles north of Fort Erie. Andrew and Elizabeth had 11 children, naming their oldest daughter Martha and oldest son John Burch in honour of their patrons, Martha and John Burch. Andrew and Elizabeth operated a tavern at Millers’ Creek beginning in 1800. The first public meetings of Bertie Township were held at the tavern in 1807 and 1808.
On October 23, 1812, General Sheaffe issued orders for the 49th Regiment and the 3d and 5th Regiments of the Lincoln Militia to march along the Niagara Frontier. Many soldiers were stationed at Andrew Miller’s Tavern. And on Sept. 23, 1814, the advance guard of Sir Gordon Drummond’s army was posted at Miller’s Tavern.
Andrew Miller became an Ensign in the 3d Lincoln Militia in 1809 and continued his service with the militia throughout the War of 1812. His son John Burch Miller was a private and his son Peter Miller was a Sergeant in the 3d Lincoln during the War of 1812. We cannot underestimate the importance of the militia in supporting the British army during the war. It is also ironic that all the buildings along the Niagara frontier from Chippawa to Fort Erie were destroyed during the war – except Andrew Miller’s Tavern.
— Submitted by Bruce Miller
Charles Moore, grandson of Bartholomew London, UE
Charles Moore of Saltfleet, Ontario, b. abt. 1781 in New Jersey (grandson of Bartholomew London, UE), participated in the War of 1812 in some positive but mysterious capacity. In his petition of 3 Dec 1817 he stated:
“…your petitioner has taken the oath of allegiance, and refers to the annexed certificate for his conduct during the late War, therefore your petitioner for himself and on the behalf of his Sister humbly prays Your Honor in Council may be pleased to grant them respectively such portion of the lands located in the name of his Father the Said Enoch Moore, as to Your Honor may seem fit, on the payment of the usual fees.”
(Upper Canada Land Petitions, bundle M11, no. 241; National Archives of Canada microfilm C-2199)
Unfortunately, the ‘annexed certificate’ is too faint to read, and my query to Library and Archives Canada has not yielded an original (or better) copy.
If anyone can shed more light on Charles Moore, your help would be most appreciated.
— Submitted by Taylor Roberts
George and Jacob Ott, Sons of Jacob Ott, UEL
Jacob Ott, UEL, 1763-1848, married Barbara Zavitz, 1765-1849, sister of Christian Zavitz, UEL, 1750-1826. They were the parents of seven daughters, but only two sons. Both of those sons, George Ott, 1796-1882, and Jacob Ott Junior, 179?-1846, served in the 3rd Regiment of the Lincoln Militia during the War of 1812.
The Ott family was originally from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. After the Revolutionary War they eventually settled in Wainfleet Township, Ontario on 330 acres of land at Lot 15, Concession 1 south of the present- day hamlet of Burnaby, along the shores of Lake Erie.
Jacob Ott Junior served as a Private under Captain John Baxter during October, November, and December 1812.
George Ott was also a Private under Captain John Baxter in May 1813 at Fort Erie. He gave service again in June and July of 1814 at Fort Erie, Chippawa and elsewhere under Lieutenant-Colonel John Warren.Jacob Ott, UEL, his wife Barbara Zavitz, 1765-1849 and both of their sons are buried side by side in Morgan’s Point Cemetery in Wainfleet Township.
— Submitted by Janet Hodgkins, UE, 5th great-grand-daughter of Jacob Ott, UEL
Cyrenius Parke
My Loyalist Ancestor was Cyrenius Parke born 22 December 1754 in either Litchfield, Connecticut or Northeast New York. He was a descendant of Robert Parke who came to Colonial America in 1630 from Gesingthorpe, Essex, England.
Cyrenius married first wife Elizabeth in 1755. Her last name is not known. They had eight children; the first one at the start of the American Revolution. He married second wife Elizabeth Hoffman in 1770 and they had twelve children; the last one during the War of 1812.
During the Revolution Cyrenius served under General Burgoyne with the British Forces. He endured many hardships including prison, but he remained loyal to the British. After fleeing to Canada he served with James Roger’s King’s Rangers as a corporal. Cyrenius settled with his family at Hay Bay on Lake Ontario in 1796. He owned a farm and a ferry.
In 1808 he became a lieutenant in the Lennox Militia and then a Captain in the War of 1812, stationed at the Oldstone Mill on the St.Lawrence River, a little below Kingston.
I descend from his seventeenth child, Hannah born on his 50th birthday. She married Alexander Forshee, son of Bernard Forshee, who fought in the War of 1812 under Cyrenius Parke.
— Submitted by Karen Borden, UE
James Parke (Parks) and son David
James Parke was born Nov 08, 1746 in Sharon, Litchfield, Connectict. He joined Major Rogers Kings Rangers during the American Revolutionary War as a Loyalist and became a Sergeant. During the War, James was captured by the Americans, had his house confiscated, and was ordered to leave. The 1904 Second Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario claim # 880 states James had joined the Rangers in 1780, was imprisoned by the Americans for a year and came to a Loyalist Refugee Camp at St Johns Quebec in 1783. His 1790 Upper Canada Land Petition confirms he was discharged as a Sergeant in the Kings Rangers. James along with his wife Mary, and family ended up in Fredericksburg Twp., Upper Canada at Conc 2 lot 11. James died May 13, 1809 in Fredericksburg Twp.
In Canada the surname changed from Parke to Parks. Sgt James and Mary had a son David born 1763 who married Dianah Woodcock born 1777, the daughter of the Loyalist John Woodcock born 1734 and Elsje Dingman born 1732. David’s 1797 Upper Canada Land Petition confirms he was the son of Sgt. James Parke. David and Dianah were married in Fredericksburg Twp in Jan 1792 and were still living in Fredericksburg in the 1851 census at Conc 4 Lot 16.
David served as a Private in the 1st Lenox Militia during the War of 1812. His name can be found on the Muster Roll of Captain Elisha Phillips Company in the Regiment of the Lenox Militia dated 1813. David died sometime between 1851, when he was in the census of Fredericksburg Twp., and 1861. By 1861, his wife Dianah is found in the census of Kennebec Twp. living with their daughter Phoebe born 1815 and Phoebe’s husband Daniel Scott, and family at Conc 6 Lot 15.
— Submitted by Richard Clark
John Phillips and sons John and Peter
My proven UEL ancestor, John Phillips (15 May 1751 in Schenectady, New York – 29 Jul 1844 in Ekfrid, Middlesex, Ontario), had a son John Phillips Jr. (1784 – 02 Oct 1876 in Bothwell, Camden, Ontario) recorded as a teacher in 1808, served during the War of 1812 in the Oxford Militia, and in 1875, he is granted a pension for his this service, and the payment is forwarded to Dawn Mills, Camden Township.
His second son Peter Phillips (1786 – 1866)served during the War of 1812. This pertains to the area in Oxford county, near the town of Norwich. This information is found in “The History of Burford”, pages 242, 243, 244, 245, as follows:
First Regiment of Oxford Militia, Pay Lists and Muster Rolls of Captain Carroll’s Company, 23 Sept. to 24th Oct 1813, 30 days,
[Many names including…]
Private Peter Phillips, who received the amount of 15 shillings;
Signed by Samuel Street, Justice of the Peace;
Signed by John Carroll, Captain, Commander of Company, the monies paid, December 25, 1813.Also, same regiment, for service from 25th Oct. to Nov 1812, 31 days inclusive,
[fewer names, including…]
Private Peter Phillips, who recived the amount of 15 s. 6 d.Also, Muster Roll of a detachment of the 1st Regt., Oxford Militia, Commanded by Captain Ed. Watson from 25 Oct to 2 Nov. 1813, inclusive, 9 days,
[fewer names, including…]
Private John Phillips, who recieved 4 s. 6 d.
signed by Edward Watson, Captain;
also signed by Thomas Talbot, Colonel Commending Militia, London DistrictMeanwhile, his son Isaac B. Phillips of Southwold (14 Sep 1809 Woodhouse, Norfolk, Ontario – 26 Oct 1870 Wabash Ontario) was put in jail during the rebellion of 1837 for two months, and never knew what for. While there, he had a blanket and basket stolen, worth $5.00. In 1838, he was put in Sandwich jail for six weeks, reason unknown to him. While there, he had 6 acres corn destroyed and the planting of ten bushels of potatoes. (courtesy St, Thomas Library research center)
— Submitted by Richard Ripley. UE
The Four Sons of Casper Ramey, UEL
While the American Revolution raged, Casper Ramey left Pennsylvania and headed to Canada. En route, he was captured by Revolutionary soldiers who apprehended him for being a Tory. Casper was jailed for this crime for several years. At last in 1788 he did make it to Upper Canada where he settled first in Wainfleet Township and, a few years later, in Humberstone Township on Lot 25, Concession 2.
When Casper Ramey finally applied for a Land Grant in 1820, his application said, “At the commencement of hostilities … your petitioner declared himself to be a British subject … had his property taken and destroyed by the Revolutionists … was detained in prison until the peace for adhering to the British cause.” He also said “that your petitioner being ignorant and illiterate did not know until of late that there was such a thing as an U.E. List, or that a person could draw land though he had adhered to the Unity of the Empire.” The implication is that, had Casper known, he would certainly have been on that list!
Casper Ramey no doubt felt that he had been treated badly. When the War of 1812 broke out, his four oldest sons all joined up. Perhaps, like so many sons of Loyalists, they saw this war as an opportunity to avenge their father’s mistreatment in the last war.
Henry Ramey (1786-1823): The eldest son of Casper Ramey had been born in Pennsylvania and came to Canada with his parents in 1788. He was a Private in the 3rd Regiment of the Lincoln Militia serving under Captain Henry Buchner in December 1813 and January 1814. This regiment was present at the Black Rock skirmish on December 30, 1813.
Henry Ramey received a land grant of 200 acres in 1809, not in Humberstone where his family lived, but in Southwold Township in the Talbot Settlement in Elgin County. Although he was in the Lincoln Militia in the Niagara area in 1813, by 1814 he was living in the Talbot Settlement. His name is on the “List of Sufferers” whose houses and barns were burned by the invading Americans in the Talbot Settlement.
Henry Ramey never married. His exact death date is unknown, but he must have died before 1830. By then someone else was living on his farm. According to the book The Remey Family in America, “Henry was shot while asleep in the woods, dressed with a coon skin cap on his head and resting on a log, he was mistaken for a coon.”
Laurence Ramey (1791-1869): Like his older brother Henry, Laurence Ramey was a Private in the 3rd Regiment of the Lincoln Militia. Carrying what was probably his father’s rifle, a gun made in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania by gunsmith Peter Gonter in the 1780s, Laurence, aged 21, and his younger brother David, aged 19, joined a flank company under Captain Henry Warren. Flank companies were fighting companies. Laurence was on the payroll from September to December 1812, and again from December 1813 through January 1814. It is likely that he was at the Battle of Queenston Heights on October 13, 1812 as the Company was on active duty that day. In December 1813 he was at Black Rock with his brother Henry.
