“Loyalist Trails” 2005-28 August 11, 2005
In this issue:
– Human Rights Violations in the American Revolution
– In the good old days, and the Gazette cost just….
– History Detectives: Daniel Dunham and the Cutting Room Floor
– Completed Project: John Cameron Tombstone by Mabel MacLean, St. Lawrence Branch
– “Crown Grants of Loyalists and the Early Settlers along the Niagara River Parkway”: Col. John Bulter Branch
– Amazing Loyalist Adventure: Prince Edward County Sept 17-23
– UELAC advertisement in The Beaver Magazine
– At Lundy’s Lane Cemetery, some of many notables
– Queries
+ Badgley Family
+ Response re William Secord Servos and Daniel Servos
Human Rights Violations in the American Revolution
A few months ago, a contributor to this list asked for information on violations of human rights committed by the American Revolutionaries against Loyalists.
An interesting discussion of some of these issues is included in Ray Raphael’s A People’s History of the American Revolution (The New Press-Harper Collins, New York 2002). Some executions for “treason” are reported, as well as a plethora of “tarrings and featherings.” Confiscation of property was, of course, rampant. Loyalist papers were shut down. Also, from other sources, I know that backwoodsmen and militiamen sometimes killed civilians– in theory for being Tories, but often for reasons of personal revenge or questionable gain.
Brutality against Lloyalists by the American Revolutionaries was very mild, when compared to that inflicted against Native Americans and African Americans.
This book is fairly balanced, and it is quite well written.
Some other incidents are reported in Christopher Hibbert’s Redcoats and Rebels: The American Revolution Through British Eyes (W. W. Norton & Co., New York & London, 1990). This book, as well, is very balanced.
A local New Jersey Revolutionary War hero, Capt. John Outwater, fought valiantly, and was wounded defending buildings in Hackensack against British forces. However, he had an operation going to seize Lloyalist property. Members of his militia group were the county sheriff, judge, &c. They would take prizes from the British/Loyalist forces and have title turned to themselves. He managed to cobble together Loyalist real estate in the Moonachie area of Bergen County and became wealthy.
…Bill Volonte, Member, SAR (New Jersey Society)
In the good old days, the Gazette cost just….
Just as a note of interest, I was digging out an old issue of the Gazette to mail, and it had a small article saying that this, “enjoyable, scholarly and simple publication’ was available for sale for 65 cents post-paid. The Gazette was Fall 1976.
…Ed Scott UE
History Detectives: Daniel Dunham and the Cutting Room Floor
The crew from History Detectives was in the area of Brockville for three days shooting material for the program. All that was condensed to less than 20 minutes of air time. Those of us involved did not see what had been included until it was on air. Because of these circumstances there were a couple of things such as the two Daniel Dunhams that didn’t get fully explained.
…Myrtle Johnson UE, President, Col. Edward Jessup Branch, Actress.
Completed Project: John Cameron Tombstone by Mabel MacLean, St. Lawrence Branch
St. Lawrence Branch member Mabel MacLean made it her personal project for 2004 to have a tombstone erected in Salem Cemetery, Summerstown — one of the oldest cemeteries in the county — for John Cameron, UE, her third-great-grandfather, who died on Sept 10, 1803. Cameron’s grave marker having long since worn away, it was time, 200 years after his death, to replace it. See a description and some pictures.
“Crown Grants of Loyalists and the Early Settlers along the Niagara River Parkway”: Col. John Bulter Branch
The aim of this project is to identify the people who received well over 100 crown grants laid out by the surveyors along the Niagara River. We record the reason that these grants were issued i.e. served in Butler’s Rangers or the King’s Royal Regiment of New York, or was a settler. Brief histories of the property and the families who lived on these crown grants will be included with maps and photographs of family members and buildings. The branch intends to publish the information when it is completed.
The four townships involved in the project from Fort Erie to Niagara-on-the-Lake are Bertie, Willoughby, Stamford and Niagara Twp. A number of lots in Willoughby have been finished and a considerable amount of data has been accumulated for the other Townships. In Niagara Township, the Upper Canada Land Petitions for Lots I through VII have been located. Two of the Lots are completely above the escarpment and one lot is both on the escarpment and down to York Road. Lots IV, V, VI make up the Village of Queenston and Lot VII is on the northern outskirts of the village.
After much time and effort, the Project is about 25% complete. Some of the Loyalists/settlers have proved to be elusive. If you have a Loyalist Ancestor or settler who received a Crown Grant along the Parkway and are willing to share information, please contact Rod and Bev Craig at rcraig@becon.org
…Noreen Stapley on behalf of the Colonel John Butler Branch
Amazing Loyalist Adventure: Prince Edward County Sept 17-23
The Prince Edward County Chamber of Tourism & Commerce welcomes you to The County and The 10th Amazing Loyalist Adventure. Your adventure is about to begin with over 70 events in 7 days. This delightful self-guided driving tour is a tribute to the Loyalist history and a celebration of all that is unique here in The County.