In 1820 Laurence was given a Land Claim Award for six months of service which was verified by Lieutenant William Powell. He married Mary Weaver. They and their children lived in Middlesex County.
David Ramey (1793-1874): Beginning as a Private and later becoming a Sergeant, David Ramey was a member of the 3rd Regiment of the Lincoln Militia in a flank company serving under Captain Henry Warren with his brother Laurence. From September to December 1812 he was a Private. By May 1814 he was a Sergeant employed in the Engineers’ Department, involved in the rebuilding of Fort Erie.
In 1820 his military service was verified by Lieutenant William Powell for a land claim. David Ramey married Jane Leidy. They and their many children lived in Humberstone Township.
John Ramey (1794-c1863) was the youngest of Casper Ramey’s sons who was old enough to serve in the War of 1812. Like his brothers, he belonged to the 3rd Regiment of the Lincoln Militia. Unlike is brothers, he was part of the Sedentary Militia. While the Flank companies engaged in battle, the Sedentary Militia were assigned to garrison duty, road construction, or installing defensive works. John served in October and November 1812 under Captain John Baxter. He settled in Middlesex County.
— Submitted by Janet Hodgkins, UE, 4th great-granddaughter of Casper Ramey, UEL
Owen Roblin Jr. and son Jacob
Jacob Roblin was born in Adolphustown in1795 or 1796, the son of Owen Roblin UEL and Mary Margaret Elizabeth Ruttan. He was a young man of 17 or 18 years at the time the War or 1812 broke out. I have no record of exactly what his part in the war was, but I do have a copy of a hand written document from Public Archives Canada which says:
We, Alexander Fisher, Chairman and Daniel Washburn, Deputy Clerk of the Peace Midland District certify that Jacob Roblin personally came before the General Quarter ? of the Peace this day and is recognized by the Magistrate to be the son of Owen Roblin who obtained his loyalty during the late war without suspicion of aiding or assisting the enemy and that the said Jacob Roblin did his duty in defence of the Province during the late war.
Dated at the Court House in Adolphus Town in the said District this 30 day of January, 1817.
Alex Fisher
Chairman(something illegible, maybe Daniel Washburn’s signature)
It also seems from this document that Owen Roblin played a part in the war, perhaps not by actually fighting but by not aiding or assisting the enemy.
Jacob returned from the war and on August 7, 1815 or 1816 married Sarah VanDusen, daughter of Conrad VanDusen UEL and Millicent Ferguson. Jacob and Sarah had 15 children Nathan, Stephen, John, William. Jacob, Millicent, Daniel, Elizabeth, Mary Maria, Sarah, Mary Jane, Conrad, Owen, Edwin and Peter.
The family lived at Adolphustown for a while and by the Census of 1861, Jacob and Sarah were living in Sophiasburgh, Prince Edward County with their son Conrad. In 1871, they were still in Sophiasburgh and living with their son Owen and according to the 1881 Census, Sarah had moved to live with her daughter Sarah,also in Sophiasburgh after Jacob’s death.
Jacob Roblin died in June of 1876 and in the Remarks section of his Registration of Death is written: “Veteran war 1813”.
— Submitted by Gord Hammell
Alexander Rose
Alexander Rose (1768-1835) was born in Scotland and raised in what is now Delaware County, New York. From 1779 to 1783, he was a Drummer in the King’s Royal Regiment of New York. After the war, he took up land in Williamsburg Township in County Dundas, Upper Canada. He became an Ensign in the First Regiment of Dundas Militia, and in 1810 was promoted to Lieutenant. In April 1813, after recruiting seven men, he was commissioned a Lieutenant in the Eastern and Johnstown Districts division of the Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada. This unit was initially stationed at Prescott on the St. Lawrence. The following March, Alexander and his fellow-soldiers went to York, where the four divisions of the Incorporated Militia were integrated prior to going into battle in the Niagara in July 1814. Alexander is mentioned three times in Redcoated Ploughboys, Richard Feltoe’s wonderful history of the Incorporated Militia.
In July 1813, while stationed at Prescott, Alexander suffered a nasty fall from the blockhouse that was being built at Fort Wellington, breaking his leg and hurting his back. Nevertheless, the paylists of the Incorporated Militia show that he remained on duty throughout what must have been a lengthy and painful recovery.
After the War of 1812, Alexander returned to civilian life in Williamsburg. He remained in the Dundas Militia, and was promoted to Captain in 1822.
Thanks to the fact that he had fourteen children who survived to adulthood, Alexander Rose appears in the list of Largest Loyalist Families.
— Submitted by John McLeod, UE, of Toronto Branch, who is Alexander’s great-great-great-grandson and great-great-great-great-grandson
Daniel Rose and sons Hugh, William, Lewis, Alexander, James, and Peter
In 1773 four Roses, James, William, Hugh and his family, and Hugh’s younger brother Daniel, from around Kilravock Castle, Strath Nairn, Scotland emigrated to what is now New York. They, along with other Highland Scots, including George Chisholm, Thomas McMicking, James Park, and Archibald Thompson, who had arrived in York Town that year, were put in contact with two land proprietors, Goldsbrow Banyar and Lawrence Kortright, who had secured land patents to adjoining lands lying between the Head of the Delaware and the Charlotte River in Tryon County, NY. This area was later renamed Kortright Township. In the spring of 1774, Daniel Rose & Thomas McMicking became tenants of Banyar around Banyar’s Brook, McMicking locating on the Delware near the mouth of Banyar’s Brook, Daniel leasing 100 acres nearby. Hugh Rose, Daniel’s older brother, took lands on the south side of the river at the mouth of what was later named Rose’s Brook.
In July 1777 Daniel Rose joined John Macdonell’s Company near the Head of the Delaware and was active with that Company that summer. In 1778 Daniel joined with Joseph Brant at the Susquehanna River near Tioga Point and remained on active service under Brant from May 1778 to Oct 1779. In October 1779, Brant’s Company had arrived at Niagara. Upon Colonel Guy Johnson’s declaration that Brant’s Volunteers could only draw pay from the day of their arrival at Niagara and that no credit would be given for their previous 18 month’s service, Daniel along with a number of fellow volunteers stated that “they served the Crown from Principle and not for the sake of Enrichment” and continued to serve the remainder of the war as volunteers under Brant’s command.
In late 1780, Daniel Rose relocated his wife Jane and two year old son Hugh from Kortright to Niagara; it being no longer safe for them to remain in that area. At Niagara, they continued to expand their family, William was born in May 1781, and Nancy Feb. 1783. Other children that were later born in Stamford Twp. included Jane, Lewis, Alexander, Peter, Margaret, James, and Electa (aka Elexa or Lexy). In 1781, on account of insufficient food supplies at Niagara, Daniel Rose was one of the 16 men who began farming at Niagara. Unlike those who came out of the ranks of Butler’s Rangers, Daniel Rose and Thomas McMicking elected to establish their farms up on the mountain (the present site of the Sir Adam Beck 2 Generating Station & Reservoir, Niagara Falls). This decision was based on guidance from the Mohawks who were well aware of the military advantage of situating oneself on elevated land.
Daniel and his sons were also active during the War of 1812. The Rose farmhouse was located on the Portage Road which ran between the Upper landing (Chippewa) and the Lower landing (Queenston) and was witness to much action during the War of 1812. For instance, Norton’s group gathered in formation at the Rose farm during the battle for the Heights. Since the farm was located on the Portage Road and near the road to St. David’s, it was also a common place for units to meet, as did Capt. W. H. Merritt’s Company on 22 July 1814: “I rode to Rose’s and sent an express for Major Secord to join us at that place.”
Daniel Rose provided aid to the British units located in the Niagara area; his horse was given for use by the Militia Dragoons. During the return march of the troops with Gen. Brock following the success at Detroit, Daniel’s horse died. Five of his sons served in various Militia units during the war; his youngest son James was too young to enlist. His oldest son Hugh, who had received his SUE land grant in Nelson Township, joined with the 2nd Regiment York Militia with rank of Ensign (commission was 10 May 1811). From1812 to 24 March 1814 he was attached to Capt. James Morden’s Company; the Company was on service in the Niagara District during the period 25 Feb – 24 Mar 1814. By 20 June 1814 Hugh had been posted to Stamford District, Niagara. During the Battle of Lundy’s Lane 25 July 1814, he was one of the men taken prisoner that night by Major Jesup’s 25th Infantry – near the junction of Portage Road and the road leading to Bender’s farm. Hugh Rose was in good company that night; Major General Phineas Riall and Capt. W. Hamilton Merritt were also part of the group taken prisoner when darkness hid the location of the enemy that evening. Hugh Rose remained a prisoner for the remainder of the war – a period of eight months. Through Capt. Merritt’s diary, we learn the men were taken to Cheshire, Massachusetts, located about 40 miles east of Albany, NY. Unlike the senior officers who enjoyed good food, drink, and dances with the local ladies, men of lower rank, including Ensign Hugh Rose, did not have an easy time. Capt. Merritt’s entry for 17 December 1814 provides us with some idea of what they endured: “I applied to Major Melville some time since to allow the militia prisoners to work out; part came last week, the remainder, making twenty, yesterday, all being penniless, and almost naked, not having received either money or clothing since their capture.” After the war, Hugh, his wife Eunice, and their children, lived in Stamford Twp., Niagara and late in life they removed to Bertie Twp. Hugh and his son Adam B. Rose were buried on the Bertie farmstead, but following the death of Eunice, they were re-interred in Stamford Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Stamford. Hugh’s father Daniel was one of the original subscribers involved in forming that congregation.
Daniel’s second son William Rose, also served with the 2nd Regiment, York Militia as a Private; he had joined that Regiment since he resided on his SUE land grant in Nelson Twp. In 1813 the unit was attached to the 5th Lincoln Regiment Militia. Based on the surviving paylists and returns, William served with Capt. Wm Applegath’s Company (25 Apr.- 2 Jun. 1813), then Capt. Sam Ryckman’s Company (25 Jul. – 24 Aug. 1813), then Capt. William Thompson’s Company (25 Oct. – 24 Nov. 1813) and back with Capt. Sam Ryckman’s Company (5-12 Nov. 1814).
Daniel’s third son Lewis Rose joined with the 1st Regiment Lincoln Militia in 1812 and served with Capt. James Crook’s Company throughout the war.
Daniel’s fourth son Alexander Rose was a Private with the 1st Troop Niagara Light Dragoons in May – December 1812 with Captain Alexander Hamilton’s Company. The following year he was attached to the 1st Regiment Lincoln Militia, with Capt. Martin McClellan’s Company by 19 Sept. 1813. In June 1814, Alexander, along with his brothers Lewis and Peter, was attached to Capt. Crooks’ Company. Alexander was wounded in action during the Battle of Chippawa on 5 July 1814. I have not been able to ascertain the injuries received, but James Macaulay & Grant Powell attested on 4 Sept. 1821 that he had been rendered incapable of earning his livelihood due to the injuries he received in that action. Alexander did not have a long life after the war, he died 20 Jul. 1826.
Daniels’ fifth son who served was Peter Rose. Along with Lewis, he served with the 1st Regiment Lincoln with Capt. Crooks’ Company. Because of his age, he was not able to join a Militia Unit until 1814. He is listed as a member of Capt. Crook’s Company for Crook’s returns for the period 19 Jun – 30 June 1814 and 1 – 24 July 1814. Of Daniel’s five sons who served during the period 1812-1815, Peter was the only one alive when the Pension Allowance for 1812-1815 service was awarded in 1876-77.
According to Daniel Rose’s claim for 1812-1815 losses (2 Oct. 1815), he indicated that two of his sons were wounded the Battle of Chippawa. Multiple primary sources have confirmed that his son Alexander was one, but the identity of the other wounded son is unclear. The return for Capt. James Crook’s Company for 1 July – 24 July 1814 lists Alexander as wounded, however, there was no similar notation beside either Lewis or Peter Rose in that list. In the case of William, there is a void in the returns covering the period Dec. 1813 – 4 Nov. 1814 but I don’t think members of his unit were involved in the Battle of Chippawa. If it was Hugh Rose who had been wounded, such a fact does not appear in other documents, including his wife’s attestation to Hugh Rose’s claim for 1812-1815 losses (11 June 1824). The account of Hugh being taken prisoner during the Battle of Lundy’s Lane and held for 8 months was included, but there was no mention of his being wounded in any action. Daniel’s remaining son James (b. 1798) could not formally join a unit because of his age. But, since his brothers Lewis, Alexander, and Peter were involved in that action, it is possible James may have been active in a supporting role and was injured during the battle. In any event, if either of Hugh, William, Lewis, Peter, or James had been wounded at Chippawa, it was not a debilitating injury like Alexander’s.
Daniel Rose is my Loyalist ancestor. His youngest son James was one of my g-g grandfathers.
— Submitted by Stephen Bowley, UE
Lemuel Scott
At the time of the War of 1812-14, Lemuel Scott, son of Loyalist Daniel Scott formerly of Rupert Vermont, was thirty-two years of age, a private in Innis Pell’s Company, of the 4th Battalion of the Eastern Townships. This unit was temporarily under the command of Major Joseph Powell and was stationed at St. Armand. On 12 October 1812, Americans under Col. Clark raided Philipsburg QC, captured eighty-six of the battalion boys, and marched them off t o St. Albans. From St. Albans the prisoners were taken first to Greenbush and later to Burlington, Vermont where they were confined under very unsanitary conditions and given little to eat. Their fare consisted of bread and water and occasionally a bit of maggoty meat was thrown in. At one point during his captivity, the prisoners were housed in a barn. The American sentry on duty took exception to the barking of a dog that was also in the barn, so he took his gun and fired randomly from the door. Fortunately he missed those inside.
During Lemuel’s imprisonment, his wife Keziah, with Pliney, (Lemuel’s youngest brother) rode on horseback to Burlington. In her arms she was carrying baby daughter Roxanna, born 12 March 1813. After the visit which in the summer of 1814, Keziah returned home, carded wool, spun yarn, and wove enough cloth to make Lemuel a suit of clothes and an overcoat.
During the winter of 1814-15 Keziah and Lemuel’s mother (nee Lois Hurd) with a French boy driving the horse and sled onto which a box had been fastened for a body, with bed quilts for robes, they again visited Lemuel at Burlington. They brought with them both clothes and food. Soon after the second visit prisoners were exchanged and Lemuel returned home to his family.
— Submitted by Margaret Carter
Dayle (Daniel) Selleck and sons John & Ira
Daniel Selleck UEL (Dayle aka Deodate, Data, Datie, Daily, David, Daniel)
1101: Claim of Dayle SELICK (sic), late of Manchester, Vermont. Claimant says he was at Isle aux Noix in the fall of 1783. Is a national of America. Lived in Connecticut, when Rebellion broke out. Join the British Army in 1777. Served all the war in different Regiments. Produces his discharge from Jessup’s Regiment. Lives at Oswegatchie. Had 100 acres of land in Hubbardton, Vermont, given him by his father in 1777. It was new land. Claimant had done nothing. His father went up from Connecticut to get lands in Vermont after troubles began. His father bought a large quantity. Gave Claimant 100 acres. His father is still in Hubbardton, Vermont. Claimant had not been to live in Hubbardton, Vermont, but resided at Manchester, Vermont, after he came up from Connecticut. There was some rum of his father’s which was taken away. Claimant says his father gave it to him, one heifer, two sheep, which had been his father’s. He and his father had a place to work upon, where they had planted a crop.Source:
“Second Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario,” by Alexander FRASER, Provincial Archivist, 1904. Printed by Order of The Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Toronto: L.K.CAMERON, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1905.
1812, July 25-October 24 inclusive:-
Source: Microfilms T-10381, T-10382, North York Public Library, Younge St., Toronto;
Captain Abraham BOLTON’s Company,1ST Regiment, Grenville Militia;
Pay List for duty performed at various periods;
Private Daniel (sic) SELLECK.Daniel had sons John and Ira, who were both born in Grenville County and all stayed in Grenville County, Upper Canada after the war.
John Adam Selleck SUE
Source; Microfilm T-10381, T-10382;
North York Public Library, Younge St., Toronto.
Leeds and Grenville, War of 1812-1814 Pay list Rolls.
1812; Capt Peter GRANT’s Company, 1ST Regiment Grenville Militia;
Pay list for Duty Performed, September 25, 1812-December 24, 1812;
1813; Capt Daniel BURRITT, Dundas 1ST and 2ND Regiment of Grenville Sedentary Militia;
Pay list for Duty Performed, September 25, 1813-December 24, 1813 inclusive;
Private John SELLECK.John lived all his life in Grenville County and he and his wife, Margaret, are buried in Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario.
John is my ggg grandfather. His wife Margaret is a DUE, her father, Abraham Parnell, UEL, born in North Carolina, settled in Nova Scotia after the Revolution and then relocated to Grenville County, Upper Canada.
Ira Selleck SUE
Private Ira SELLECK, veteran, war of 1812. Grenville Militia Ontario, living in Prescott, Ontario.
Source:- Canadian Veterans of 1812 by Eric Jonasson, p.56.Source:- History of Leeds and Grenville. Ontario from 1749-1879 by Thad. W.H. Leavitt. Page 41.
Statement, Showing the Names of all Veterans Who Have Proved Their Right to Partake in the Grant of $50,000.
Voted by Parliament in Favour of the Militiamen of 1812-15; Leeds and Grenville.
Private Ira SELLICK (sic), Prescott.1815; Private Ira SELLECK; Event, Living; Province, Upper Canada (Ontario): Comments, Grenville Militia;
Source:- Eric Jonasson, Canadian Veterans of the War of 1812, Wheatfield Press, Winnipeg, 1981.1818, June 19; Nominal Return of Captain Abraham BOLTON’s Company’s Regiment, Grenville Militia,
Private Ira SELLICK (sic).Ira and his wife Eliza moved in 1840 to Ogdensburg, NY, then to Wisconsin where they both died and are buried, Ira in 1883 and Eliza in 1875.
— Submitted by Donald Wood and Glenda Selleck, UE
The Shavers of Ancaster
The Shaver family originated in the Rhine land area of Germany of whom John 1739-1795 became the progeniter of the Shavers of Ancaster. They landed on October 31, 1765 in the Schooner “Betsy” at Philadelphia. When the revolutionary war broke out John enlisted in the Royal Regiment of New York to fight on the side of the British. He later transferred to the Butler’s Rangers.
About 1783 his family, with his second wife Magdalena and his children, moved to Upper Canada, finally settling in Ancaster about 1789 on Lot 50/2. John had at least 10 children, 3 by his first wife, name unknown, the remaining children by Magdalena. Two of John’s children, John 1769-1852 (never married) and his brother William 1772-1830 who is generally considered the founder of the Shaver clan of Ancaster, served in the war of 1812, being on the muster of Captain William Bates of the 2nd Regiment, York Militia.
Tradition has it that John was shot in the hip while carrying messages from the frontier up the Niagara Peninsula. It is stated that he was in the saddle 18 hours before he was relieved and during that time his boot was full of blood from the wound. Both John and his brother William are buried in the Shaver Family Cemetery in Ancaster. Their father John 1739-1795 along with his wife Magdalena are buried in the Bethesda Cemetery, Bethesda United Church, Ancaster.
From time to time, this Shaver family have produced many outstanding personages who have held positions of trust and responsibility,namely successful farmers, merchants, doctors, lawyers, ministers and politicians, and we must not forget the Shaver women.
(Some excerpts were taken from Reminisces: History and Genealogy of the Shavers of Ancaster, ed. Heather L. Lord.)
— Submitted by Peter Allan Shaver, UE, Smithville, Ontario
Capt. Aeneas Shaw
My Loyalist ancestor was Capt. Aeneas Shaw (1739-1814), and later, Maj. General The Hon. Aeneas Shaw. Born the 2nd son of the 14th chief of The Highland Clan Shaw, Shaw immigrated to Newtown, Long Island N.Y. in 1770 after many years in the British army. At 30 years of age he found a quiet corner of the New World to farm. Six years later the front lines of the War of Independence landed 6 kilometres from his farm. To defend the crown and his land he joined the Queen’s Rangers in 1776 under Richard Rogers and in 1777, Maj.John Graves Simcoe would take command of the Rangers, moulding them into the finest loyalist unit in the war. Their list of achievements, commendations and exploits fill an entire book, Simcoe’s Military Journal. Capt. Shaw was in the Highland Company, wounded 3 times and in 1779 he recruited and trained the Ranger’s first rifle company which showed great courage at Elizabethtown, New Jersey and saw action in the Southern Campaign.
“On the 25th of December 1782, his Majesty was graciously pleased to make the Rangers rank universally permanent which they had hitherto only held in the scene of action, America: the Queen’s Rangers, cavalry and infantry, were honourably enrolled in the British Army.” Three hundred and twenty men of the Queen’s Rangers 1st American Regiment ended the war at Yorktown, Va. They sailed to New York and in 1783 Capt. Shaw, his new wife Ann, son John and most of his troop sailed on the fall fleet to Canada.
Capt. Shaw settled in Nashwaak, New Brunswick, raised a family of 7 and then in 1792 he accepted the new Lt.Gov. of Upper Canada, John Graves Simcoe’s offer to rejoin the Rangers and come to Upper Canada. Capt. Shaw, Capt. McGill and a dozen troops travelled overland in 19 days from New Brunswick to Quebec in the winter to meet Simcoe as detailed in Mrs. Simcoe’s diary. The following spring his wife Ann and children joined him. On July 20th 1793, 100 Rangers – Capt. Shaw commanding left Newark (Niagara) to begin construction of Fort York.