“Get ready to fall back in time…” and discover how the first pioneer families and Loyalists lived in their new settlement. Re-live history on a guided cemetery walk or wander through a 9th generation family farm. Why not catch your breath on a boat, canoe or kayak and then walk on the wild side with endangered animals. Explore Canada’s highest freshwater sand dunes in the morning and then enjoy award-winning venues to satisfy your culinary curiosity in the evening. With passport in hand, you are ready for an Amazing Loyalist Adventure. Enjoy. More detail at amazingloyalistadventure.com
…Tamara Porter
UELAC advertisement in The Beaver Magazine
Please check the current August/September issue, page 49, for an advertisement for UELAC.
…Doris Lemon UE
At Lundy’s Lane Cemetery, some of many notables
But are there no inscriptions to the mothers of our land? First let us give that on an unpretentious stone, but which none the less records the name of a heroine indeed: Laura Secord, who, when Niagara was in the hands of the Americans and a force was sent to Beaverdams to cut off our small force, there, walked nineteen miles through mud and mire, in danger from marauders, red or white, wild beasts as well, to give warning, and thus helped to bring about the surrender of the attacking force. These simple words, no more, were all that marked, till lately, the heroine’s grave:
“Here rests Laura Secord, beloved wife of James Secord, died Oct. 17th, 1868, aged 93 years.”
But in the summer of 1901 was unveiled a bronze bust on a stone pedestal with an inscription that tells the story:
“To perpetuate the name and fame of Laura Secord, who, on the 23rd of June, 1813, walked alone nearly twenty miles by a circuitous, difficult and perilous route through woods and swamps, over miry roads, to warn a British outpost at De Cew’s Falls of an intended attack, and thereby enabled Lieutenant FitzGibbon, on the 24th June, 1813, with less than fifty men of Her Majesty’s 49th Regiment, about 15 militiamen and a similar force of Six Nations and other Indians under Captains William Johnson Kerr and Dominique Ducharme to surprise and attack the enemy at Beechwood or Beaver Dams, and after a short engagement to capture Col. Boerstler, of the U. S. army, and his entire force of 542 men with two field pieces. This monument, erected by the Ontario Historical Society from contributions of schools, societies, Her Majesty’s 49th Regiment, other militia organizations and private individuals, was unveiled 22nd of June, 1901.”
The honor of first starting the scheme is due to Rev. Canon Bull of the Lundy’s Lane Historical Society. It languished for some time, but finally taken up by the Ontario Historical Society, and the chief honor is due Mrs. E. J. Thompson, the convener of the committee, by whose energy and zeal it has been carried out so successfully in the midst of many difficulties, carrying out the dying wishes of the late lamented Mrs. Curzon, whose writings first drew attention to the deeds of Laura Secord. Hundreds of children contributed their mites, the idea being to have it a free will offering and not to ask for a government grant.
“In memory of Mary Earle, granddaughter of Sir William Johnson, Bart., who died 24th of April, 1820, aged 20 years, 6 months.”
This last is on the Street [p]lot.
“Erected by the Presbyterians of Drummondville to, the memory of Marion Watson, the beloved wife of Rev. Wm. Dickson, who died 24th of April, 1859, aged 32 years. A woman who feareth the Lord she shall be praised. Prov. 31, 30.”
The first interment in this cemetery is supposed to have been that recorded below:
“In memory of John Burch; Esq., who departed this life March 7th, 1797, aged 55.”
The name Street is well represented here, as well as in the neighborhood as Street’s Mills, Street’s Island, etc. Samuel Street was the wealthiest man of the district.
“Sacred to the memory of Samuel Street, of the Niagara Falls, Born at Farmington, Connecticut, March 14th, 1775. He settled in this district A. D. 1790, and died August 21st, 1844.”
The name of Thankful, Nehemiah and Abigail Street are found, also Thomas Clark Street, M. P., who died at Clark Hill.
The husband of Laura Secord, who was wounded at Queenston Heights, is thus recorded:
“In memory of James Secord, Collector of Customs, who departed this life 22nd February, 1841, aged 68.”
I am doing some research into the Badgley family and the history of Canfield, Ontario. I found the title of an article written by Leonard that was from Bibliography Part 12 (In the UELAC references section; bibliography). It is dated September 1947. Do you know where I can access a copy of this article?
I would greatly appreciate any help that you could give me about this article, or the family in general!
…Margaret Kamping
Response re William Secord Servos and Daniel Servos
In the List of ancestors of William Secord Servos you have listed that William was a son of Jacob Servos – see “Restoration of William Secord Servos’s Grave”. Daniel Servos (mentioned in Loyalist Trails Issue 2005-27) was a brother to Jacob.
Daniel is my Loyalist ancestor. He did serve in the Indian Department, but I’m not sure if he fought at Oriskiny. Gavin Watt says he was probably on leave or at home.
…Marilyn Haslinger UE
William Secord Servos was the son of Jacob Servos and Mary Comfort. Jacob Servos was the brother of Daniel Servos of the red tunic story. Both served in the Indian Dept. William Secord Servos was therefore the nephew of Daniel Servos.
…Jack Peltier