Simcoe described Capt. Shaw as
“a man of Education, Ability and Loyalty, one of those Gentlemen most likely to effect a permanent Landed Establishment in this Country. He has a perfect knowledge of Infant Settlements, having with his own hands worked hard for some years to form one in Nova Scotia. He has strong claims upon the Government.”
Capt. Shaw was a member of Legislative council 1794-1807 Lt. Col. Shaw commanded the Queens Rangers from 1799 till their disbandment in 1802.In 1807 he was made Adjutant General of the Militia of Upper Canada and promoted to General in 1811. Responsible for the arming and training of the militia, Shaw’s preparations were tested with the coming of the War of 1812. Maj. General Shaw retired due to ill health in January 1814 and died 3 weeks later on Feb, 6th and was buried at St. James Cathedral. His funeral was reported to have been attended by over 3000 troops and his casket carried on the shoulders of 6 Grenadiers down Queen St. to St. James.
His sons John and Aeneas were nominated by General Brock for the Glengarrys. John, Captain and Aeneas, Ensign. Lt. John Shaw had been with the 49th since 1804 and died in Montreal in 1812 while on dispatch duty. Lt. Aeneas was previously with Nova Scotia Fencibles, saw action at Ft. George, siege of Ft. Erie and Lundy’s Lane with the GLI. Their young brother Richard was a gentleman volunteer in the 2nd company York Militia and was wounded at Queenstown while being led up the heights by General Brock.
Maj. General Shaw’s great grandson Lt. Col George Alexander Shaw UE was a prominent founding member of the The United Empire Loyalists’ of Ontario in the 19th century. They would form the Toronto Branch of the United Empire Loyalists Assoc of Canada and Col. George Shaw was one of 3 Toronto members to travel to Ottawa in 1914 to sign the Dominion charter on behalf of Toronto Branch.
— Submitted by Richard Shaw, UE
Loyalist John Smith and Son Samuel
My Loyalist Ancestor is “Little John Smith” who was born at Ludgate Hill, London, England Nov. 13, 1747 – Aug. 4, 1846. He was known as “Little John” because there were two John Smiths that came north together at the same time.
The Smith family left England for Bohemia, then to London, and from there to America to escape religious persecution settling in Sussex County, New Jersey where he was a Magistrate. They came to Canada by way of Michigan with the first United Empire Loyalist families, 46 in all to settle in Upper Canada in 1787. John Smith first settled in Grimsby, and then in 1789 he settled in Ancaster. John Smith married March 10, 1772 Anna Roy daughter of Stephen and Annie Roy his second wife April 13, 1752 – Sept. 8, 1830. Together they had 8 boys & 1 girl.
John received a total of 1600 Acres, lots 47 concession 5, lots 46, & 47 concession 4 and lot 16 concessions 1 & 2 in Grimsby, Ontario.
At the time John immigrated to Ontario there were only 4 or 5 huts along the Indian Trail, from Niagara to Ancaster. There was but 1 hut at Hamilton and 1 or 2 at Brantford. As they passed they were sometimes forced to cut a road through the dense forest. John “took up” 200 acres of land apiece for each of his sons.
October 28, 17?? John had a Frolic in which they did a Barn-raising and everyone was there.
In 1789 “Little John” Smith sold his farm on Main Street West that extended from Lake Ontario to the escarpment in Grimsby for 40 pounds to Jonathan Woolverton and moved the family to Ancaster, settling on lot 46 con.4 next to John Book.
He served in the “5th Lincoln, 1st Regiment with Peter Bowman. On their way to Canada 2 children, Abraham & William were carried in baskets on a horse’s back. He sold this for 40 New York Currency and 5 natural apple trees & 1 spotted cow for good measure. He owned a large farm west of The Forty. He served on the Grimsby Town Council. In July 10, 1801 in the Hamilton Crown Grant Book he received Lots 46 & 47 Con.4 and North 1/4 50 acres Lot 47 Con.5 in Ancaster, Ontario. A descendent Harland Smith has the Grandfathers Clock that John Smith brought with him.
John and Anna are both buried in the Bowman Cemetery, Ancaster, Ontario which has been plaqued as a Loyalist Cemetery for John and others!
Son Benjamin married Nancy Ann Gordon daughter of Loyalist Peter Gordon and Mary Pettit. They built their log cabin on lot 48 con. 4 and raised 13 children. Benjamin wrote a day to day diary of Ancaster Life from June 1799 until his death in 1851 at the age of 78. This Diary was presented to the Ontario Archives for preservation by his father. Benjamin and Nancy are also buried in the Bowman Cemetery, Ancaster, Ontario.
Son Stephen married Mary Ann Silverthorn daughter of Thomas Silverthorn and Rachel Huff. They are buried in the Bowman Cemetery, Ancaster, Ontario.
Son Abraham married Mary Spear.
Son William Albert married Charity Smith daughter of Loyalist Jacob Lewis Smith and Hannah Hagle. They are buried at Garner’s Corner Cemetery, Ancaster, Ontario across from their farm.
Son Isaac married Abigail Queen both buried at Oakland Pioneer Cemetery, Brant, Ontario.
Son James buried at Bowman Cemetery, Ancaster, Ontario.
Son Samuel married Sarah Holmes daughter of Hugh Holmes.
Samuel Smith was the Paul Revere of Canada
Samuel joined Captain Williams Company of the 49th British Regulars a Canadian militia group during the war of 1812, where the first of his many exploits was recorded. He was on guard duty for his unit at the Battle of Queenston Heights, when the Americans attempted a sneak attack at 4 am on a cold and rainy morning of October 13, 1812. Samuel, at the time, a 17 ½ years-old sentry, spotted the Americans massing for the attack. He sounded the alarm that led to the Canadians repulsing the attack. There were approximately 6000 Americans and only about 1000 Canadian soldiers in this battle. Because of being alerted early enough, the Canadian contingents were able to turn back the attack which was attempting to cross the Niagara River at Queenston Heights. The account of the battle is recorded in the diary of Lt. John Robinson. When the battle ended, some 1400 Americans had been killed, wounded or captured. The Canadians lost 96 men including the legendary General Brock who was killed in a gallant but impetuous charge.
Samuel Smith’s military service brought him in touch with Mahlon Burwell, an engineer and Surveyor. Samuel became an engineer, and over time surveyed Euphemia Township, as well as Kent and Lambton Counties among others. Smith, who was born in Ancaster, moved to Lambton after that, becoming a well known explorer, surveyor, businessman and politician. He was responsible for laying roads, right-of-ways, lots and concessions throughout Sombra, Euphemia, Brooke and Bosanquet Townships. This was often dangerous, gruelling work. “This area was total wilderness back then.” Later, he went into politics, representing Euphemia Township on a regional body that pre-dated Lambton County Council.
He and his wife Sarah Holmes made their home on Lot 27 Concession 4 where there was a small water fall on the Sydenham River. They acquired more land and built mills that were powered by the falls. He built a grist mill, a sawmill, and a turning mill.
Today he rests in a small Euphemia Township cemetery on his property, where the inscription on his tombstone notes he was the man who sounded the alarm at Queenston Heights.
— Submitted by 4th Great Grand Niece Marilyn Hardsand, UE.
Dr. James Stuart and Son Henry
Dr. James Stuart, gives claim in Montreal, February 8th, 1788 before Commissioner Dundas “appointed by Act of Parliment of Enquire into the Life’s and Services of all such persons who have suffered in their Rights, Properties & Provisions.” In his sworn statement, Dr. James Stuart says he was Surgeon’s Mate to Sir John Johnson’s 1st Batalion from 1777 to 1783 (KRRNY). He is a native of Scotland and came to America in July, 1774 where he purchased 100 acres of land in Ulster County, New York. Says he had 4 horses, a yoke of oxen, 2 heifers, 2 steers. The rebels took his livestock, farming utensils, books & surgical instruments. James Stuart/Stewart is listed as a participant in The Schoharie Uprising with John McDonell (Scotus) and Adam Crysler August 7 – 13, 1777 (pg. 204, The British Campaign of 1777, The St. Leger Expedition, by Watt & Morrison). In the same text, the historian Monroe noted that James Stuart/Stewart’s eldest son, John, was taken prisoner in 1777. This eldest son and one of his brothers (George or Henry) fled to New York City and did duty in the Waggon Master’s General Service until the war ended (John later settled in Nova Scotia).
Dr. James Stuart and his wife, Jean Grant had 4 sons and 2 daughters all born in the Speyside area of the highlands in Scotland; John b. 1753, Elspet b. 1757, Mary b. 1759, George b. 1764, Henry b. 1766, Gilbert b. 1769. After the Revolutionary War they settled on 900 acres of land granted to them by the British Crown for their loyality and military service (Osnabrook Township, Stormont County, Ontario). Dr. Stuart later lived in Cornwall and practiced as the town doctor until his death in 1804 (The Stuart House has been preserved by the “The Lost Villages Historical Society”). His son Henry, and my direct ancestor, was listed as a Lieutenant in the Second Stormont Militia in 1823 and later a Captain in the same regiment in 1828 (Men of Upper Canada: Militia Nominal Rolls, 1828 -1829 compiled by Elliott, Walker, Stratford-Devai for the Ontario Genealogical Society, 1995). Henry married, Eleanor McLeod, who was the daughter of a Loyalist, William McLeod of Charlottenburg, Sergeant of the KRRNY.
Henry Stuart, did serve during the War of 1812 (ref. Officers of the British forces in Canada during the War of 1812 – 15, Canadian Military Institute, by L. H. Irving, Act of Parliament, 1908). He enlisted on June 6, 1809 in the Upper Canada Militia as Ensign (refers to a junior ranked, Commission Officer now equivalent to Second Lieutenant). He served in the 1st Regiment of Stormont Militia – Flank Company seeing active duty at Ogdensburg, February 22, 1813, Hoople’s Creek, November 10, 1813, Chrysler’s Farm, November 11, 1813, Salmon River, February 19, 20, 1814. He was ofter referred to as ‘Captain Harry’ in family records. Unfortunately, the location and date of his death is unclear.
— Submitted by Elizabeth Stuart, UE, British Columbia, Canada (Eleanor McLeod/Stuart and Henry Stuart are my fourth great-grandparents)
Latham Stull
Latham Stull UE was born February 15, 1749/50 in Schoharie, Albany Co., New York Province. He died June 09, 1845 in Georgetown, Esquesing Township, Halton Co., Canada West
Latham enrolled as a captain in served as captain in the Third Lincoln Militia Regiment on June 4, 1811, despite being 61 years of age, and technically beyond the upper cut off date for mandatory militia service.
Latham’s second Son, Adam “of Grantham” Stull served as a private in the Second Flank Company of the First Lincoln Regiment during the War of 1812. But there is mo information for the eldest brother Jacob, nor the third son George, who most likely served, given their ages. Records are often incomplete.
Latham Stull was a devoted Lutheran both in Schoharie New York and here. In 1795 a church, shared by various Protestant denominations, was built on Queenston Road, a little to the east of Ten Mile Creek on land owned by William Read. It was shared by Lutherans, Presbyterians and Anglicans (possibly Methodists, but the records are unclear about that). Latham was a member of the Lutheran congregation. However, as with many Lutherans in Niagara he was by necessity compelled to switch to Anglicanism when the shared non-denominational (but Protestant) church at the Upper Ten (Homer now eastern central St. Catharines), along with the shared non-denominational (but Protestant) church at St. Catharines 3 miles west were scooped up by the Anglicans (I say this with no bitterness, as I am an Anglican, but it was still scandalous). Annoyed but undeterred, Lutherans lobbied for the establishment of the first designated Lutheran parish in Niagara, commonly known today as “The Old German” Lutheran Church in Thorold. Ironically, the congregation was unable to convince a Lutheran clergyman to come and be their permanent pastor and eventually became Anglican as well. The church is St. John the Evangelist’s Church, Thorold.
Wiliam Read, who owned the land on which the non-denominational church and burying ground at the Upper Ten was located, in 1799 deeded it to the Church of England (Anglican) and it became the “Episcopal Congregation at the Upper Ten.” thereby Many Lutherans found the Episcopal [Anglican] liturgy similar enough to their own that they stayed on. Latham Stull, for instance, who spent the first 5 decades of his life in Lutheran congregations, became a church warden in the new Episcopal Church that year. (Lincoln County 1856-1956, ed. R. Janet Powell published by The Lincoln County Council: Beamsville, Ont., 1956).
As an aside about the Upper Ten: The community was called The Upper Ten to distinguish it from the one along the Lake Ontario shoreline the mouth of the Creek, known as The Lower Ten (now Port Weller, St. Catharines). The Upper Ten spread along the Queenston Rd. for about a mile on either side of the Creek. With the arrival of a post office in 1859 it was classically renamed Homer. It has since been subsumed into the city of St. Catharines and exists only as the name of a bridge over the Welland Canal and as a cemetery, where the church once stood.
— Submitted by John C. Haynes, UE, Col. Butler Branch
Isaac Swayze and Nephew Caleb
The Swayze family were early immigrants to America. John Swayze Sr. and his sons John Jr. and Joseph were in Salem Mass. by 1629. They moved to Southold Long Island. John Swayze Jr. 1619-1692 and his wife Katherine King had a large family. Their son Joseph 1652-1717 married Mary Betts. In turn, their son Samuel Swayze 1689-1759 and his wife Penelope Horton 1690-1746 moved to Chester N. J. in 1737 and had a large family including son Caleb Swayze 1722-1794.
Caleb’s sons Caleb Jr. 1746-1782 and Isaac 1751-1828 had many adventures during the Revolutionary War. They were associated with James Moody. The Swayze brothers were involved in conveying intelligence to the British headquarters in New York and delivering horses stolen from the rebels. On the return trip to New Jersey they broughtback quantities of counterfeit congress money. This contributed to the collapse of the American economy in 1780-81. A newspaper notice 20 Sept. 1780 offered five thousand dollars reward for their capture. In 1782 Caleb Jr. was shot by the Americans at Bottle Hill, near the Great Swamp.
On one occasion Isaac was captured and put in jail. His wife visited him, they exchanged clothing, and Isaac walked out dressed as a woman. Another time he was pursued by the Americans but managed to get home. They pulled up some floor boards in the barn and Isaac lay down under the floor. They piled some straw on top and a young brother Benjamin Swayze lay down on the straw wrapped in a blanket. The Americans trailed Isaac to the barn, saw the sleeping figure and shot young Benjamin to death. Realizing their mistake they waited for Isaac to come. He had to lie under the floor all night with the blood of his brother dripping down on him.
Eventually Isaac came to Canada and settled at Niagara. He was a member of the first Legislative Council of Upper Canada. Isaac Swayze was a Captain in the Lincoln Militia and fought at Queenston Heights. He drove the wagon that conveyed the body of General Sir. Isaac Brock from Queenston to Fort George.
Caleb Jr.’s sons Caleb, Richard and Samuel came to their Uncle Isaac at Niagara and petitioned for land as sons of a Loyalist. They settled at Beaverdams in Thorold Township. Caleb III 1772-1858 served in the Lincoln Militia at the Battle of Chippawa.
— Submitted by John Allan
Sons of Cornelius Thompson
My UEL ancestor Cornelius Thompson (1756-1814) fought in the Revolutionary War with the New Jersey Volunteers, Lieutenant, 2nd Battalion. He and Rebecca then settled in Kingsclear, New Brunswick, where they raised seven children. When the sons reached early manhood in 1809, he moved the family to Ontario, never dreaming that he would be fighting in another war for the British.
The family settled in Grantham Township, Lincoln County, between St. Catharine’s and Niagara on the Lake, not far from the original Welland Canal.
Few Canadian families took a more active part or suffered more during the war of 1812-14 than did the Thompsons of Grantham. Cornelius was 57 years of age when the war began. He was in very poor health and exempt from military service. All other adult males were required to go to Niagara town to take the oath of allegiance. While ineligible for combat, Cornelius did all he could to assist in preparing the country for defense in his area and supporting it during the battles.
All four sons enlisted in 1812. William (1786-1860) was 26 and a Captain in the 2nd York Regiment, in the Company of Capt. James FitzGibbon.
Augustus (1788-?) was 24 and in Capt. John McEwan’s flank in the 1st Lincoln, and later served in the 49th Regiment.
Frederick (1790-1822) was 22 and was in Capt. James Crooks flank in the 1st Lincoln.
Oliver (1797-1813) was 15 and in the Company of Capt. Andrew Heron of the 1st Lincoln.
Both flank Companies were engaged in the action of 13 of October, 1812, at Queenston Heights. Augustus Thompson was present as a volunteer attached to the 49th and with his fellow volunteers, Shaw and Jarvis, won Mention in Dispatches in their first action. Major-General Sheaffe, in his dispatch to Governor Prevost, said; “Volunteers Shaw, Thompson, and Jarvis, attached to the flank companies of the 49th Regiment, conducted themselves with great spirit, the first having been wounded and the last having been taken prisoner. I beg to recommend these young men to your Excellency’s notice.” Their names appear in the General Orders on October 21st.
The campaign of 1812 closed without scathe to any of the four Thompsons, while their military experience and standing had advanced. Their sisters were not less interested in the war–and warriors–than the brothers. Mary, who was in her 19th year, was to cherish, until old age, the memory of having been a dancing partner of the lamented Brock. She later married John Campbell Garden, son of UEL William Garden, a second connection of the two families. Amelia, eldest of the sisters, had lost her heart to a dare-devil Irish subaltern of Brock’s old Regiment (Lt. Alexander Garrett), whom she married in 1813.
The campaign of 1813 in the Niagara peninsula opened with the disastrous battle of Fort George, on May 27th, in which the 1st Lincoln was engaged and its flank companies were badly cut up. The retirement of the British forces to Burlington followed; the victorious invading force swept the length of the peninsula, and members of the Thompson family who remained in their home in Grantham, like many another old Loyalist family, found themselves at the mercy of their ancient enemies. Soon a more personal sorrow deepened for them the bitterness of defeat. On June 4th, young Oliver Thompson, in his 16th year, died from exposure and disease sustained while on military duty.
Foremost among the British advanced parties was the troop of Provincial Dragoons commanded by Capt. William Merritt, and one of his men was Frederick Thompson. The families were neighbors. On the evening of July 18th, 1814, this little unit, out on a reconnoitering expedition, was ambushed “on the hill next St. David’s” by a body of the enemy estimated to be two hundred strong, who poured in two volleys at pistol range but with such poor aim that only one man of Merritt’s troop was hit–Thompson. His wound was severe and he, with one companion, named Woodruff, fell into the enemy’s hands. Thompson was released on parole, probably because the enemy did not wish to be burdened with a wounded prisoner, and he was so badly hurt as to be unfit for further service during the war.
The neighborhood of St. David’s had been the scene of numerous skirmishes and of mishaps to the US forces during the campaigns of 1813 and 1814, and the inhabitants of the place by their unquenchable and militant loyalty had earned bitter resentment of the invaders. The skirmish of the 18th of July seemed the last straw, for on the 19th, their volunteers came again, in force, and burned the whole village, with its mills. This cruel proceeding, heartily condemned by the US regular army, served but to stimulate the Canadian militiamen to greater exertions for the defense of their country.
On that same day, the British field force advanced to “the Ten” and about 30 active and resolute spirits, nine of them being officers, volunteered to form a new corps of observation, to scout upon the enemy’s flanks and restrict the movements of detachments at any distance from his main body. Capt. James FitzGibbon was in command and the party included Capt. William Thompson and Ensign Augustus Thompson., the latter being detached from duty with his regiment at Fort Mississauga. The service was recognized to be a most dangerous one, but no-one anticipated the speedy fate that awaited the little band.
On July 22, a detachment of FitzGibbon’s men sailed from “theTen” to Queenston and down the river road in rear of the US army, then lying before Fort George. Discovered and pursued, they had a running fight back through Queenston, losing their rear guard to the enemy’s cavalry. At St. David’s, FitzGibbon and several fresh men met the fugitives and the united party turned at bay and held the position against their pursuers for two hours. Capt. Thompson with 12 men formed the right flank. The enemy having apparently abandoned the contest, the Canadian scouts continued their retirement towards “the Ten”.
Stopping for a meal at John Collard’s house, the party encountered a surprise attack. Thompson and two others rushed upstairs with muskets and fired out of the windows, killing a dragoon and several horses, while the others were forced to yield. Enraged by the firing from above, the enemy disposed to seek revenge, but were stopped by the pleadings of Mrs. Frances Lowell, a victim and widow of recent ravages at St. Davids, seeking refuge at the Collard house. She prevailed upon the enemy to accept the surrender of the three officers in the attic as prisoners of war. The captors severely abused their prisoners who included Thompson and his brother. The house was then burned, and FitzGibbon’s little corps was reduced from thirty to eleven men.
Of the four Thompson brothers who had been in the Canadian forces at the outbreak of the war, not one now remained on service. Oliver was dead, Frederick disabled, and William and Augustus were prisoners. When the news of the misfortunes of the latter three reached their father, his sorrow was more than his weakened state could sustain, and on August 7th, 1814, he died.
Before Cornelius died, Lundy’s Lane had been fought, where William Merritt and others became prisoners of war. In the internment quarters at Cheshire, NY, Merritt found, among other prisoners, the two Thompsons, and there they remained until the treaty of peace brought about their release in 1815. Cornelius’s widow’s petition of 1818 for relief and compensation was not realized.
William Thompson went on to become MP for West York, Upper Canada.
— Submitted by B. Purin – adapted from E. Green’s “A Little Study in Loyalist Genealogy: The Thomsons of Perthshire,” Ont. Historical Soc., 1934.
James Umphrey (Humphrey) and sons Samuel and James Jr.
Records show that James Umphrey and his sons Samuel and James served with the Grenville Militia during the War of 1812. James Sr. was also a United Empire Loyalist who fought in the Jessup’s Rangers during the American Revolution. He was my 5th great grandfather and Samuel my 4th.
James Umphrey Sr. was a Sergeant and his two sons were Privates in the First Regiment of the Grenville Militia.
The Umphrey family settled at the close of the American Revolution in Township No. 6, Edwardsburg, where men of Jessup’s Rangers were given land.
James Sr.’s date of death is unknown however he appears in the census of 1800 for Edwardsburg Township.James Jr. married Mary McDougall. He died August 26, 1862 at age of 83 and both he and his wife are buried in the Presbyterian Churchyard Cemetery at Cardinal, Leeds and Grenville United Counties, Ontario where there is a headstone.
Samuel married Lucinda Woolery. He died on August 28, 1862, aged 73, and was buried with his wife in the St. John Cemetery at Sunderland, Durham Regional Municipality near where they had resided together.
Census of Edwardsburg Township, 1800.
Muster Roll of Jessup’s Rangers, 1 May 1781.
Return of Disbanded Troops and Loyalists settled in Township No. 6 (Edwardsburg). Mustered this 13 day of October, 1784,(Canadian Archives, series B. 168, p. 90).
War of 1812: Upper Canada Returns, Nominal Rolls and Paylists, RG 9 1B7 , Vol. 6, Public Archives, Canada.
— Submitted by Brian McConnell, UE.
Isaac Vollick (Van Valkenburg)
Isaac Vollick UEL, discharged 24 February 1783 by Lieutenant Colonel Butler’s Corps of Rangers, was with Sir John Johnson’s “Bart Brigade” and was among the first 9 to join Butler’s Rangers of their own accord..
Isaac was a Loyalist who fought in the Butler’s Rangers in the American Revolution. It was during this time period that his Surname was changed from Van Valkenburg to Valk resulting in a phonetic spelling Vollick or Follick . As far as is known it is Isaac Vollick that all Vollick Follick Families in Ontario descend from.
On 21 July 1784, a List of Subscribers was sent to Haldimand. Isaac Vollick’s name is on this list, along with those of his wife and 6 children. By 24 June 1784, the troops were disbanded, and victualling lists were to be kept. Isaac Vollock, his wife and 5 children, Derrick Hayner, wife [Hannah Vollock] and 2 children, Benjamin Crumb [who later married Sarah Vollock], Christian Bradt and wife [Elizabeth Vollick], and Adrian Bradt and wife [Sophia Vollick] are all listed as victualled at Niagara of Murray’s District, 14 December 1786. Murray’s District is believed to be the area now known as St. Catharines, including Grantham and Louth Townships.
His one son Cornelius Vollick married Eve Larroway daughter of Jonas Larroway UEL. During war of 1812 Cornelius (son of Isaac Van Valkenburg UEL) and Cornelius’ sons Isaac and Jonas joined; all three fought at Lundy’s Lane .1812 Militia lists show the Vollock’s in Lawe Company of the 1st Lincoln Regiment – Cornelius aged 37 in 1812, present at battle off Lundy’s Lane ; Isaac, resident of Louth also at Lundy’s Lane; James in company in1813 , Jonas in Company in 1814.
I was able to place plaques in 2013 for both Isaac & Jonas Vollick being Veterans of the war of 1812. Jonas Vollick is my 3rd great grandfather and a grandson of UEL Isaac Van Valkenburg / Isaac Vollick).
I am a UE descendant of both my 5x Great Grandfathers Isaac Van Valkenburg & Jonas Larroway.
1. “Honouring Jonas Vollick.”
2. War of 1812 Gravestone Project.
3. Photos of the Grave Marker for Jonas Vollick.
— Submitted by Stephen Vollick, UE.
Eberhardt Waeger and Grandson Thomas Wager
Thomas Wager, grandson of Loyalist Eberhardt Waeger served as a Private in a Flank Company of the Militia; the 1st Lennox. He was stationed at Fort Henry. There is no evidence that this company saw action. (Source: Soldiers of the King; The Upper Canadian Militia, 1812-1815, by William Gray, Stoddart, 1995).
Thomas Wager’s grandfather Eberhardt Waeger (Wager, Wagar) came to America from Germany with his parents in 1738 when he was six years old. After a terrifying sea voyage Eberhardt grows up amid internecine chaos in the lower Hudson River valley at Rhinebeck New York. At age 28 he leases 200 acres of land on the Rennsylaer Estate. In 1777 he is uprooted by the American rebellion against British rule and joins a Provincial Regiment, Pfister’s Loyal Volunteers. Surviving the battles of Bennington and Saratoga he escapes to Canada and spends the rest of the war with various regiments garrisoned in the St Lawrence valley. At Cataraqui he is re-united with his oldest son and after the war Eberhardt is given a grant of land in Fredericksburg; the former site of an ancient Cayuga village and French mission, Ganneious. Here, Thomas was born in 1791. In 1813 he married Mary Huffman, daughter of Jacob Huffman and Margaret Embury.
For the story of Eberhardt Waeger, his war service and his European roots, see Road to Ganneious, by Gerald Richardson Brown (Conundrum press: Greenwich, N.S., 2012).
— Submitted by Gerald Brown UE
Francis Weaver and sons
Francis Weaver was born 10 Nov 1760 in what was then Hellenberg, New York. He’s said to be the Tory soldier captured at Normanskill 16 Aug 1777. He was later a private in the 3rd Regiment of Militia with Butler’s Rangers. In 1778 and 1783 he was listed as a Butler’s Ranger in the Companies of Capt John McDonell and Capt George Dame’s Company respectively. Francis received a Loyalist land grant in the Niagara region. His wife Elizabeth also received land as daughter of another Loyalist, Peter Alcombrack / Auchampaugh.
In the War of 1812, although in his 50’s, he enlisted in the First Regiment Lincoln Militia. His service this time was short, as he was wounded 24 Oct 1812 and died of disease 15 Nov 1814. His widow was admitted as a Militia pensioner. Their sons Peter, Baltus and John also fought in the militia in the 1812 war.
• Loyalists in Ontario;
• Alan Holden’s War of 1812 Personnel List;
• Weaver Families of the Mohawk and St Lawrence River Valleys (Aline Weaver Nicolls, 1987);
• Loyalist land grant petitions;
• Lincoln Militia – War of 1818 (Hemmings);
• Roster of Butler’s Rangers (de Peyster 1892);
• Pay Rolls of Butler’s Rangers 1777-1778, 1783;
• Widows admitted as militia Pensioners – War of 1812 (LAC);
• Haldimand Papers, B105, p.357— Submitted by Bob Weaver
Antonie Westbrook and sons John and Hagge
Brant’s Volunteers was an irregular corps which fought on the British side in the Province of New York. The corps was raised in spring of 1777 during the American Revolutionary War by Joseph Brant. Its initial size was about one hundred men consisting of one-fifth Mohawk and the rest New York Loyalists. The Loyalists were mostly of English, Scottish or Irish descent but all were drawn from New York. They wore a piece of yellow lace on their hats as identification.
Though Joseph himself received a Captain’s commission in the Six Nations Indian Dept., Brant’s Volunteers were Associators: they were unpaid by the British and relied upon plunder (and Joseph’s credit) for their compensation. Eventually, Frederick Haldimand authorized provisioning, but no money. Since their unit had no official recognition, many members transferred to Butler’s Rangers and the King’s Royal Regiment of New York. Brant’s Volunteers grew to at least three hundred men. Later in the war, Brant was able to attract a larger number of Indians to his unit.
They were at the Battle of Oriskany (1777), Raid on Cobleskill, Battle of Minisink, Raid on German Flatts, Raid on Springfield (1778) and at many other battles seeing more action than most other units.
Antonie Westbrook (1738-1793) resident of Orange County, N.Y., demonstrated his loyalty to the British Crown very early in the Revolutionary War. As a consequence, his lands were confiscated and in 1778 was forced to flee to the ranks of the British forces, serving under Captain Joseph Brant. Antonie and wife Sarah Decker were parents of six children: Johannis – 1763, Alexander – 1766, Elizabeth – 1768, Johannis (John) – 1770, Aenderis – 1773, and Hagge – 1775. Antonie was born and baptised at the Minisink Church. 1783 Niagara Census shows, listed under Brant’s Volunteers, as “Loyalists under the Indian Department” were Anthony and Sarah Westbrook and their five surviving children.
In The Ontario Register – Census of Niagara, 1783, listed under “Loyalists in the Indian Department”, we find on page 212 (Those in brackets are listed as “in the colonies”):
- Anthony Westbrook – Age 47
- Alexander Westbrook – Age 16
- [Sarah Westbrook] – Age 45
- [John Westbrook] – Age 13
- [Andrew Westbrook] – Age 10
- [Hagiah Westbrook] – Age 8
- [Elizabeth Westbrook]- Age 14
In the year the war began, John and Alexander were sent into the forest to locate stray cattle. Unfortunately, they were captured by a raiding band of Mohawks who carried them to Canada for a lengthy period of time. The family believed they were dead, but they were eventually released to the British in exchange for provisions and were returned to their overjoyed parents. It was John and Alexander who encouraged the family to move to Canada when their lands were taken.
Anthony and his son John first squatted on Lots 43 & 33. Concession 1 in Ancaster. On 29 June, 1793, John and Antonie Westbrook are noted to be settled on reserve lands – the order given to confirm them in possession of their lands “adjoining the west line of Township No. 8 near the road lately laid out from the head of lake, Ontario to the River La Tranche.” Later they purchased large blocks of land from Chief Brant – with whom they remained close friends, and settled along Fairchild’s Creek in present day Brant County. Antonie’s youngest son, Hagge, settled at Malcolm’s Mills near present day Oakland, Brant County.
John served as a captain with the Fifth Lincoln Regiment in the War of 1812, later becoming a Major, and participating in the Battle of Stoney Creek in 1813. Major John later married Elizabeth Gage, daughter of Widow Mary Gage of Battlefield House, Stoney Creek, and niece of Augustus Jones, Land Surveyor.
The Battle of Malcolm’s Mills was a brief skirmish during the War of 1812 in which a force of American cavalry overran and scattered a force of Canadian militia. The battle was fought on November 6, 1814, near the village of Oakland, in Brant County, Ontario. The skirmish was part of a series of battles fought by American Brigadier General Duncan McArthur on an extended raid into Upper Canada.
On November 6, 1814 McArthur’s men encountered a group of 400 Canadian militia drawn from elements of the 1st and 2nd Norfolk, 1st Oxford, and 1st Middlesex regiments. The aim of the Canadian militia was to deflect McArthur’s force back the way they had come, or to keep them busy until reinforcements arrived from Burlington Heights.
Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Bostwick of the Oxford Militia, the Canadians formed a defensive position at Malcolm’s Mills, now the village of Oakland, nine miles (15 km) southwest of Brant’s Ford, and blocked McArthur’s route to the Lake Erie shoreline. The militia were stationed along the crest of a fairly steep slope overlooking a bridge at the bottom of a marshy valley. The planking on the bridge had been taken up, and a barricade was improvised on the road.
The battle at Malcolm’s Mill was the last land battle of the War of 1812 fought in Upper Canada. McArthur’s force continued to the Lake Erie shore, burning and pillaging, then headed north and back to the Thames River before continuing down the Thames and along the southern shore of Lake St. Clair, arriving back at Detroit on November 17, 1814. A small party of the British 19th Light Dragoons, led by Major Peter Chambers, shadowed McArthur’s force for a large part of the return to Detroit, but they met no resistance.
Although McArthur’s forces overpowered and scattered the local militia at Malcolm’s Mills and were able to continue their raiding to Lake Erie, the cavalry lacked the power to push east of the Grand River and eventually retreated to Detroit.
It is believed that the meeting place for the Canadian forces to plan their altercation with the marauding American cavalry was held in the home of Hagge Westbrook, the only building south of the battle line. The Westbrook home is presently being reconstructed at Westfield Heritage Village near Rockton, Ontario, and was featured in their tributes to 1812 War Bicentennial.
Hagge (or Haggai) Westbrook is buried at Oakland in the UEL-plaqued cemetery there.
Major John Westbrook and wife Elizabeth are buried in the Westbrook / Shaver cemetery on the eastern edge of Brantford, Ontario, just south of #2 Highway on Shaver Road.
Sources include
Loyalist Families of the Grand River Branch UEL., p.596 which, in turn, cited:
- 1973 Ancaster Township Historical Society’s Ancaster’s Heritage;
- 1920 F. Douglas Reville’s History of Brant County – Vol. I, p. 253, and
- 1911 Thamesville Herald booklet, Westbrook-Gage Miscellany, a Souvenir of the Westbrook-Gage Reunion, Stoney Creek, Ont., July 1, 1909.
— Submitted by Rev. Charlotte Moore UE, Chaplain, Hamilton Branch
Corporal Peter Wintermute and Son William
William Wintermute (1795-1871) was born in Bertie Township, Ontario and served in the Niagara Light Dragoons during the war of 1812. His father, Peter Wintermute, was a corporal in Mckinnon’s Company, Butler’s Rangers. The Wintermutes made a hasty retreat to Canada with Colonel John Butler after the ‘Wyoming Massacre’ which was fought in front of their stockade (Fort Wintermoot) in July, 1779. The Union flag which flew over their fort on that fateful day (225 rebels were killed with only slight Ranger losses) was brought back to Niagara and eventually stored in the Butler residence in Newark. During the American retreat from Newark, the flag was taken back to the States and today rests in the military museum at West Point. According to some, the burning of Newark to the ground was payback for the Wyoming Massacre. A total of six Wintermute sons served in Butler’s Rangers, one killed in the service, making their family’s manpower contribution one of the largest to this legendary Loyalist fighting force.
Records indicate that during the War of 1812, William Wintermute served in both the First Troop under Captain Alexander Hamilton and in the Second Troop under his brother Lieutenant George Hamilton (who gave his name to Hamilton, Ontario) in Major Thomas Merritt’s militia cavalry. In support of his veteran’s land grant, both Captain Hamilton and Major Thomas Merritt signed off on William’s attestation of service covering June to December 1812 which includes the period of the Dragoons’ battle honours for Queenston Heights. A key element in that victory, was Captain Alexander Hamilton’s installation of a makeshift battery in his parent’s garden overlooking the river at Queenston, stopping the resupply of the invasion in its tracks. As of October 13, 1812 William had not yet celebrated his 18th birthday.
After the war, William was a farmer and a teacher and later in life retired to his comfortable homestead in Humberstone. William was a longtime member of the Third Lincoln Militia and was promoted from Ensign to Lieutenant in 1839, presumably for services rendered in the suppression of the 1838 Rebellion. (An uncorroborated account appearing the Wintermute family history of 1904 written by an American Wintermute, states that William actually apprehended the Rebel leader, William Lyon MacKenzie, during his escape to the States at his home in Humberstone but that William’s wife, Anna Groff of late Loyalist stock, not wishing to see him hang, released him!)
William Wintermute died 24 October, 1871 and is buried in the Lutheran Cemetery (formerly Beach’s Cemetery), Sherkston, Ontario.
— Submitted by William Reid, UE, third great grandson of William Wintermute
Henry & Frederick Winters, and George Winter
Henry Winters (1790-1857), Frederick Winters (1756-ca.1834), and George Winter (??-1812)
Henry Winters (1793-1857) was the first son of Nicholas Winters and a grandson of Henry Winters, UEL. Nicholas, his father Henry UEL, and 4 brothers (Henry, Frederick, Jacob, and Peter, a young drummer) are recorded as serving variously in Butler’s Rangers and/or KRRNY. Nicholas also had two other brothers, George and Joseph, who, in the absence of birth years, appear to have been born between Henry and Frederick – George was enlisted in the militia during the War of 1812. A nephew of Henry (Nicholas, son of Peter) served in 3rd Regiment of the Lincoln Militia during the War of 1812, but this article has not been extended to cover the children of Nicholas’ brothers and sister. These men, descendants of Palatine refugees in 1710, were of small build and there were no officers among them. They were there when they were needed.
During the revolution, Nicholas was captured by rebel forces as of January, 1778, and was to be part of a prisoner exchange; he appears as a member of the family of Henry Winters, on both the British list in the Haldimand Papers and on the rebel list. One is a page long list including Mrs. Butler and the Butler children, and two Bowmans. However, Nicholas was instead sent as a POW to Connecticut. Perhaps more by persuasion than by will, he joined the Connecticut line, served the required two years and was given a discharge.
Separated from his entire family, Nicholas went to college. Nicholas appears on the 1790 census for Hebron, Connecticut with a wife, 2 daughters and a son.
By 1798, Nicholas and family had arrived in Montreal; while there, another son, William, was born. Nicholas took the Oath of Allegiance in 1801, and subsequently took his family to Osnabruck, Stormont County, to find and rejoin his parents and siblings. But his parents and two brothers, Jacob and Peter, had moved on, initially to Bertie, and subsequently to Etobicoke in York County. Siblings remaining in Cornwall were brothers Frederick and George, and his sister Elizabeth, wife of Pader/Peter “The Elder” Ruppert/Rupert.
One of the two daughters of Nicholas married George Wright on Oct 18, 1803 – in Cornwall – the record identifies her as Sarah, daughter of Nicholas.
Nicholas and his wife had another son, Peter, whose birth date in the Anglican baptism record in Cornwall was Sept 1, 1804. This record finally provides a name, Dorothea, for his wife.
(Dorothea’s surname remains unknown but is possibly Daniels, according to an obituary written some years later for another relative by a grandson).
On October 14, 1811, Nicholas petitioned the government for title to the land he occupied, after living there for 5 years. He and his son Henry had worked hard at building a home and clearing, planting, and harvesting crops. His petition explains that he had been in the Province for 12 years (therefore since 1799), and he had taken the Oath of Allegiance. It was noted that his father and brothers were soldiers in the regiment of Sir John Johnston’s 2nd Battalion of Royal York Volunteers during the last rebellion. Nicholas naturally wanted to patent the land but his application was not approved.
By 1812, their first son Henry was about 20 years of age. Henry and his uncles Frederick Winter and George Winters enlisted and served as Privates in the 1st Flank Company of 1st Stormont Militia. The two main combat events for the militia were the Battle of French Mills Nov, 1812 and the Battle of Chrysler’s Farm on Nov 11, 1813. George Winter, identified as a brother of Frederick, was injured and died.
In 1815, Nicholas and his son Henry still hoped to get patents on the lots. The War of 1812 was now over. It became very difficult for any American Non-Loyalist to get a patent for their land. The War of 1812 resulted in changes in qualifications. Unless an applicant could attach a certificate of Loyalty during the War of 1812 to the petition, it was going to be ignored. There was no point in Nicholas petitioning again for the land patent.
Henry was now 23 years old, a native of Connecticut, but had been in the province for 16 years, since 1799. His service in the Stormont Militia and service in the War of 1812 would be to his credit. He would also qualify for his own militia bounty. He petitioned for the land that Nicholas had not been able to patent in 1811, being lot 38, 4th concession of Cornwall. There is no relationship indicated in this new application. He also applied for lot A, of the 3rd concession of Osnabruck. He did not get a patent for either lot, and they had to continue on a lease basis.
However, it appears that Henry did not get his certificate for his six months of service. A Militia certificate issued for Henry had been misfiled in the Township papers for Enniskillen and therefore lost for many years. (It was located by researcher Guylaine Petrin in recent years.) Perhaps this was the only missing document from his application.
Henry married Nancy McWilliams, youngest child of John McWilliams, UEL, in May, 1815.
In 1817, Nancy went with a relative (Sophie Winters nee Mattice, daughter of Adam Mattice, wife of Frederick Winters) to apply for their land grants as daughters of Loyalists. Both of their applications were successful. While Sophie’s grant document for 200 acres specifies the lot location, the location of Nancy’s land was not recorded on her document.
Nicholas decided to move back to New York State, quite possibly for a chance at land for his younger sons. He had unintentionally ended up serving on the wrong side in the Revolution, he had been too old to serve in the Stormont militia during the War of 1812, and he would never be able to get land for himself in Upper Canada. He could start again. It is not known when he left with his family, all except Henry and Sarah, but the Winters are recognized as one of the founding families of Sandy Creek, Oswego County, New York State. The family was definitely there before 1820. Sandy Creek is not far from Sacket’s Harbour; these communities are on the eastern shore of Lake Ontario. The Sandy Creek historic records include the Winters among the original settlers in the town. Nicholas’ activity appeared in the local newspaper when he started the construction of a two story building, and there is a street named Winters Street. Apart from his son, William, who left New York State and came back into Ontario, the rest of the family (Dorothea, Peter and possibly the unnamed daughter) remained with Nicholas in the USA. Nicholas was successful in his application for an American veteran’s pension in 1832. In later years, a grandson named Peter Winters served in the Union army during the Civil War.
On Dec 10, 1831, Henry again petitioned for land, clergy reserve lot 38, concession 6, of Cornwall township. This time he was successful.
In 1835, three years after Nicholas started receiving an American veteran’s pension in Sandy Creek, Henry did get his militia bounty. As recognition for his six months of militia service, on July 10, 1835, Henry received a military certificate for 100 acres of land in Enniskillen (named for Enniskillen in Ireland), in Lambton County, just outside of the future town of Petrolia, Ontario. Henry and his family were already well settled in Cornwall by the time of the award. He did patent the Enniskillen land on August 12, 1835, and then he sold it to Phillip Vankoughnet, Esq. of the Town of Cornwall in October 1835.
Nancy and Henry had a “medium-sized family” for the day, and most of them remained in the general area. Nancy’s influence prompted a change of ancestry to Irish on census reporting.
- Archibald (1813 – Oct 25, 1894) married Mary Fetterly on April 5, 1837; John Winters was one of the witnesses. (I think “John” is a misreading of the name, that it is actually Joheil, a younger brother, but there is a John in the extended family.)
- Michael (April 3, 1814 – Nov 11, 1886) married Sally Hickey (April 14, 1827, Ingleside – Oct 27, 1901, Aultsville) – they had many children who appear to have lived and died in Aultsville.
- Cyrus (May 10, 1816, Osnabruck – August 28, 1906) married Sophie Julianne Papst (b. 1817, Cornwall) on April 12, 1838; marriage witnesses were her brother Alpheus (Alfred) Poabst and Sophie Hawn.
- Levi (1819? – 1881) married Sarah Hawn (March 28, 1819 – Nov 3, 1876) on Oct 29, 1843 in Williamsburg; they and their family later moved westward into the southeastern area of what became Manitoba. Most of the children stayed in Manitoba; there are still Winters descendants in the area. At least one son, Joseph, returned to Cornwall.
- Elijah (1821 – July 2, 1893) married Margaret Dunbar (1825 – before 1893) on April 1, 1846; he was a carpenter. They moved around the area for his work, and settled in Brockville.
- Aaron (Jan 2, 1822 – April 4, 1910) married Mary Jane Fetterly (1829 – Jan 29, 1904); remained in Cornwall
- Joseph (1824 – ?) married Elizabeth McQuire Nov 25, 1857 at St. Columba’s Roman Catholic Church in Cornwall; Elijah was a witness; McQuire family was Roman Catholic, and Joseph converted to Roman Catholic a day or two before the wedding. He was a carpenter.
- Henry (1825/1826 – Jan 23, 1875) married Nancy Fetterly (1825 – Jan 6, 1890) on April 3, 1852
- Sarah (Sept 18, 1828 – June 5, 1909) married James Bradshaw in 1849; lived in Lunenburg.
- Lucinda (1831 – ?) married Alex. E. Forsythe July 17, 1856 at the home of the bride’s family; Rev. H Howes
- Asenath (Ann S.) (1834 – ?) married James Forsythe (NB. One of the two Forsythe families moved to Indianapolis)
- Johiel (1836 – Jan 24, 1894) farmer, was living on the farm before and after his father’s death
- Minerva (1837 – March 9, 1915) married George E. Thompson; lived in Lunenburg
- William Wesley (1843/1844 – August 20, 1914) married August 30, 1871 in Osnabruck at age 24 to Sarah Ann Cline, age 18, daughter of Thomas Cline and Bridget McKicket. He was a school teacher, still teaching in 1911, at age 67
— Submitted by Heather Traub, UE, Edmonton Branch, 5th Great Grandchild of Henry Winters UEL
Jesse Wright
Jesse Wright (1750 or 1751-1813) was born in Connecticut, and settled in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, before the Revolution. After being called up by the rebellious county militia, he deserted to General Burgoyne in 1777 and enlisted as a Private in the Loyal Volunteers. The same year he entered the King’s Royal Regiment of New York, where he eventually reached the rank of Sergeant. In 1783 he settled in Matilda Township in County Dundas, Upper Canada. At the outbreak of the War of 1812, Jesse was a Captain in the First Regiment of Dundas Militia. He died in early 1813.
Alexander Rose, UE, who served in the Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada during the War of 1812, was Jesse Wright’s son-in-law.
— Submitted by John McLeod, UE, of Toronto Branch, who is Jesse’s great-great-great-great-great-grandson
Adam Young and son Daniel
Daniel was the son of Loyalist Adam Young and Catharine Elizabeth Schremling. His grandfather Theobald David Dewalt Jung was born in Luxembourg, Nassau-Wetzler, Germany, and as a single man emigrated first to Britain and then to America in the Palatine Immigration of 1710. By 1717 he had married Marie Catherine Schneider and their first child, John (Johannes) ADAM Young was born 17 May 1717, apparently at Schoharie N.Y.
Daniel’s father Adam became a Lieutenant in the German Flats (Burnetsfield) Militia in the mid 1760s, and a land speculator. He also farmed, and owned a potash works, a sawmill, and an Indian trading post. By the time of the American Revolution, Adam Young was a successful and wealthy businessman and landowner, and one of the principal figures in the Mohawk Valley.
With the approach of the Revolution, Adam Young remained loyal to the Crown. On 6 Sept. 1777 he was examined by the Committee of Safety and found guilty of supplying “a party of absconding vagabonds who joined our Enemies at Fort Shyler.” His attitudes toward the American Cause at this time is reflected in the fact that he was known as a “rank enemy” to the “damned rebels” (as he termed them). Soon after he returned home from 11 months imprisonment, his buildings were burned and effects taken by the Patriot supporters in retaliation for Mohawk Chief Joseph Brant’s burning of Andrustown. He and his two youngest sons trekked to Oswego to join Butler’s Rangers. Young was enrolled in the 6th Company of this unit as of 1 Aug. 1778.
Around the same time that Adam was sent to various jails in Connecticut, including “Norwich Gaol,” on 25 Aug. 1777 the Tryon Co. Committee of Safety ordered the apprehension of Adam’s eldest son John’s wife, and her confinement at the Tice house in Johnstown. She, her 4 children, and mother-in-law Catharine Elizabeth Young were in the “Hands of the Congress” (1778). They were probably exchanged (sent to Canada) in the winter of 1779/80. In the company of Mrs. Philip Buck, Mrs. Jacob Bowman, Mrs. Henry Nelles, Mrs. James Secord, and 31 children in total, they made their way across country to Fort Niagara to join their husbands stationed there as Butler’s Rangers. These six women and the thirty-one children, the youngest being James Secord Junior who married Laura Ingersol, the heroine of the War of 1812, arrived in Fort Niagara in a starving condition with only one pair of shoes among them, having travelled across the northern end of the then-province of New York from the Mohawk Valley.
Toward the end of the Revolution Adam Young was given permission to clear a farm at Niagara (on-the-Lake), becoming one of the first white settlers in the Niagara Peninsula, where he remained until about 1784. His farm, being strategically located near the mouth of the Niagara River, was expropriated by the Crown. He then joined his three sons on the Six Nations Indian Reserve along the Grand River – this property being confirmed to them by the Six Nations 26 Feb.1787.
In the introduction to a recent study of Loyalist Ontario, Bruce Wilson suggests that Adam Young was one of the first “un-American Americans,” a quintessential Loyalist who suffered greatly for his loyalty to the King. Wilson writes that Adam became a “royalist guerilla fighter” during the Revolutionary War, and further that, “Reviled as a traitor by one nation, Young was a founding father of another.”
In June of 1777 Adam’s eldest son John Young was in the employ of the Indian Department, being commissioned as a Lieutenant prior to 25 Dec. 1777. His duties as an Indian Department officer were diverse…In 1780 he was selected by the Nanticoke Indians to represent them, which probably required that he lead them in battle, and live among them. He was therefore one of the first, if not the first, white settler on the Grand River. It must also be noted here that John married Catherine Brant Hill, daughter of Mohawk Chief Joseph Brant. When Catherine died, in about 1793, John married Priscilla (Ramsay) Nelles, widow of Henry William Nelles.
After seven years of service, John Young went on half-pay 24 March 1784 and permanently settled among the Indians on the Grand River. John Young’s former property was confiscated by “the people of the State of New York” 21 Jan. 1783, meaning that he could not seriously contemplate a return to his former home.
As was his elder brother John, DANIEL YOUNG was also a Ranger in the Six Nations Indian Department prior to 15 June 1777. He transferred to Butler’s Rangers with the formation of that unit in Sept. 1777, becoming a Sergeant in Capt. William Caldwell’s Company before 25 Dec. 1777. He finished his service in this Corps in Capt. Peter TenBroeck’s Company, being assigned to Oswego at some point during 1783, and serving throughout the War.
After the War, Daniel Young settled on the Grand River, by an invitation of the Indians, and made large improvements. He resided on the Young Tract opposite the lower end of Young’s (now Thompson’s) Island. On 23 July 1794 Daniel was issued a commission as a Lieutenant in the Militia of Lincoln County.
However, in the spring of 1794, thinking his situation impermanent (due to the 999 year land lease granted by the Indians) Daniel moved to the Township of Barton, where he settled on Lot 13 Concession 8 – land granted to his wife Elizabeth Windecker (1763 – 1830), as the daughter of U.E. Loyalist Heindrick Windecker. He built his house on the slope above a spring which arises from the ground on the edge of Red Hill Creek. Assessment rolls of Barton for 1816, 1817, and 1818 indicate that his house was a one story log building (squared timber on two sides) and two fireplaces.
Daniel Young became a prominent man in the Barton community. Soon after his arrival, Young joined the Barton Masonic Lodge as a founding member, assuming various roles, including Worshipful Master, between 1796 and 1807. He was also a Township Assessor in 1816. In a long and distinguished military career, Daniel Young served as a Captain of a Battalion Company of the 5th Lincoln Militia throughout the War of 1812-15. (According to testimony given 4 Oct. 1875 at a pension hearing, by Jacob Hagle, a private who served under Daniel Young, his company was present at the battles of Fort Erie and Blackrock).
In 1833, Daniel Young joined with many of his relatives and other local residents to become founding members of the Barton Presbyterian Church.
Located in east Hamilton, the land once owned by Daniel and Elizabeth Young, later known as the Red Hill Valley, was the largest urban park in Ontario. It was the only remaining natural corridor linking the Niagara Escarpment in the south to Lake Ontario shoreline in the north. Although most of the 640 hectares was forest, the valley also contained the Red Hill Creek, a provincially significant class one wetland, and a number of environmentally note-worthy areas. The escarpment portion of the Valley was recognized as a World Biosphere Reserve by the United Nations.
This 640 hectare city park was formerly an excellent natural area to visit for hiking and viewing nature. However, starting in 2003, the City of Hamilton constructed the 8 kilometer Red Hill Expressway through the Red Hill Valley. The changes to the natural values of the park resulting from this construction activity, as well as the restoration plantings which are planned for the post construction period, are not known as yet.
Daniel Young died 09 May 1835 in Barton Twp., Wentworth County, and while his exact burial place is unknown, it is probably St. Peter’s Church Cemetery which was used at the time by both the Presbyterian and Anglican congregations. It is also possible that Daniel and Elizabeth are buried with his mother in the Smith Family Cemetery at Ryckman’s Corners. The date of death of both Daniel and Elizabeth come from a Family Bible owned by a descendant of Daniel’s son James Flemming Young.
The above information was taken from the website of Dr. David K. Faux, and is only a small part of his extensive research on the Young Family.
— Submitted by Margery Carriere for Carl Carriere, UE, 4th great grandson of Daniel Young